View Full Version : [3.5/PF] How can a Wizard kill an enemy with perfect magic resistance?

The Troubadour
2013-11-12, 10:40 AM
Hey there, guys! So, let's start with some hypotheticals:

1) A high-level Wizard (anywhere from 15 to 20) has to kill a specific enemy. Note that he specifically has to kill, not bypass; he can't just Plane Shift the target, or Imprison him, or Teleport away, or change into Gaseous Form, or anything of the sort. He is allowed to render the target somehow incapable of performing actions, though - provided (again) the target isn't simply Teleported away or something.

2) Imagine that same enemy has perfect magic immunity. By that, I mean that he has effectively infinite Spell Resistance, and that he can resist any spell that affects him directly, even those that don't require a saving throw (like Maze).

3) Now imagine that same enemy is an humanoid who is physically superior to the Wizard and a better combatant by a wide margin; not necessarily something like a charger that deals hundreds of damage per attack, but someone of an equally high level devoted to melee combat.

Hmmm... Let me refine that: imagine the enemy is a sort of "dark knight" character, a human with some kind of Undead template (not a mindless one, though) that specifically wields a two-handed weapon and wears full plate and, in general, is focused around the "unstoppable force in the battlefield" theme.

4) Finally, imagine the Wizard can prepare any spell in the rules in advance to deal with that enemy. For the purposes of this scenario, though, I'd like to ask you guys to limit yourselves to spells in the core books, "Complete Arcane" and "Ultimate Magic".

So, with the rules above in mind, how could the Wizard deal with such an enemy?

Morph Bark
2013-11-12, 10:44 AM
Regarding the "perfect magic immunity", you first define it as infinite Spell Resistance, but then say even spells with no save can be resisted. So you mean he's immune to ANY spell, flat-out, or do you really mean simple infinite SR and super-high saves? (Maze is SR: Yes, so I thought I'd ask.)

2013-11-12, 10:46 AM
1) Bind something/Transform into something and beat it up.

2) Use a no-save, no-SR direct spell to take it out, like uber-metamagicked Hail of Stone.

2013-11-12, 10:46 AM
Summoning/binding -> buffing summoned creatures -> making himself immune to enemy (being able to fly when your enemy cannot etc.) -> debuffing/blasting enemy with SR: No spells from safe location when said enemy is occupied dealing with your summons.

2013-11-12, 10:47 AM
Yeah, the Orb spells come to mind because they ignore SR, but they are basically directly targeted at the dark knight. Do those get resisted?

2013-11-12, 10:48 AM
Cast Gate. Say "Kill that guy, would you?". Go back to sleep.

Or, if you're feeling active:

Cast Shapechange. Eat the guy. Walk off the calories, then go back to sleep.

Yuki Akuma
2013-11-12, 10:51 AM
Buff yourself up with every defensive spell you can find, then cast Shapechange and Greater Mighty Whallop and hit him repeatedly.

2013-11-12, 11:00 AM
Under a well prepared Disguise, pay a mercenary to Disintegrate the dead body of a Wizard at an appointed time. Befriend the Wizard to the point where you can share a meal together at a local in. Pour him a drink, which includes a dozen doses of Save or Death poison and is tainted with dozens of diseases. Then have a paid mercenary disintegrate the body, and then teleport away. Meet the mercenary to pay him, kill him, and Disintegrate his body. Lead the investigation to avenge your friend, which will point blame at the mercenary, who remains at large.

2013-11-12, 11:15 AM
Create Device + whatever spell does the most damage. Lucid Dreaming, be creative with foliage which you have specific reign over. Be a summoner or necromancer. Be a conjuration specialist. Unless he is immune to acid/fire/electricity/force/sound/cold the orb spells should sill hurt him. Be an outsider, get demon association, assume supernatural ability and alter self to get retributive aura. No he dies a little every time he hits you and you can healing touch yourself to deal 10d6 every round.

