View Full Version : 3000 gold unlimited healing

2013-11-13, 08:16 AM
the way magic Item creation works is Spell level*Caster level * 1000 *1.5 do to lack of body slot affinity so for an amulet of cure minor wounds use activated or continues you would only spend 1*1*1000*1.5 +material cost. 3000 gp for 1hp fast healing. can any one see any technical problems with this?
Other then the fact it would actually be a free item as heal minor is 0 level.

as it stands
statue of cure minor wounds command. 0.5 x 1 x 1800 x 2 = 1800 for an item that heals one hp every round for unlimited charges. this is about 600 hp in an hour.

I am calling this thing the Idol Of Lakal

2013-11-13, 08:19 AM
I can only say that lvl 0 spell are treated as half-level for the purpose of defining magic items cost. Another thing I can see is: how does this item work? Does it is unlimited? Is it actived by a word or somatic?

One Step Two
2013-11-13, 08:19 AM
Use activated means you need to spend 1 round per HP you wanted back. This isn't bad per-se, but it's not efficient.

2013-11-13, 08:26 AM
it would actually only be 1500, 0.5x1x2000x1.5. But as pointed out already, it would take a standard action each round to use, which is pretty mediocre. I mean, it'd be decent out of combat sure, but in combat, pretty useless. Not to mention, your DM would have to approve it, since the item creation guidelines are just that, guidelines, and I cant imagine many DMs would okay an item like this.

2013-11-13, 08:29 AM
You have to use a standard action to use it and uses up the neck slot. Similar items were used in the low magic world of "The Dark Monk" of Salvatore. Although you could say the crystals there just buffed the permanent ability damage of mental disabilities.

I would allow it (and perhaps steal it for my own low level Eberron campaign, but I just love the gritty feel of "the fighter's leg is broken, we shouldn't carry on, but there are kids in danger. We have to help." You would be allowed to build them when you had a divine spell caster with Craft Wondrous Items willing to spend XP on that.

In levels 1-5 it cuts too much into the group's wealth. 6 onward, either the slot is probably used with something more useful or the healing just takes too long. If your 60 HP fighter has lost 40 HP and has to concentrate for 40 * 6 = 4 Minutes on healing, it's worthwhile. Your DM will likely just up the difficulty of fights a notch when he sees that you don't require healing.

2013-11-13, 08:32 AM
it would actually only be 1500, 0.5x1x2000x1.5. But as pointed out already, it would take a standard action each round to use, which is pretty mediocre. I mean, it'd be decent out of combat sure, but in combat, pretty useless. Not to mention, your DM would have to approve it, since the item creation guidelines are just that, guidelines, and I cant imagine many DMs would okay an item like this.

Potion of cure moderate wounds is about 14 HP on average and a fifth of this cost.

1500 is a lot to blow on efficient healing at low levels. I'm inclined to say that by the time it's a huge net boon, HP between encounters in an average campaign would not require significant party resources to reset.

2013-11-13, 08:38 AM
as for the body slot you could just as easily make it a none body slot and use exclusively outside of combat. 3000 gp for 3 inch statue of whatever that heals 1hp per turn while you walk down the road muttering. your healers will love it for saving spell slots the party all go in on it and every one can use it.

Big Fau
2013-11-13, 08:41 AM
Potion of cure moderate wounds is about 14 HP on average and a fifth of this cost.

Said potion is more expensive than a single charge from a Wand of CMW. Over three times as expensive.

Potions and Scrolls are amongst the worst ways to do anything. The OP's item may not be the most efficient, but in the long run it is considerably better than potions.

@OP: Lesser Vigor>Cure Minor Wounds. Activate it once, pass it to your friends, wait 11 rounds for the Fast Healing to finish.

2013-11-13, 08:47 AM
If you really want to have that kind of healing in your game, you might want to consider using the reserve points variant in the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/reservePoints.htm). This gives everyone a limited pool of automatic self-healing each day (or triggerable healing for nonlethal damage). This also creates the videogame-RPG-like effect of someone getting back up at the end of a fight automatically, especially if you combine it with the Death and Dying variant (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/deathAndDying.htm) (be wary of unintended side-effects of merging these variants though (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=303974)).

