View Full Version : Recommend Me A New Series?

2013-11-11, 05:58 PM
So, I'm looking for a new show to get into, preferably something with a couple of seasons already out on DVD. Intelligent, quirky, oddball, compelling.

I know tastes will vary broadly, if not cosmically, so herein a brief rundown of the shows that I enjoy:

--First, I loved Firefly. Unfortunately I didn't like Dollhouse and can't stand Buffy, so the Whedonverse may be less helpful than one might think.

I'm also a huge fan of the new Battlestar Galactica, so much so that I've watched the entire series four times through. (Hence this thread: frack me, it's time for a break. ;)

I've seen the first two seasons of Game of Thrones, and while there are many things I don't like about how HBO handles it, the show still works for my grim-fantasy fix. Right now, however, I'm looking for something a little more, umm, family-friendly.

On the SF front, I watched ST:TNG and Deep Space Nine back in the day, and more recently I really enjoyed Sarah Connor Chronicles. (In a grim, depressive, don't-get-attached-to-anyone kind of way.) Here lately I've been hooked on Falling Skies, owing to an impulse buy of Season 1. (Yes, hokey and goofy at times, but I have an odd fondness for it anyway.)

Further afield, and probably more obscure to the Playground, I absolutely loved Kings, which like Firefly was tragically cut short, and which was probably too thoughtful and intelligent for mainstream television. (I also appreciated Kings for other aspects which can't be discussed here.)

Much further from the Playground norm, and evidently not discussed around here, is Downton Abbey. Yes, it's true: I had a blast with this show, at least the first two seasons. I'm a sucker for sharp, meticulous period dramas.

And, for anyone who remembers it, I loved Cadfael with Derek Jacobi. Rarely have I seen a TV adaptation so true to the spirit of the original books.

So, all that by way of triangulating what I enjoy. Any suggestions along these lines--or outside them, if quirky and intelligent enough--would be very much appreciated.

2013-11-11, 06:01 PM
Have you given a thought to Doctor Who? It's a mixed bag at times, but generally a fun watch that takes on gravitas during some episodes.

2013-11-11, 06:13 PM
Thanks for the suggestion...but alas, Dr. Who was not something I could really connect with. The interdimensional police box (yes, I know, Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) never quite worked for me.

I tried watching a couple episodes a year or two ago, possibly on SyFy, and just...couldn't. Not my cup of Earl Grey.

2013-11-11, 06:27 PM
I might actually suggest Star Trek the Original Series, even though it's old, if you haven't watched it. Lots of really good classic sci-fi moments and a closer feel to Firefly and well newer Trek than Doctor Who (old or new) has. The words I have usually seen to describe it are intelligent, quirky (although more then than now), and compelling.

Maybe Stargate SGI only seen a few episodes myself but it's been ok so far.

Sorry not too good on new sci-fi, haven't had cable in years.

2013-11-11, 06:29 PM
Have you given Stargate SG-1 or Babylon 5 a look?

2013-11-11, 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Zaydos
I might actually suggest Star Trek the Original Series, even though it's old, if you haven't watched it.

Thanks, great suggestion. I grew up on TOS. :smalltongue:

(Yes, my memory reaches back even to the Elder Days....)

Originally Posted by erikun
Have you given Stargate SG-1 or Babylon 5 a look?

Ahh, Babylon 5. My friends and I were very excited when the pilot came out...but alas, the subsequent episodes didn't grab me, and I dropped out after the first season or so. I'm afraid I never much liked Sheridan or Garibaldi.

As for Stargate...I tried watching an episode with a now-ex girlfriend (the same one who introduced me to Firefly) and it just didn't grab me. Partly because this was probably several seasons in, and I had no idea what was going on, except--wait, was that Richard Dean Anderson?! Why isn't he, you know, all smart and stuff? :smallconfused:

So, yeah. I wouldn't rule it out, just didn't feel a strong urge to pursue it at the time.

--Also, just to clarify, I'm not just looking for SF series, although suggestions along those lines are very welcome. I'm open to other things as well, but quality and a strong cool factor are key.

For instance, I loved Highlander back in the day, despite the fact that you could predict an episode's quality by its geographic location. More recently, I enjoyed Terranova, because, well, dinosaurs. And it was actually improving fast just before it was cancelled.

2013-11-11, 11:08 PM
Couple of series I enjoy, your mileage may vary though:

Lost Girl (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1429449/) - Fey live among us, this focuses on their stories, particularly those of the main character... a succubus. Canadian show IIRC, Season 4 just started.

Caprica (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0799862/?ref_=nv_sr_1) - Haven't watched it, but it's set on Caprica 50 years prior to BSG. Keep meaning to watch it.

