View Full Version : Level 8 Hawk-Fu, feedback welcome!

2013-11-13, 01:00 AM
Just wanted to let this ridiculous thing be known. I want a memorable recurring bad guy, and someone made me think of Hawk-Fu from Jackie Chan Adventures. So meet Shrike-Fu, Pathfinder style. I have him focused on jumping and dirty tricks. 20 point buy. I plan on printing out Hawk-Fu's quote list and screaming things at them during combat :smalltongue:

7 Lore Warden fighter/1 Maneuver Master Monk

Class Bonuses
+4 to CMB/CMD from Lore Warden
Combat Expertise from Lore Warden
Know Thy Enemy from Lore Warden
Flurry of Maneuvers MM Monk

Imp Dirty Trick(monk)
Martial Study(Sudden Leap) [house ruled in]
Greater Dirty Trick(fighter)
Quick Dirty Trick(fighter)
-Monkey Lunge
Skill Focus (Acrobatics)

Notable Items
Ring of Greater Jumping

This build gives Shrike-Fu lotsa mobility, and two dirty tricks and a melee attack on a full round attack(+20/14 to trick, +9 to melee or +22 to a single trick, and 15/9 melee). With a +27 to jump he can move around quite a lot with his jumping skill. Since you can use Acrobatics as part of another action he gets full attacks every round. He can jump reliably 20 feet in any direction, and with Monkey Lunge pretty much nothing is getting away.

My strategy revolves around jumping and tumbling into the group of pc's after they group up and flurrying two of them with blindness(MONKEY PICKS TWO PEACHES!) or something, and hitting another with the melee to avoid the AoO. He will have some backup, maybe some low level rogues to sneak attack the bajeezus outta them. If **** hits the fan he Sudden Leaps away and books it.