2013-11-13, 08:49 AM
What I rather suspect you're aiming for is an item of continuous lesser vigor. That's a first level spell with a rounds/ level duration costs 1*1*2000*4=8000gp for fast healing 1. That becomes 12000 if you insist on the body slot thing, though with the amulet of health being a neck slot item without that markup I wouldn't add it.

Cure minor doesn't have a duration to make continuous and use activated items are generally a standard action to activate unless otherwise noted. It's a waste of money when a 900gp command activated item gets the same effect.

2013-11-13, 08:53 AM
While I understand some people saying wand of x is better, this item would be able to heal 600hp in 10 minuets. that would exhaust at least 2 full wands of cure light wounds.
lesser vigor would bump up the cost slightly and would still take the same amount of time.

2013-11-13, 08:58 AM
While I understand some people saying wand of x is better, this item would be able to heal 600hp in 10 minuets. that would exhaust at least 2 full wands of cure light wounds.
lesser vigor would bump up the cost slightly and would still take the same amount of time.

Your math is off.

1 point PER 6 seconds is 10 Points per Minute is 100 points in 10 minutes. That 1/3 of a wand.

2013-11-13, 08:59 AM
What I rather suspect you're aiming for is an item of continuous lesser vigor. That's a first level spell with a rounds/ level duration costs 1*1*2000*4=8000gp for fast healing 1. That becomes 12000 if you insist on the body slot thing, though with the amulet of health being a neck slot item without that markup I wouldn't add it.

Cure minor doesn't have a duration to make continuous and use activated items are generally a standard action to activate unless otherwise noted. It's a waste of money when a 900gp command activated item gets the same effect.

it is being discussed now as a non slot outside of combat only Item. your 900gp item has charges this item does not.

2013-11-13, 09:01 AM
Your math is off.

1 point PER 6 seconds is 10 Points per Minute is 100 points in 10 minutes. That 1/3 of a wand.

sorry yes must of missed a step in my head ok 600hp in an hour.

2013-11-13, 09:05 AM
Permanent items in actual play aren't all that hardcore if levelling is a thing that is happening - for example, at my uni's D&D game, two Wands of Cure Light Wounds were all that an evil party of 5 needed between levels 3 and 7 to enter every combat on full HP.

2013-11-13, 09:18 AM
Said potion is more expensive than a single charge from a Wand of CMW. Over three times as expensive.

That would be why I chose to illustrate using a potion to explain why this item isn't broken.

2013-11-13, 09:25 AM
RAW aside, you should just have a conversation with your DM about the game.

If the DM wants exploration to be a big thing, then resources have to be limited, otherwise your choices during exploration are mostly meaningless. For example, if you're capable of infinite healing, then traps are just an annoyance. Either they kill you (which is extremely rare), or they don't and you heal yourself without any repercussions, in which case it was just a waste of time.

If the DM just wants to play kick down the door D&D, then it's no big deal if you have a magic item or class ability that provides everyone with infinite out of combat healing.

2013-11-13, 09:28 AM
ok so seems like most people seem to think this would not break the game. it would not work very well in a combat situation but after combat it would save money on wands and save healer spell slots. also there was mention of a broken leg I thought that injuries like breaks and loss of limb would be outside of the normal cure spell. as if the healed cuts abrasions contusions and blood loss. thing like severed and broken limbs would need something more. also if some one breaks there leg and has a cure spell used on them could that not cause the leg to heal wrong , say the leg was not set first.

2013-11-13, 09:28 AM
it is being discussed now as a non slot outside of combat only Item. your 900gp item has charges this item does not.

Who said anything about charges? X times per day is calculated by multiplying the cost for at will use by X/5. Unless you mean 50 charges which is only slightly better than a simple wand but that would be 450, not 900.

2013-11-13, 09:31 AM
RAW aside, you should just have a conversation with your DM about the game.

If the DM wants exploration to be a big thing, then resources have to be limited, otherwise your choices during exploration are mostly meaningless. For example, if you're capable of infinite healing, then traps are just an annoyance. Either they kill you (which is extremely rare), or they don't and you heal yourself without any repercussions, in which case it was just a waste of time.

If the DM just wants to play kick down the door D&D, then it's no big deal if you have a magic item or class ability that provides everyone with infinite out of combat healing.

well right now I am not playing in any game I am the DM not sure if and when I would introduce this.

