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2013-11-12, 02:38 PM
The Temple of Elemental Good (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1T6y4kSBansE77O6acIcMjW3inBC-rwOdL2UwnLL_-g8/edit)

As the greatest heroes in the land, you have all been summoned to the The Temple of Elemental Good. A grand inter-denominational house of worship and study built on the former battle sight of Emridy Meadows dedicated to the elemental gods who through history have opposed the destructive power of the Temple of Elemental Evil and the malign powers that have sought to use it against the civilized folk of the Viscounty Verbobonc and the greater world of Oerth.

As you each arrive you are warmly greeted by high priest, Salumin Darre, prelate of Pelor.

Please post your arrival and introduction here.

Irish Musician
2013-11-12, 04:21 PM
Ignite (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhjLlfwKDA), Half Devil Elementalist
Ignite was sitting quietly at her favorite pub, the one with the bard that told fantastic tales, sipping on her, now, hot mead and listening to his songs. A boy ran up to her quickly and at first she started to stab him with her dagger, sending a ball of fire in his gut.....but then she stopped herself. This plane is different, she thought to herself, Not everything is here to kill me. And the boy is probably just a boy coming to tell me something. She took her hand off her dagger and relaxed back into her seat as the boy arrived in front of her. After a short greeting, and a few silver pieces exchanged, the boy handed her a letter and then ran off. It seemed to be a summons to a temple....the Temple of Elemental Good.

The letter made her nervous as she had come from a place where she had heard of, and witnessed, the Elemental Good. The fought the evils of this plane, and other planes, and had met more than a few champions from their walls. She had killed some, in self defense as she was not one to start fights, and some had come close to ending her. She was overjoyed when she finally escaped that place and made her way out to the material plane. It had been hard getting used to the ways here, but after two years of living on this plane, she was finally getting used to its customs and ways of life. Of course, she still made the occasional mistake, but she was doing her best.

She set off at once to get to the temple, but she was very nervous. She and the champions of this Temple had never really gotten along and she kind of felt like she was going right into the Hellhound's Den. Once Ignite arrived at the Temple, she was greeted warmly by a man, a high priest of Pelor, Well, at least he worships a god of fire, even if it is the sun, she thought to herself and smirked. "You may call me Ignite. I am a controller of fire, but I am sure you are already aware of that. I received your note, what is it I am needed for?"

2013-11-12, 05:35 PM
As Lews approached the door, he turned to his companion, and growled in the language of the displacer beasts. "You know, I hate how...slow and dull I feel when I'm like this."

Natael cocked her head to one side, and rumbled softly in her throat in response--something along the lines that she would watch for him, as she always did. Translating from her was...inaccurate, to say the least, as she thought in very instinctual, 'uncivilized' patterns most of the time.

Rolling his eyes at her overprotectiveness, he stretched and worked his body, re-accustoming himself to the Elven body that he hadn't worn for some time. Looking ahead at the entry to the temple, he sighed and stepped forward to address the priest who had called him there, and the woman who had just arrived.

"I am Lews, and this beauty is Natael." The displacer beast possessively wrapped her tail around his arm as he said this.

Smiling down at her, he continued, "I am one with the primal spirits, and kin to the beasts of this realm. And I echo this one's question." Gesturing to Ignite, he spoke on, "What need do you have of me, that draws me from the wilds?"

2013-11-13, 01:04 PM
Sunbinder Azar, (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=699690) the Red Deva

As Salumin Darre moves to greet the newcomers, one cannot help but notice that the clouds above the temple part, and a brilliant beam of light shines down in front of the Peloran prelate.

Many Pelorans present take this as a sign from their Lord, and kneel in reverence, while others note the expression on High Priest Darre's face, betraying that he clearly did not expect this. Still others, more attuned with His divine power, note that this feels different, older, more primal than the Light of Pelor. And then they see.

A figure is falling from the sky in the middle of the beam of light. Cries go out, most in shock but some in alarm, and all breaths are held for the terrible impact. But the impact does not come. As the figure descends, the light thickens, slowing his fall.

He lands gently on his feet. The clouds snap shut, and the beam of light vanishes, though the figure from within still glows bright. The Deva - it is a Deva, right? - leans on his weapon, a massive morningstar with a head in the familiar shape of the Sun Disc, and inspects himself thoroughly. His skin is luminescent red, with gleaming yellow eyes and ornate, intricately carved golden scale armor, complete with the symbolic wings so common with his kind.