The Almighty Johnsons (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1752076/?ref_=nv_sr_1) - A New Zealand show. Focuses on a family that are the incarnations of the Norse Gods living on earth. Suprisingly good given it's country of origin. Season 3 just finished.

Arrow (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2193021/?ref_=nv_sr_1) - Live action based on DC's Green Arrow, currenty in Season 2.

Kitten Champion
2013-11-12, 01:20 AM
I'd recommend Supernatural if you haven't seen it. It has issues, but I always find it entertaining.

I'd also recommend Life, although it was only on NBC for two season. About a cop imprisoned for murders he didn't commit, and released a decade later with a whole new perspective on the world. It's well written and well acted, I was sorry to see it go.

2013-11-12, 04:13 AM
I can mostly recommend Sons of Anarchy. Doings of a motorcycle gang full of anti-heros (or downright villains) who are nonetheless less evil than everyone else they come up against. Currently in its 6th season. Very good characterisation, and who doesn't like watching a bunch of leatherclad bikers.

Plus, y'know, Ron Perlman.

(Life was great too.)

2013-11-12, 06:00 AM
I quite enjoyed Robin of Sherwood (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_of_Sherwood)when it was aired here (a few years after it was finished).

Dumbledore lives
2013-11-12, 06:04 AM
I don't know if it's really in line with what you like but one of my favorite shows is Dead Like Me which is a Canadian comedy about grim reapers. Only ran for two seasons but there's some decent comedy and drama in those.

2013-11-12, 11:29 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions, folks--keep 'em coming, they're very welcome.

Originally Posted by Kitten Champion
I'd recommend Supernatural if you haven't seen it. It has issues, but I always find it entertaining.

I'd also recommend Life, although it was only on NBC for two season. About a cop imprisoned for murders he didn't commit, and released a decade later with a whole new perspective on the world. It's well written and well acted, I was sorry to see it go.

Thanks for these. I may have occasionally seen Supernatural in Sam's Club, but not being that into horror and spookyness I never gave it much thought. However, if there's a strong recommendation to be made for it--good acting, good stories, a finely-crafted atmosphere?--then I'll give it a shot.

As for Life, I assume this is the one with Damian Lewis? (Amazon has a whole slew of things called Life, including a show from David Attenborough.) If that's the one, it does look interesting.

Sons of Anarchy...not really my thing. "Macho high-school dropouts randomly whaling on everyone" is what I gleaned from the previews for the current season. That's...kinda not me. "Quirky and intelligent" is more the direction I'm looking.

--Quirky, madcap, often mind-boggling and always finely-crafted, with occasional bouts of riotous laughter...that would be my ideal. Really, if there's a TV show like Girl Genius, I'd be happy. :smalltongue:

That said, again, I certainly appreciate the suggestions, and very glad to hear some more.

2013-11-12, 11:29 AM
If there were a Girl Genius TV Show Kickstarter, I think I would have no money left.

2013-11-12, 11:31 AM
I have yet to support a Kickstarter, but that would definitely do it.


2013-11-12, 11:32 AM
Arrow (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2193021/?ref_=nv_sr_1) - Live action based on DC's Green Arrow, currenty in Season 2.

Seconding this. Loving this show.

2013-11-12, 11:49 AM
A very good reality show (WITHOUT the petty jealousy and backstabbing, they actually help one another) is Face Off. You get to see how some of those movie monsters are created. Season six just wrapped this week. Also family friendly.

Silver Swift
2013-11-12, 12:16 PM
How is it that Agents of Shield (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2364582/?ref_=nv_sr_1) hasn't been mentioned yet?

I'd also recommend Grimm (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1830617/?ref_=nv_sr_1), just beware that the quality takes a sharp nosedive during the first half of season 2 and it only really recovers from it near the end of the season. Season 3 is airing now and so far it is looking very hopeful.

Another good one that I'm watching right now is Haven (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1519931/?ref_=nv_sr_1).

As for the already mentioned suggestions:

Arrow (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2193021/?ref_=nv_sr_1) - Live action based on DC's Green Arrow, currenty in Season 2.
Seconding this. Loving this show.


Lost Girl (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1429449/) - Fey live among us, this focuses on their stories, particularly those of the main character... a succubus. Canadian show IIRC, Season 4 just started.

Ugh, lost girl. I really wish this show was better. Awesome concept, intriguing world, but bland execution and way to much focus on the lovelife of the main character killed it for me.

Thanks for these. I may have occasionally seen Supernatural in Sam's Club, but not being that into horror and spookyness I never gave it much thought. However, if there's a strong recommendation to be made for it--good acting, good stories, a finely-crafted atmosphere?--then I'll give it a shot.