2013-11-13, 09:43 AM
Healing belt is cheaper, likely offers all the healing you need, and can even heal in combat.

2013-11-13, 10:08 AM
well right now I am not playing in any game I am the DM not sure if and when I would introduce this.
Well... If you're the DM then what you say goes, but the easiest fair way would not be to make an item that basically acts like a massively-underpriced far-more-powerful version of a ring of regeneration (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#regeneration). I don't mean to harp on your idea, but having an item in the party that does this, even a single one of them, would give the entire party infinite healing because they could pass it off to the next person once they're at full. That's why the ring of regeneration only recovers HP per hour instead of per round or minute.

Now, personally, I like the idea of the party being able to survive every fight, but I do it as an unintentional side-effect of combining three variants:

Reserve Points
Death And Dying
Action Points (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/actionPoints.htm)

It's not perfect, but it's essentially idiot-proof. If you start dying from dropping to 0 HP, you can spend an action point to stabilize. You're out of the fight, sure, but at least you're not dead. Assuming no one heals you before the battle's over, after the battle (1 minute later) you automatically spend 1 reserve point (assuming you don't have any nonlethal damage) and you're back on your feet again. By the nature of this setup, it only happens if the party is able to complete the encounter in the first place. For this reason, only a fool would ever spend his last action point.

2013-11-13, 10:12 AM
well right now I am not playing in any game I am the DM not sure if and when I would introduce this.

Well, if you've made the decision that you don't care much about exploration and/or resource management in general, and you instead want to focus on combat and/or roleplaying, just give out your wand of infinite healing in the next treasure chest, or declare a house rule that people return to full hit points after a 5 minute short rest. It's not that big of a deal.

2013-11-13, 10:40 AM
Well, if you've made the decision that you don't care much about exploration and/or resource management in general, and you instead want to focus on combat and/or roleplaying, just give out your wand of infinite healing in the next treasure chest, or declare a house rule that people return to full hit points after a 5 minute short rest. It's not that big of a deal.

Especially if you lack a healer and resent the gritty feel of a wounded character (it can add a lot to the story, see LotR books) you should absolutely play with "vigor" instead of healt points. A character with zero HP is then comatose and out of commission.

If you are especially nice, your players can't die in fights (from weapon damage that is) but you can always loose fights. Penalizes "dead" characters with exhaustion, let the bad guys capture them and take away their stuff. This way you won't look like a carebear DM and simultaneously have an explanation on to why to bad guys didn't kill you. Maybe the want to sell you as slaves.

Also as a DM, fights aren't to kill the heroes, they are made to slow them down to reduce their resources and to give them penalties.

2013-11-13, 11:04 AM
Healing belt is cheaper, likely offers all the healing you need, and can even heal in combat.

that seems a little under priced.

2013-11-13, 11:07 AM
Make it a staff so you have to hold it and it will be 1000g for a first level spell and if you want it can be 2000g for Cure Light Wound (which is much more effective for the cost).

I personally like this item a lot because it makes the party not waste money on Wands (about 2 and a half worth of wands for the staff) and make each encounter be interesting as they will be at max hp.

If the DM wants exploration to be a big thing, then resources have to be limited, otherwise your choices during exploration are mostly meaningless. For example, if you're capable of infinite healing, then traps are just an annoyance. Either they kill you (which is extremely rare), or they don't and you heal yourself without any repercussions, in which case it was just a waste of time.

As a note traps can be redone to always be either combat encounters (summon traps or alarms) or carry long term status effects (poisons, disease, or curses). You can also combine them in combat to make things more interesting. But a classic DC X Pit or Arrow Trap would be pointlessly annoying.

2013-11-13, 11:22 AM
we don't have a designated healer but we do have some secondary ones. I was thinking in long over land treks that take days or weeks where encounters would be less common this would be useful but in an area where they may have multiple encounters in rapid succession say invading a big bad's strong hold less so. who wants to sit around in the broom closet for a while if another group of bad guys could find them before they have healed.

I like combat to still have that danger of death though I tend to decide if death happens or not some times. If the random encounter creature scores a lucky crit and kills some one that really sucks but if it is a boss/Mini-Boss/important story encounter then death is open. also death by player is stupid can happen.