And then he speaks - if such a thing can be called speaking. The meaning is immediately clear, ringing as unshakable truth in your mind, though the sound of his words was more reminiscent of a song long lost, beautiful and haunting.

I am. Again.

For the first time, he seems to notice the others. A devilborn, a son of Bahamut, an elf, a priest, a massive temple devoted to the Gods of Light. He sighs.

I wonder why.

He's speaking supernal. I will further introduce him in a bit, but that seemed like a good stopping point for responses.

2013-11-13, 01:24 PM
Lews watched as the shining creature descended from the heavens. He had seen things just as strange, of course, in the depths of the wilds that few had ever experienced, but this was certainly unusual.

Natael was...less accepting of the stranger and his odd appearance. Her tail tightens on Lews arm, and her tentacles began to wave around him, causing illusory shimmers to fuzz Lews' outline slightly. He quickly kneeled next to her, calming her, causing her to allow her tentacles to rest once again. As she desists, the illusion that blurred Lews gradually faded away.

Lews stands once again, openly appraising the deva briefly before nodding and turning his attention back to the Priest, still awaiting his answer.

2013-11-13, 04:45 PM
Dalrim strolls toward the growing crowd of very imposing figures around the temple. As usual he is twirling his chains which come straight out of his armor. He then in a deep booming voice "I hear you were looking for some more muscle."
Thinking to himself This could be an interesting group to run with I think i will enjoy this.

2013-11-14, 01:18 PM
Aramond Rathmore

From deeper within the temple, a dragonborn wanders out from one of the shrines, his brow is furrowed and it is clear to see why. The golden volcano symbol around his neck marks him as a follower of Joramy, the goddess of Fire. Volcanos and Anger.

His plate gleams in the sunlight, that filters through the open courtyard in the middle of the temple grounds.


Intimidate: [roll0]

2013-11-14, 01:23 PM
Salumin Darre

"I simply cannot think of a reason why they didn't elect you high prelate," calmly retorts Darre. "You always have such well thought out and rational ideas. So I will acquiesce to your demands this time."

Turning to the rest of the group he adds, "As Aramond has hinted, our divinations regarding the Temple of Elemental Evil have been... disturbing to say the least. I think something is up, but so far the glimpses we have received have only painted a very vague picture. So I need a very powerful group of heroes to check out the temple and figure out what is going on. If you can handle it, the do so, otherwise report back here with the information you uncover. Now, does anyone else have any questions?

2013-11-14, 04:03 PM
Lews calmly took in the information and thought for a brief moment. "The Temple of Elemental Evil's plans, whatever they may be, will have as great an impact on the wilds as on the civilized world. I will help." Nodding to himself, he continued. "Can you give us any more information from your divinations? I realize you don't have much, or else we wouldn't be needed, but whatever you can give would help."

As he waited for a reply, he knelt next to Natael and explained what was going on--in the growling language of the displacer beasts, of course--and asked if she wished to join him, or if she wished to return to the wilds.

The emotion behind her snarled response needed no translation--she was clearly upset that he would even suggest such a thing as her leaving his side. He smiled at her and scratched behind her ears before standing again.

Irish Musician
2013-11-14, 05:11 PM
Ignite (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhjLlfwKDA), Half Devil Elementalist
The shining ray of light made Ignite jump back and cover her eyes. Being one that was once in the Elemental Choas, she tended not to like divine powers, being this close to all these temples made her feel very uncomfortable. While the display was ornate, she wasn't impressed at all. The power she had seen in the Elemental Choas matched this display. She heard the words of the newcomer and while she didn't understand them completely, she new what they were.....the language of the gods. She said to herself in Abyssal, the Choas' form of Supernal, <"Perfect, a godly warrior from on high.....that's exactly what I need now...">.

Ignite then turned her attention to the priests and their little spat and rolled her eyes, Holy men...always trying to see who's staff is bigger....., but at the priest's question spoke up some, "So you want us to go to this temple and....what....kill them? How much are you paying us "powerful heros" for our sevices, priest?" She looked at him, creating a ball of fire in her hand and then turning it into multiple balls, juggling them as she asked her question....clearly getting bored.

2013-11-15, 02:06 AM
Sunbinder Azar, (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=699690) the Red Deva

Azar watches the Prelate intently and nods solemnly when he is finished speaking.

That answers the why. The Sunbinders have much expertise in the area of Elemental Evil. I will gladly lend my aid, though my assistance appears to have been arranged. I am Azar, second in command of the Sunbinders of... He pauses for a moment, noting the differences between the Peloran Sun Disc and his own, grimaces, and speaks once more.

