View Full Version : New DM requesting Quick Help for Pathfinder!

2013-11-10, 07:08 AM
Hey! I'm really new here, and I'm also really new at DMing.

Despite the intimidating factor of "I'm running a world here now" that being a DM brings, I seem to have lucked out and got really good players in my first go. They dig the custom setting, they enjoy the adventures, and appreciate that my 'you see a wild animal what do' encounters don't end up with them inevitably dying. (The swamp masses that like elven flesh I fudged into being distracted by a tossed ration so the three-elf-strong party wouldn't have to fight 5 CR7 things at Lv3, for example)

Long story short, in their antics so far, they've advanced to Level 5 and Level 6 (some earned roleplay bonuses to XP and others didn't, and one joined late but made up for it with good roleplaying), and established a profitable trade-route while also discovering a site for their country's religious pilgrimage. One of the leaders was with them, so I want to be generous with the reward. But, I don't quite know what to give them for the gold reward.

Can I get some help? The APL is about 5.5, and I want to give these guys a nice chunk of change for their quest once they get back to their main country. Gold values escape me.

2013-11-10, 08:28 AM
In this link (http:// http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/character-creation) you will find expected wealth by level. At 5th level it's 10.5k gp. It's more of a guideline than a rule, though.
Oh, and welcome to this side of the shield.:smallsmile:

2013-11-10, 04:52 PM
Thanks! I appreciate the help!

And being on this side of things feels nice, especially since my players are super into the setting. =D

2013-11-10, 05:11 PM
If you feel they are too weak for your encounters, you can always give them more and if you think they're too strong, reduce the gold.

(I had my most fun on a character with only half WBL.)