That being said I don't want some one to die because my healers are out of spells from combat.

I would probably as was just pointed out just use other traps, a pit trap full of skeletons, a poison arrow trap that sets off an alarm, a curse, or some other thing on that track.

I try to balance games so that there is something for every one. so some days we are have all or most RP some days it will be combat after combat, and sometimes they will be on long tedious journys.

2013-11-13, 11:28 AM
staffs still have the issue of charges.

2013-11-13, 11:29 AM
Who said anything about charges? X times per day is calculated by multiplying the cost for at will use by X/5. Unless you mean 50 charges which is only slightly better than a simple wand but that would be 450, not 900.

sorry I misunderstood your original post. I get what you are saying now.

2013-11-13, 12:01 PM
Well... If you're the DM then what you say goes, but the easiest fair way would not be to make an item that basically acts like a massively-underpriced far-more-powerful version of a ring of regeneration (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#regeneration). I don't mean to harp on your idea, but having an item in the party that does this, even a single one of them, would give the entire party infinite healing because they could pass it off to the next person once they're at full. That's why the ring of regeneration only recovers HP per hour instead of per round or minute.

Now, personally, I like the idea of the party being able to survive every fight, but I do it as an unintentional side-effect of combining three variants:

Reserve Points
Death And Dying
Action Points (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/actionPoints.htm)

It's not perfect, but it's essentially idiot-proof. If you start dying from dropping to 0 HP, you can spend an action point to stabilize. You're out of the fight, sure, but at least you're not dead. Assuming no one heals you before the battle's over, after the battle (1 minute later) you automatically spend 1 reserve point (assuming you don't have any nonlethal damage) and you're back on your feet again. By the nature of this setup, it only happens if the party is able to complete the encounter in the first place. For this reason, only a fool would ever spend his last action point.

First off, the ring of regeneration is poorly priced in the other direction. It costs way more than it's worth.

Second, infinite healing is available to all characters anyway via simply resting. The problem that you must consider is not how much healing but how quickly can it be applied. Even the proposed items don't heal the characters so quickly as to guarantee full hp's on every encounter.

Take a fighter for example. At tenth level he'd have around 90ish hp's or so. That'd take over 8 minutes to completely patch up after a close call, 4 for a tough fight. If the next fight is in the next room then he could easily get into his next fight before he fully recovered.

Now consider if it's a shared item. You could be looking at as much as half an hour of down time to patch everybody up if you're going one character at a time.

Unless there's some.kind of time crunch there's no functional difference between 8 minutes and 8 days.

2013-11-13, 12:29 PM
I like this Item over the Reserve point and other options because as it is an item it can be taken away or broken. and they have to be conscious to use it.

now I just had a thought take this item as the examples. I have a item that does not take up a body slot but the question is where do I keep it. well how about tied to a string and hung around your neck and kept under your shirt. now the item is not meant to take up a body slot but is it in this case?

2013-11-13, 01:39 PM
Let's see...

SL (1/2) x CL (1) x Command Activated (1,800 gp) = 900 gp.

Uses a standard action to cast cure minor wounds.
1 hp/rnd = 10/min = 600/hour
Cost: 600 actions.

4 man party.

Avg con 14.
Hit Dice: 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10
2.5+2+3.5+2+4.5+2+5.5+2=24 hit points a level per average party of 4.

So, this party achieves 600 hit points total at level 25.

This would allow the party to achieve full hit points in one hour, until they reach level 25.

Now, I'm sure there are all sorts of ways for people to maximize hitpoints.

Assuming some better rolls, a few +4 con magic items, some better dice rolls.

Avg con: 18
Same hit dice, round up. 34 hp a level avg would not be out of line.
You have more then 600 hp total for the party by level 18.

So what's this all mean? Well, it means it's practical. If you double the cost, you could cast lesser vigor and only have to cast it once a minute for the same effect.

So... No.

As a DM, I would not allow it. Ever. It's doing what other magics items already do. Making a custom magic item should be either to combine existing magic items, or to make something that doesn't exist. I can point to a hundred different healing sources. Pick one.

And before anyone says, "But it's not unbalanced" I will tell you why.

It opens the door.

