View Full Version : [IC] Mechverse

2013-11-13, 11:11 AM

The stars whir past aimlessly, tiny specks in the endless void. Guran, headquarters of the Saeder Krupp corporation, fades behind you, little more than a memory - save for the credsticks burning holes in your pockets, the stellar location of a new system, and a simple job - find out what happened to the *******s that didn't come back the first time this job was offered. A voice breaks through the reverie that has fallen across the ship:

Attention, crew: Leaving orbit in 5 minutes. First jump to Titan-Gamma in five minutes.

Just shy of five minutes later, the stars blur, and then fade - there's nothing but blackness now. You settle in for what you've been told is about a 16-hour jump - Titan-Gamma's a long ways off.


Planet: K-type Subgiant star. Class J Planet. Moon Titan-Gamma, M class planet.
Co-ordinates: 31° φ, .3° θ, 30,073 LY.
Properties: High-oxygen atmosphere, large seas, verdant forests. Most of the planet is at least temperate in climate.
Flora and Fauna: Proliferous plant life. Presumed megafauna.


Mission: Another mercenary group was hired to explore the surface of Titan-Gamma. No previous documented explorations have gone there, though an unmanned drone has done a flyby of the surface. The previous group was hired to do basic documentation of surface features, mineral prospecting, and geological surveys. Three weeks ago, we lost contact with them.

You have two mission parameters:

Survey the planet. Every rich mineral zone you give us the location for will stack 10% on your profits. Every geologically stable zone in which a small (or, preferably, large) settlement can be established will stack 5%. Unusual finds (biological, archeological, etc.) will stack an bonus determined by the find.
Discover what happened to the original survey group. If they're dead, recover their remains, their ship, and their mission parameters (on a datapad identical to this one). If they're alive, kill them, and then recover their remains, ship, and mission parameters.

Return within 2 weeks.

Payment: Upon return, you will be paid a sum of 200,000 credits. Meet Mr. Johnson at the same place you received this datapad. He will be there at local noon and midnight of every day. Payment will be in untraceable credsticks.


2013-11-13, 12:32 PM
Otruo Azra

They were a team. It was normally her job to do the talking, despite her young age, but she was tired and they all had files of one another's specialties. Still it was common to do introductions in this sort of work, just to make everyone sleep a little more comfortably. People looked to her for that, despite her blue skin. Well... yes, she was the bard, but still, surely someone else could do it. It was probably most surprising that people still take such a liking to her despite her changes... growing scales and turning blue and all.

There was just something though... something about this group, about 'im... something in her tiny little stomach, something that made her look away.. How embarassing. Her face probably is all scrunched up, she can tell. She makes sure to try to unscrunch it, but it's hard for her to tell how successful she is. Someone else could introduce them today... She'd just continue looking down, pretending to be interested in some odd piece of work...or perhaps... the right... bah.. no. she didn't like this one bit. Embarassing.

2013-11-13, 01:17 PM
Antonius Lagbuch

Antonius finds a corner to sit in, doing his level best to avoid eye contact and conversation with the rest of the group. Finding a corner he tosses his bag down, and pulls out a GameboyU and headphones and shuts himself away from the rest of the team.

2013-11-13, 01:45 PM

Info is finishing up the last bit of security systems on her mech, safeguarding it against any form of cyber-warfare before joining the rest of the crew. She uses a nanite-surge while entering her trance-like state of meditation before performing the crucial programming...

Nanite Surge, 3+HD added to a d20 roll once per day, plus Focused Trance.
Computers [roll0]

Satisfied with her work, she heads out to where she believes she will find the rest of the crew and takes a seat off to the side, her face amiable but her mind racing as she calculates every possible permutation of the events that might occur in the next 24 hours.

2013-11-13, 02:08 PM
Mader Mabisto

Mader welcomed the comfortable silence enveloping the room. It was a far cry from the uncomfortable talking and general social interaction he had expected. A team of professionals maybe? For once? Too many of his previous excursions involved needless small talk that disrupted his thought processes. He sighed, quite audibly. No. There's no way this peace would last. Even now he could see the curiously blue female gnome attempting to work up the nerve to speak. She was the bard of this crew, if he remembered correctly. Talkative little bastards.

"That's not a very nice thing to think, MaMa," a voice echoed in his head, teasing.