I'm not a big fan of horror myself, but I found that it didn't bother me as much for this show. The key part about horror that I dislike is that the good guys are always fighting this unknown all powerful evil somethingorother, but this was nicely averted in Supernatural because the two main characters hunt these things for a living so they know what they are doing (most of the time).

I eventually gave up on it, but if your only issue with it is a dislike for horror then I would definitely recommend giving it another shot.

Morph Bark
2013-11-12, 12:21 PM
Sherlock Holmes might be to your liking. There's also other big series like The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad, though I assume you've thought of them.

I'd suggest Red Dwarf, but it's likely a bit too wacky.

2013-11-12, 12:52 PM
It's a bit older, but Farscape might be to your liking. The first two seasons are very good, and then it gets... um... wonky... You might like it, you might not. The later seasons are not in the same tastes as the earlier ones. Either way, it's done and over with, so what's out there is all there is (4 seasons and 1 movie, I believe?).

2013-11-12, 02:21 PM
I've found myself quite enjoying Scrubs recently. Its a medical Dramedy that is surprisingly and refreshingly accurate on the medical side of things. Plenty of character hijinks ensue, but if you want to see a comedic look of what working in a hospital is actually like its worth a look (coming from someone who has worked in a hospital for over 6 years now.)

Cristo Meyers
2013-11-12, 02:48 PM
This one is probably just me, but the British sci-fi show Primeval might be worth a look. For me it had that charm that the quirkier episodes of shows like Star Trek had, though it's set in present day.

...and that's really all I can think of right now. Just goes to show how little TV I watch these days.

2013-11-12, 03:29 PM
Caprica (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0799862/?ref_=nv_sr_1) - Haven't watched it, but it's set on Caprica 50 years prior to BSG. Keep meaning to watch it.

I second this, I actually got into BSG after finishing this because I just loved the show. I was disappointed it got cancelled and didn't get a second season but even with only one it is really good.

Also if you have an interest in anime, I would recommend Sword Art Online, think of it as Code Lyoko+an MMO (which as a gamer really interested me). The first arc was really good because it emphasized the MMO aspect, but the 2nd arc was only so-so, and I was really only in it to see the conclusion of the series. Luckily though there are rumors a second season is on its way, with the 3rd arc from the manga/light novel(s) being much better.

Btw side note, I'm assuming the BSG you're referring to is the re-imagined series so I wanted another opinion, was I the only one disappointed by the ending? It kinda seemed like an asspull to me.

2013-11-12, 03:31 PM
Heh. Anime is a whole 'nother (wonderful) rabbit-hole. But not one that everyone wants to get into.

2013-11-12, 03:34 PM
Ahh, Babylon 5. My friends and I were very excited when the pilot came out...but alas, the subsequent episodes didn't grab me, and I dropped out after the first season or so. I'm afraid I never much liked Sheridan or Garibaldi.

Do you mean Sinclair (Michael O'Hare's character)? Or did you actually make it into the second season, when Sheridan (Bruce Boxleitner) took over?

This one is probably just me, but the British sci-fi show Primeval might be worth a look. For me it had that charm that the quirkier episodes of shows like Star Trek had, though it's set in present day.

Primeval's a good suggestion. It feels similar to Doctor Who to me (maybe just for as shallow a reason as being a british weird science show), but there are significant differences that may make it work for Palanan.

Fringe would be another suggestion, "Intelligent, quirky, oddball, compelling" are all words that fit it for me.

Morph Bark
2013-11-12, 03:36 PM
I've found myself quite enjoying Scrubs recently. Its a medical Dramedy that is surprisingly and refreshingly accurate on the medical side of things. Plenty of character hijinks ensue, but if you want to see a comedic look of what working in a hospital is actually like its worth a look (coming from someone who has worked in a hospital for over 6 years now.)


Scrubs is amazing. On the surface it looks much like a sitcom, except the primary setting is a hospital, and partially as a natural result of that it deals with some heavy stuff at times. However, overall it's pretty light in tone and very uplifting.

I'm a fan of sitcoms for their humour. I'm a huge fan of Scrubs because it touched me in ways I'd never expected it to do.

2013-11-12, 04:31 PM
I quite enjoyed Robin of Sherwood (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_of_Sherwood)when it was aired here (a few years after it was finished).
Best rendition of Robin Hood sage ever. I could probably babble peans of praise for quite a long time, but I'll contain myself. Great music, magnificant bastard of a Sheriff and unforgetable climat.