This sort of item is exactly what you use to stealth a rules change past a DM. If the DM accepts this, then why not a Cure light wounds version? yes? great. Now I'm making the Close Wounds Version.

Ah, what I could do with unlimited close wounds. Technically, you die at -10 hit points. Any damage after that is to your corpse. The average dead body can absorb 360 hit points by RAW before it's disintegrated. Therefore, unless someone takes -370 hit points of damage, they are just dead at -10.

After the damage is inflicted, but before he "dies" I immediate action to interrupt the death and prevent him from being dead with close wounds. He is now somewhere between -8 to -3 hps most likely.

Would your DM allow this? I don't, but it is technically RAW. If I could spam Close wounds, regardless of cost, Give me 15 minutes to get the entire party back up to fighting trim then save my swift action to save someone else's life on someone else's round, regardless of how much damage they just took.

Is that game breaking? Well... maybe not. It's neat. It just stops one death blow. The PC is most likely in the negatives afterwords

Spam Close Wounds Wondrous Item
SL 2 x CL 3 x 1,800 gp = 10,800 gp

Kinda expensive, right? Except that everyone in the party bought one. I've seen how this works in play. 5 players all saying, "No, that didn't kill him." Do you have any idea how much fire power you have to bring to over come that sort of powergaming? Even if you then state the healing is applied before death, so it comes off the total damage inflicted, you'd be surprised how high a dedicated PC can get that close wounds. It's like giving everyone an extra 20 hit points, usable as a swift action, depending on who needs it most, EVERY ROUND. They already have that, it's called Healing Gem. It's WAY more expensive then this thing and it comes with charges.

Eventually I just said, "No." Custom magic items are combined magic items, or something new and unique. If it already exists, suck it up and use the current magic items. There are already a wide selection of broken healing magic items out there, no need to make a new one.

The item itself isn't the problem, it's what it allows. Let in a small exception and it opens the door for bigger ones to get through.

2013-11-13, 02:15 PM
Let's see...

SL (1/2) x CL (1) x Command Activated (1,800 gp) = 900 gp.
You forgot x2 for no body slot

Uses a standard action to cast cure minor wounds.
1 hp/rnd = 10/min = 600/hour
Cost: 600 actions.

4 man party.

Avg con 14.
Hit Dice: 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10
2.5+2+3.5+2+4.5+2+5.5+2=24 hit points a level per average party of 4.

So, this party achieves 600 hit points total at level 25.

This would allow the party to achieve full hit points in one hour, until they reach level 25.

Now, I'm sure there are all sorts of ways for people to maximize hitpoints.

Assuming some better rolls, a few +4 con magic items, some better dice rolls.

Avg con: 18
Same hit dice, round up. 34 hp a level avg would not be out of line.
You have more then 600 hp total for the party by level 18.

So what's this all mean? Well, it means it's practical. If you double the cost, you could cast lesser vigor and only have to cast it once a minute for the same effect.

So... No.

As a DM, I would not allow it. Ever. It's doing what other magics items already do. Making a custom magic item should be either to combine existing magic items, or to make something that doesn't exist. I can point to a hundred different healing sources. Pick one.

And before anyone says, "But it's not unbalanced" I will tell you why.

It opens the door.

This sort of item is exactly what you use to stealth a rules change past a DM. If the DM accepts this, then why not a Cure light wounds version? yes? great. Now I'm making the Close Wounds Version.

Ah, what I could do with unlimited close wounds. Technically, you die at -10 hit points. Any damage after that is to your corpse. The average dead body can absorb 360 hit points by RAW before it's disintegrated. Therefore, unless someone takes -370 hit points of damage, they are just dead at -10.

After the damage is inflicted, but before he "dies" I immediate action to interrupt the death and prevent him from being dead with close wounds. He is now somewhere between -8 to -3 hps most likely.

Would your DM allow this? I don't, but it is technically RAW. If I could spam Close wounds, regardless of cost, Give me 15 minutes to get the entire party back up to fighting trim then save my swift action to save someone else's life on someone else's round, regardless of how much damage they just took.