"Shut up, Zak," he thought back. The other voice responded with a faint chuckle.

Mader's irritation is momentarily forgotten when one of the mechanics walks in and sits down. Studying her, Mader couldn't help but feel reassured. She had a spark of intelligence in her eyes that he could only recall seeing once or twice before in his long career. The same spark was noticeably missing from their hired muscle, who sat in the corner playing one of those handheld game systems usually reserved for prepubescent youths. Imbecile.

"Again with the misanthropy. You're a real piece of work."

More out of habit than common sense, Mader smacked the right side of his head with his palm, leaving a dull, throbbing pain.

"I'm sure you hitting yourself looked completely normal and not at all crazy. You're making a great first impression on these guys."

The scowl contorting Mader's face was a sight to behold.

All italicized dialogue is going on within Mader's mind between himself and his AI companion, just in case it's not clear.

2013-11-13, 09:49 PM
Cetos had brought a rocking chair in case he needed any extra cryptic-old-man cred, and he was glad for it now. Creaking back and forth, he nodded lazily to his crewmembers and closed his eyes. "Well, this should be fun, no?" he asked, half-meaning the question to his fellow crewmembers and half-addressing it to his children.

2013-11-16, 11:48 AM

An audible click sounds from a shadowed corner of the common room, shortly thereafter followed by a soft feminine voice. "I'm sure God saw fit to make this mission more than interesting for us," she says, "though I wouldn't be so sure if it will be 'fun' or not. We have Class J planet to scour, and only two weeks to do it. This jump alone is taking up close to a day, leaving us with thirteen days to explore and survey Titan-Gamma."

2013-11-16, 06:00 PM
Otruo Azra

Fun... It would be fun... Azra wasn't uneasy, just squeamish in the stomach. Not afraid really at all... but jittery still. It might have showed, but she doubted it. Elaine was right. The trip would be fast paced. The company liked good information and liked efficiency. which meant speed was of the essence. Azra thought for a moment about the gods... It was probably best not to comment. She'd dealt with the crusaders before... she was never sure why they were mercenaries... Then again, hers was a giant... no.. best to stay uninvolved with that.

Azra sighs. According to the company, it was actually her job to do introductions to 'build team cohesion' or some shenanigans. She liked it enough, anyways...

The little blue creature stood up. She is surprisingly small for a medium sized creature. It almost seemed to concentrate her blue-ness even further, having no where else to spread out to... "Elaine is correct. We don't have a lot of time, so we'll need to work quickly and as a team. I know we all know about each other from these goofy documents they hand us, but a little personality would be nice, instead of sitting here watching Mister Mader over there just hit himself in the head over and over or Lagbuch play his boring games. My name is Azra. I'm treated mainly as a supportive unit. My mech works to target enemy mechs, work comms, and generally boost mech team cohesion. I know most of how the support mechs work is not new to you fellows. Otherwise, I am a bard, with *Azra holds her hands up* some obvious elemental influences. My out-of-mech work is similar to my in-mech work. My job is to boost team cohesion. I can do some piloting and engineering work, but my true value to the group comes from my ability to accurately read and work with other people to our advantage." Azra gives a half hearted shrug and gestures that she is done and for someone else to speak.

If Azra had an nerves showing before, they were gone now. It's not that she was nervous, anyways.

2013-11-16, 09:59 PM
Mader Mabisto

Just as predicted, the blue one began performing that horrid action known as "talking". Another sigh, louder than the first, escaped Mader's lips. "Information specialist and pilot, semi-capable engineer," he said matter-of-factly, hand raised as a half-hearted greeting. Before he could lower it and retreat back into himself, the voice chimed in.

"You can do better than that, can't you?"

The barest hint of a smile crossed Mader's face, and his eyes unfocused as though recalling a fond memory.

"I... I suppose I can." Audibly, he addressed the group again, "I'll be your recon out in the field. Don't be afraid to come to me if you have any questions regarding... well, anything really. You can call me MaMa." Awkward introduction out of the way, he returned to his customary silence.

2013-11-16, 10:06 PM
"I will be your scientist."

2013-11-16, 11:34 PM
Antonius looks up from his game briefly, "I'm kind of good at fighting when I'm in a mech." he says hesitantly.

