View Full Version : PC for solo campaign

2013-11-11, 08:36 AM
Hello playground! I'm starting a solo campaign soon and since it'll be quite hard, I'd like some advices. Starting level 14, all books allowed, free +5 LA. First I thought about a gish (sorcadin or swiftblade) then thrallherd came to my mind, so I have no idea on what I should play. What do you think it would be best? What about the LA? I was thinking on something like half giant primordial giant voidmind lolth touched, but anything better is welcome.

Thanks for any answer!

2013-11-11, 08:43 AM
As far as class, cleric

Now what allignment do you wanna be

2013-11-11, 08:49 AM
I must be evil, but no problem on the chaos-law side.

2013-11-11, 09:04 AM
I must be evil, but no problem on the chaos-law side.

Feral Half Minotaur Lolth Touched Half Ogre (Race not template)

I mean it doesnt make alot of sense, but such a freak would be mad beyond belief (Basically max your strength, con and wisdom. Screw dex) if you cant be good, your need all the muscle you can get so you can go clericzilla

2013-11-11, 09:14 AM
Hello playground! I'm starting a solo campaign soon and since it'll be quite hard, I'd like some advices. Starting level 14, all books allowed, free +5 LA. First I thought about a gish (sorcadin or swiftblade) then thrallherd came to my mind, so I have no idea on what I should play. What do you think it would be best? What about the LA? I was thinking on something like half giant primordial giant voidmind lolth touched, but anything better is welcome.

Thanks for any answer!

Half Gold Dragon Githzerai
+8 str
+6 dex
+2 con
0 int
+2 wis
+2 cha

SR 5+ cl = 19

Some Minor Psionic Abilities.
+4 NA breath weapon abilities plus other half dragon stuff.

2013-11-11, 09:23 AM
Let me ask this so i dont throw more crazy stuff at you, how powerful do you wanna be

2013-11-11, 09:26 AM
Half Gold Dragon Githzerai
+8 str
+6 dex
+2 con
0 int
+2 wis
+2 cha

SR 5+ cl = 19

Some Minor Psionic Abilities.
+4 NA breath weapon abilities plus other half dragon stuff.

As for class Fighter 2 barbarian 4 Frenzied bezerker 8

2013-11-11, 09:29 AM
Cleric would be my go to for a solo campaign. I'd suggest against Thrallherd or any sort of leadership ability. It kind of defeats the purpose of "Solo campaign" when you have an army of followers and cohorts tagging along. Sort of thing that as a DM I'd look hard at you and go "... really?"

You're high enough level though that I wouldn't go with anything mundane or even close to mundane like a spellblade concept. Exception: MAAAAAYBE some type of Ranger as they have a skill chassis that gets some spell support that might let you try to do an espionage sneak and assassin style for solo play.

Druid of course works wonders for a Solo campaign, but again you might get the ".... really?" response since you'll have Animal Companions and be summoning up unlimited bear works and the like. Again, kind of defeats the intent.

As for LA? Hmm. I do like Demonblooded, since you're getting free LA. At level 14 that means you're getting (If I remember it right). +14 Natural Armor. Dr 10/Holy and Cold Iron, 100' unlimited telepathy. Immunity to electricity, resistance 20 to Fire. Immunity to poison. Natural Flight equal to your base land speed. Two natural claw attacks (1d3, but eh. If you have something that requires natural attacks to advance it at least gets you that. Never being disarmed isn't a bad thing in any case). Summon Monster VI as a SLA 1/day (Fiends only).

That covers +3 of the LA. No stat adjustments, but eh. It's a nice gaggle of things to have available. As much as I said "No mundanes" having mundane answers to back up your character in case some smartass dispels or dysjunctions you isn't terrible. Combine with something like Gravetouched Ghoul for the last 2, getting undead type and HD, undead immunities, etc. Worse things out there. Might make Wizard look attractive as you'll be somewhat tough for a spell slinger in a dress and pointy hat. Throw it on something like a Hengeyokai you can free up more "mundane" movement issues like taking Crab or Carp for water breathing and natural swim speed.

