View Full Version : Cometary Collision and Hold the Line

2013-11-10, 03:29 PM
I want to make sure I understand these feats, as well as their interaction, correctly, as I've never seen them in use and am planning a character with both.

If I ready an action for Cometary Collision (PHBII, p.77), and my foe charges, I intercept. I resolve my attack before my opponent resolves his, correct? Because it is a readied action? So I then go just before that foe on initiative (allowing me to full attack him next round, if applicable), correct?

If I also have Hold the Line(CW, p.100), and the opponent charged me (which I intercepted), I charge him first, then take a normal attack of opportunity (no charging bonus on that, as it is just a normal AoO), right?

If I intercepted an enemy with Cometary Collision, but he was originally charging someone else, and as allowed by the feat, chooses to attack me instead - do I get an AaO because of Hold the Line? The feat technically says he can attack me instead, it doesn't say they "charge me instead". Seems heavily implied, I'd like both RAW and RAI if anyone has an opinion and/or experience with it.

Thanks for the help!

2013-11-10, 03:34 PM
The feats do not interact in that way - Hold the Line only triggers when the enemy enters a square you threaten, so if you use Cometary Collision to run up to him and attack him, he is not entering any squares at all. In order for you to still get the AoO from Hold the Line, the enemy must decline attacking you and keep running at his intended target...but then you'd get an AoO anyway since he is leaving a square you threaten, so Hold the Line still does nothing.