2013-11-16, 11:54 PM
The rocking chair creaks to a halt as Cetos opens one eye, revealing an ice-blue iris. "I will introduce you all to my children later," he says. "I'm sure you will all appreciate their talents."

2013-11-18, 12:01 PM

"And I am Elaine, your anti-personnel specialist."

Another click, like the sound of a magazine locking into place, and a lithe figure appears from the shadows, as though forming from the darkness itself. Where Elaine's body isn't covered in a skintight cobalt jumpsuit, her ivory skin stands in star contrast to the blackness from which she had just stepped out of. Her face, most closely resembling that of an elf's, stands as a testament to their species' beauty, marred only by a light scar running across her left cheek, stopping just short of her ear. Her hair, a strawberry gold, is pulled into a casual ponytail that falls a little past her shoulders. Curious, she gives her associates a once-over, her emerald eyes sweeping across the room discerningly. Satisfied, Elaine takes the closest unoccupied seat, bringing her legs up into a cross legged stance. She rests the rifle across her lap, barrel pointed safely away from all present. "Though I'm sure you all knew that already," she adds, smirking.

2013-11-18, 12:47 PM
Sean is a tall, skinny man, not ugly but not handsome. He has well kept dark hair, and dresses fairly well, projecting affluence and a fair amount of grace and attention to detail. He and Pierce are sitting at a table with a video-orb floating above it, and flashes on his eyes tell you he's still hanging onto the last version of Google's innovative eyewear product. Implants became the norm quite some time back, but some people just prefer the glasses. These seem to be different than other glasses you've seen but you're not sure how. He seems to notice Mader hitting himself, and recognizes the problem, likely from personal experience -- one of his ears is filled with a small black object that resembles a hearing aid. "Having trouble with the implants? I didn't get along with mine at first, but now we're the best of friends. Pierce made a couple modifications and everything goes swimmingly. I suppose if we're doing introductions, my name is Sean. My great-great grandparents, when the awakening happened, determined that we would keep the old names, rather than switch to new ones, for some sense of normalcy. Regardless of that, I have some God-given talents, as does Pierce. Mine are more magical in nature, and are classified as Psionic. I have Pet here to help me defend myself and my mech, and to do damage and help distract and just do everything a ball of ectoplasm can." As Sean speaks, a small green semi-transparent image of a dog appears by his side and rubs its head against his leg. He scratches it behind the ears, and looks at Pierce.

Pierce is also tall, and to those of you who are observant, it is apparent that the two men are identical twins, though barely. Pierce is strong, well built. His skin is less pale than Sean, he doesn't keep cleanshaven like Sean, and his hair is much longer. It's messy and shoulder length and greasy, and his jumpsuit is greasy and messy too. Pierce is more clearly cybernetic than Sean, with a mechanical eye, something large attached to his shoulder, and mechanical braces on his legs, though he looks like he could walk without them. He begins to speak as Sean stops. "I'm a mechanic. I don't build all the little monsters like Cetos, I focus on keeping my previous creations up to date. The cybernetics in Sean and I, our Mech, Grathandor, and our ship, Pragfrenis are mostly what I focus on. I dabble in magic items too, since you really can't ignore those. As far as our job in the field,"

Here the brothers begin talking together, with a strange cacophony that is somehow understandable. "We have something of a philosophy. Guns are no use to the dead. We keep you from becoming the dead. We hold other mechs down, keep yours up and running, shoot down rockets, and most importantly, stay alive ourselves." Sean speaks, "I keep Grathandor running in the field", and then Pierce "I fix him up later, and tell him where to go." Together again, "Together we make everyone safe. Thanks for attending our show."

The brothers keep serious faces for two or three seconds, look at all of you, some of whom are no doubt bewildered, look at eachother, and burst out laughing. "That was the best it's ever been!" "I know, did you see their faces?" They go off by themselves and get back in on the next round of poker.

2013-11-18, 05:50 PM
Titan-Gamma System

16 hours later, after the most painful set of introductions possible, the Ozymandias drops out of warp in orbit around Titan-Gamma's primary, a large gas giant. Above you in the orbital well lies Titan-Gamma itself, the only habitable planetary body in the system. It looks....well, it looks like Earth, without civilization or pollution or destruction.

