View Full Version : Disney Character Equivelency

2013-11-11, 10:57 PM
So, i came up with an idea. Take known disney characters, and assign each one a base and/or prestige class

what i have so far:
Rogue: Aladdin
Druid: Tarzan
Ranger: Mulan

I need help thinking of more. Maybe Beast as the monk/barbarian

2013-11-11, 11:04 PM
Wouldn't Mulan be the monk?

And wouldn't they all have levels in Bard? :smalltongue:

2013-11-11, 11:23 PM
Wouldn't Mulan be the monk?

And wouldn't they all have levels in Bard? :smalltongue:

No, it was agreed in another thread that she would be some sort of Swordsage.

2013-11-11, 11:26 PM
No, it was agreed in another thread that she would be some sort of Swordsage.

Eh, I use the two interchangeably really.

A Tad Insane
2013-11-11, 11:43 PM
Tarzan more likely be a ranger than a druid, considering he never does magic or wild shapes. He would probably be one of the few without a level of bard, too.

2013-11-12, 12:22 AM
Seconding Tarzan as a ranger.

Now, Snow White? There's your druid.

Averis Vol
2013-11-12, 12:50 AM
From the faintest memory I have of Disney movies, I want to say:
-Pocahontas= shaman
-Esmeralda= Bard or rogue
-Mickey= wizard
-Mogely= ranger
-peter pan= Swashbuckler

2013-11-12, 12:57 AM
Simba=Awakened Lion Ranger?
Frollo=Cleric of Hextor
Hercules=Divine Rank 5 Fighter
Prince Charming=Fighter

Gnome Alone
2013-11-12, 01:07 AM
Robin Hood= Rogue with max ranks in Disguise, and a bunch of homebrewed feats to make archery actually good

2013-11-12, 01:11 AM
Robin Hood, even the fox version, is still more ranger then rogue. He lives in the woods, with nature, etc. And he definitely has full BAB.

2013-11-12, 01:23 AM
Robin Hood, even the fox version, is still more ranger then rogue. He lives in the woods, with nature, etc. And he definitely has full BAB.

Agreed. He never ambushes his enemies and he is a noble man.

Prince Charming=Fighter

No. He is a Paladin for sure.

2013-11-12, 02:35 AM
Flynn Rider = Rogue. He has no ranks in ride and was a rogue before anything.
Rapunzel = Cleric. She even uses a mace (frying pan) and can lay on hands.
Pocahontas = Ranger/Druid.
John Smith = Fighter/Ranger/Swashbuckler. Loves to explore and can handle himself on a ship.
Prince Naveen = Bard. He does a lot of ukelele playing and charming.
Wreck-it Ralph = Barbarian/Attempted Ranger
Emperor Kuzco = Aristocrat cursed into Llama Form
Stitch = Barbarian with a high INT due to genetics

2013-11-12, 02:52 AM
Hades: Warlock
Scar: Ranger with favored enemy (royalty)

Epsilon Rose
2013-11-12, 02:57 AM
No, it was agreed in another thread that she would be some sort of Swordsage.

I'd actually say Warblade. She's more of an upfront fighter and she needs White Raven Tactics. I mean she was a general.

2013-11-12, 03:02 AM
Look over the kingdom hearts video game its a Disney final fantasy like RPG game

2013-11-12, 03:15 AM
I'd actually say Warblade. She's more of an upfront fighter and she needs White Raven Tactics. I mean she was a general.

When did the Disney version of Mulan become a General? Zhang became one in the second movie while Mulan had retired from the actual army.
And why does she need WRT?

Epsilon Rose
2013-11-12, 03:24 AM
When did the Disney version of Mulan become a General? Zhang became one in the second movie while Mulan had retired from the actual army.
And why does she need WRT?

Ah, that might actually just have been the Chinese, live action, version and the actual legend.

She does, on occasion, lead people; so it made sense to me that she'd have the school that's all about leadership. I also don't really see her doing much shadow hand stuff, so there's that (because she couldn't just not take maneuvers from that school).

2013-11-12, 03:47 AM
So, i came up with an idea. Take known disney characters, and assign each one a base and/or prestige class

what i have so far:
Rogue: Aladdin
Druid: Tarzan
Ranger: Mulan

I need help thinking of more. Maybe Beast as the monk/barbarian

Hrm...I have to disagree somewhat.

Tarzan: Beastlord (specifically, an Apelord)
Aladdin: Thief-Acrobat
Mulan: Fighter/Monk

Beast: Aristocrat

Gaston: Thug (Fighter Variant)

2013-11-12, 04:33 AM
Hades ain't a Warlock... he is a Elemental Savant/Elemental Archon (I always mix those 2 up else he is the Build Kossuth is but with more trickery and hate).

