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2007-01-09, 08:03 AM
new rule for critique, adds flavor.

Special Action: Desperate Dodge
As an immediate action during an opponents turn while in combat, you may double your dexterity modifier for purposes of Armor Class and Reflex Save modifier. This bonus applies for one incoming attack or effect requiring a reflex savingthrow. You may not use this action while flat-footed or taking a full round action. You may not be entangled, dazed, or otherwise inhibited physically or mentally. The total bonus gained from this ability may not exceed the maximum dexterty bonus of your armor. If used against an Attack of Opportunity, you immediately stop in the square you are in or would have moved to when triggering it. You begin your next turn prone.

2007-01-09, 09:07 AM
Way too powerful since there's a number of ways to stand up from prone as a free action.

2007-01-09, 09:49 AM
In addition to the fact that not everyone can dodge as if time were slowed.

2007-01-09, 10:13 AM
Maybe this should be a feat, and probably 1 attack per round. Probably Dodge as a prerequisite too.

2007-01-09, 10:44 AM
There's already a feat called Dive for Cover that let's you re-roll any Reflex save that you fail, but you fall Prone for doing so. Statistically, it allows you to almost always pass a Reflex save, assuming the DC isn't insane.

I agree with Bosh that your feat is too powerful. But I like the idea. Maybe:

Desperate Dodge
Req: Evasion class ability, Dex 20, Dodge

Once per day as an Immediate action you may roll a Reflex save, adding all applicable modifiers (Dex modifier, other feats, class abilities, etc). Your result becomes your AC until the end of the round, even if the result is lower then your current AC. This result counts as both your touch AC and your normal AC for this round. You may do so at any time, even interrupting an enemy's attack after the attack roll has been resolved. However, once the damage roll is resolved the attack results are final, even if you later choose to use Desperate Dodge that round. You become Prone at the end of the round in which you use Desperate Dodge.

You may not be Flat-Footed, Dazed, Prone, Stunned, Entangled, Paralyzed, or otherwise incapacitated or hindered in your movement to use this ability. If you use this ability and then later are afflicted with one of these conditions, you lose the benefit of this feat but exhaust its use for that day and still fall Prone at the end of the round. You must not be wearing medium or heavy armor and not carrying a shield to use this feat. You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat you gain the ability to use it once more per day.

2007-01-09, 10:10 PM
I hear your point, but what if i change the wording of the end part.

"...You become prone after tha attack/saving throw is resolved"

I doubt you could really use a feat like Kip Up as a free action unless it was your turn. This balances it out because although you manage to greatly increase your likelyhood to survive one attack, you become vulnerable to any others you may face.

The fluff of this action is that you lean backwards to far as to fall, but still manage to dodge the ray above you.

2007-01-13, 06:18 AM
If you want matrix style action you should perhaps use the action point system, and allow an action point to be used to ad D8 to AC for one attack. You can already use them for saves I think and you could as well make better attacks, all very matrixy in my opinion.