Verdant greenery spreads across most of the planet's continents, which are broken only by the deep blue or stormy gray of seas and clouds. No beacon or radio wave comes from anywhere in the system - not even a warning or an S.O.S.

It'll take about 30 minutes to put the ship in geosynchronous orbit about Titan-Gamma itself.

Separate Checks:

There's a minor blip on your screen coming from the major southern continent. It looks more like a big piece of reflective rock than anything.

There's a very, very small pulsating blip on an island just off the coast of the major southern continent. It looks like someone set up an S.O.S using a modulated radar jamming device.

There's a very faint S.O.S signal being played across almost every frequency in the radio spectrum.

2013-11-18, 11:59 PM

"I am noticing some things on this radar sweep. First is something reflective from that major continent towards the south, and second is a very faint transmission coming from that island over there..."

2013-11-19, 12:02 PM

The sniper nods in agreement. "It would appear we have a potential rescue mission on our hands," she says, eying the radar. "Mader," she calls, refusing to call anyone but her real mother "Mama", though she will take it as consent to use his first name, "how long will it take to reach this signal, should we choose to heed its call?"

2013-11-19, 03:08 PM
"Rescue? I am pretty sure you mean "assassination" if I am reading the same orders you are....?"

2013-11-19, 03:29 PM

Elaine eyes the robot flatly, unsure if the joke was simply lost on the Android, or if it was her own misgiving. I've never been good at jokes, she thinks, exasperated. Regardless, she turns back to their pilot for his answer to her question.

2013-11-21, 01:26 AM
Otruo Azra

Otruo picks out a distress signal on the radio, coming in faintly behind a small crackle of static in her headphones. They are bulky and old-timey, but help to cancel out surrounding sounds, making the SOS not as hard to hear as it might have been... It's impossible to tell if the signal is only very nearly dead or simply not boosted. The SOS is ordinary and boring, but as she scrolls again through the mission parameters on her screen... unexplored moon; it's undeniably the first group. Azra only listens to the radio chatter coming in from her own party, offering nothing more.

take ten perception - 10+12

2013-11-21, 10:02 AM
"I can land the ship on top of it in 50 minutes. If we drop armor instead, 35 minutes," Mader replies to the sniper, ignoring the android's comment, "Either way we have half an hour to decide while we orbit into position above."

Finished, Mader turns back to the console and begins preparing the ship for geosynchronous orbit.

2013-11-21, 05:51 PM
As the others begin discussing the situation, Cetos wakes with a start. "SOS, eh? Well then. If we need to decide whether to drop shields or not, I say keep the shields up. If they've survived three weeks, they can wait an extra twenty minutes, and unless we have a way of knowing for certain what's down there, we had better be prepared for all eventualities, hmm?"

So has the group budget already been allotted? I am still confused on this matter.

2013-11-21, 10:34 PM
Antonius takes his headphones off. "We should probably figure a faster way of deploying, if not for this mission, than for future ones. Drop pods for the mechsuits or a long range teleporter maybe. Also these things sound like traps to me how many times in games do you get a "faint" distress signal and it not be a trap?" His advice given he refocuses attention on his gameboy 90000

2013-11-22, 01:12 PM
The Ozymandias

Half an hour later, your ship enters geosynchronous orbit, directly over the S.O.S. signal, a few hundred miles up. You kit yourselves up, get ready for the drop.

Teleport in, or use drop pods?

2013-11-22, 01:29 PM
Having reached their target location above the planet's surface, Mader prepares to run a scan of the area. Antonius had a point about the possibility of this being a trap, even if he had expressed it in the most juvenile and stupid way possible.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

Mader rolled his eyes. Zak's love for classic movies was almost as naive as Antonius's love affair with that game system.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-11-22, 02:14 PM
"Do you notice anything on that scan? Here, do you mind if I take a look as well?"

Info also observes the scan.

Perception [roll0]

2013-11-23, 10:59 PM
Otruo Azra

Her mech had a giant whale and was labeled by two giant J's, one on each leg. For Jab-Jab. The rest was a deep blue, like the whale in the water. Support tuned and kept clean on the outside, and only a little trashy on the inside.

The airtight functions working. The mechs looked like they were all attached to the matrix. Systems looked clean "MaMa, what's the hold up?"

