View Full Version : [D&D 3.5] Eschew Materials + Truename Components

2013-11-12, 10:56 PM
Could a spellcaster, such as a Wizard or Cleric, take up the Eschew Materials feat and negate the requirement for making a Truespeak check to cast a Truenaming spell? Each spell in the Truenaming entry has a (T) for its Component requirements, so, with no other mention stating otherwise, I would think that you could actually negate the requirement.

But, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that you can't (and I can't find the post containing said discussion). Why would that be?

2013-11-12, 10:58 PM
Eschew Materials only takes away the need for <1gp costing material components. If it affected other components there would be no need for still, or silent spell.

2013-11-12, 11:00 PM
You know, I felt pretty dumb after posting this. Haha. Oh well... thanks. Trying to find ways to cheese around ridiculous requirements.