The Troubadour
2013-11-12, 02:04 PM
Wow! Lots of responses already! Thanks, guys! :-D

So you mean he's immune to ANY spell, flat-out, or do you really mean simple infinite SR and super-high saves?

Yeah, the Orb spells come to mind because they ignore SR, but they are basically directly targeted at the dark knight. Do those get resisted?

Sorry, I should have been clearer. He's immune to any spell that allows for a saving throw or Spell Resistance, or that requires a touch attack (whether melee or ranged).
Hmmm... You know, it's better to be safe than sorry; since I'm not familiar with all D&D spells, I guess I'll just say he's immune to all magic cast on him, even area spells. There.

Cast Gate. Say "Kill that guy, would you?". Go back to sleep.
Cast Shapechange. Eat the guy. Walk off the calories, then go back to sleep.

Viable strategies! It won't be that easy, since the enemy is no slouch in combat, but viable. Thanks!

Buff yourself up with every defensive spell you can find, then cast Shapechange and Greater Mighty Whallop and hit him repeatedly.

"Greater Mighty Whallop"? Is that an actual spell?

Create Device + whatever spell does the most damage. Lucid Dreaming, be creative with foliage which you have specific reign over. (...) Be an outsider, get demon association, assume supernatural ability and alter self to get retributive aura.

...Sorry, but are those core spells?


No, John. You ARE the Wizard. :-P

2013-11-12, 02:45 PM
"Greater Mighty Whallop"? Is that an actual spell?

Yes, in Races of the Dragon.

...Sorry, but are those core spells?

The device thing I think is third party, it's basically building a machine that uses spells.

Mr. Whatever
2013-11-12, 02:52 PM
Just throwing this out there, couldn't you use something as straight forward as Clashing Rocks?

2013-11-12, 02:54 PM
Sorry, I should have been clearer. He's immune to any spell that allows for a saving throw or Spell Resistance, or that requires a touch attack (whether melee or ranged).
Hmmm... You know, it's better to be safe than sorry; since I'm not familiar with all D&D spells, I guess I'll just say he's immune to all magic cast on him, even area spells. There.

Supernatural Spell and supernatural abilities in general still get around this as written, though that may not be your intent. :smallwink: (And dweomerkeeper is outside the listed books anyway.) But yeah, shapechange and gate seem like the best options. Turning into a pit fiend plus buffs should be enough.

2013-11-12, 02:55 PM
Inefficient method:

Timestop -> Box him in Walls of Force -> cast Permanency on each one before the durations run out -> Teleport/dimension-door minions into the box to fight him-> enjoy the show.

2013-11-12, 03:00 PM
You could imprison him in a Wall of Stone cube, and then fill the cube with acid, or ask a Hulking Hurler to throw it into the sun, or some other cliche evil plan.

2013-11-12, 03:08 PM
Wish hundreds of pounds of dirt over his head, dump shrunken lead balls into his square which is occupied by an anti magic field, or wish for scroll of ice assassin of him and tip the fight in its favor yourself. None of this even requires real prep time.

2013-11-12, 03:13 PM
Being immune to magic does not save you from the incidental effects of magic being cast at objects around you. If his lair is underground, cast Earthquake at the ceiling. The cavein will likely get him, and if it doesn't, at least you ruined his base.

2013-11-12, 03:14 PM
Cast Gate. Say "Kill that guy, would you?". Go back to sleep.

Or, if you're feeling active:

Cast Shapechange. Eat the guy. Walk off the calories, then go back to sleep.
This is probably the most expedient way. Both Gate and Greater Planar Binding are core. If you have prep time you can summon an army of Pit Fiends with Greater Planar binding and just have them kill whatever it is. If you have 9ths, gate has the capability of calling and controlling things with epic CR, which should suitably mince whatever it is you're trying to fight. If you can get your CL up to 21(use magic items), you can call up a celestial ancient wrym gold dragon, which is CR 29. Also, if the dragon lives, it's now under your control forever.

