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View Full Version : 3.5e Titan from HoMM2

2013-11-11, 02:06 PM
I bring before you a custom made playable construct race, the Titan, based upon the Titan from Heroes of Might and Magic II.

It has been hard to give it all the properties of the mentioned titan and still retain game balance. I did my best. I hope I can get some opinions on:

- Is it good enough?
- Is it interesting?
- Is it playable?
- Is it balanced?

Art by my friend: http://tapirzok.deviantart.com/art/Tytan-upgraded-378375908

Pardon the formating. It's a lot of text copied from a rtf file ;)

Here goes:

Large Construct

Hit Die 2k10+30 (45hp)
Initiative +3
Speed 40ft.
AC 22 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +6 Masterwork Adamantine Breastplate, +5 natural) Touch 12, flat Footed 19

Base Attack/Grapple +1/+10
Attack: +7
Full Attack: +7
Damage: Slam 1k8 crt. 20/x2 / Great Sword 2k6
Special Attack: Lightning Strike
Special Qualities: Construct Traits, SR 14, Armor Bound, Dr 2/-, Heavy Fortification*, War Built, Rapid repair
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +1
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 16, Con --, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 12
Skills: Craft (Masonry) +4, Konowlege (Gems, Mining) +4, Spot +2, Listen +2, Profession (Siege Engeneer) +4
Feats: Alertness, Run
Climate/Terrain: Any land
Organization: Solitary, Squad, Warband.
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard (gems)
Alignment: Usually Neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3


A Titan appears as a 3.5m tall gray human stone statue wearing a black adamantine breastplate with brass struts and a scale mail quilt. The helmet resembles that of a roman centurion helmet. Armor is often decorated with strange almost dwarven like motives, their color is usually based on the wearers soul gem.
Facial features are very distinctive as each titan is born from a different gem. As strange as this can be those constructs can mimic emotions but they not often choose to.


Titans construct and live in massive stone castles at the top of mountain ranges. Commoners speak of them as cloud castles since almost all the time clouds are beneath or covering them.
Titans live a semi peaceful life, eventually defending their territory from hostile creatures.
If one wishes to pass safely through their lands, a payment in gems is required. It is suspected that Titans then use those gems to create more of their kind.
Only one in a 100,000 gems has a potential to become a soul gem but only Titan mages hold the secret of their creation safely hidden from any and all outsiders.


When a Titan is created the first thing he is told is his name, usually coming from a gem or mineral. He is fully aware of his intelligence and existence but not the purpose. He is taken to the Overlord of the caste and later on to the stone library where he learns about history of the very castle he was born in along with other information about the surrounding world.
What is contained in this library is unknown. Titans tend to destroy it when at loss.
Later on, the Titan is trained in the ways of war. Art of masonry and architecture is also thought to the young Titan for the need of self repair or creating a castle since when the population of titans exceed a capacity of the current castle, they choose a leader (usually chosen by the overlord of the castle and mages) and wander off to find new mountain ranges to build castles upon.
The castles are ruled by the Overlord, who is usually the strongest and most experienced titan acting as a war leader and the Grand Mage, who is an armorless titan devoted to wisdom and knowledge, often acting as a diplomat.
It is natural for titans to construct those castles near mountain passes (and then charge travelers for safe passage) and gem deposits.
Sometimes Titans wander through the land seeking adventure. They hire themselves as mercenaries to anyone who has enough gold or gems. Once the training is complete the Titan is allowed to leave the castle seeking its destiny. Very few of them choose to do so. In their own society those who wander and do not wait for the "Calling" are said to be made out of damaged gem stones.

One might wonder what those stone constructs do all day at their castles. The answer is more complex than one might think. Most of the time titans are on a continuous patrol, hunting monster, fixing roads and building bridges through the mountains. They are not often seen mining, preferring to trade their services as fighters and masons for the work done by miners coming from all the places and races alike. When at their castle, they maintain their gear and relax listening to the howling wind. From this wind their music is derived, chimes, horns and harps, sounding gently with long harmonic tone. Sculptures, for which they are famous, stand in many places in the castle. Titans will often trade those work of art for any item they find interesting. Mages will pay high prices for them, since they are a perfect material to make a stone golem. Their armorless kin often “sing”in a deep tone, resonating through their bodies and the castle walls.
Titans enjoy reading, it is their primary source of knowledge of the outside world, they build massive libraries housing all kinds of books. From short stories to powerful magical artifacts. Those libraries contain also the “Book of storms” a mythical item of unknown content. It is said that this very book is a secret to titans creation and they will defend it at all cost, even destroying it if they must. There is one in each castle.
When the mines close and the area is clear of monsters and other foes titans wander off, taking just “The books of Storms” to find new places to construct castles. Their former residences are often high sough by kings and warlords, monsters and robbers, sometime becoming places of refuge and sometimes deadly traps.