Is that game breaking? Well... maybe not. It's neat. It just stops one death blow. The PC is most likely in the negatives afterwords

Spam Close Wounds Wondrous Item
SL 2 x CL 3 x 1,800 gp = 10,800 gp
Again you have to include a non standard or no body slot cost. 21,600
also the discription I found lists it as a 3rd level spell. 32,400

Kinda expensive, right? Except that everyone in the party bought one. I've seen how this works in play. 5 players all saying, "No, that didn't kill him." Do you have any idea how much fire power you have to bring to over come that sort of powergaming? Even if you then state the healing is applied before death, so it comes off the total damage inflicted, you'd be surprised how high a dedicated PC can get that close wounds. It's like giving everyone an extra 20 hit points, usable as a swift action, depending on who needs it most, EVERY ROUND. They already have that, it's called Healing Gem. It's WAY more expensive then this thing and it comes with charges.

Eventually I just said, "No." Custom magic items are combined magic items, or something new and unique. If it already exists, suck it up and use the current magic items. There are already a wide selection of broken healing magic items out there, no need to make a new one.

The item itself isn't the problem, it's what it allows. Let in a small exception and it opens the door for bigger ones to get through.
That's why you say any custom Items have to be done at a case by case situation.
not to mention it would take 32 days to make 1 of these so the party will have to find some one who is willing to spend 5 months to make 1 for each of them? sorry even casters who make a living crafting magical items will be hard to convince to do this. also most of my campaigns the party does not have days to wait let alone weeks or months.

2013-11-13, 03:06 PM
the way magic Item creation works is Spell level*Caster level * 1000 *1.5 do to lack of body slot affinity so for an amulet of cure minor wounds use activated or continues you would only spend 1*1*1000*1.5 +material cost.
No, that's not the way magic item creation works. The way it works is, the price of an item is listed in its entry in the books. If it's not in the books, then the DM decides whether it exists, and if so, how much it costs. The DM can make this decision in any way that he sees fit, though the books do suggest some guidelines.

One of those guidelines is the one you quoted. Another, more important one, is to compare the item to already-existing items, and price accordingly. The most similar already-existing item to this is a Ring of Regeneration, which costs 90,000 GP, and this is significantly better, since it's faster and can be used on the whole party. So by the guidelines, this should cost more than 90,000 GP.

Now, if you're the DM, you may decide that the Ring of Regeneration is overpriced, and make this thing cheaper. As I said, the DM can attach any price tag he wants. But if you're doing that, then you're not following the suggested guidelines.

2013-11-13, 03:27 PM
No I would not allow it for it opens the door to a whole list of at-will item cheese. Spellcasters have limited number of spells per day for a reason.

However I do allow the Touch of Healing feat which is more expensive (feat slot and 2nd level spell slot), more effective (6x as effective at minimum) and heals to half maximum hp (half of maximum hp tends to be enough per encounter while still encouraging rest occasionally).

2013-11-13, 03:28 PM
No, that's not the way magic item creation works. The way it works is, the price of an item is listed in its entry in the books. If it's not in the books, then the DM decides whether it exists, and if so, how much it costs. The DM can make this decision in any way that he sees fit, though the books do suggest some guidelines.

One of those guidelines is the one you quoted. Another, more important one, is to compare the item to already-existing items, and price accordingly. The most similar already-existing item to this is a Ring of Regeneration, which costs 90,000 GP, and this is significantly better, since it's faster and can be used on the whole party. So by the guidelines, this should cost more than 90,000 GP.

Now, if you're the DM, you may decide that the Ring of Regeneration is overpriced, and make this thing cheaper. As I said, the DM can attach any price tag he wants. But if you're doing that, then you're not following the suggested guidelines.
I very much think the ring of Regen is vastly over priced and I am not the only one.

2013-11-13, 03:48 PM
Of course you're not the only one. I think it's overpriced, too. Doesn't change my point.

2013-11-13, 03:55 PM
staffs still have the issue of charges.

Staff is a generic term. I mean stick that you have to hold in your hand. This allows you to hold the item to use it but halves the cost (as you no longer have to make it slotless.

2013-11-13, 04:50 PM
Of course you're not the only one. I think it's overpriced, too. Doesn't change my point.

It doesn't change it, but it does weaken your position by allowing a major flaw. IE, that the Ring of Regeneration is horridly overpriced, and that there should be an alternative to it. Also, using the 'slippery slope' argument against it isn't really an argument against it. It's against what you believe that it allows.

