View Full Version : New Comic?

2007-01-08, 11:11 PM
So, who thinks the new comic is running late?

2007-01-08, 11:16 PM
I was just about to ask this...Hope it is up soon.

2007-01-08, 11:19 PM
Will there be a poll for each comic that may run a bit late?

2007-01-08, 11:24 PM
It all depends on what your definition of late is. Of course, us antipodeans are always about, waiting for http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0398.html to stop being "hmm...oots0398.html"

Lithgon the Crazy
2007-01-08, 11:33 PM
It does say at the top:

Updates Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays before midnight (Eastern Standard Time). Usually.

It seems to be on-time to me. (Though it is disappointing that it isn't out I'm still patient in waiting for it, when-ever it may be.) :smallwink:

2007-01-08, 11:39 PM
Even if it is, does it matter?

Also, it's techically not 'late' til like 20 minutes.

2007-01-08, 11:50 PM
8 mintues.....

Ka Modan
2007-01-08, 11:52 PM
8 mintues.....

It isn't midnight yet...

2007-01-08, 11:54 PM
Four minutes left until we should get it..

2007-01-08, 11:55 PM

wait, that was for 8 days ago.. never mind :smallbiggrin:

Seriously, though. I'm as eager as all of you to find out what happens next, but don't badger the man who posts them for our enjoyment for free.

2007-01-09, 12:00 AM
*sigh* Its late now

for some reason, i now believe The Giant will tear out our spleens for making and posting on this thread.....

2007-01-09, 12:08 AM
Honestly I was just checking in this thread to see if there was anything creative people had to say about it running late. Sometimes it can be interesting if nothing else...although doesn't give me an excuse to be posting in here. If I am without an excuse, or a reason if you would prefer, does that mean I get my spleen taken out for free? There isn't anything wrong with it right now, but if I could take a rain check on that I might need it done some day.

Medical bills can get very expensive even with insurance...

2007-01-09, 12:32 AM
Ok, I'm sorry, but this has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. A poll asking people if they think the comic will be late? As far as opinion polls go, this has to be the most irrelevant opinion poll I've seen to date. As far as whether or not a comic is running late, your opinion doesn't mean a thing!

Wow... Just let the comic arrive in its own time...

2007-01-09, 12:35 AM
500 dollar deductable baby!!

Still, getting your kidneys ripped out sounds like a painful experiance.


2007-01-09, 12:40 AM
It occurs to me that when a comic is late, it usually turns out to be a double, or even triple comic.

2007-01-09, 12:43 AM
It occurs to me that when a comic is late, it usually turns out to be a double, or even triple comic.

:elan: Triple Triple Triple the coming comic

Seriously though, I've pointed out before, it will most likely come sometime, patience is a virtue.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-01-09, 01:14 AM
I find myself staring in awe and disbelief at this thread. I mean...wha?

If you guys think this is late, I'm wondering how many of you are very new to staying up all night waiting for it...this really isn't all that late at all. Just relax and wait for the Giant to finish it. ;D

2007-01-09, 01:19 AM
I find myself staring in awe and disbelief at this thread. I mean...wha?

If you guys think this is late, I'm wondering how many of you are very new to staying up all night waiting for it...this really isn't all that late at all. Just relax and wait for the Giant to finish it. ;D

Honestly, I got up at 6PM, staying up all morning would be more of a feat to me =p. Really though, if they do go to sleep, the comic will be up by the time they awaken, probably.

2007-01-09, 01:21 AM
lol, did you guys check http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0398.html?
currently its a black page written with: " hmmmm oots0398.html "

2007-01-09, 01:22 AM
Well... I've got school tomorrow, so I guess I'm going to sleep. Hope everything's okay Giant!!! I'll be cheering for you in my dreams!!! See y'all tomorrow!!

2007-01-09, 01:23 AM
It all depends on what your definition of late is. Of course, us antipodeans are always about, waiting for http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0398.html to stop being "hmm...oots0398.html"

lol, did you guys check http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0398.html?
currently its a black page written with: " hmmmm oots0398.html "
Maybe, what dost thou think?

Just be patient, and sincerely hope your spleens will still be with you at the end of the night. Or if you're an Invader, your Squiggly Spooshes.

2007-01-09, 01:24 AM
You know, this thread seems somewhat insulting, if not downright mean. This man cranks out quality comics (as is evident by the fact that you all are posting), and yet it seems as though you're standing around, waiting for him to fail to meet a deadline (a deadline which is actually non-existant, if you read the comic header). Just be patient, and sincerely hope your spleens will still be with you at the end of the night.

2007-01-09, 01:28 AM
Maybe, what dost thou think?

oh, lol, checked the page only after i read the thread, kinda mislead myself to believe it was put there after it was written here :smallredface:

Lazy Fat Man
2007-01-09, 01:40 AM
Is the Giant a College Football fan?

Jewel Thief
2007-01-09, 02:42 AM
The last one's self-depreciating for you to include in your poll. I picked it, though.

2007-01-09, 02:45 AM
I'm going to go out on a limb and say it'll probably be behind schedule.

2007-01-09, 04:04 AM
In all honesty almost everyone who has posted in here has agreed that the topic is stupid and everyone should be ashamed for posting in it. Maybe it is the lack of sleep on my part talking, but does that just seem like it makes less sense than the use of an owlbear?

I want it on the record that I picked the last option of the poll. I am hoping it was merely out of habit of doing a poll when I see one.

Also let it be known that I in no way wish to complain or seem to be complaining because of a comic that is a little later than usual. I may wish there could be a new one every time I wanted one to be there, but it is understandable that there can't be.

So Here is one of my many thanks to the Giant and hope everything goes well for him in his life. If it doesn't we don't get anymore comics savy?

2007-01-09, 04:34 AM
This thread is mean? Ah geeze I can understand irrlevant/waste of bandwidth, but offensive? Some folks need to grow thicker skins. All I'm seeing here is people undergoing mild withdrawal symptoms cause there fix is late. I don't see how that by itself can offend a author, heck it's probably a bit flattering. In any case it's all irrlevant since the Giant already stated he doesn't read the forums anymore, the only folks offended are the few irrational fan here.

2007-01-09, 10:09 AM
10:10 in the morning and the comic still isn't here.

GIANT! Why hast thou forsaken us?

2007-01-09, 10:13 AM
Well, Giant' posted a thread about the late comic coming soon. Yay!

Eldritch Knight
2007-01-09, 10:13 AM
Patience, my young apprentice. You must learn Patience. Only then, a Jedi will you be.

2007-01-09, 10:14 AM
Take a look: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31381

Now quit yer bellyachin' about comic time!

2007-01-09, 10:27 AM
Take a look: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31381

Now quit yer bellyachin' about comic time!

Oh, sure. Ask the impossible. You want me to actually be able to think straight enough before 11am to check the forums?

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-01-09, 03:48 PM
Can't we just be sastified with waiting till it's up.