When am I, exactly? He tries to think of a common frame of reference.

How long has the Burning Mountain been imprisoned? The Chained One, still chained? The Black Hand or the Watcher, who holds Chernoggar? The Golden Monolith still sleeps? Seeing nothing but blank stares, he tries again.

Has the Morninglord yet revealed himself as the Keeper? So many names. He sighs and holds his Morningstar aloft, pointing with it towards the Sun.

Tell me, brother, what do you call our Lord, who sits on the throne of Aurosion, the Radiant Palace in Hestavar above?

I realize a lot of that is pretty obtuse. The Burning Mountain is Vezzuvu, The Chained one, Tharizdun, the Black Hand, Bane, the Watcher, Gruumsh. Bane probably holds Chernoggar, though Gruumsh lays constant siege. The Golden Monolith is an unknown primordial petrified mid-attack animation on the splintered domain known as Erishani. The Morninglord is Lathander, the Keeper, Amaunator.

Essentially, what I'm going for is that the Deva, alongside the Gods in the Astral Sea, experience time in a non-linear fashion. His memory of many things is lost, but he's trying to figure out where in time he is based on snippets important to him.

The correct answer to his question is of course Pelor, but he doesn't know that name at all, though he recognizes it as the same guy he's been working for for millennia.

2013-11-15, 02:13 PM
Salumin Darre

"As you can guess a temple of this size takes in a great deal of donations in offering, which we would gladly give to you. However, I doubt something as mundane as gold bears much incentive with you. We have items of great power stored in our vault. Things which assuredly can help you in your mission and beyond. These we would gift to you in advance to assure your success. As someone who relies on the elements, I can assure you there will be something to your liking. Once you have agreed I will retrieve the items from our vault. But some of you may wish knowledge instead. We have a vast library on all things concerning the elements. You can talk with the librarians while I am attending to the vault."

"As for the divinations I suggest you talk to the priests or you could go to the library as well, I've asked that all the divinations be recorded there."

He'd be really confused by some of the names as I am using the Greyhawk pantheon rather than the PoL or Realms pantheons.

2013-11-15, 02:37 PM
"I would be surprised if there was much in your libraries to interest me. My studies are far more intent on understanding the areas of the wilds nearly untouched by anyone of civilization. However, I will not refuse the aid of any item which could help me to halt the plans of the Temple of Elemental Evil, and I will seek out the divinations in your library while you are gone to your vaults." Lews spoke without disdain for the studies that the library was likely to have, or for civilization itself--merely with a matter-of-fact understanding that few who wrote scholarly papers were interested in the subjects he was.

2013-11-17, 02:22 AM
Sunbinder Azar, (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=699690) the Red Deva

The Library. Yes. I may find answers there.

The Deva heads off in search of the library. Judging by the look of confusion on the prelate's face, he may be more lost than he originally thought. Even so, a temple is a temple, so the library should be...yes, this way. Definitely.

Religion check to find the library inside of the temple! [roll0]

Irish Musician
2013-11-17, 11:46 PM
Ignite (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhjLlfwKDA), Half Devil Elementalist
Ignite continues juggling her balls of flames and upon hearing the mention of "items of great power", she looks from her juggling to Salumin, the flames falling down and disappearing before they hit the ground. "I....could be convinced to help out for payment such as that." Ignite smiles a large, fang-filled smile while adding, to herself, Even though I try to be good, who can say know to items of "great power".

2013-11-19, 02:25 PM
Temple of Elemental Good (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1T6y4kSBansE77O6acIcMjW3inBC-rwOdL2UwnLL_-g8/edit?usp=sharing)

Salumin beckons you to enter the temple and leads the group to the library.

Salumin calls over a bookish looking priestess with the same sun symbol around her neck. She bows respectfully to your presence, but keeps her distance.

"Felissa, these heroes have agreed to scout the Temple of Elemental Evil. They would like to ask you some questions about the divinations."

"Uh... Of course, Your Eminence."

She quickly coughs before composing herself.

"So what can I answer?"

I have moved the group to the library entrance. Please feel free to move yourself around if you want to look at something in particular.

2013-11-20, 04:58 AM
Sunbinder Azar, (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=699690) the Red Deva

The Deva, seeing the rest of the group and the prelate following him, allows Darre to introduce him before questioning the librarian.

