View Full Version : ? about Heroes of Ruin

2013-11-08, 02:01 PM
Does anyone know if the 3ds game Heroes of Ruin is any good. I am looking for a game where you control a single character and can level him/her up while getting new abilities, weapons and armor. I would like it to not be quite as convoluted as Monster Hunter. Will this game fit my requirements?

2013-11-08, 02:03 PM
Does anyone know if the 3ds game Heroes of Ruin is any good. I am looking for a game where you control a single character and can level him/her up while getting new abilities, weapons and armor. I would like it to not be quite as convoluted as Monster Hunter. Will this game fit my requirements?

Never played Monster Hunter.

I thought Heroes of Ruin was pretty good for the genre. Felt rather similar to Torchlight to me - very low on story, high dungeoncrawliness, decent mechanics. Very low visual customization though. It's a bit of a pity that it failed expectations so badly.