... and I have to admit the idea of a half man, half carp, undead ghoul with demon wings and talons flying through the air raining arcane death upon someone, then hitting the deck and diving under a river/lake to avoid counter attack just makes me smile.

2013-11-11, 09:34 AM
Half-Celestial Tiefling Factotum.
No, Seriously, it's LA+5 and you get:
+2 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Int, +4 Wis, +2 Cha
Wings with a fly speed=twice base speed and good maneuverability.
Spell Resistance and DR based on HD.
A scaling list of Spell-like abilities. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/halfCelestial.htm)
Factotum is the ultimate Jack of All Trades, important for a solo campaign.

2013-11-11, 09:35 AM
Half Gold Dragon Githzerai
+8 str
+6 dex
+2 con
0 int
+2 wis
+2 cha

SR 5+ cl = 19

Some Minor Psionic Abilities.
+4 NA breath weapon abilities plus other half dragon stuff.
Or ranger / deep wood sniper

2013-11-11, 09:47 AM
Savage Bard-5/Ur-Priest-2/Mystic Theurge (Savage Bard/Ur-Priest)-3/Sublime Chord-1/Mystic Theurge(Ur-Priest/Sublime Chord)-5/Arcane Advancement PrC of Choice (Sublime Chord)-4 (8th level Savage Bard casting, 10th level Ur-Priest casting, 10th level Sublime Chord casting)

Anyone know any easier ways to get in this with a free 5 LA? By level 14 he has 6th level sorceror spells, 8th level cleric, and can just slap divine power i think and have 14 BAB

2013-11-11, 09:50 AM
I'd personally recomend Sylph +Divine caster as class (yeah the 3hd will eat some of it... but very worth it for the endless free sorc casting, 17 when you start.)

2013-11-11, 10:01 AM
Let me ask this so i dont throw more crazy stuff at you, how powerful do you wanna be

Quite poweful but not entirely broken. Let's say no infinite loop or similar stuff, but a planar shepard without dal quor world be allowed.

Concerning leadership and thrallherd: my DM explicitely allowed those kind of things, that's why I was considering it. Cleric is a nice option, but I wanted something more arcane-psionic. Other options were psion/anarchic initiate and wizard/master specialist/IotSV

2013-11-11, 10:24 AM
Quite poweful but not entirely broken. Let's say no infinite loop or similar stuff, but a planar shepard without dal quor world be allowed.

Concerning leadership and thrallherd: my DM explicitely allowed those kind of things, that's why I was considering it. Cleric is a nice option, but I wanted something more arcane-psionic. Other options were psion/anarchic initiate and wizard/master specialist/IotSV

My second one has you with Full BAB, 6th level sorceror spells, and 8th level urpriest spells at level 14. Honestly, you can heal, god wizard, buff like crazy, and generally be a one man team. Does your DM allow Savage species?

2013-11-11, 10:31 AM
My second one has you with Full BAB, 6th level sorceror spells, and 8th level urpriest spells at level 14. Honestly, you can heal, god wizard, buff like crazy, and generally be a one man team. Does your DM allow Savage species?

That's quite nice. Yes, savage species allowed.

2013-11-11, 11:08 AM
Druid? Why did no one mention druids?

Prince Gimli
2013-11-11, 11:17 AM
I'd say, ask yourself what kind of character would you enjoy playing the most? Since there are so many options, if you have an idea what you want to play, you can cater your build to that. I've no doubt that the forumgoers here will be able to help you cook up a workable build for whatever character concept you want :). Who is your character, and what does he do? Sure one option might rulewise and numberwise be better, but that's not helpful at all if you don't enjoy playing it :).

2013-11-11, 12:58 PM
Druid? Why did no one mention druids?

Arcturus did :)

I'd go a bit silly and suggest Druid/Prestige Ranger, or (Cloistered) Cleric/Prestige Ranger, but... I guess it's actually significantly less powerful than straight CoDzilla.