Honestly, whether or not this item should be allowed depends on two things. First, the type of game being played, as has been established. Two, whether or not you want the melee people to be able to run around all day, or at least until spellcasters expend all their spells. (Because let's face it, that's the Universal Adventurer Clock there.)

I do know that I'd be okay with this item, simply because it does take so long to be effective. Even if everyone had one (And at that price, why wouldn't you? Besides availability, of course.) it still takes half of forever to get a decent amount of HP back.

2013-11-13, 07:53 PM
I very much think the ring of Regen is vastly over priced and I am not the only one.

Sure, ring of regeneration is overpriced. It's not that overpriced, though.

I thought I had a post in which I worked out a better price for it, but I can't seem to find that. However, very roughly, somewhere in the low tens of thousands of gp seems about right.

2013-11-13, 08:02 PM
Let's see...

SL (1/2) x CL (1) x Command Activated (1,800 gp) = 900 gp.

Uses a standard action to cast cure minor wounds.
1 hp/rnd = 10/min = 600/hour
Cost: 600 actions.

4 man party.

Avg con 14.
Hit Dice: 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10
2.5+2+3.5+2+4.5+2+5.5+2=24 hit points a level per average party of 4.

So, this party achieves 600 hit points total at level 25.

This would allow the party to achieve full hit points in one hour, until they reach level 25.

Now, I'm sure there are all sorts of ways for people to maximize hitpoints.

Assuming some better rolls, a few +4 con magic items, some better dice rolls.

Avg con: 18
Same hit dice, round up. 34 hp a level avg would not be out of line.
You have more then 600 hp total for the party by level 18.

So what's this all mean? Well, it means it's practical. If you double the cost, you could cast lesser vigor and only have to cast it once a minute for the same effect.

So... No.

As a DM, I would not allow it. Ever. It's doing what other magics items already do. Making a custom magic item should be either to combine existing magic items, or to make something that doesn't exist. I can point to a hundred different healing sources. Pick one.as I said, there's no practical difference between an hour to heal everyone and a week of rest. On the contrary, this removes one of the factors responsible for the 15 minute adventuring day.

As for mimicking already extant items, healing already comes in a butt load of different items.

And before anyone says, "But it's not unbalanced" I will tell you why.

It opens the door.

This sort of item is exactly what you use to stealth a rules change past a DM. If the DM accepts this, then why not a Cure light wounds version? yes? great. Now I'm making the Close Wounds Version.

Ah, what I could do with unlimited close wounds. Technically, you die at -10 hit points. Any damage after that is to your corpse. The average dead body can absorb 360 hit points by RAW before it's disintegrated. Therefore, unless someone takes -370 hit points of damage, they are just dead at -10.

After the damage is inflicted, but before he "dies" I immediate action to interrupt the death and prevent him from being dead with close wounds. He is now somewhere between -8 to -3 hps most likely.

Would your DM allow this? I don't, but it is technically RAW. If I could spam Close wounds, regardless of cost, Give me 15 minutes to get the entire party back up to fighting trim then save my swift action to save someone else's life on someone else's round, regardless of how much damage they just took.

Is that game breaking? Well... maybe not. It's neat. It just stops one death blow. The PC is most likely in the negatives afterwords

Spam Close Wounds Wondrous Item
SL 2 x CL 3 x 1,800 gp = 10,800 gp

Kinda expensive, right? Except that everyone in the party bought one. I've seen how this works in play. 5 players all saying, "No, that didn't kill him." Do you have any idea how much fire power you have to bring to over come that sort of powergaming? Even if you then state the healing is applied before death, so it comes off the total damage inflicted, you'd be surprised how high a dedicated PC can get that close wounds. It's like giving everyone an extra 20 hit points, usable as a swift action, depending on who needs it most, EVERY ROUND. They already have that, it's called Healing Gem. It's WAY more expensive then this thing and it comes with charges.

Eventually I just said, "No." Custom magic items are combined magic items, or something new and unique. If it already exists, suck it up and use the current magic items. There are already a wide selection of broken healing magic items out there, no need to make a new one.

