View Full Version : Curious about a build [3.5]

2013-11-13, 12:39 AM
Ok so I was reading another thread that mentioned the Stormlord class and I began to look around and found the Stormcaster class as well.

So how would you guys build a Cleric, Stormcaster, Stormlord build from 1-20.

What feats would you put in at each level, and what weapons?

The two Prc classes for ya.

2013-11-13, 04:19 AM
well, if you play the feats and skills right, both classes can be the requirements fullfilled at level 5 and thus entered at level 6. So which one you enter first depends on how you want to play the character:
primarily melee fighting using spells to buff and such, go stormlord
primarily using blasting spells for damage, go stormcaster and hit them all with electricity spells. Though, if you want this, you might want to consider a different base class, such as wizard, sorcerer or warm age as stormcaster can also be used for arcane casters.

Do note that if you want cleric and stormcaster you need to take the storm domain, because i don't think you can get 'gust of wind' and 'call lightning' any other way as a cleric (not conpletely sure of this, maybe lightning bolt?)

I myself am playing a sorcerer of level 4 that will go stormcaster as soon as i get those requirements fulfilled, meaning lightning bolt at level 6 and fist level stormcaster at level 7.

2013-11-13, 10:17 AM
Cleric just for the armor and the weapon profs as well as some nice buffs. This would be a build that is mostly melee but could do some nice juicy blasting when needed. Also all those utility spells might be useful as well.

So Cleric 5/Stormlord 10/Stormcaster 5?
Or should it be Cleric 5/Stormlord 8/Stormcaster 7 for Sonic Resistance?
At that bottom build Electricity Resistance is roughly 25 at 9th level Stormlord you get Immunity to electricity but I do like the rare Sonic Resistance even if its only 10.

Anything that could likely boost this resistance? Any other feats I might need to worry about other then the Stormlord Preqs?

2013-11-13, 11:35 AM
I built a Stormlord off a Mystic Ranger once. I wasn't going for Stormcaster which would be harder for this route.

Favoured Soul saves you a feat, but that's all it's got going for it. No domains at all here either.

You can also use Druid or Spirit Shaman.

2013-11-13, 12:39 PM
The feat can be done with the War Domain, grants free Weapon Focus.

Spirit Shaman is kinda much but very cool.
Druid is cool as well I will look into those ideas.

2013-11-13, 01:04 PM
Say I wanted to build Zeus or a character kinda like that, the throwing lightning bolts.

A Druid 5/Stormlord 10/Stormcaster 5 might be good as with the shocking additions to the javelins from the glove of endless javelins they would count toward adding Thunderbolt. But I need to eat up feats for preqs. With Cleric I can get one free with the War Domain which is not to bad itself.

Which should I do? as a Human Cleric I can kinda waste two of those feats without really hurting my feat progression long run.
As a druid I get Shapechange and all that, which is kinda theme power, but the Druid has a lot more elemental powers then the Cleric making it easier to qualify for Stormcaster later.

2013-11-13, 04:19 PM
You said you wanted to go with a Zeus sort of character. I did some looking and found a feat you might be interested in for flavor. It's called stormbolt (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-mage--58/storm-bolt--2783/). Now as for what you should do as far as choosing cleric or druid, I'd say cleric would be better off for flavor reasons since you're not going for a very nature-y kinda guy. This also means that taking the Storm Domain is a must since you can't get the spell requirements for the PrC's another way. However, if you decide you want more elemental power then druid is definitely what you want to pick. You get all kinds of storm and element related powers, and as was aforementioned, you can meet the requirements for either PrC by level 5, regardless of whether you choose cleric or druid. So it really comes down to what you want to see in your character. Also I recommend going full progression in Stormlord and only to level 5 in Stormcaster so your build would look like:
Cleric 5/Stormlord 10/Stormcaster 5
Druid 5/Stormlord 10/Stormcaster 5

2013-11-13, 04:23 PM
Another thing, becoming a Stormlord requires you to worship Talos, an evil God. Wouldn't this mean your character is evil? How do you plan on making this work with the party? Or are you a DM trying to make a cool guy for the party to encounter?

2013-11-13, 04:37 PM
Well can't a cleric be within one step of their god? So if Talos is Chaotic Evil he could be Chaotic Neutral couldn't he?

2013-11-13, 04:39 PM
Another thing, becoming a Stormlord requires you to worship Talos, an evil God. Wouldn't this mean your character is evil? How do you plan on making this work with the party? Or are you a DM trying to make a cool guy for the party to encounter?

Clerics can be one step away in either direction from their god, so a worshipper of Talos can be (edit) Chaotic Neutral. He would probably channel negative energy to rebuke undead, and spontaneous inflict instead of cure. Though with the Storm domain and Spontaneous Domain casting he could throw lightning and storms instead.

(Edit: Looked up Talos's alignment: CE. So a Talos cleric can be CN, CE, or NE)
(Edit edit: Blargh clericzilla'd)
(Edit Edit Edit: The name of the feat is Domain Spontaneity. Because it's fun. Why Inflict 1d8 + level on a failed save, when you can do 5d6 no save)

2013-11-13, 04:46 PM
Ok so Storm Domain, but what other one fits. Talos does not have the War Domain. Alignment is not a huge issue with my GM

2013-11-13, 06:40 PM
Stormlord contains an adaptation section, which means you can switch Talos for any other suitable god. Nothing about the class is evil.

I considered mentioning the Reserve feat (Stormbolt) but the character is going to be throwing javelins of Thunder and Lightning around or casting spells. The feat is probably better spent elsewhere since it will usually just mean +1 CL when casting Electrical spells. There just aren't enough combat rounds in an adventuring day to justify it.

2013-11-13, 07:03 PM
I am gonna have him use the Glove of Endless Javelins which are force and with Stormlord would become lightning powered and with thunder by the end of it.

So anything that might go well with that base idea.

2013-11-13, 10:22 PM
I'd recommend going Cleric (or druid) 5/ Stormcaster 1/ Stormlord 10/ Stormcaster 4. +2 CL to air, sonic, water and electricity spells is really good, and you can take the rest of the class later

2013-11-13, 11:20 PM
That is a good idea. The +2 to Caster Level would be a big boon. But also the Thunderclap might be good at early levels as well. The hit is the spell level loss.