2013-11-12, 03:19 PM

cast wish
wish for a 20th level cleric to come and assist you.

pay the cleric for miracle, and watch the clerics god do the monty python hand of god.

if a god can just will other weaker gods out of existence then surely they can with mortals with ease.

2013-11-12, 03:21 PM
Wish hundreds of pounds of dirt over his head, dump shrunken lead balls into his square which is occupied by an anti magic field, or wish for scroll of ice assassin of him and tip the fight in its favor yourself. None of this even requires real prep time.

Finding heavy things and casting Shrink Item on them counts as prep IMO.

Bear in mind that a DC 15 reflex save lets you dodge falling objects.

2013-11-12, 03:28 PM
Finding heavy things and casting Shrink Item on them counts as prep IMO.

Bear in mind that a DC 15 reflex save lets you dodge falling objects.

I don't think you understand how many heavy things are dropped. He also doesn't auto pass mundane saves to my knowledge.

Mr. Whatever
2013-11-12, 03:37 PM
Simple strategy, though dunno how effective it is;


*Clashing Rocks* http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/clashing-rocks

Repeat step 2 as needed. If needed, cast summon monster 8. As he is dedicated to melee, flying will pretty much negate his effectiveness in combat.

2013-11-12, 03:38 PM
So the enemy doesn't have any particular immunities to HP damage?

So "hitting him really hard" is an option?

If so, summon an Earth elemental Monolith (Earth) and buff it with Heroics to grant it "Shock Trooper". It's now an ubercharger and kills with completely mundane damage.

Similarly, I have a hard time believing that they'll just be able to laugh off the DC 39 reflex save from the whirlwind ability of an Air Elemental Monolith. Moreover, if they save the secondary reflex save initially, you don't even have to constrain their movement, the Air Elemental keeps them held in place automatically taking 4d6 damage every round. The whirlwind is a supernatural ability, so you should probably pin down how exactly the "dark knight" magic immunity works (if it's anything but a radiated AMF, you're fine)

Edit: Depending on how the magic immunity works, you could just toss out "Reverse Gravity" and kill with falling damage. No save. No SR.

2013-11-12, 03:39 PM
Trap him in an airtight container (teleport it in, trick him into a trap.. whatever) then A remove all the air or B Add water or C There is a Gelatinous Cube in the container.

Just becaus eyou cannot hit him with direct spells doesn't mean he's immune to indirect spells.

Throw the environment at him, remove piece of it from under him, change the weather around him. Nature has been killing people without much help for millions of years. Go to town.

2013-11-12, 05:58 PM
...Sorry, but are those core spells?

Create Device is a feat from the Ravenloft setting that generates mundane effects that mimic enchantments on items and is WotC, Lucid Dreaming is a broken skill in the Manual of the Planes(I think that's the book)that lets you shape your dreamscape. Plant and demon association refers to the rituals from Savage Species to get the plant type and the demon subtype.

The plant type is for lucid dreaming since it specifically calls out foliage as something you have control over in your dreams with a successful check, you can create any plant you want, your plants would just so happen to be awakened gods altering reality from your dreams. You could do this with a normal awakened plant, but just being counted as a plant is easier to stat out(if you want to bother with it for a god).

The demon association is not needed, it just hurts a lot if you don't have it. There is a little demon called the Jovoc that has a the supernatural ability to deal damage equal to the damage they take to all non-demons in 30ft. Assume Supernatural Ability is a feat that allows you to take on a supernatural ability of a form you can take. Being an Assimar, Teifling, Deep Imaskari(with the Otherworldly feat) or any other outsider would allow you to cast the spell Alter Self to change into a Jovoc and then when you take damage, so does every non-demon in 30ft including yourself, fort for half, bypasses immunuty and damage reduction. Since you are not a demon by default, this could kill you without the ritual. Healing Touch is the counterpart to Vampiric Touch, healing the target and damaging yourself an equal amount allowing the possibility to deal the damage in a 30ft burst that bypasses immunity.