If anime is a go, then you will probably like Cowboy Bebop - it fits all the adjectives you have given and tops it with a great jazz soundtrack. It is a short (the only problem with the show), mostly episodic series about a small band of misfit bounty hunters in the future.

2013-11-12, 06:54 PM
Ahh, new suggestions, thank you all! Let's see here:

Originally Posted by MikelaC1
A very good reality show (WITHOUT the petty jealousy and backstabbing, they actually help one another) is Face Off. You get to see how some of those movie monsters are created.

I've been allergic to reality shows since, what, 1999? I've seen the ads for this one on SyFy, and wasn't intrigued. However, based on your recommendation, I'll give it a look.

Originally Posted by Peregrine Crow
How is it that Agents of Shield hasn't been mentioned yet?

Well, I'm about to watch that later tonight. So far, despite very high hopes, it's been unimpressing me more every week. But like Arwen says, there is still hope.

Originally Posted by Morph Bark
Sherlock Holmes might be to your liking. There's also other big series like The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad, though I assume you've thought of them.

You know, I've had Sherlock recommended to me before. Hmm. Is this the BBC version with Smaug, or the New York show with Lucy Liu?

The others you mention really aren't my thing, although I might watch Red Dwarf with the right girlfriend. If there was a couch involved. :smallwink:

Originally Posted by Cristo Meyers
This one is probably just me, but the British sci-fi show Primeval might be worth a look. For me it had that charm that the quirkier episodes of shows like Star Trek had, though it's set in present day.

Oh my. My antennae, they do quiver. This seems...interesting.

*search search*

I assume Primeval comes before Primeval: New World? Tell me more. Without spoilers, if that's possible. :smalltongue:

Originally Posted by Reverent-One
Do you mean Sinclair (Michael O'Hare's character)? Or did you actually make it into the second season, when Sheridan (Bruce Boxleitner) took over?

You know, I'd completely forgotten that happened. It's been a long time since I watched any of that, and I doubt I went much into the second season. --Sorry, really not a B5 fan.

Originally Posted by ChaosArchon
I second [Caprica], I actually got into BSG after finishing this because I just loved the show.

Without going into detail, I will just say that, despite loving BSG, I did not love Caprica.

Originally Posted by CarpeGuitarrem
Anime is a whole 'nother (wonderful) rabbit-hole. But not one that everyone wants to get into.

Very true. My entire experience with anime involved the first season of Rurouni Kenshin. I loved it, but overall I'm just not into anime culture.

Also, finally:

Originally Posted by At Least Three People, If Not More
Try Arrow already!!

I've been hearing about this, and if it's really that good, I'll give it a looksee.

...But, Primeval. From reading the first sentence of the Amazon listing, it sounds like Terranova in reverse. That...could be fun. Really, it's hard to miss with dinosaurs.

2013-11-13, 01:17 AM
You know, I've had Sherlock recommended to me before. Hmm. Is this the BBC version with Smaug, or the New York show with Lucy Liu?
Not sure if this is the one he's referring to, but the BBC version (yes, with Benedict Cumberbatch, who you're likely to recognize by his weird face, and also Martin Freeman, who seems to be in just about everything these days) is certainly worth a look, though there are only six episodes.

2013-11-13, 02:36 AM
Have you watched Eureka? or Warehouse 13? Both are family friendly and mostly smart.

2013-11-13, 02:48 AM
Not sure if this is the one he's referring to, but the BBC version (yes, with Benedict Cumberbatch, who you're likely to recognize by his weird face, and also Martin Freeman, who seems to be in just about everything these days) is certainly worth a look, though there are only six episodes.

The one with Lucy Liu and Johnny Lee Miller is called Elementary. I actually enjoy it. Nothing spectacular, but Miller's acting is great. A couple rather smart mysteries, too.

Plus, y'know, Lucy Liu.

2013-11-13, 02:52 AM
Intelligent, quirky, oddball, compelling...

This makes me suggest Pushing Daisies, a delightfully strange little show that combines whimsy, comedy, a touch of the morbid, and a heaping bushel of quirky fun.

2013-11-13, 05:07 AM
Did you ever try out ST:Voyager? It starts out a little slow, but hey, so does DS9.

I'll second Warehouse 13, it's got some hilarious moments and doesn't take itself too seriously.

Once Upon a Time is at least worth looking at to see if it's your cup of tea or not. Some people really like it.

Other shows to consider are Covert Affairs and White Collar. Actually a lot of USAs shows are pretty good and they usually run them during the summer while all the other shows are on hiatus.

Morph Bark
2013-11-13, 06:48 AM
You know, I've had Sherlock recommended to me before. Hmm. Is this the BBC version with Smaug, or the New York show with Lucy Liu?