Light shine on you, my child. I am Azar. I have only now been reborn, and I believe the answer as to why lies in these divinations. Still, I'm equally curious as to where I am. And when. Might you be able to point me to the history section? The older the better. And maps.

Seeing the color drain from the poor girl's face, he sighs. The temple's trouble must have been great indeed to summon him here, so perhaps the hours of research should wait for later. Strange how He often requires those born in the light to be kept in the dark.

On second thought, let's start with the divinations. History will stay here and wait for me, but the future must be won.

2013-11-20, 01:30 PM
"We would like to know as much about the divinations as we can. Any information of that could give us some information about the Temple of Elemental Evil's plans would be useful. You know more than we do--tell us what you find most significant in the divinations." As he spoke, Lews petted Natael until the grip of her tail on his arm relaxed, falling away. Briefly rubbing his arm--she could be quite strong--he continued, "Specifically, I would also like to know if you have any idea of what sort of defenses the Temple will have."

2013-11-21, 11:51 AM
Salumin leaves you to your discussions heading through the door in the library that leads to the vault.

"That's the problem, they are all so vague the only reason the Temple of Elemental Evil is suspected is the themes that tie them together. First were rivers of blood. Then following the floods, was the eclipse of the sun. Next came great earthquakes opening rifts in the earth from which fire poured out. Then finally everything was entombed in ice."

2013-11-21, 03:35 PM
Sunbinder Azar, (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=699690) the Red Deva

The Deva frowns and stares off into the distance, briefly lost in memory.

Yes. This is why I have been sent. Everything has come full circle, it seems. They must not be allowed to begin another Dawn War! Where? Where will these disturbances happen? Or where can we find this Temple of Elemental Evil to prevent them in advance?

As Azar seeths with anger he begins to glow white-hot, radiating brilliant light in all directions.

Toggle Pelor's Sun Blessing's "emit bright light in a 5 sq radius" feature as a minor action.

Irish Musician
2013-11-21, 04:25 PM
Ignite (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhjLlfwKDA), Half Devil Elementalist
Ignite listened to the girl's explanation of events, "Sounds like home to me. Rivers of blood, fire spouting from everywhere, daylight not known....." She then trails off as if thinking about something, then snaps back as Azar starts emitting a blinding light. "Whoa, turn yourself down there. We will get there. Now Felissa, let me ask you something," Ignite growing closer to the girl, "where might one find this temple of evil. I, personally, try to stay away from such places, so I know not where it is." Ignite now is extremely close to the girl, circling around her as she looks her up and down, as if trying to figure her out, "A location would be nice so that we might stop them." Ignite ends her walk around in front of Felissa, inches from her face, then takes a step back.

2013-11-21, 05:55 PM
Lews calmly glanced at the deva as he began to glow with a bright light. A part of him was fascinated at the creature's ability to display such a bright light without heat output. He quickly filed it away as a question to discuss with him some other time.

Stepping forward, he lightly laid a hand on Ignite's arm. "Come now. There is no need to frighten this poor librarian. I'm sure she is already scared enough with her knowledge of the divinations. She will be able to provide us with more coherent information if she is calm."

Turning a kindly smile on the librarian, he continued. "Now, the question is still valid. Where is this temple?"

2013-11-22, 04:23 PM
Felissa steps back from Ignite. She turns her head towards the vault door as it closes behind Prelate Darre.

"Think nothing of it."

"In fact, don't worry about the Temple at all."

Felissa suddenly disappears from her current location and appears next to another priestess with a knife at her throat.


Blood begins to pour from the neck of the priestess as the Felissa's form melts and shifts, revealing that of a Fey'ri, a daemonfey.


The pool of blood begins to ripple and bubble, a great portal rising out of its depths. There is an explosion of flame and smaller portals open throughout the library, where more demons pour forth.

I'm not ready to begin the battle quite yet. In the meanwhile, head on over to the Tracking Sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlN6gtzec0JTdE9ueXl0TElGRXFQdUEwNHloeVl3N FE&usp=sharing) and enter your PC info. You can also post an IC reaction and roll initiative.

Irish Musician
2013-11-22, 04:46 PM
Ignite (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhjLlfwKDA), Half Devil Elementalist
Ignite watches the funny mannerisms of this librarian, trying to figure her out. Then, as soon as she reappears and turns into her true form, smiles, "Ah, a sister from the hells. I shall enjoy sending you back there, say hello to Asmodeus for me." Seemingly from out of nowhere a dagger jumps into her hand, and Ignite takes special note of all the other beings popping up. "Watch these fires, friends, I will start to clean them up!"