In core alone, wizards are better fighters than most mundanes with shapechange. There is also an arcane equal to Divine Power somewhere for icing on the cake.

If the guy becomes immune to all magic instead of just spells, then you don't need spells to kill him because you'll have magic items and he wont.

True Creation for a black hole, congrats he is crushed to death along with the entire planet.

One Step Two
2013-11-12, 06:15 PM
Core only?

Quickened Major Creation + Forcecage

Use the Major Creation to make acid appear inside the Forcecage, and let him enjoy his bath.

2013-11-12, 06:34 PM
Given an unlimited amount of resources, I apply the cold war method and simply spend him to death.

I stab him for elvenitykajillion points of damage with a weapon that is no less then a +43, after I'm done buffing it.

I offer A three quadtrillion gold piece bounty on his head and wish any bounty hunter that could possibly kill him and arrive to collect recieves a note with a dimensional map so they know how to get here regardless of their plane of origin.

I make an infinitely powerful object to give to a god to bribe him to hit the target with a MOON.

Seriously, this is silly.

2013-11-12, 06:42 PM
If he is immune to magically created matter such as the orb spells as you suggest, there could be some interesting ramifications if you hired a cleric to feed him for a while. Either he would waste away or he would have organ failure after a few weeks of treatment since one way or another his body would not accept the effects of magical matter.

For a wizard, it wouldn't be that hard to make pretty much all food within a large area dependent on traps instead of crops, making thriving areas uninhabitable without the survival skill.

Hire or cohort a druid to spam cast metamagiced plant growth everywhere. Now not even the survival skill would work for anything grown as a result of that massive spell area. Hell you probably wouldn't even have to pay for it, they're druids, they love watching things grow.

Diplomacy = Win. Bluff = Win. "Join me in my quest to X place!" *Coup De Gras in the night*.

The Troubadour
2013-11-12, 06:46 PM
Thanks again for the new ideas, everyone! :-)

The whirlwind is a supernatural ability, so you should probably pin down how exactly the "dark knight" magic immunity works (if it's anything but a radiated AMF, you're fine)

Hmmm... You're right.
Let's say it's the equivalent of a permanent Greater Spell Immunity that protects him from ALL spells of 8th level or lower. In addition, let's say he's also immune to any spell that allows for Spell Resistance or a Fortitude or Will save. Finally, let's also say he suffers only half damage from any spell that does manage to affect him.

So far, these are the summarized strategies everyone's suggested:
1) Summon a Bigger Fish to deal with him;
2) Shapechange into a Bigger Fish (preferably with loads of buffs on yourself) to deal with him;
3) Imprison him in some way with a Wall of Force, a Wall of Stone or similar, and try and deal with him while he's inside (by, say, pouring acid, or something of the sort);
4) Use heavy things to try and crush him (Telekinesis would be a good spell for this, right?).

Did I leave anything out?

2013-11-12, 07:02 PM
You left out the black hole.

With the revised magic immunity, a mailman is, as often seems to be the case, pretty much the best way to deal massive damage. Orb spells create matter and fling it, the damage is not a result of the spell but rather contact with what the spell created and could bypass that half damage clause as such. Even with the half damage, a mailman can do a LOT of damage.

One Step Two
2013-11-12, 07:06 PM
Here's another one, going a little outside core:

Cast Planar Tolerance from Spell compendium.

Have a Persisted Image of a doorway, or some such, have a Gate open to the Positive Energy Plane behind it. When he's coming after you, run through. When he follows, close the gate, and plane shift away, let him get healed to death.

2013-11-12, 07:32 PM
You guys reminded me of Sphere of Annihilation. If you can get your hands on one of those (metaphorically, of course), it's just a matter of getting him to touch it.

Can one cast an illusion over a sphere of annihilation?

2013-11-12, 07:37 PM
Is Sphere of Annihilation available?

