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Sir Chuckles
2013-11-08, 12:15 AM
A friend of mine desperately wants to obtain the ability of of the PrC Ninja of the Crescent Moon, Always Sneaky (http://dndtools.eu/classes/ninja-of-the-crescent-moon/).

Going through mundane methods, the requirements for the class would talk quite a long time to obtain, in addition to a dip in Rogue or Monk for Evasion.

What would the fastest way to get that class ability, or something similar?

2013-11-08, 02:17 AM
Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way to acquire the "always sneaky" class feature except maybe through a magic item if your DM allows it. Maybe a magic pair of boots?

Jeff the Green
2013-11-08, 02:38 AM
...Always Sneaky doesn't really do anything. The character can just always sneak. Just get Skill Mastery and you can always take 10.

2013-11-08, 02:47 AM
I like the silencing attack. Great shut up for spellcasters who don't expect it.

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-08, 03:15 AM
Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way to acquire the "always sneaky" class feature except maybe through a magic item if your DM allows it. Maybe a magic pair of boots?

I am the DM. I'll probably do a side-quest.

As for the Skill Mastery...
He has absolutely no desire to play a Rogue. He wants to be a Ninja.

Take into consideration there's a Fighter in the party dual-wielding punching daggers, and the Ranger doesn't have the Wisdom for spellcasting (And doesn't know the Wildshape Variant is a thing), and the Druid is aiming for the Hulking Hurler PrC (and views magic as a last resort/Druid=Healbot).

It's a very non-serious campaign, where I've already learned a single randomly generated Wizard threatens a TPK at Lv2. (I pulled that punch so, so very hard...) I hadn't DM'd my group in awhile (taking a break and playing as the guy in my sig), and I completely forgot how piss-poor their characters can end up (I once got a TPK on them with a single Gelatinous Cube. It was a party of 7 Lv12 PCs)

2013-11-08, 03:28 AM
You can get evasion from a single level in a Generic Class (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/genericClasses.htm) if he has already met the prerequisites by that level (easy to do since at first level you can choose your "good" save(s) to include reflex).

Of course, there is the Ninja base class, and there are elemental variants for ninjas, and arguably any ACF that trades away something the Ninja has can be traded away for that ACF. The Ki feats are nice too.

Jeff the Green
2013-11-08, 03:48 AM
As for the Skill Mastery...
He has absolutely no desire to play a Rogue. He wants to be a Ninja.)

Have you explained the fact that 'ninjas' are what 'oriental' cultures call rogues?

Also, it's not just Rogues that get Skill Mastery. Exemplars (ECL 11), Hoard Stealers (ECL 13), Court Herald (ECL 17), Temple Raider of Olidammara (ECL 14), and Dungeon Delver (ECL 10) all get it. Exemplar and Dungeon Delver would be my choices (Exemplar needs just a level dip and Dungeon Delver gets it early with some nifty side bonuses, and both require minimal investment).

2013-11-08, 06:29 AM
Seconding the Exemplar dip.

If he wants to be a ninja, show him the Swordsage class.
(Yeah, I know. :smalltongue:)

2013-11-08, 07:00 AM
Have you explained the fact that 'ninjas' are what 'oriental' cultures call rogues?

This is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.

2013-11-08, 07:03 AM
You don't need a class with the word ninja in it to be a ninja.

Also, pathfinder is cool, it has a rogue variant called a ninja that gets some nice abilities using ki-points.

2013-11-08, 07:15 AM
You don't need a class with the word ninja in it to be a ninja.Funny. While true, you then went on to say...

Also, pathfinder is cool, it has a rogue variant called a ninja that gets some nice abilities using ki-points.(emphasis mine) :smallconfused:

Jeff the Green
2013-11-08, 07:37 AM
This is so wrong I don't even know where to begin.

Note the single quotes, indicating that "'oriental' cultures" means "fantasy cultures with an oriental flavor." So, yes, a rogue in an oriental setting would be called a ninja.

Red Fel
2013-11-08, 08:12 AM
Note the single quotes, indicating that "'oriental' cultures" means "fantasy cultures with an oriental flavor." So, yes, a rogue in an oriental setting would be called a ninja.

To put on my irritating technical/semantic hat, a ninja was more of an assassin, spy, or occasionally messenger than a rogue. But again, technicality/semantics.

That said, agreeing with above posters, your player is fixating on the name Ninja instead of the concept Ninja.

For an illustration or two, things labeled Samurai are generally speaking underperforming classes in D&D. But take a Crusader or Warblade, or other melee classes, add some Asian flavor, and you can call the character a Samurai, even if he doesn't have the class levels. Similarly, basic Paladin is often an inferior choice. But take Cleric, add some levels of Fighter or Ordained Champion, maybe Fist of Raziel, and you've got an impressive holy knight - a Paladin in everything but class levels.

I would second showing him a class like Swordsage. Don't make any demands, just say, "Hey, I saw this interesting class you might like." Show him the Shadow Hand maneuvers.

Alternatively, if he really just wants to be mad stealthy, show him the Warlock, with its "Walk Unseen" invocation. At-will invisibility for 24 hours, just turn it on every day and away we go. (Although I think there are disagreements as to how powerful Warlocks can be.)