Fluff of getting ready for combat
Initiative - [roll0]
Arcana Monster Check - [roll1]
Nature Monster Check - [roll2]

2013-11-22, 06:15 PM
Lews groaned. Well, that's just my luck. I would defend the person who ends up as our enemy.

Preparing himself to engage the daemonfey, he searched his memory for anything that could help him in his fight against the enemies coming before him, and began considering what form would be most effective in facing her.

As he did so, Natael also prepared herself--seeming to grow even more menacing than she already had been. She took up a position slightly to the rear of Lews to protect his flanks, and alert him to danger coming that way.

Initiative: [roll0]
Nature Monster Knowledge Check: [roll1]

2013-11-23, 12:43 AM
Sunbinder Azar, (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=699690) the Red Deva

Stepping away from the portal and scowling, the Deva prepares for whatever may come through.

Such blasphemy shall not be tolerated! How DARE you defile this sacred place? You fool! Have you any idea who you face here today, not by our choice, but your own? The Gods themselves sent me here, mere moments ago, after countless millennia of rest. And you choose to attack us here, in this place of Power? At least the primordials had the decency to be cunning as well as cruel. Azar spits on the ground by his feet and continues to glow with brilliant-white light.

Fear not, my children, he pauses for a moment to nod at Ignite, assuring her that she is included in his tally, The Light of Amaunator will protect us this day and the next, until I die again.

Turning his attention back to the daemonfey, he grins a wicked grin. I think I'll enjoy this. It's been too long since I've taught a creature of Flame what it feels like to truly Burn.


2013-11-23, 02:22 AM
Shouting "This evil brought us together to fight and other evil but now we must face this evil. To arms.", Dalrim begins twirling his chains with anticipation.It has been awhile since he has fought a worthwhile foe with compatriots as strong as these.


2013-11-25, 01:26 PM
Always highly aware of his surroundings, Lews was able to quickly react to the summonings of the demons. Briefly shouting, "Come, Natael!" He shifts to the shape of a giant boar in nearly an instant, moving smoothly across the ground as the shift occurs. Natael trailed him a beat later to stand guard next to him, as Boar-Lews charges into the large demon nearby to gore and catch him on his large tusks.

Free Action: Wild Shape to Giant Boar, Shift 5 (Pouncing Form) to adj. Aramond
Move action: Command Natael to move 6 to diagonal Aramond
Standard: Charge Big Demon 2, Grasping Claws as MBA at end of Charge
Attack vs. Reflex: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] and target is slowed until the end of my next turn. (Ruthless Killer: Target is Immobilized instead of slowed, as long as I am adjacent to it). (Horned Helm: [roll2] extra damage on charge)

Other Effects: +2 AC for Lews until his next turn from Charging (Marauder's Armor);
If attack hits, and BG2 is slowed/immobilized, then Big Demon 2 grants CA to Lews (Vicious Advantage), +2 AC vs. Big Demon 2 (Defensive Advantage), +2 to all defenses vs. Big Demon 2 (Staff of Aversion).

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSnh2dNvXkKvAM6W2Y_uZ9sx6Un7tJUq hV4pgcG8KT59hmkoWFCjg
As large as a medium creature can be.

2013-11-25, 01:46 PM
As Lews strikes the big demon it explodes is a burst of chaotic energy.

Close Burst 2
Claw 1: [roll0] Reflex
Claw 2: [roll1] Reflex
Ambush 1: [roll2] Reflex
Lews: [roll3] Reflex
Ignite: [roll4] Reflex

Hit: 12 cold, fire, and lightning damage.

The burst create 2 more squares of fire.

2013-11-25, 02:18 PM
Ambush Demon 1

The first demon exhaled a blast of flame from its mouth. Setting the entire area aflame! It then leaps into the middle of the flames but appears to be unharmed by them.

Close Blast 5
Lews: [roll0] Reflex
Natael: [roll1] Reflex
Ignite: [roll2] Reflex
Aramond: [roll3] Reflex
Azar: [roll4] Reflex

Hit: [roll5] fire damage.

The blast creates a zone. Any creature that enters the zone or ends its turn there takes 10 fire damage. At the start of the demon's turn, roll a d20. On a 15+, the zone ends.

The demon jumps 4 squares. This movement does not provoke.

The demon takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage.

Effect: The demon gains resist 10 to the triggering damage type until the end of the encounter.