Edit: annihilated ninja'ed

The Troubadour
2013-11-13, 05:33 AM
You left out the black hole.

Oh, right. Sorry, that seemed a bit silly, and it probably uses things from outside of the books I listed, doesn't it?

With the revised magic immunity, a mailman is, as often seems to be the case, pretty much the best way to deal massive damage. Orb spells create matter and fling it, the damage is not a result of the spell but rather contact with what the spell created and could bypass that half damage clause as such. Even with the half damage, a mailman can do a LOT of damage.

"Mailman" is the "teleport in, blast the enemy, teleport out, rinse and repeat" strategy, right? But the orb spells are 4th level, they're still stopped by the improved Greater Spell Immunity. Even if not, they'll still deal only half damage.

Cast Planar Tolerance from Spell compendium.

Have a Persisted Image of a doorway, or some such, have a Gate open to the Positive Energy Plane behind it. When he's coming after you, run through. When he follows, close the gate, and plane shift away, let him get healed to death.

Interesting! Planar Tolerance is so you wouldn't be affected by the plane yourself, right? What does the Plane of Positive Energy do to living beings? Is there any other spell (something like a "Life Ward") that could be used instead of Planar Tolerance?

You guys reminded me of Sphere of Annihilation.

Is Sphere of Annihilation available?

Well... That is going a bit too far. But if it were: would it bypass the Spell Immunity?

2013-11-13, 06:15 AM
"Mailman" is the "teleport in, blast the enemy, teleport out, rinse and repeat" strategy, right? But the orb spells are 4th level, they're still stopped by the improved Greater Spell Immunity. Even if not, they'll still deal only half damage.

Not quite; mailmanning is the practice of pumping single target spells, usually orbs, so chock-full of metamagic they can and will kill anything they hit with one casting.

And, unfortunately, orbs care not for saves or SR, and come in every flavor of energy damage, so greater spell immunity/Immunity to Magic etc don't do anything.

Globe of invulnerability would do the trick, except it doesn't move around with you.

Interesting! Planar Tolerance is so you wouldn't be affected by the plane yourself, right? What does the Plane of Positive Energy do to living beings?

It blows them up with a repeated non-[death] save or die if they get too many temporary HP from their stay.

2013-11-13, 09:59 AM
"Mailman" is the "teleport in, blast the enemy, teleport out, rinse and repeat" strategy, right? But the orb spells are 4th level, they're still stopped by the improved Greater Spell Immunity. Even if not, they'll still deal only half damage.
"Neither rain nor hail nor sleet nor snow nor heat of day nor dark of night shall keep this carrier from the swift
completion of his appointed rounds." (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1765181)

The Mailman is a general method of building direct damage spellcasters. It works particularly nicely with sorcerers due to some favorable interactions between Arcane Spellsurge, Sorcerer Metamagic, Arcane Fusion (and it's greater version) but the general principle can absolutely be applied to wizards as well:
Pick an orb spell. Stack it with metamagics. The orb-y end goes into the opponent.

As some others have pointed out, Greater Spell Immunity type immunity absolutely will not stop the orb spells. The only way to stop them is to not get hit by them, to prevent the spell from being cast, or to have energy immunity to the orb type. The latter is pretty easy to get, so most Mailman builds are sure to have Orb of Force in their repertoire.

Part of the "not getting hit by them" can be satisfied by having an impossibly high touch AC, a way of breaking LoS/LoE, or some really high static miss chance. Plan accordingly. You should be buffed with True Seeing, and you should be able to quicken out a True Strike to ensure a hit on the turn you want to toss the loaded up orb.

Anyway, I'll also point out that it sounds like he isn't immune to the Air Elemental Monolith's whirlwind. So that's easy damage and battlefield control all rolled into one. Feel free to take Orb of Force potshots to speed the process along. Or summon the Earth monolith to double team.

2013-11-13, 10:34 AM
Bah, apply piercing cold or searing spell to them and watch it burn/freeze!