Titans have no gods to speak of, most simply adopt the faith that suits them. However there is one specific Titan that is worshiped. He is called “The Monolith” . He was a Titan so powerful that he could stand one against most armies and still win. Other races began to fear this power and began a war that lasted over a decade, resulting in many deaths. During this time Monolith called upon the sky itself to rain death upon enemies with massive thunderstorms lasting over a year. The war ended when both sides were exhausted and left with almost no resources, the final act that made diplomacy possible was that Monolith simply vanished, not being found among the living nor dead. His name forever written in history. For some he is just a warmonger, for others a victim of irrational fear.


Some titans turn from the way of good and when they do, they become a force to be reckoned with. Building massive strongholds, enslaving the population for their own sinister needs, hiring themselves whoever pays the most or even sometimes invading kingdoms for their treasure.

Titans are preparing for it. It's nature and cause are unknown. Some of them claim to already heard the Calling and they wander off. Some say it is perhaps a glitch in their production. Whet ever it might be, Titans who heard it act very odd.

- A Call saying "Go to the lake near a village and wait to see the moon's reflection"
- A Call saying "Go to a forest, count 1000 trees then mark the last one with a symbol..."

From then they are much more likley to participate in any event that happens next, following it as it was their destiny.


Str +8, +2 Int, Spell resistance 12 + level, Knowledge : Architecture +4, Masonry +4, Profession: Siege engineer +4 , Natural Armor +5
Armor: As PC the Titan starts with a masterwork cold iron breastplate.


Coalius, Emeraldylion, Saphitus, Topazer, Amethystius, Eber, Ametherdyn, Rubbus, Ruben

Titans speak Giant. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Terran, Common

Brutal Throw Titans throw objects with immense force.They can add Strength modifier (instead of Dexterity modifier) to attack rolls with thrown weapons.

Heavy Fortification: A Titan has a soul gem buried deep within it's body.
If it cracks the Titan dies. However the massive body
of stone protects the gem quite well. 75% chance to negate a critical

War Built: A Titan receives full HD dice every level.

Armor Bound:

A Titan starts with an adamantine breastplate which is half an inch thick and bolted tight to its body.
Only the helmet can be removed freely, revealing the hair formed from
energy (color based upon soul gem) that flows straight from the soul gem.
The breastplate can be enchanted like any other armor,
however to remove it a craft masonry check (DC 20)
and a craft blacksmith (DC 20) is required. The titan also
must be willing to remove its armor.
If the final condition isn't met. The Titan's energy flow
in the soul gem is disrupted and it is destroyed.
The armor can not be sundered as it is an integral part of the titans body. However a titan has to make a DC 13 will check or be staggered for one turn.

Titan as a construct does not gain any speed penalty associated with it's armor. Titan is naturally proficient with the armor that it is created with. Titan can not wear any other armor other than the one with which it was created since the armor has to be fitted to the soul gem from which the titan is created.
The armor inclines normal Arcane Spell Failure Chance of 25% and normal maximum dexterity bonus.
This armor grants 2/- damage resistance

Rapid repair:
The titan continuously regains 1 hp/h , if assisted ,while resting, with craft masonry (DC16) 2 hp/h, in addition if the titan consumes 500gp worth of gems he gains +2hp/h for the next 8 hours regardless if he is resting or not. If he consumes over 1500gp worth of gems this bonus increases to 5 hp/h. Assisting a titan is a light activity.

Spell like abilities:
A Titan can generate a semi solid lightning spear that is treated as thrown weapon dealing 1d8 normal damage and 1d8 electrical damage. The range incresement is same as for a javelin. Also the Titan can summon a semi solid blade dealing 1d12 normal and 1d8 electrical damage (Strenght bonus is applied) .The blade lasts one turn and summoning it is a move action not provoking an attack of opportunity. After titans turn the blade disperses.
Titan can use this blade like a bastard sword and it is naturally proficient with it.
The disarmed blade instantly vanishes.
Titan can use this abilitiy 4 times per day.
This ability overcomes the natural damage reduction other than electric.
It is called a Lightning since physically the javelin and the blade seem to resemble
pure energy in a jagged form, an icon of lightning.
However to summon a force javelin or force blade a Titan must have an empty hand.
If this condition is not met the blade/javelin cannot be formed.

Human: There are many different types of human, same goes for titans, their relations range from teammates to mortal enemies.

Dwarf: Many dwarfs tend to dislike titans for their lust for precious gems but many see this as an opportunity. Opening mines guarded by titans and their castles, paying just a fraction of what they mine to them.

Gnome: Many titans view the gnomes as all too involved in their lives and don't react well to their ever present joke telling and good mood but some find their company quite pleasing.

Hobbit: Many wealthy hobbit merchants hire titans or pay constant traveling fees to castles for the protection of their caravans, goods and even homes or fields which are located nearby.

Half-Orc: Most titans aren't really hostile towards half orcs, that is until they behave, unlike other races in some things titans and half orcs tend to agree. One is their lust to ever improve their fighting skills

Elf: Elven still mind and silence are appealing to most titans who prefer to speak only when spoken to. However they do not really understand why elves are so bound to

Improved Lightning - While using their spell like ability in melee combat the 1d8 is changed to 1d10 electrical damage

Lightning Arrow - Enables to use Lightning as an arrow dealing 1k4 additional damage electric damage.