2013-11-25, 02:24 PM
Ambush Demon 2

The second demon walks into the flames and claws at Azar.

Azar: [roll0] AC

Hit: [roll1] damage.
Combat Advantage: [roll2] additional damage.

The demon takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage.

Effect: The demon gains resist 10 to the triggering damage type until the end of the encounter.

2013-11-25, 02:39 PM

As the flames wash over him, Aramond's form begins to dissolve, becoming cloud-like.

He then steps away from the demons and exhales a blast of thunderous light.

Trigger: You are hit by an attack.

Effect: You become insubstantial until the end of your next turn.

Shift 1 square.

Area burst 3 in 10
Lews: [roll0] Reflex
Natael: [roll1] Reflex
Ambush 1: [roll2] Reflex
Ignite: [roll3] Reflex
Azar: [roll4] Reflex
Aramond: [roll5] Reflex
Ambush 2: [roll6] Reflex
Big 1: [roll7] Reflex

Hit: [roll8] lightning, thunder, and radiant damage and can push 2 squares.
Draconic Challenge: Enemies in the burst are sanctioned until start of next turn.
Nusemenee's Atonement: Aramond can take the damage for any ally hit and he gains resist 10 to the damage.
Ancient Soul: If Aramond takes thunder damage, his breath weapon recharges.
Lightning Soul: If Aramond takes lightning damage, one enemy within 5 takes 10 lightning damage.

Hits: Ambush 1, Big 1, and Azar.
Aramond takes Azar's damage which becomes 4 after resist and insubstantial. but recharges his breath weapon. Deals 10 lightning to Ambush 1. Pushes Azar out of the way of the exploding minion.

Rest of turn coming after seeing the results of this action.

2013-11-25, 02:47 PM
Close Burst 2
Ambush 2: [roll0] Reflex

Hit: 12 cold, fire, and lightning damage.

The burst create 2 more squares of fire.

2013-11-25, 02:54 PM

Aramond conjures a blast of flame and thunder at the demons nearby.

"Leave these ones to me! Fight the others!"

Close Blast 4
Ambush 1: [roll0] Reflex
Ignite: [roll1] Reflex
Ambush 2: [roll2] Reflex

Hit: [roll3] fire and thunder damage.

Creates 2 squares of fire.

Looks like I only hit Ignite, which Aramond takes, resulting in 9 damage after resist and insubstantial.

2013-11-25, 03:06 PM

The daemonfey tosses a gust of wind in the middle of the zone of flames. The fey then winks out of existence.

Area Burst 2 in 10, enemies only.

Lews: [roll0] Fortitude
Natael: [roll1] Fortitude
Ignite: [roll2] Fortitude
Azar: [roll3] Fortitude
Aramond: [roll4] Fortitude

Hit: [roll5] damage and knocked prone.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the fey'ri's next turn. Any creature that enters the zone or ends its turn there takes 10 necrotic damage. The zone can be sustained.

Crits Lews for 26, hits everyone else except Aramond.

2013-11-25, 04:47 PM
Sunbinder Azar, (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=699690) the Red Deva

Azar recovers swiftly from the blast of wind. His image shimmers briefly and then he is again standing, shining like a radiant beacon, which, of course, is precisely what he is.

Fiends! Cease this foolishness! The Light compells you!

Multiple bursts of light emanate from Azar, shooting off in all directions, passing harmlessly through the party but slicing cruelly through the demons, leaving glowing, translucent shackles around their necks, wrists, and ankles, chaining them to the ground with chains made of nothing but Light.

The very air in the room seems filled with Light, promising to burn any fiends who remain.

Pointing out one of the ambushers, Azar bellows Now, Lews! Strike while he's distracted! Aramond! Surround him!

Lots to do!
Move: Stand up.

Standard: Fourfold Invocation of Doom in a close burst 10. This targets all enemies on the field. It's hard to tell if Feyri will have cover from this or not from the map, so feel free to modify her result.
vs Big Demon 3: [roll0] vs Will.
vs Feyri: [roll1] vs Will.
vs Big Demon 4: [roll2] vs Will.
vs Claw Demon 1: [roll3] vs Will.
vs Claw Demon 2: [roll4] vs Will.
vs Ambush Demon 1: [roll5] vs Will.
vs Ambush Demon 2: [roll6] vs Will.
Edit: hits all but Claw Demon 2 even with a -5 on Feyri for invis.
Hit: the target is dazed and takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls (save ends both). the target gains vulnerable 10 radiant until the end of my next turn.
Miss: the target is dazed and takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls until the end of my next turn.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any creature that hits or misses me takes 5 psychic and radiant damage (this increases to 22 on targets i have affected with vulnerable 10 radiant).