Also, environmental changing spells can be put to good use: wall of stone, from stone to mud, mud to stone, etc.

The Troubadour
2013-11-13, 08:21 PM
It blows them up with a repeated non-[death] save or die if they get too many temporary HP from their stay.

So, in theory, you wouldn't even need Planar Tolerance.

"Neither rain nor hail nor sleet nor snow nor heat of day nor dark of night shall keep this carrier from the swift
completion of his appointed rounds." (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1765181)

Ah, I see. But it seems most of the feats required for that are from restricted books? Would it still be a viable strategy, especially taking into account the half damage from spells (which will apply against orb spells, even if only by fiat)?
You're right in regards to the Air Elemental's Whirlwind ability, though.

So, to summarize: even without Save or Die spells and direct damage spells, the Wizard can still deal with an enemy nearly immune to magic by either making himself their equal in combat (will that work, even with low BAB, HPs and, presumably, AC?), by manipulating the environment in some way or by summoning something that can deal with him, right?

Thanks a lot, again, for the help, guys! :-)

2013-11-13, 09:03 PM
So, in theory, you wouldn't even need Planar Tolerance.

If you're only there for a little while, no, I suppose not. It'd still be wise to keep it on tap in case you are somehow prevented from hopping back away.

Red Rubber Band
2013-11-13, 09:33 PM
So, to summarize: even without Save or Die spells and direct damage spells, the Wizard can still deal with an enemy nearly immune to magic by either making himself their equal in combat (will that work, even with low BAB, HPs and, presumably, AC?), by manipulating the environment in some way or by summoning something that can deal with him, right?

Yes. A Wizard can deal with things immune to magic. Sums this game up nicely :smalltongue:

2013-11-13, 09:41 PM
Go buy yourself a large bag and however many flasks of Alchemist's Fire will fit in there. Use your Unseen Servant spell to carry them over and drop all the bag's contents at once. Watch as the undead burns from alchemy, not magic.

2013-11-13, 09:43 PM
(will that work, even with low BAB, HPs and, presumably, AC?)

Assuming access to 9ths, use shapechange to turn yourself and your familiar into a pit fiend. According to The Rules of the Game article on polymorphing, you gain hp according to the new Con score. Regardless, you get a base AC of 40, damage reduction 15/good and silver, and regeneration 5. Use limited wish to mimic divine power for BAB. Then you've got two buffed pit fiends with +5 weapons. Add further spells as needed.

Red Rubber Band
2013-11-13, 09:47 PM
Assuming access to 9ths, use shapechange to turn yourself and your familiar into a pit fiend. According to The Rules of the Game article on polymorphing, you gain hp according to the new Con score. Regardless, you get a base AC of 40, damage reduction 15/good and silver, and regeneration 5. Use limited wish to mimic divine power for BAB. Then you've got two buffed pit fiends with +5 weapons. Add further spells as needed.

So [3.5/PF] in the thread name means PF rules, but can use 3.5 stuff? The more you know! :o

2013-11-13, 10:32 PM
So [3.5/PF] in the thread name means PF rules, but can use 3.5 stuff? The more you know! :o

Depending. 3.PF means that in general; 3.5/PF may mean that, or may mean "rules considerations common to both sets", or even "3.5 rules with PF stuff". 3.x means either 3.0 and 3.5 only, or including PF material as well (with rules chiefly limited to those common to the mix).

None of them are super-tightly defined, though; those are just the nuances I'm aware of.

2013-11-13, 10:46 PM
Cast Selective Antimagic field on yourself. You select yourself as the one immune to the spell. Charge the wizard. Grapple the wizard. Dry hump him while shouting "Elle Macpherson!" over and over. Watch the wizard die from embarrassment.

Maybe cast some buff spells on yourself or something.

2013-11-13, 11:04 PM
Cast Selective Antimagic field on yourself. You select yourself as the one immune to the spell. Charge the wizard. Grapple the wizard. Dry hump him while shouting "Elle Macpherson!" over and over. Watch the wizard die from embarrassment.