Herkules would be an "Godspawn" Fighter with the Unarmed Strike feats.

For the Star Wars cast I would say take the examples out of the rule books(SWSE or similar).

Kenai is a Cursed into a Bear Ranger and Koda becomes his Animal Companion.

2013-11-12, 04:55 AM
Come on now, give Herc some credit. He and Hades both have Divine Ranks...they're both statted up with Divine Ranks in deities and demigods, no less...

2013-11-12, 04:58 AM
I'd go with something like Ape Totem City Brawler Barbarian 5 / Beastmaster 1 / Fist of the Forest 3 / Animal Lord (Ape Lord) 10 for Tarzan.

2013-11-12, 05:03 AM
Look over the kingdom hearts video game its a Disney final fantasy like RPG game
Square Enix makes both game series.

Come on now, give Herc some credit. He and Hades both have Divine Ranks...they're both statted up with Divine Ranks in deities and demigods, no less...
Hades being a full god would probably be Warlock 20/ Dread Necromancer 20

Hercules is more like a Mythic Fighter from Pathfinder.

2013-11-12, 05:16 AM
Technically, deities and demigods Herc is Fighter 20/Barbarian 20 with 5 divine ranks and appropriate Salient Divine abilities (Indomitable strength? Yessir...)

Manly Man
2013-11-12, 05:18 AM
Jack Skellington: Awakened skeleton Bard with max ranks in Craft (alchemy) and high ranks in Knowledge (religion)

Sally: Scarecrow (some kind of Warforged variant, possibly) Expert who focuses on the culinary arts, botany, Craft (tailoring) and Profession (seamstress).

Jafar: Efreeti with levels as a Sorcerer

John Silver: Half-Golem Rogue/Swashbuckler/Dread Pirate

Pretty much the entirety of the Pirates of the Caribbean cast is that as well, obviously with different races.

And to piss every Star Wars fan here off:

Luke Skywalker: Human (or Kalashtar) Psychic Warrior with a couple of levels as a Nomad.

Han Solo: Human Gunslinger/Rogue

Chewbacca: Anthropomorphic ape (orangutan for fluff) Barbarian/Rogue

2013-11-12, 05:42 AM
And to piss every Star Wars fan here off:

Luke Skywalker: Human (or Kalashtar) Psychic Warrior with a couple of levels as a Nomad.

Han Solo: Human Gunslinger/Rogue

Chewbacca: Anthropomorphic ape (orangutan for fluff) Barbarian/Rogue

Don't understand what you mean but Chewie is a (imported from Saga or similar d20) Wookie.

Also Star Wars being sold to Disney is good but Episode 7 is another can of failure... we'll see what it brings.

The whole cast of Winnie the Puh, except the owl and roger is probably an Animated Plush object CR1/2. The Owl and Roger are most likely awakened Critters (Owl and Rabbit). Roger is either Anthropomorphic or another animated plush (with him I am not quite sure).

Jim hawkings is most likely a Rogue or other skillmonkey (maybe Factotum).

Merida is a Ranger focused on Archery.
Sullivan is a Intimidate built Expert and Mike a Comedy built Expert.
Captain Buzz Lightyear is probably a LG Warlock that somehow overcame the alignment restriction (probably because they are stupid) or an LG Artificer.
The kids from Recess are most likely all experts with different builts.
Roger Rabbit is some sort of Detective class... I think there was one in a Eberron book.

2013-11-12, 09:26 AM
Just remember that each of the following have levels in the Disney Princess PrC (which includes such things as bardic music advancement, control of animals, and the ability to force people into choreographed song and dance routines):

Snow White
Aurora/Briar Rose
Marry Poppins

2013-11-12, 10:01 AM
"Disney Princess" would probably be a template. Abilities would include Summon Backup Singers, Awakened Wild Cohort, True Resurrection, and immunity to any effect that causes hitpoint damage. (Still subject to ability drain and enchantment effects).

Robin Hood, even the fox version, is still more ranger then rogue. He lives in the woods, with nature, etc. And he definitely has full BAB.

On the other hand, the fox version does have enough ranks in bluff and disguise to fool Prince John (though not Sir Hiss).

I'd put Mary Poppins as having some levels of Warlock (enough to have Fell Flight). She was able to Plane Shift into Bert's sidewalk drawing with three people along with her, and has what's obviously a Bag of Holding. Produced a Gust of Wind that blew away all of the other nannies (possibly from a scroll?). Enough Charisma and Bluff to completely befuddle Mr. Brown.

Eglantine Price (Angela Lansbury from Bedknobs and Broomsticks) would probably be a Wizard. Cat familiar, and she has to have the books in order to cast anything. (I also give her Wizard credit for having Harry Potter glasses before Harry Potter existed).

2013-11-12, 10:08 AM
On the other hand, the fox version does have enough ranks in bluff and disguise to fool Prince John (though not Sir Hiss).

I think the same is true of your average first level fighter.

Fouredged Sword
2013-11-12, 10:14 AM
Marry Poppins - LG epic level Factotum with the saint template.

2013-11-12, 10:23 AM
Quoth Krazzman:

Roger Rabbit is some sort of Detective class... I think there was one in a Eberron book.
There is, but it's possibly the worst prestige class in the game. Its major class ability is that you're allowed to talk to people, it requires a feat whose benefit is that you're allowed to think, and it has so few class skills that you're forced to cross-class. You'd be better in every way if you just went single-classed rogue.

2013-11-12, 01:19 PM
I like this thread.
If Disney characters were d&d chars, Miley Cyrus would be a Truenamer, because, well, she sucks.

2013-11-12, 03:03 PM
So, i came up with an idea. Take known disney characters, and assign each one a base and/or prestige class

what i have so far:
Rogue: Aladdin
Druid: Tarzan
Ranger: Mulan

I need help thinking of more. Maybe Beast as the monk/barbarian

We had a thread that went way off its rather ugly rails, into a much more entertaining diversion along these lines. A few thoughts:

Aladdin does not fight much. Rogue sneak attack is not all that appropriate. I would make him as a Feat Rogue variant going into Thief Acrobat PRC.
Tarzan is clearly a Barbarian/Fist of the Forest.
Mulan is 100% Warblade.

Jasmin is a higher level Aristocrat with the Wild Cohort feat.
Belle is an Expert focusing on Knowledge skills and Healing.
Snow White, Pocahontas, Cinderella, Aurora, and Ariel are all Aristocrats with one level of Fey Bard. (for Wild Empathy)
Peter Pan is a half-fey swashbuckler with invisible wings.
Merida is a ranger with archery combat style and a horse companion
Rapunzel is a templated Aristocrat with an at-will heal spell-like-ability cast through singing to her hair.
Flynn Rider, conversely, is a rogue/swashbuckler with Daring Outlaw.

"Disney Princess" would probably be a template. Abilities would include Summon Backup Singers, Awakened Wild Cohort, True Resurrection, and immunity to any effect that causes hitpoint damage. (Still subject to ability drain and enchantment effects).

Such a template would definitely make things easier. It would need "Wild Empathy" as a feature (and couldn't have True Resurrection), but it doesn't apply to all of them. Mulan is part of the Disney Princesses franchise and is clearly susceptible to hit point damage.

2013-11-12, 03:19 PM
I generally think it is a bit easier to work downwards in this sort of adaptation.

The Genie
Greek Gods
Hercules-- Divine Ranked 0 Human Barbarian 5/Crusader 1/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Crusader 4
Merlin-- Level 20 Wizard
King Triton-- Level 20 Druid
Maleficent-- Level 19 Sorcerer
Madam Mim-- Level 18 Sorcerer
Ursula-- Level 17 Sorcerer
The Horned King-- Level 20 Dread Necromancer
Flora, Fauna and Merryweather-- Level 17 Sorcerers

And then there is a huge drop-off of power.

Yzma-- Necropolitan Human Wizard 5/Master Alchemist 2
Jafar-- Level 7 Sorcerer
Prince Phillips-- Sainted Human Warblade 4/Paladin 2
Gaston-- Level 6 Ranger
The Beast-- Feral Human Aristocrat 1/Barbarian 5
Maurice-- Level 3 Artificer
Aladdin-- Level 3 Scout

2013-11-12, 03:21 PM
This thread has really helped me out with my current campaign in which I am pretty much having a boss for each main character in Disney movies.

Dr. Facilier- Warlock/Illusionist maybe?
The Country Bears- All Bards
Merlin- Wizard

2013-11-12, 03:25 PM
Marry Poppins - LG epic level Factotum with the saint template.

Oh, please. Much like the Lady of Pain, Mary Poppins doesn't have stats.

2013-11-12, 03:31 PM
Mickey Sorcorer/Warblade/Jade Phoenix Mage

2013-11-12, 03:50 PM
Oh, please. Much like the Lady of Pain, Mary Poppins doesn't have stats.

You know, I've never seen the Lady of Pain and Marry Poppins together. Has anybody else? Hm.........

Joe the Rat
2013-11-12, 03:55 PM
You could always make D. Princess a Feat. It grants Speak with animals as a SLA, and makes Perform (Vocal) a class skill. I'd also suggest that you make life easy and have Awakened as the default state for the local fauna. Enjoy the newly enhanced morality questions.

One of the conundrums of this sort of thing is that you can stat them to how they'd be built to play in a standard D&D world, or stat them to what they actually demonstrate.

Jafar is an interesting case. warlock, sorcerer... maybe after Wish #2. Remember up until that point, all of his magic is through his devices. Start him as an Expert, or a Social Rogue, or maybe Factotum (piling on Know(Arcane), Diplomacy, Disguise, and UMD). I don't think Aristocrat has the right point spread, but an Expert type would be a reasonable approach for a Vizier. You probably have to burn some feats for that Awakened Parrot Cohort. After the Wish Upgrade... Sorcerer is in the right neighborhood, with a heavy focus on Transmutation and Conjuration.

Oh, please. Much like the Lady of Pain, Mary Poppins doesn't have stats.

You never see them together either... Do you think that the- [gets whisked away to one of the Lady's Mazes]

2013-11-12, 03:59 PM
Mulan is 100% Warblade.

I agree with you mostly, and also that Mulan is a warblade, but only once we joined the army. Before that I think she would have a level in a skill monkey class to represent her attempts at problem solving before she knew anything about combat.

2013-11-12, 04:04 PM
I still say Herc is Divine Rank 5. He definitely has SDAs.

2013-11-12, 04:18 PM
I agree with you mostly, and also that Mulan is a warblade, but only once we joined the army. Before that I think she would have a level in a skill monkey class to represent her attempts at problem solving before she knew anything about combat.

I would say she had a level of commoner or possibly aristocrat that was replaced with warblade once she got trained.

Every adventurer has a backstory that, if you follow it back far enough, includes that time before they got their first PC class level. A warblade is not born, they are made!

2013-11-12, 04:21 PM
I would say she had a level of commoner or possibly aristocrat that was replaced with warblade once she got trained.

Every adventurer has a backstory that, if you follow it back far enough, includes that time before they got their first PC class level. A warblade is not born, they are made!

You could use retraining, but as clumsy as she was she did seem competent before joining the army. She managed to fool them into thinking she was a guy for one, and her final plan seemed to have an element of the skill monkey spirit to it. But retraining is also a valid approach.

2013-11-12, 04:21 PM
Jafar-- Level 7 Sorcerer

At the beginning of the movie, yes.
When he makes the wish to become the most powerful sorcerer who has ever lived, he becomes a Level 20 Sorcerer.
When he asks to become an all-powerful Genie, his race changes to Efreeti. (He keeps the 20 sorcerer levels.)

2013-11-12, 04:28 PM
I think Doctor Facilier is pretty clearly a Binder.

The Fairy Godmother (Cinderella) - Transmutation expert; probably Sorcerer.

2013-11-12, 04:49 PM
At the beginning of the movie, yes.
When he makes the wish to become the most powerful sorcerer who has ever lived, he becomes a Level 20 Sorcerer.
When he asks to become an all-powerful Genie, his race changes to Efreeti. (He keeps the 20 sorcerer levels.)

Oh yeah.

Except I don't think I'd put the genies, Disney-version, as Efreeti's with class levels.

I'd use divine rules because they are really, really powerful.

2013-11-12, 04:54 PM
I think Efreeti with 20 Sorc levels is fine.

The genies never do anything beyond the power of D&D's wish.

2013-11-12, 05:00 PM
Except I don't think I'd put the genies, Disney-version, as Efreeti's with class levels.

Genie himself (Robin Williams' Genie is never separately named) is clearly a Noble Djinn.

2013-11-12, 05:03 PM
I think Efreeti with 20 Sorc levels is fine.

The genies never do anything beyond the power of D&D's wish.

I don't know- giving Jafar a boatload of class levels all at once seems outside the listed possibilities for a single Wish.

2013-11-12, 05:10 PM
The only way to slay a Disney genie is to destroy their lamp in the heat of volcanic lava.

And they can do basically anything except kill and force someone in love.

They are mega-powerful.

2013-11-12, 05:11 PM
The only way to slay a Disney genie is to destroy their lamp in the heat of volcanic lava.

And they can do basically anything except kill and force someone in love.

They are mega-powerful.

They also can't raise the dead.

2013-11-12, 05:16 PM
They also can't raise the dead.

I think the Genie can, he just doesn't like it and thus won't.

2013-11-12, 05:19 PM
I like this thread.
If Disney characters were d&d chars, Miley Cyrus would be a Truenamer, because, well, she sucks.

defiantly not a truenamer as they are an integral part of building a character with stupidly high knowledge at low levels. (even un optomised) and that is what i have found they are best at.

she is dumb at best and would have negatives in knowledge (even if trained) so she cant be. she would be an expert with all feats taken from book of erotic fantasy and all skills in perform

and i think wreck it ralph (as they said prestige was allowed) would be war hulk

2013-11-12, 05:22 PM
I think the Genie can, he just doesn't like it and thus won't.

I think if Genie were able to refuse to grant wishes based on his personal preferences, the final segment of Aladdin would have been a good deal shorter.

2013-11-12, 05:23 PM
I think if Genie were able to refuse to grant wishes based on his personal preferences, the final segment of Aladdin would have been a good deal shorter.

he cannot refuse, he must do as commanded. but he just asked aladin not to ask him.

2013-11-12, 05:29 PM
I think if Genie were able to refuse to grant wishes based on his personal preferences, the final segment of Aladdin would have been a good deal shorter.


About wishes...

Uh, ah, almost. There are a few, uh, provisos. Ah, a couple of quid pro quo.

Genie wishes in Disney's Aladdin are far more powerful, and also somewhat more limited than Wish as a spell in D&D.

First of all, the three rules for wishes in Aladdin all don't apply in D&D:
(1) There are lots of ways a Wish can kill someone in D&D...as wish can emulate a giant list of deadly spells.
(2) Likewise, enchantments are entirely within the realm of the Wish spell, although emulating the Mindrape/Programmed Amnesia required to create actual love falls beyond the easy scope of Wish and is susceptible to Wish-twisting by angry DMs.
(3) Bringing people back from the dead is also rather easy, as again this is merely emulating a lower level spell.

However, beyond that, wishes in Disney's Aladdin had absolutely no other limitations. Now, Genie didn't seem inclined to subvert wishes -- in fact, as a point of order, he went out of his way to make the wishes far better than asked for. ("Genie, I wish I was a prince!") At first I thought that was what he had to do, but the lousy sequel "Return of Jafar" provided this was just Genie's work ethic, as an evil Genie would almost certainly subvert any wish asked of him.

2013-11-12, 05:39 PM
You wanna know how powerful the Genie is? When Aladdin wishes to be a prince the Genie provides, but in the first film this is shown in a really base form. Aladdin gets the clothing and followers, but nothing that really denotes him as a prince.

Until you realize in the third film that his father, Cassim, is the king of thieves, and thus making Aladdin the prince of thieves.

The genie can reshape people's destinies with a snap of his fingers.

2013-11-12, 06:28 PM
Given the Genie's visual aid when he discusses how he cannot bring people back from the dead, and the precise words he used: "It's not a pretty picture! I don't like doing it!" I think it likely that actual resurrection is, in fact, beyond him. When he fulfills such wishes, they likely are Animate Dead or Create (Greater) Undead effects, not Raise Dead nor its bigger siblings.

So the proviso there is that he can create undead from the dead, but it won't be what you expect if you were hoping for your loved ones to be returned to life.

Also, the extent to which genies can subvert is probably less than Jafar implied. If the Genie could have granted "the most powerful sorcerer in the world" wish by rendering the world nearly magic-less and leaving Jafar at his skill level, he probably would have.

Jafar's twisting of Abysmal's wishes was likely a combination of Abysmal being fairly stupid and Jafar really risking having whatever rules DID bind him slap him HARDCORE if he had had a master who was cleverer.

I know, for instance, that my third wish, if I'd been duped the way Abysmal was out of my first two, would have been something along the lines of "I wish for you to act in all ways as if you were my good and true friend, devoted to helping me achieve my greatest potential and find the greatest happiness I can, for the rest of YOUR existence." Having seen, at that point, what Jafar could do just on his own recognizance, forcing him to PRETEND to like me and want to help me would be incredibly potent. And I'd feel no compunction about compelling a jerk like him in that fashion.

(Yes, I'm aware this also leaves him free to do a bunch of other things on his own, but at the least it constrains him from doing them in ways that make ME unhappy.)

2013-11-12, 06:31 PM
Illegal question, ignore.

2013-11-12, 07:21 PM
Moses certainly wasn't Disney, and I don't think Joseph was either. Moses is Dreamworks.

Also, we're not allowed to talk about real-world religion here.

2013-11-12, 07:53 PM
Oops. Ignore the question then.

Joe the Rat
2013-11-12, 11:27 PM
At the beginning of the movie, yes.
When he makes the wish to become the most powerful sorcerer who has ever lived, he becomes a Level 20 Sorcerer.
When he asks to become an all-powerful Genie, his race changes to Efreeti. (He keeps the 20 sorcerer levels.)

Again, Jafar was no Sorcerer. He evidenced no actual magical ability. Finding the cave? Artifact scarab key. Controlling the Sultan? Mesmerizing Cobra staff. Finding Aladdin? Focusing though the mystical blue diamond. He is quite knowledgeable about magic, and has many handy tricks, but evidenced no actual mystic power until granted such by the Genie (At which point Sorc20 is spot on). I still think Social Skillmonkey is a better fit, but I could also see an argument for an Artificer.

2013-11-12, 11:32 PM

Jafar: Efreeti with levels as a Sorcerer

John Silver: Half-Golem Rogue/Swashbuckler/Dread Pirate

??? Silver was a human in every incarnation I'm aware of (which includes the Muppet Treasure Island one). And is this Jafar 'after' the adventure (movie) is over?

I'm with Joe_The_Rat in that I don't think Jafar evidenced any magical aptitude, but rather used tools...at best he had Hypnotism.


(Still subject to ability drain and enchantment effects).

I'd think they were more likely to have an increased vulnerability to Enchantment :)


Mulan is 100% Warblade.

Except, unlike a Warblade, Mulan knows how to use a bow.

2013-11-13, 12:55 AM
Since Disney does own the Muppets:

Kermit - Bard
Miss Piggy - Barbarian/Monk
Fozzie Bear - Bard
Professor Honeydew - Wizard
Sam The Eagle - Paladin
Gonzo - Wild Mage
Scooter - Expert
Animal - Barbarian
Sweetums - Fighter
Rizzo - Rogue
Swedish Chef - Alchemist

Manly Man
2013-11-13, 02:18 AM
??? Silver was a human in every incarnation I'm aware of (which includes the Muppet Treasure Island one). And is this Jafar 'after' the adventure (movie) is over?

In Treasure Planet, he's got robot parts everywhere.

2013-11-13, 09:33 AM
In Treasure Planet, he's got robot parts everywhere.

Beware the cyborg!

Highly underrated movie.

2013-11-13, 12:11 PM
Rapunzel = Cleric. She even uses a mace (frying pan) and can lay on hands.

this is brilliant. the biggest hurdle i had was 'who could be the cleric?'

Joe the Rat
2013-11-13, 12:18 PM
Yeah, but check that high social influence and poor motive-detection. I'm thinking Favored Soul.

2013-11-13, 12:52 PM
Sense Motive isn't on the Cleric list. (It really should be, IMO, but it's not). She's also dealing with a Rogue who probably has max ranks in Bluff.

2013-11-13, 01:58 PM
I'm uncertain of what his class might be, but Milo Thatch almost certainly has Polyglot as one of his feats, and an utterly absurd amount of skill points.

2013-11-13, 02:06 PM
Sense Motive isn't on the Cleric list. (It really should be, IMO, but it's not).

The PF cleric gets it. And while we're on the subject, the PF Witch gets some pretty stereotypically disney-villain abilities, and Alice could easily be an Alchemist.

2013-11-13, 04:48 PM
I find it amazing how many Disney Characters are low op. I see a few people throwing around level 20 builds to describe them, but most agree that it wouldn't take that many levels and most of the character classes are exceptionally low tier. Many of them could have been commoners, aristocrats, and experts. It seems that it probably is easier to tell an interesting story about a low op protagonist than a high op one. Inversely many of the antagonists are badly played high op characters.

Lets assume that the princesses have access to a homebrewed version of animal cohort that generally allows multiple low HD animals. The intelligence of the animals can either be a result of the homebrew or a default part of the setting.

Snow White - She was an aristocrat with one or two levels. Her stepmother the queen was a low level Wizard. The queen posses one magical artifact for scrying, could cast simple illusions, and could implement at least one save or suck spell. The dwarves were commoners or experts, good miners but not significantly more. No one was very tough but you can see the power divide between protagonists and antagonists.

Cinderella - Cinderella was a commoner, the prince and the evil step family were aristocrats. None of them needed to be beyond level 1. The only character of note was the fairy godmother. She was a fey spellcaster of some sort. She had access to powerful transmutation so I'd guess a transmuter specialist wizard. The interesting thing is that the antagonists are petty and weak. Not a single one of them is in any way threatening to anyone in a position of strength. This is more a child abuse story than anything else. The heavy magic swings in on the side of Cinderella and rescues her from that abuse.

The Little Mermaid - Ariel and the prince are aristocrats. Her father is undefined although he and Ursula could easily both be Wizards. Ursula is quite high level but she badly needs to read the evil overlord list. Never go one winged angel. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OneWingedAngel) The Prince probably has a few levels in him given what he did to Ursula.

Beauty and the Beast - Beauty doesn't need to be anything more than a commoner. The Beast is an aristocrat with some kind of lycanthrope template. He has a couple levels and so does Gaston. Gaston is a pretty solid fighter, the epitome of what a village tough could aspire to be. Given my respect for E6 I'll tag him at that, level 6. The castle inhabitants are a mix of commoners, experts, warriors, and aristocrats that have been transmuted into animate objects. Neither side is very optimized or has access to real magic. The protagonists win because they have numbers, equipment, and wealth. Exactly the same thing would have happened to Gaston and his mob if he had tried to storm a normal castle and kill its lord. The magic effecting the protagonists could be thought of more as an environmental obstacle than anything else. The enchantress who laid the curse is long gone and hardly even a character.

I'll lay some more down but maybe my initial assertion about magic being an antagonist's tool is wrong. Even just looking at these examples the magic seems to be with the protagonists as often as the antagonists.

2013-11-13, 05:07 PM
Maybe he leveled up after becoming a Beast, but I still say he's got barbarian levels. The dude flies into a rage. Often. If you're doing E6, I'd even make him a 1 Aristocrat/5 Barbarian.

2013-11-13, 06:53 PM
Hmm. You're right about the beast. He had a temper problem even before he got cursed.

Ok. Level x Aristocrat, Level 1+ Barbarian. Even before the curse. He stood up to Gaston pretty well. So if I stick Gaston at level 6 Then the beast needs to be at least around that level.

2013-11-13, 07:22 PM
Gaston could actually possibly be a Human Ranger 6 or Ranger 5/Rogue 1 as he does sneak attack the Beast.

But I imagine the Beast could be a Feral-templated Human Aristocrat 1/Barbarian 5. With increased strength, natural attacks and pounce he is pretty terrifying on top of everything he'd get from levels in Barbarian.

2013-11-13, 08:31 PM
Beast - human, polymorphed into a ... Bugbear? The picture is really "him," but he would need to gain a Bite attack somehow.

Manly Man
2013-11-13, 11:17 PM
Beast - human, polymorphed into a ... Bugbear? The picture is really "him," but he would need to gain a Bite attack somehow.

I had figured more of a composite of werewolf and werebear, myself. He's about the size of a Kodiak, at least, but his legs and some of his snout are too canine to just say he's an outright werebear.

2013-11-14, 12:52 AM
Madam Mim-- Level 18 Sorcerer

Ah, Madam Mim. Rules Lawyering and abusing Polymorph rules, before D&D even existed. :smallbiggrin:

2013-11-14, 02:47 AM
Ah, Madam Mim. Rules Lawyering and abusing Polymorph rules, before D&D even existed. :smallbiggrin:

That sequence is pretty clearly what Shapechange is based off.

2013-11-14, 02:57 AM
Also, Aurora and Ariel have to have at LEAST one bard level...

Maleficient's got serious arcane caster levels, and that staff is probably a staff of power and/or wizardry...

2013-11-14, 05:32 AM
Ariel has a good voice. No doubt maximized perform sing. But does she ever use it to cast spells? I don't think she uses it to help people in combat. I just don't see that bard level.

2013-11-14, 06:05 AM
Ariel (and pretty much every other Disney Princess) casts Speak with Animals, pretty much at will.

2013-11-14, 10:00 AM
lots of stuff

That's pretty much what I said, except I'd put Belle as an Expert with a big pile of knowledge skills and the heal skill.

Also, for most of them, you either need to give them wild empathy by DM fiat or provide them with a level in something like Fey Bard that has it.

Shining Wrath
2013-11-14, 11:52 AM
Mowgli: Druid.
For the Disney Princess template, add

Bemuse Prince, a spell-like ability similar to confusion
Right of Counsel - similar to that of a Aerendal elf, except you get to talk to a fairy godmother

Shining Wrath
2013-11-14, 11:58 AM
Since Disney does own the Muppets:

Kermit - Bard
Miss Piggy - Barbarian/Monk
Fozzie Bear - Bard
Professor Honeydew - Wizard
Sam The Eagle - Paladin
Gonzo - Wild Mage
Scooter - Expert
Animal - Barbarian
Sweetums - Fighter
Rizzo - Rogue
Swedish Chef - Alchemist

The most solid choice in the entire thread: Animal = Barbarian.

2013-11-14, 01:57 PM
Hmm, I want to see more ideas and suggestions on Dr.Facilier.
He's awesome! :smallbiggrin:

Anything on Anamaria from Pirates of the Caribbean?

2013-11-14, 02:15 PM
Looking at Dr. Facilier again ... I do think he has a level of Binder or two. But Shadowcaster/Master of Shadows sounds like him.

Considering he's one of the few Disney Villains to actually manage a kill on the good guys, he's got to be near-epic.

2013-11-14, 02:57 PM
Looking at Dr. Facilier again ... I do think he has a level of Binder or two. But Shadowcaster/Master of Shadows sounds like him.

Considering he's one of the few Disney Villains to actually manage a kill on the good guys, he's got to be near-epic.


Also of note: Scar, The Wicked Queen (she actually kills Snow White, though evidently Charming has a true resurrection Spell-Like Kiss), Ursula (collected hundreds of Mermaid souls), Cruella de Vil (okay, so she didn't get the dalmations, but look at her coat. This isn't the first bunch of animals she's wanted to skin)....

Manly Man
2013-11-14, 03:01 PM
Looking at Dr. Facilier again ... I do think he has a level of Binder or two. But Shadowcaster/Master of Shadows sounds like him.

Considering he's one of the few Disney Villains to actually manage a kill on the good guys, he's got to be near-epic.

Oogie Boogie would do well to have something as a Shadowcaster (it's not something that he uses offensively very much, but he seems to have some power over the shadows) as well. Facilier's friends from 'the other side' always came across to me more as the spirits of the dead than some kind of demonic being, so maybe having levels as a Dread Necromancer instead of Binder would fit?

Manly Man
2013-11-14, 03:03 PM
The Wicked Queen

I think she's called Grimhilde, though I think that's just in an old, old Disney comic. And yeah, in pretty much all of her incarnations, she's killed Snow White (although in Neil Gaiman's version, Snow White came back as a vampire or something).

2013-11-14, 03:03 PM
Facilier's friends from 'the other side' always came across to me more as the spirits of the dead than some kind of demonic being, so maybe having levels as a Dread Necromancer instead of Binder would fit?

They were Voodoo Loa.

Manly Man
2013-11-14, 03:11 PM
They were Voodoo Loa.

Perhaps. Then again, there are the Ghede Loa, which are the spirits of the dead, whose colors were mostly black and purple (which happen to be emphasized in Facilier's general fashion sense, far as I can remember; it's been awhile since I watched the movie). Not many of the Loa of any kind seem as sinister as they're depicted in the movie, though, except for Marinette and the Kongo Loa, the latter being known as warlike and aggressive. Most of them are just fun-loving troublemakers at worst.

...This actually gives me an idea or two to make a sort of witch doctor class, though I'm pretty sure that there are several classes that already fill that niche.

2013-11-14, 06:32 PM
Jafar does spellcasting with the assistance of items. That doesn't mean he isn't a caster. Plenty of wizards and clerics need spell focuses, components and so forth. Its unclear. There are a handful of options.

#1 Jafar is a Sorcerer without eschew materials and his spells require focuses and components.

#2 Jafar is an artificer who created and used a handful of magic items.

#3 Jafar is a skillmonkey with use magic device who bought or found the magic items he uses.

Number 2 is actually most elegant. It powers his abilities with the least number of levels required. Number 3 doesn't seem likely to me because I never saw magic for sale in the bazaar. Picking up magic items always required really tough questing that Jafar did not seem capable of doing for himself. He wasn't that good at getting other people to bring him items either. The process tended to hit a snag somewhere before the item reached his hands.

However I have strong evidence for number 1.
Even though he's throwing around different and much more powerful magic after getting charged up Jafar is still using his staff as a spell focus. That really implies to me that he is a Sorcerer at the beginning and a Sorcerer after the second wish.

Genie is pretty interesting. I don't think he's very powerful himself. Genie on his own can do some at will illusions and some prestidigitation. He's pretty weak after getting freed. So obviously the lamp is the powerful artifact. The lamp seems to be some kind of wondrous item of 3 wishes that resets with each new owner. Genie is simply a Djinni bound to the artifact. An integral component to the renewing 3 wishes thing, but not the whole deal.

Dr. Facilier is definitely a legit caster. At the same time he is very dependent on his patron spirits. He has a shadow familiar. That shadow familiar feels a great deal like a Dark Companion (http://therafimrpg.wikidot.com/hexblade). The problem is Dark Companion comes attached to 4 levels of Hexblade. I'm pretty sure that Dr. Facilier doesn't have the weapon proficiency or the martial inclination of a full out hexblade. On the other hand I actually agree with the classes use of charisma as a casting stat. Dr. Facilier certainly seems to use that casting method.

My best answer is the pathfinder Juju Oracle (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/mysteries/paizo---oracle-mysteries/jujuhttp://). It seems a pretty snug fit for him. The shadow familiar is actually an undead he used command undead on. He definitely spends time crafting fetishes. It seems to fit fairly snugly.

2013-11-14, 07:16 PM
The hierarchy of powerful Disney characters kind of gets blown apart if you open up the Aladdin cartoon series.

For example Chaos, the winged blue cat, is basically an over-deity of chaos and trickery who even scares the Genie.

2013-11-14, 08:04 PM
I think Maleficent is a black dragon, she has a wicked plant growth... or maybe wall of thorns? And of course she does actually turn into a black dragon.

2013-11-14, 08:37 PM
I think Maleficent is a black dragon, she has a wicked plant growth... or maybe wall of thorns? And of course she does actually turn into a black dragon.

Canonicly, Maleficent was originally a fey creature of some kind. (No idea if they'll keep that backstory in the new movie.)

2013-11-14, 09:39 PM
all disney characters get Perform - Song as a free bonus skill (except for the atlantis universe. No one sings there)

2013-11-14, 09:41 PM
I'd argue in the Disney campaign setting everyone simply has perform as a racial skill and the bardic music class ability.

Everyone and everything.