View Full Version : Hordeficer Advice

2013-11-10, 10:10 PM
Any advice for playing a Hordeficer?

2013-11-10, 10:52 PM
The big thing with a Hordeficer is that your little robots are not renewable like a summon and are much more expensive than undead. The big goals should be: ways to keep your little hordeling alive and ways to buff them into competence. At low levels you are going to use homunculi probably with the improved homunculi feat, in higher levels you want the big constructs out of the MMIII and the Fiend Folio.

2013-11-10, 11:25 PM
The big thing with a Hordeficer is that your little robots are not renewable like a summon and are much more expensive than undead. The big goals should be: ways to keep your little hordeling alive and ways to buff them into competence. At low levels you are going to use homunculi probably with the improved homunculi feat, in higher levels you want the big constructs out of the MMIII and the Fiend Folio.


I assume you've read the Artificer's Handbook and it's tips for this sort of thing?