Minor: Favor of the Gods on myself, replacing my next miss with the following roll: [roll7] and pinging an enemy within 5 squares of me for 1 radiant damage (increasing to 18 for a target vulnerable to my attacks). This target will be chosen once I see the results of my Fourfold Invocation of Doom rolls. Edit: I will ping the Ambush Demon 1 for 18. Poor Guy.

Action Point: I gain a standard action and crit on an 18-20 with this attack.

Standard: Pure Glow in a close burst 5. Targets Big Demon 4, Claw Demons 1 and 2, Ambush Demons 1 and 2. The first miss is replaced with the roll above. CA included in these rolls.
vs Big Demon 4: [roll8] vs Will.
vs Claw Demon 1: [roll9] vs Will.
vs Claw Demon 2: [roll10] vs Will. Crit!
vs Ambush Demon 1: [roll11] vs Will.
vs Ambush Demon 2: [roll12] vs Will. Crit!
Edit: All hits, two crits!
Crit: [roll13] radiant damage. 17 extra radiant damage to targets already vulnerable 10 radiant.
Hit: [roll14] radiant damage and the target gains vulnerable 10 radiant until the end of my next turn. This attack deals 17 extra radiant damage to targets already vulnerable 10 radiant.
Effect: Leaves a zone that deals 10 radiant damage to any enemy who starts their turn in the zone. This damage is increased to 27 for enemies who are vulnerable 10 radiant because I have hit them (10 for vuln, 7 for pelor's boon).

Covenant of Preservation: Because I used a daily or encounter divine power on my turn, I can slide two allies one square as a free action. I could technically do this twice, but there doesn't seem to be a benefit in sliding Dalrim into the fire or repositioning Ignite or Natael. This triggers Lews' Agile Opportunist feat. I am sliding Lews and Aramond to surround Ambush Demon #1. I'm going to go ahead and roll Lews' MBA here, though if you don't want me to do that in the future, that's fine :)

Agile Opportunist MBA as an Interrupt for Lews: Grasping Claws (with CA, since everything is dazed)
vs Ambush Demon 1: [roll15] vs AC,
Edit: Hit.
Hit: [roll16] + [roll17] damage and the target is slowed until the end of Lews' next turn/immobilized while Lews is adjacent to him.

Irish Musician
2013-11-25, 07:04 PM
Ignite (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhjLlfwKDA), Half Devil Elementalist
Ignite gets hit by fire, which does some damage to her, but not as much as her enemies might have liked. She is then knocked prone by the fey's wind and now Ignite is pissed off, she then stands. "So, that is how it is going to be, huh? Fine, YOU DEMONS WILL ALL BURN!!!" Everyone then sees ignite start to transform. She grabs some of the flame next to her and starts to swirls it around in her hands. It then starts to engulf her body in flames, swirling ever faster around her until you can no longer see her. Then the flames die back down and Ignite....is ignited!! Her body is not only covered in flames, but MADE of flames. She then uses the flames that cover her body and empowers the dagger she holds in her hand. She then stabs at the enemy next to her, hoping to burn in from the inside out, as well as striking the enemy behind her, flames jumping from one enemy to the other.

Move - Stand up
Minor - Burning Transformation - You transform into a creature of fire until the end of the encounter. While in this form you gain the following benefits and limitations: You are insubstantial, you can shift 1 square as a minor action, you are immune to fire, you gain a +5 power bonus to damage rolls with arcane fire attacks, and you cannot use any attack power without the fire keyword. Additionally, whenever an enemy hits you with a melee attack, it takes fire damage equal to 7.
Standard - Elemental bolt, but melee, vs Ref on Ambush 1, [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] fire damage, if I hit and it has Fire resistance, it loses 5 of it until the end of the encounter.
Free - Elemental Escalation (Fire) - Make Ambush 2 a target as well, and they both take an extra [roll2] fire damage, and an ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). I can also shift half my speed, so I do.

2013-11-26, 05:57 PM
Claw Demon 1 & 2

The demons continue to stand guard over the portal area.

Standard: Total Defense
Claw 1 Save vs Daze: [roll0]
Claw 2 Save vs Daze: [roll1]

Big Demons
The demon in the zone of light explodes. The other just stand near the portal.