The item itself isn't the problem, it's what it allows. Let in a small exception and it opens the door for bigger ones to get through.Did you really just drag out the tired, old slippery slope fallacy? Seriously? The dmg says, in plain English, that custom items should be handled on a case by case basis.

As for your sample items, a command activated clw item would cost 1800 to cut down time by a factor of five. Two wands of clw would only be slightly less costly and would almost certainly last for several levels unless the pc's are just obscenely reckless.

The close wounds item would be a waste of money since it would force the activation time to a standard action.

You forgot x2 for no body slot

Again you have to include a non standard or no body slot cost. 21,600
also the discription I found lists it as a 3rd level spell. 32,400

That's why you say any custom Items have to be done at a case by case situation.
not to mention it would take 32 days to make 1 of these so the party will have to find some one who is willing to spend 5 months to make 1 for each of them? sorry even casters who make a living crafting magical items will be hard to convince to do this. also most of my campaigns the party does not have days to wait let alone weeks or months.

Most command word items don't include the body slot cost multiplier when you reverse engineer the price; a direct result of the fact that they pretty universally need to be manually manipulated, requiring a free hand, I'm sure.

2013-11-13, 08:06 PM
as it stands
statue of cure minor wounds command. 0.5 x 1 x 1800 x 2 = 1800 for an item that heals one hp every round for unlimited charges. this is about 600 hp in an hour.

It's maybe slightly underpriced, but I don't see anything seriously wrong with it. You'll have to use a standard action every round to activate it, putting it on par with a dread necro or crusader's unlimited out-of-combat healing.

Exactly how you would price those two things, I don't know. A dread necro needs to take a feat or become undead to be able to heal himself, but gets the class feature to do the negative energy touch automatically. A crusader has to take a stance for it I think, which is also equivalent to a feat. So basically figure out what the GP cost of a feat is and it's equivalent to that, maybe with a slight increase for being usable by anyone rather than only members of a certain class.

2013-11-13, 08:23 PM
It's maybe slightly underpriced, but I don't see anything seriously wrong with it. You'll have to use a standard action every round to activate it, putting it on par with a dread necro or crusader's unlimited out-of-combat healing.

Exactly how you would price those two things, I don't know. A dread necro needs to take a feat or become undead to be able to heal himself, but gets the class feature to do the negative energy touch automatically. A crusader has to take a stance for it I think, which is also equivalent to a feat. So basically figure out what the GP cost of a feat is and it's equivalent to that, maybe with a slight increase for being usable by anyone rather than only members of a certain class.

I don't think any one will be buying this so much as I will include it in a treasure I just want an idea of when it will be appropriate to give them.

now to come up with a name for this thing.

2013-11-13, 10:07 PM
A dread necro's healing requires that everyone to be healed takes the feat, and even aside from the direct opportunity cost, a lot of folks would balk at it for roleplaying reasons. And the Crusader's trick is often regarded as an oversight, and houseruled to have the same "real enemy present" requirement as the strikes.

2013-11-13, 10:13 PM
A dread necro's healing requires that everyone to be healed takes the feat, and even aside from the direct opportunity cost, a lot of folks would balk at it for roleplaying reasons. And the Crusader's trick is often regarded as an oversight, and houseruled to have the same "real enemy present" requirement as the strikes.

What about a dragon shamans healing aura? I know it only heals half but it would work in combat and on everyone around you simultaneously and passively after you turn it on.

2013-11-13, 10:32 PM
While I understand the reluctance to allow this custom item, in reality there is an official item that does almost the exact same thing for the exact same price. A Novice Devoted Spirit Amulet will let the wearer gain the Martial Spirit stance, which lets him heal 2 hp of damage to anyone nearby with every successful melee attack. So, a full BAB class can heal 8 damage a round at level 20 by doing a little friendly sparring with the person they want to heal (or work out your frustrations on a captured orc). That's 3000 gp for unlimited healing right there.

Edit: n/m. Forgot this was a local interpretation and that these things don't really grant stances. Could do something with the various healing strikes, but more involved and takes longer.

2013-11-13, 10:37 PM
How does an auto-resetting spell trap in the form of a ball gag sound?

Might be cheaper too...

No actions required, but no talking or vocal spell components while being used.

While it doesn't rely on custom item rules, it's probably more unbalanced than the OP's item though.