View Full Version : New type of damage

2013-11-10, 08:45 PM
If I am doing this wrong please tell me, as this is my first post. My friends and I were playing 3.5 and after playing for a bit my friend Jacob found a fire pit. We moved on and about 5 minutes later he accidentally activated a trap. Running away, he fell into the pit HE discovered. We managed to save him, but it was hilarious. So, after that we added humiliation damage, where if a player does stupid things (like when casting a sleep spell, putting themselves to sleep) their stats get changed and they take this form of damage. In the above example we gave him -2 humiliation and he lost 1 on his charisma. If a player takes too much, he/she walks out in shame never to return. Thoughts and ways to improve? Thanks

2013-11-10, 09:00 PM
Permanent ability score loss is a big deal in 3rd edition D&D, I wouldn't be so casual about it. I'd be tempted to make it more like a 24 hour status effect. So if you did something stupid you might gain the "humiliated" status which gives a penalty to some ability score.

On the flip side, you should have something for people who do awesome things. Like a bonus to some score for pulling off something awesome.

Each should be able to be cancelled by doing something opposing. Like you might be able to lose the penalty by doing something well.

2013-11-10, 10:40 PM
If it's for giving an advanced display of stupidity, shouldn't an Intelligence penalty be more appropriate than Charisma?

2013-11-10, 10:46 PM
Also, what's the point of "humiliation damage" if it's actually just Charisma damage?

2013-11-10, 10:54 PM
I think it was probably really funny at the time, but I don't recommend permanent ability damage for humiliation. I think you should keep it non-mechanical, maybe as a joke saying "haha your character's self-esteem takes 6 damage", but falling into a fire pit is enough of a consequence in-character.

2013-11-10, 11:01 PM
If you want a mechanical penalty for doing a really dumb thing beyond the immediate consequences, do the reverse of "Awesome Points."

An "awesome point" is basically a marker handed out when a character does something above and beyond the call of duty, that the player can use to grant a bonus on a roll (attack, save, skill, etc). The opposite would be a marker the DM had over the character to impose a penalty when it would be least convenient; a sword of Damocles hanging over their head.

It would at least be different, and have the benefit of being largely equally applied (your humiliation damage doesn't do much to a barbarian or wizard, but it would hobble a sorcerer or bard).

Averis Vol
2013-11-10, 11:16 PM
Heh, my group does something like this. We don't have "humiliation damage" per say, but we do have a list of points that, each time someone does something truly facepalm worthy, everyone else gets a point.

these are jackass points, which can be used at any time during play to break immersion and call someone a jackass. They're meant to be used in good fun, and they can't be carried on as baggage to another session. This allows my group to continue to be as obnoxious as they normally are to an extant, but still keeps the game running (after the initial laughing that is)

2013-11-10, 11:25 PM
If you want a mechanical penalty for doing a really dumb thing beyond the immediate consequences, do the reverse of "Awesome Points."

An "awesome point" is basically a marker handed out when a character does something above and beyond the call of duty, that the player can use to grant a bonus on a roll (attack, save, skill, etc). The opposite would be a marker the DM had over the character to impose a penalty when it would be least convenient; a sword of Damocles hanging over their head.

It would at least be different, and have the benefit of being largely equally applied (your humiliation damage doesn't do much to a barbarian or wizard, but it would hobble a sorcerer or bard).

I've played in a game where we did that, and it was really just acted as an excuse for railroady DM fiat shenanigans. Besides, my experience tells me that applying the logical in-universe consequences for making poor decisions (plus making fun of/joking about those decisions OOC) are generally bad enough that you shouldn't have to impose additional penalties beyond that.

2013-11-11, 02:59 AM
I am dazzled by the naivety of you guys. Your DM is screwing with you and you don't even get it. Haha. Take it as a joke. And don't believe everything your DM says. :smallsmile:

Next time, fluff your trip maneuver to pull the BBEG's trousers down and let him fall. Then ask about humiliation damage again.

2013-11-11, 03:12 AM
I am dazzled by the naivety of you guys. Your DM is screwing with you and you don't even get it. Haha. Take it as a joke. And don't believe everything your DM says. :smallsmile:

Next time, fluff your trip maneuver to pull the BBEG's trousers down and let him fall. Then ask about humiliation damage again.

Did you miss all the "we" in the OP? The DM isn't trying to pull a fast one, the group decided to institute a new general rule and the OP is asking if it's a good idea.