View Full Version : big hands... bigger weapon?

2013-11-09, 10:55 PM
Please ignore the double meaning of the title, I'm tired and cant think of a better one right now, lol. Anywho, I just created my firbolg warblade, lvl 6. Now, I know he can use weapons one size larger than other creatures of medium size. I see this as using a greatsword one-handed kinda thing. My question is, using the above, am I able to use a full blade like a human would use a greatsword? Iirc, humans take a penalty for using full blade, but not a greatsword. Please correct me if any of this is wrong. If I hapen to be right, is there a better option than fullblade? He is basically a THW beatstick, with a bit of charger thrown in.

2013-11-10, 09:06 AM
Please ignore the double meaning of the title, I'm tired and cant think of a better one right now, lol. Anywho, I just created my firbolg warblade, lvl 6. Now, I know he can use weapons one size larger than other creatures of medium size. I see this as using a greatsword one-handed kinda thing. My question is, using the above, am I able to use a full blade like a human would use a greatsword? Iirc, humans take a penalty for using full blade, but not a greatsword. Please correct me if any of this is wrong. If I hapen to be right, is there a better option than fullblade? He is basically a THW beatstick, with a bit of charger thrown in.

well all weapons have various sizes so you would not 1hand a medium great sword you would just by a large great sword. If you want the best pure dmg Weapon it would have to be the Greathorn Minitaur Great Hammer. MM4 and if I recall 19-20 x4 and 1d12 for medium I believe.

2013-11-10, 09:20 AM
I was expecting a penis joke:smallyuk: