View Full Version : Telben [WIP]

2013-11-12, 02:08 AM
Tech Level
Standard DnD high fantasy tech level. A few cities developed cities of hundreds of thousands of residents.

One unified pantheon. While some gods may patronize a specific race, no god is exclusively the god of *insert race.* The gods are also directly involved in the events of the material plane. The gods created the Giants, and they loved the interactions of these creatures of compulsions and needs. And when the Giants created the Orcs with the inspiration of the trickster god, the other gods marveled at the novelty of mortal creatures, and they all decided to populate the world with new mortals, to amuse themselves with the short, intense lives of their creations.

The setting concerns itself primarily with the Civilized World. There is another continent (or more) which the entire world, with the possible exception of the gods, is ignorant of.

The Civilized World consists of five primary divisions of land. The Northern Waste is girds the top of the continent, and is primarily a tundra where the Elves have been able to create a monolithic kingdom. The Southern Sands is a desert which girds the bottom of the continent and is controlled by the small tribes of Orc Nomads who raid the entire episode. The Central Kingdoms consist of two of the three remaining lands, while containing the almost entirely. The Eastern and Western Coasts are somewhat misnamed, as they each contain both long coasts and lush plains which produce a large portion of the continent's food. In the center of the continent is a large scrubland, with few large water formations above the surface (there is a large aquifer below the surface) populated by the Haflings. The final area of land is the World's Crown Mountains, which are the domain of the Giants and are nearly inviolable to the other races of the world.

Lawful Nuetral/Good. Leaders of the Central Kingdoms, although not in any formal sense. They were the first great country builders. They built most of the large cities in throughout their realms, and live alongside Humans. They look down upon Humans as usurpers.
Lawful Evil. The Elves have created for themselves a single state unlike any other on the continent. They are a people who prize only the word of law and how that can benefit one's self.
True Neutral. The first race created by the gods, they are immortal and cannot die from old age, starvation, nor violence of action. They had a great nation and society in which their art and philosophy flourished. Their cities have since fallen into disrepair, and small pockets of Giants dot the mountains throughout the World's Crown Range.
Chaotic Neutral. They were the first builders of cities, although that was simply an expression of their desire to grow in their underground complexes (a necessity of their location, growing their food where the water was). They have records of everything, all the way to the genesis of them as a race.
Chaotic Neutral. The youngest race, the Humans have taken many of their queues from the Dwarves, but in way which reveres individual achievement much more.
Lawful Neutral. The first Illumian was a human who idolized the Orcs for their strength, and wished to be like them. In attempting to learn the Orc language of the gods, he instead produced the first of the Human language of the gods. That language infused him in a way that was unseen with the Orcs and their language, and eventually he left and attracted followers of his own. The group he attracted eventually created citadels where their children could be raised by the elderly and the maimed, but adults all range far and wide in order to find challenges to test themselves against and to learn from.
Chaotic Good. The Orcs were the second race, and were created by the Giants, who gave them life. They were created with an instinctual, insurmountable need to strive for betterment, to be more. In doing so, they have never been able to create a large, cohesive society, and their numbers have remained small. But, those Orcs that do exist are all powerful creatures, and few venture into the deserts they call home and return to tell the tale.

Notable Places

Work in progess. I have a brief history of the world written, but it's on another device. So I understand that there won't be many critiques yet.

2013-11-12, 04:22 AM
Interesting start, your pantheon sounds a lot like mine actually. Do you have a map?

Am I correct in reading that giants can't die in any way, or am I misunderstanding?

2013-11-12, 05:36 AM
Yes, I'll be editing the initial post soon. They are immortal, and have taken a long view of history, watching and letting the newer races flare up and knowing (to themselves) that they will eventually die off.