View Full Version : X-Crawl Rookie [3.5]

2013-11-11, 05:42 PM
So, for those of you unfamiliar with the X-Crawl D20 setting, it's a televised pro-wrestling dungeon crawl set in a modern-ish era. There's things like signature moves, and fame, and team mojo (a pool of points that you can use to give bonuses on attacks and checks to your teammates. You can't ask for them, you can only give them). You have a persona and in addition to alignment you also decide to be a "Heel" or "Face" (it determines which actions boost or diminish your fame when you complete a crawl). It's got all kinds of interesting stuff in it.

Anyways, you start out at level 3 with 3000gp and am trying to think of some good rookie builds. Any advice on this aspect? The change in class ability rules are being ignored, for those that have the books. As is the...rest of the setting. The game will be taking place in Future Oerth in the City of Greyhawk. Sports Weapon Proficiency is available as a single feat as well as a fighter bonus feat.

2013-11-11, 08:17 PM
I cannot emphasize how important it is to remember that X-Crawl is an endurance trial compared to normal adventuring. Many players take it for granted that they can do a 15-minute workday with access to stuff like Rope Trick or Teleport, but that strategy won't fly in a crawl. You need to have access to long-term or reusable resources if you want to survive. As such, you should strongly consider classes like ToB, Incarnum, Warlock/Adept, Binder or a mage with Reserve feats. If you can get a hold of a Wand of any kind, especially curative magic, you absolutely must do so.
What kind of character were you thinking of playing?

2013-11-11, 08:32 PM
Any restriction on races or templates? I suggest looking hard at anything that can give you fast healing like the half-troll template. Not running out of HP is very useful in a dungeon crawl.

2013-11-11, 08:32 PM
I am really tempted to make a character that's able to bean people with baseballs, What with Curveball being kind of amazing. Aside from that I don't have a lot in mind. Swordsage, perhaps. They seem like they'd be able to do flashy things and put on a good show.

No real restrictions per se, but starting off at level 3 can be kind of rough when it comes to LA.