2013-11-08, 10:25 AM
I'd just refluff a Belt of Ultimate Athleticism (3600 GP, MIC p. 75) to work with Hide/MS until he can get into Exemplar.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-11-08, 10:29 AM
I don't think that count as re-fluffing since you are actually changing a mechanical aspect of the game, but YMMV.

Fouredged Sword
2013-11-08, 10:49 AM
Swordsage -> exemplar.

Jeff the Green
2013-11-08, 01:41 PM
To put on my irritating technical/semantic hat, a ninja was more of an assassin, spy, or occasionally messenger than a rogue. But again, technicality/semantics.

That said, agreeing with above posters, your player is fixating on the name Ninja instead of the concept Ninja.

I probably should have capitalized Rogue. Because that basically describes what the Rogue class does.

If he really wants to have a class with 'ninja' in the name, show him the Shadow Sun Ninja. Just don't show him necropolitan at the same time.

2013-11-08, 01:47 PM
To obtain something similar, you could use the Hardened Criminal feat (from City of Stormreach). You can take 10 on a skill.
However, to do stealth reasonably right in 3.5, you need both Hide and Move Silently, so there is that.
Maybe you could dip Warlock, get Walk Unseen, visit the Otyugh Hole for Iron Will (a requirement for Hardened Criminal) and then take Hardened Criminal for Move Silently.

2013-11-08, 02:08 PM
This is a class I've seen a couple times (mostly because the book lists full BA, and nobody in my group habitually trawls the errata) and have used once (after checking the errata, basically for the 100% Silencing Strike ability), and I still don't think I've ever even noticed this power. It's not overwhelmingly powerful, seems like it'd make a reasonable level 3 feat to me.

Fouredged Sword
2013-11-08, 02:24 PM
Opportunist could do interesting things with the feat that lets you deal +4 to hit and +4 damage per AOO not taken. Each ally who hits your target in melee gives you the bonus.

2013-11-08, 07:05 PM
...Always Sneaky doesn't really do anything. The character can just always sneak. Just get Skill Mastery and you can always take 10.

It lets you stealth while asleep or unconscious.

2013-11-08, 07:38 PM
I'd second Exemplar, as it is just a dip into a class that's "expert at skills". Pick stealth, done.

Also, Swordsages make the best ninjas. Rogue 1/Rokugan Ninja 1/Unarmed Swordsage 18 is pretty much ninja around, and you could always slip some Exemplar into that.


2013-11-08, 08:00 PM
I would suggest looking into the Ninja Spy from OA as well. While it doesn't give a bonus to hide/sneak, it does give a bonus (+10 to +20) to balance, climb, jump, and tumble and allows an always take 10 on them. Who needs to sneak when you can hide on the rooftops?
It also gives Hide in Plain Sight at level 4 and some other goodies in there -- it's not strong, but if you need more of a flavorful PrC I really like it.

On the other hand, he could go into Exemplar for the lulz of making people fall in love with how good he is at not being seen --
Startled Commoner: "From whence did you come, good sir?"
Exemplar: "I was standing behind you for the past hour, I'm just really sneaky like that"
No-longer-startled Commoner: *Swoon*

Edit: Also if you check out OA definitely look at the items in there, some are amazingly fun for ninjas (eggshell grenades, I'm looking at you). Also, some feats are fun for ninjas/monks in there

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-08, 09:17 PM
I would suggest looking into the Ninja Spy from OA as well. While it doesn't give a bonus to hide/sneak, it does give a bonus (+10 to +20) to balance, climb, jump, and tumble and allows an always take 10 on them. Who needs to sneak when you can hide on the rooftops?
It also gives Hide in Plain Sight at level 4 and some other goodies in there -- it's not strong, but if you need more of a flavorful PrC I really like it.

On the other hand, he could go into Exemplar for the lulz of making people fall in love with how good he is at not being seen --
Startled Commoner: "From whence did you come, good sir?"
Exemplar: "I was standing behind you for the past hour, I'm just really sneaky like that"
No-longer-startled Commoner: *Swoon*

Edit: Also if you check out OA definitely look at the items in there, some are amazingly fun for ninjas (eggshell grenades, I'm looking at you). Also, some feats are fun for ninjas/monks in there

Yes, flavor, not power, is what he's going for. Not only is the campaign fairly non-serious, he is my least serious (but honestly most fun) player. In combat heavy campaigns, he plays a Bard a Turn 1 Haste, Turn 2 onward Inspire Courage. Optional Blindness/Deafness.

Hide in Plain Sight at Lv4 would be excellent, as would two level of Exemplar for the Skill Mastery. I'll probably advise him to switch his Ninja levels to Rogue (He can still call himself a Ninja once he prestiges), or dip into Rogue for Evasion to qualify for Ninja Spy more quickly.

2013-11-09, 07:53 AM
Yes, flavor, not power, is what he's going for. Not only is the campaign fairly non-serious, he is my least serious (but honestly most fun) player. In combat heavy campaigns, he plays a Bard a Turn 1 Haste, Turn 2 onward Inspire Courage. Optional Blindness/Deafness.

Hide in Plain Sight at Lv4 would be excellent, as would two level of Exemplar for the Skill Mastery. I'll probably advise him to switch his Ninja levels to Rogue (He can still call himself a Ninja once he prestiges), or dip into Rogue for Evasion to qualify for Ninja Spy more quickly.

I recommend Rokugan Ninja instead of Rogue.