View Full Version : need ideas for my Evil Party

2013-11-09, 08:46 AM
hi guys, I was wondering if you have any great ideas what to do as a evil party in a sandbox campaign. We can pretty much do anything we want, I'm just used to good campaigns where there always is a Quest to follow or the like.

So any ideas are highly appreciated

2013-11-09, 08:54 AM
You can still do quests. Say they hear about an evil McGuffin being held inside a Temple of Goodness. Or even better the captured essence of a Dark God who gives them hints in their dreams or violent visions that promises Dark Unholy Power should they free him.

Building a safe haven/town/castle. My group actually did this. We had to quest for rare materials because we made ours highly magical. Then we had armies trying to root out the evil that sprung up. Much fun to be had.

2013-11-09, 08:58 AM
Great idea, altho I'm a member of the Party, my GM requests things we want to do as players.

2013-11-09, 09:03 AM
What is your class, alignemt, and goals of the character? That should help to point you in the right direction.

2013-11-09, 02:29 PM
It's important to note that the best treasure you found as The Good Guys was in evil lairs.

Other evil people are nothing but competition.

Befriend a community and use it as your base of operations. You should convince these people you don't have a malevolent bone in your body. The rest of the countryside should believe you're an entirely different set of people and you can terrorize them freely. But everyone needs PR.

My necromancer in an evil campaign spent a good generation holed up in a small village pretending to merely be a doctor, tending to the ill and delivering babies and them never knowing that he was collecting the dead to make zombies and skeletons as well as trying to create a new breed of shapeshifting undead from placental and umbilical tissue.

2013-11-09, 03:07 PM
Raise up an army and sweep over the land murdering everyone and destroying all that is good, just and pure.

Stop flossing.

See, here's the problem, D&D doesn't lend itself well to evil. Because people really don't "get" evil. The fact that you are asking, "Hey, I need evil ideas." Indicates to me that you aren't getting it.

Evil has a goal. I don't care what it is. I want to rule the world. I want to marry my childhood sweetheart. I want my brother to suffer. I want my church of the Really Good God of niceness to defeat all evil once and for all.

It can be big. It can be small. It can be noble. But you need a goal.

Now here's where the evil comes in: What are you willing to do to achieve that goal? What price will you pay? What lines will you cross?

Will you cross the moral Event horizon into EEEvil? Or just be self-ish evil?

Will you tear your own face off and become undead? Will You eat children? Will you kick puppies? Will you betray your father?

That's what makes someone evil. Not what you are doing, But WHY and HOW.

I can have the goal to make the world a place without suffering.
Solution: Slay all the gods, break down the barriers between life and death and create a universe without change where all dwell in a half state free from decay, but unable to evolve.

Well, I certainly have the best of intentions. Nobody is ever going to die again. I'm going to take the wheel of life off it's axis. However, maybe there is a need for death and suffering. Maybe I'm going... a little too far.

So, just pick a goal, any goal, and go... a little too far.

2013-11-09, 03:12 PM

He makes a good point. The thing that terrified everyone about my necromancer was his ultimate goal which it took prying of his own lover and his brother for him to go into.

For personal reasons, his goal to make the world a better place was to force the gods to fade away into oblivion by subverting their worship and turning everyone into intelligent undead. No more suffering or need, or being the pawns of "ultimate beings". His lover was contemplating whether or not she would have to kill him to prevent the destruction of the universe and his brother feared he would become a god himself.