The Drd/Prc Rgr would keep your Animal Companion and Wild Empathy at full potential (but who cares about the latter, right?), boost your BAB, Skills and Ref save, at the cost of good Will save progression and severely gimped spell progression (ouch!).

It will also somewhat expand your spell list (depending on how benevolent your DM is with the Unique Spells clause in UA/SRD) and give you some minor goodies such as Favored Enemy, Bonus Feats, Swift tracker and possibly Camouflage and HipS.

PS: Very, VERY benevolent DMs might allow you to ditch the bonus combat style feats (and maybe even the prereq. TWF/Rapid Shot feat) and let the Prc Rgr advance your Wild Shape class feature, akin to the Wildshape Ranger ACF (also from Unearthed Arcana/SRD). Some might even allow you to trade Track for Trap Finding and you would be golden. But this part is strictly a homebrew/house-rules area, so be advised. (You are giving up quite a few (or not that many, depending on how many levels of the Prc you are going to take) spell levels for this, so it might actually be a fair trade).

2013-11-11, 01:44 PM
STP Erudite is always a good choice.

All books allowed or all official books? If all books then Divine Receptacle(QS) Dragon(D) Draconic(RotD) Sorcerer with a one level dip in Dragonfire Adept is nice. You get all spells below fourth level at will plus a domain(Spell is best for Sorcerers). Technically you are not required to be a true dragon to take Loredrake, it is just HEAVY implied just like with dragon sorcerer.

So Greater Draconic Right, Loredrake, Desert Kobold, White Dragonspawn, Half-Dragon, Draconic. Sorcerer 3/DFA 1 at least for the Dragon Sorcerer class feature that turns your SLAs per day into spell slots. Take metabreath feats from dracinomicon and snag Draconic Breath for an always available 6d6 cone. Though with all books available means mongoose is open throwing in a whole new level of power with spellwoven breath.

If you skip Mongoose and AEG publishing, take out DFA. You are still casting at a +4 sorcerer level. The draconic ACF was just thematic and meshed well for breath weapons, if you aren't taking that route, metamagic is of course better.

If you want to be gishy, Stalwart and Battle ACF can get you some power and health. With +4 effective sorcerer level they don't hurt quite as much as they would have since you are already two spell levels ahead. However they also deter multiclassing which is generally a bad idea for the feature starved sorcerer.

Another book, Spells and Magic by an obscure 3rd party, has a feat that is nice, Blood Power. Spend 5HP/Spell level instead of a spell slot goes well with Stalwart Battle's 1d8+2 HP/lvl requires character level 3. There was a nice combo I recall with therapeutic mantle, a draconic feat that heals you on cast and a few others to have some minor passive healing that adds up to some hefty resilience in battle.

2013-11-11, 01:51 PM
Are gestalts allowed?

Lord Vukodlak
2013-11-11, 03:44 PM
Are gestalts allowed?

If you have to ask the answer is no.

2013-11-12, 01:09 AM
If savage species is allowed, feral is best bang for the buck

Throw on a half dragon or half celestial, should mitigate the Intelligence drop

Basically your one man world. You can pounce, rend, have fast healing, NA, DR and all the spells you need. with this layout, you should have no issues taking on most anything the DM throws at you. You more or less have unlimited power. Now the question is, what do you want to be? With this, you can be anyone. Do you want to look a certain way? Spell for that. Want to be a seduction master? Spell for that. Master thief? Spell for that. Pass as the king of the arena? Spell for that

2013-11-12, 02:09 AM
Id consider a Thrallherd/ Fiend of Possession build... then just hide inside a weapon ala Frostmorne :smallcool:

2013-11-12, 06:55 AM
Only official books and no gestalt.

Since mass spectroscopy is boring I was thinking on sylph/sorcerer/ur priest/theurge. Thatcher should grant good casting abilities, like sublime chord/ur priest and nice stat boost, but I'd spend all the LA on it. Is it worth it or is it better to go sublime chord/ur priest (race might be half giant primordial giant feral voidmind for tons of immunities/boosts)?