Inner Focus - The maximum usage per day is changed from x4 to x6

Splinter Javelin - When thrown there is a 50% chance of the javelin breaking
into shards. Those shards deal half of the original damage to
targets within a 5ft radius.
(Requires: Base attack bonus of +5)
Gift of the Gem - Titans regenerate +5hp per hour for 8 hours provided it consumes at least 2500gp worth of gems (Hardness feat required)

Far Throw - Upgrades the range increasement for the Lightning throw to 33ft.

Hardness - Grants +1Hp every level.

Stone to metal - The titan gains DR 2/- , (Requires Hardness Feat, Gift of the gem)

Armorless - This titan was created with no armor. It does not gain any of the bonuses associated with titans armor nor any penalties. In addition they lose the heavy fortification feat, making the titan fully vunerable to critical hits as the soul gem is not as well protected. The titan can wear armor as any normal character. This feat may be taken only at 1st level. HD changes to 1d6.
Improved natural weapons - Slam attack deals 1d10 damage
Improved Natural Armor - Gain +1AC

Prestige Classes

Titan Overlord:

Base attack +5
Inner Focus
Improved Lightning

Titan overlords are truly masters of the battle field, calling upon the storm and lightning with mere eye sight.

Class skills:
Same as previous class

Skill points:

1.Attack Bonus
2. SaveFort
3. Save Ref
4. Save Will

1st 1 1 0 0 Power of the Storm
2nd 2 2 1 1 Improved Inner focus
3rd 3 3 2 1 Ionization
4th 4 4 3 2 Call the thunder
5th 5 5 4 2 Improved Call the thunder
6th 6 6 5 3 Ever Armed

Power of the Storm:
Once per day when the Titan Overlord drops below 50% hp he enters a rage (same as the 1st level barbarian ) that lasts for as many turns as the Overlord HD (8th level Titan Overlords rage will last 8 turns).

Improved Inner Focus:
Changes the x6 per day usage to x8

Any metal or electricity conducting item that deals at least 20hp damage to the Titan Overlord Becomes Ionized till the end of the encounter.
Ionized targets remain visible for the Titan Overlord even if they try to hide, cloak or are under invisibility spell.
The Titan Overlord may Ionize any metal object he touches, this requires a touch attack and is a full round action.
Note: The person wielding the sword is not ionized unlike the sword itself.

Call the thunder:
As a full round action the titan call a storm that lasts until the Titan Overlord disperses it.
The storm acts as a magical storm and is subject to disperse magic.
During the storm any ionized target may be targeted by the Titan Overlord by a lightning striking from the storm. This lightning deals Titan Overlord level prestige class level dice 6 damage. For example a 4th level prestige class Titan Overlord deals 4d6.
This ability does not require the target to be in the line of sight of the titan as Ionization makes him aware of the targets location. However this ability is useless if the target hides in a home or a cave as the lightning would strike those locations. This may cause the home to go aflame.
This ability is usable only on Ionized targets and once per 1d6 turns.

Ever Armed:
When summoned, the blade lasts for six turns instead of one, if disarmed the blade vanishes and must be summoned again.

Child of the Gem (Work in progress)

Spell casting ability

Class skills:
Same as previous class
As previous class

Level Base
Attack Bonus Fort
Save Ref
Save Will
Save Special

1st 0 0 1 1 Consume Gem
2nd 1 1 1 2 Release the power
3rd 1 1 2 3 Direct the power
4th 2 2 2 4 Gain the power
5th 3 3 3 5 The great whisper

Consume Gem:
The titan gains the ability to consume gems, granting him a one time bonus, dependant on the type of the gem, of 1d6 damage.

For a gem to produce better effects the gem must be worth at least ˝ Child of the Gem power level x 1000 gold. For example a 3rd level Child of the gem willing to direct power must consume a gem worth ˝ x 3 x 1000 gp which is 1500gp. If the 3rd level Child of the gem wishes to consume gem, the gem cost must be ˝ x 1 x 1000 gp which is 500gp.
Consuming the gem is a move action provoking attack of opportunity.

Ruby: Fire damage
Saphire: Ice damage
Emerald: Acid Damage
Daimond: Electric Damage

Game masters are advised to expand and change this list as they see fit.

Release the power:
After consuming the gem of the right element spell damage improves.
If a child of the Gem consumes a ruby his fireball will deal one additional dice of damage (same as the maximized spell)

Direct the Power:
The titan may grant a damage bonus to any weapon he has in his eye sight. Including enemies or allies.

Gain the power:
The damage bonus on weapons increases to 1d10, also by consuming the gem the Child of the Gem gains immunity to that element for 1d10 turns. The Titan is aware of exactly how many turns of immunity are left.

The Great Whisper:
The titan is now aware of all the games in a 500m radius. In addition consuming the gem heals 1d8 hit points and summons an elemental of large size corresponding to the gems element. Only one elemental can be summoned at a time, the elemental vanishes after it is destroyed or the Gem Child has no more need for them. This ability only works once per day.