Claw 1: [roll2] vs Reflex
Hit: 12 cold, fire and lightning damage.

Claw 1 Save vs Daze: [roll3]

Creates 2 squares of fire.

Dalrim is up.

2013-11-27, 12:57 PM
Dalrim after taking a second to take in the action wades his way into the fire whirling his chains hoping to keep the fires back. Dalrim strikes out at the nearest demon but as always looking to move farther into the fray if he gets the chance.

Move Action: Right 3 squares
Takes 10 Fire and 10 Necrotic Damage
Minor Action: Warding Steel: Effect +3 AC/Fort till the start of his next turn
Standard Action: Dust Storm Assault: Close burst 1 Effects Ambush Demon 1
[roll0] vs AC Ambush Demon 1
Hit: [roll1]
Edit: Miss at least I still get the stance.
Effect: I assume the dust storm assault stance. Until the stance ends, you can make the following secondary attack.
Opportunity Action Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy willingly moves adjacent to one of your allies within 3 squares of you or makes an attack that does not include you as a target while within 3 squares of you.
Effect: Before the secondary attack, you shift 6 squares to a square adjacent to the triggering enemy.
Secondary Target: The triggering enemy
Secondary Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the secondary
target falls prone.

He choices not to mark Ambush Demon 1
Takes 10 more Necrotic and 10 more Fire damage

AC=38, Fort=37, Ref=31, Will =28

2013-12-03, 08:23 PM
End of Round (Part 1)

As the library begins to burn a fire suppression system activates. It throws a blast of cold over the largest burning area.

Area Burst 2
Lews: [roll0] Reflex
Natael: [roll1] Reflex
Ambush 1: [roll2] Reflex
Dalrim: [roll3] Reflex
Aramond: [roll4] Reflex
Ambush 2: [roll5] Reflex
Hit: [roll6] 21 cold damage and slowed until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half Damage
Effect: All fires in the area are extinguished.

Perhaps there is some way to turn off the fire suppression system.

2013-12-03, 08:32 PM
End of Round (Part 2)

The flames continue to spread throughout the library.


2013-12-03, 08:39 PM
End of Round (Part 3)

One of the priests trapped in the library heads toward the vault door.

"The Prelate is trapped in the vault! The alarm will have activated deadly traps. Please can someone help him."

The Vault skill challenge is opened.

2013-12-03, 08:45 PM
End of Round (Part 4)

From out of the portal, several smaller elementals appear.

OOC: These lesser spawn have the same defenses as the Big Demons and are also minions, but are medium size and explode in a burst 1 upon death instead of a burst 2.

Lews is up.

2013-12-04, 12:51 PM
The Boar-Lews stands from being knocked down by the winds, as does Natael, and shakes his head. As he settles himself, a crack is heard in the air as if a gem had shattered. As the crack dissipates, some of Lews wounds knit themselves back together.

Turning to the mass of smaller elementals that had appeared behind him, Boar-Lews opens his mouth, and a swarm of wasps streams out to attack three of the elementals and one of the claw demons. One of the wasps, however, attempts to burrow into the ear of the claw demon to temporarily take control of its body.

As the wasps stream back into Boar-Lews mouth after their attacks, his body shifts back into his human shape.

Move Action: Stand from Prone, as Does Natael

Minor Action: Diamond Cincture Healing: At-will: Loses +1 to Fort, Gains HP as if a healing surge had been spent. (+28 hp, -1 Fort)

Standard Action: Infiltrating Drone (Close Blast 3)
Origin Square directly above Lews, Spreads directly up and to the right.
Target: Each Creature in Blast (Claw Demon 1, Lesser Spawn in Blast (not seeing numbers, so I'll attack them from left to right).
Attack vs. Reflex:
Claw Demon 1: [roll0]
(Left) Lesser Spawn: [roll1]
(Middle) Lesser Spawn: [roll2]
(Right) Lesser Spawn: [roll3]
Hit: [roll4] damage
Effect: Make a secondary attack
Secondary Attack: Target: One Creature in Blast
Attack vs. Fortitude:
Claw Demon 1: [roll5]
Hit: The target is dominated until the end of my next turn.

Free Action: Wild Shape to Human form.

All three Lesser Spawn are hit. Don't know the stats on the explosion to roll it. The Claw Demon Takes no damage, but is dominated.

AC: 35 Fort: 30 Ref: 33 Will: 33
+2 Defenses against Claw Demon 1 (not that it'll matter).