The BBC version with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman (Smaug and Bilbo), yes. I didn't know there was one with Lucy Liu.

2013-11-13, 09:33 AM
Speaking of BBC shows, there's Being Human. There's also an american remake of it as well (seen more of that one, but both are good). Follows the lives of a werewolf, vampire and ghost living together trying their best to live normal 'human' lives, despite their supernatural natures.

Cristo Meyers
2013-11-13, 11:54 AM
Oh my. My antennae, they do quiver. This seems...interesting.

*search search*

I assume Primeval comes before Primeval: New World? Tell me more. Without spoilers, if that's possible. :smalltongue:

...But, Primeval. From reading the first sentence of the Amazon listing, it sounds like Terranova in reverse. That...could be fun. Really, it's hard to miss with dinosaurs.

Primeval: New World was something of a remake. The SyFy channel got permission to do a spin-off, or something. So they did one based in Canada rather than Britain. It only got one season. It's...not bad, and features a cameo from one of the more likable characters from the original. Otherwise it follows pretty much the same formula as the original.

The basic premise of Primeval is that wormhole-esque anomalies in time are opening up and critters are wandering through. Sometimes they're from the past, sometimes...not. I never did see exactly how it ended, but as you would expect people start trying to mess with time through the anomalies and plot ensues. I know the first two seasons are on DVD (I own them), not sure about the third (but that's because I haven't looked).

If the first episode doesn't hook you right away, give it one more. It took a while to get up and running if I remember correctly.

Other shows to consider are Covert Affairs and White Collar. Actually a lot of USAs shows are pretty good and they usually run them during the summer while all the other shows are on hiatus.

Ah, thanks for bringing those up! White Collar is also really amusing: family friendly con-artists and FBI hijinks. Leverage is also a great one along those lines.

2013-11-13, 12:06 PM
The BBC version with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman (Smaug and Bilbo), yes. I didn't know there was one with Lucy Liu.
Elementary (http://www.cbs.com/shows/elementary/), my dear Morph!

(I've actually heard it's rather good, and not the "America rips off of Sherlock and it's awful" that I was expecting.)

Cristo Meyers
2013-11-13, 12:07 PM
Elementary (http://www.cbs.com/shows/elementary/), my dear Morph!

(I've actually heard it's rather good, and not the "America rips off of Sherlock and it's awful" that I was expecting.)

It seems like we've gotten a bit better about making American versions of British TV. Being Human, Primeval: New World, and Elementary are all pretty decent to actually good.

2013-11-14, 03:36 AM
It seems like we've gotten a bit better about making American versions of British TV. Being Human, Primeval: New World, and Elementary are all pretty decent to actually good.

Also Shameless, which is rather hilarious. Not quite sure if it's as good as the original though.

Elementary (http://www.cbs.com/shows/elementary/), my dear Morph!

(I've actually heard it's rather good, and not the "America rips off of Sherlock and it's awful" that I was expecting.)

*cough* I sorta mentioned that earlier in the thread. But no matter. Also, once again, Jonny Lee Miller. We need to see more of him.

2013-11-14, 04:34 AM
HBO gold standards:

The Wire

2013-11-14, 05:08 AM
*cough* I sorta mentioned that earlier in the thread. But no matter. Also, once again, Jonny Lee Miller. We need to see more of him.

I'll toss out another endorsment for Elementary. Both Miller and Liu do good roles. A bit predictable at times, but still a good show.

2013-11-14, 02:27 PM
I don't think I've seen anyone mention Leverage. It's kind of like Ocean's Eleven meets Robin Hood. It's amazingly well done and has a pretty good sense of humor to boot.

Silver Swift
2013-11-14, 03:08 PM
I don't think I've seen anyone mention Leverage. It's kind of like Ocean's Eleven meets Robin Hood. It's amazingly well done and has a pretty good sense of humor to boot.

If you're going for something like Leverage than I suggest Hustle (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379632/), its British counterpart. I liked Leverage a lot when I first watched it, but Hustle is a lot better in terms of acting and it doesn't challenge your suspension of disbelief nearly as much.

It also has one of the coolest non-game of thrones intros (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf95BuGEZ2E) I've seen in a while.

Edit: Fixed the link so it points to the first intro instead of the one for later seasons.

2013-11-14, 03:14 PM
HBO gold standards:

The Wire

I'm surprised The Wire hasn't been mentioned before this. I highly recommend it. Very realistic cop/drug dealer drama.

Deadwood isn't bad but it suffers in the end since it was cancelled rather than finishing the whole thing.

Rome season 1 is fantastic. Season 2 is still good, but not nearly as great.