Maybe cast some buff spells on yourself or something.

And then you get hit by an arbitrarily large number of maximized empowered orbs of force. Or possibly maximized, twinned. Either way your day immediately gets a lot worse assuming you don't just get turned to giblets.

2013-11-13, 11:20 PM
And then you get hit by an arbitrarily large number of maximized empowered orbs of force. Or possibly maximized, twinned. Either way your day immediately gets a lot worse assuming you don't just get turned to giblets.

Or if the Wizard has Arcane Sight/See Invisible up to notice the AMF and get far away from it before you get close.

2013-11-13, 11:23 PM
My monk 1 cleric 19 of Kord would just buff himself to the sky and beat his *** to death.

My sorcerer would pull a necklace of strangulation out and say "I wish this necklace to be around your neck" or get out some sovereign glue and say "I wish your mouth and nose to be be irrevocably glued shut with this glue."

2013-11-13, 11:25 PM
Cast Selective Antimagic field on yourself. You select yourself as the one immune to the spell. Charge the wizard. Grapple the wizard. Dry hump him while shouting "Elle Macpherson!" over and over. Watch the wizard die from embarrassment.

Maybe cast some buff spells on yourself or something.
Assuming the wizard was ever physically there.

2013-11-13, 11:36 PM
I assume this is the 3.5 Selective Spell? The PF version won't work with AMF (though it will with Disjunction.)

2013-11-13, 11:55 PM
I mean, Golems have flat magic immunity in many cases. They're extremely easy enemies for a Wizard simply because while they might not be directly magickable away, they lack the ability to actually reach the Wizard. The aforementioned approaches still do a sufficient job of killing them; summon/call something (Animate Dead, Simulacrum, Dominate Person/Monster, Planar Binding, Wizard has a lot of means to create underlings and many of them can also help in creating additional minions) & buff it if necessary (you can call pretty amazing creatures - at caster level 25 you can Gate and control 50 HD Dragons or Abominations like Dream Larva (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/abomination.htm#dreamLarva) with no problem, and there are items/spells/classes that boost your caster level beyond your character level), use spells that are non-magical on impact (Orbs, Acid Fog/Acid Arrow/Conjuration Damage in general, Shrunk Items, etc.) or buff a copy of yourself (use e.g. Astral Projection to send an expendable copy that can buff itself as much as it wishes and kick your target's ass).

Also, targets not immune to starvation/lack of air/etc. do have serious trouble surviving e.g. being buried under a mountain (you can bypass the casting time on e.g. Move Earth by using [Limited] Wish to replicate it instead) or having all their magical toys disjoined and being drowned into the bottom of an ocean (Control Water in appropriate locations, perhaps digging holes or whatever; or just Polymorph Any Object on steroids). Golems, of course, don't mind these things but they'll be rendered incapable of doing anything useful all the same. Frankly, with how easy resurrection is in D&D it's usually more efficient to just imprison your enemies or trap their souls or some such than it is to kill them and fight them again the next day when some ******* they'd contracted to resurrect them just billed them 25k or whatever.

Shapechange is my go-to high level spell since it allows killing many kinds of enemies without using spellslots. It would most likely, combined with rudimentary buffing, suffice here too. Using spellslots to kill enemies is kinda wasteful so generally Shapechange's infinite options are the more economical way of going on about it (and then you break out spells vs. the really dangerous enemies like other Wizards/Clerics/Druids/etc.)

2013-11-14, 12:14 AM
I think I would ensure I can move faster then him, then just lure him to an area where you can Transmute Rock to Mud.. then the reverse and bury him alive in alot of stone.

2013-11-14, 01:43 AM
Three easy steps.

1 fill a portable hole with acid.

2. Use Force Cage with metamagic sculpt spell and capture him.

3. Kick force cage into portable acid pit.