2013-11-26, 12:40 PM

The scan comes up clean, despite your probing and inspection. The party filters into their mechs and vehicles one by one, ready for launch.

2013-11-26, 02:40 PM
Antonius goes over his mechsuit's command interface quickly and thoroughly. "This is Antonius, what are our rules of engagement for this mission? And what will our drop and marching order be?" There is a distinct change in his voice and speaking manner from when he was talking earlier.

2013-11-26, 03:05 PM
Cetos embraces his eldest son, Titus, lovingly before seating himself. Once securely fastened, he tugs on the mental link between him and Octavia, and a sleek metal sphere rises and follows him. This should be a relativey straightforward job, he broadcasts to the rest of his chilren. Remin here. Be safe.

2013-11-28, 11:43 PM

The drop pods fire, two at a time - you ride them down to the surface, flaring through the upper atmosphere, before crashing down on top of the S.O.S beacon's location. Pod casings crack open around you, and you look around.

You stand about halfway up a beach. The water is calm, and further up the beach is a treeline. The trees are tall, nearly 200 feet, and dense. Thick vines hang from their branches, and the shrieks of native animal life sound from the treeline. The reports claimed that indigenous life should be largely non-hostile.

A few hundred yards off the coast, a glint of metal is barely visible over the surface of the water.

The treetops much further up the coastline are swaying as though something large is moving through them.

As always, roll checks you feel are appropriate. I'm tired of making the players that give a damn wait on the players that don't have their **** together.

To give you ideas - if your character wants to take air and soil readings, I can work with you. If you want to investigate the jungle, just do it. If you want to set up an encampment, do that. Just say stuff.

2013-11-28, 11:54 PM

Info quickly exits the pod, and not being restricted inside a mech, is able to get a quicker image of the surroundings... She unfurls her wings and quickly takes off 20 or so feet in the air before calling out:

"I see some movement up in those trees over there. There might be something large moving through the foliage. I also am detecting a metallic glint in the water several hundreds of feet in. I will go survey whatever this is, at it is the most out of place feature in the area, and may yield some clues. I will return very shortly, as I only intend to see precisely what it is.

She takes off, flying through the air towards the object in the water.

2013-11-28, 11:57 PM

As you approach the object, you begin to be able to make out an outline under the water. It appears to be a ship, similar in size to yours. It's resting tenuously on an outcrop of rock - it looks as though the sandy floor of the beach quickly gives way to a series of ravines.

You can see metallic shapes littered about the base of the ship - they look like mechs.

Something moves, down in the ravines beneath the ship.

2013-11-29, 12:05 AM
She looks closer at the wreckage beneath her...


..and, having seen what she needed to see, hurried back to the rest of her crew to tell them what she had witnessed.

2013-11-29, 01:03 AM
Mader ignored Info as she soared over the water, apparently investigating the glint she had seen. The movement in the trees drew his immediate attention.

"What do you think, Zak?" Mader asked his companion.

The AI remained silent for a moment before answering. "We're next to a distress beacon while something large enough to shake trees is moving nearby. Do you really need to ask?"

"I guess not."

With a shrug, Mader began taking readings of the soil and air from within his mech. Might as well start getting some information about this backwater planet.

2013-11-29, 08:37 AM
Otruo Azra

Dropping is quite a feeling. It's the free fall that tingles through your whole body... The pressurized drop pods sort of took away from the effect, but it was still one of the best sensations... Hard to compare to...

She notes the movement in the trees, Info's call before leaving... and even though no one can see in the mech, half rolls her eyes as she runs off. She stands over Mader, who at least has some objective mind and stares off at the treeline. Leaning back in her seat, she asks "The engineer needs to check out the beacon, see if anything else can't be scavenged from it, more particularly, what the distress was."

standard setup from now on is:
Target Uplink: +2 hit
Group Senses: +2 dodge AC
Crazy Triangulation: Blindsight to 15 feet, all linked constructs completely share each other's senses.

2013-11-29, 04:34 PM
Antonius Lagbuch

The drop was... uncomfortable, sims, as realistic as they have gotten don't quite get the feeling right. Nor had they addressed the fact that during an actual drop you are plummeting towards a solid object waaaay too fast. Antonius, while not enjoying it and being terrified out of his mind, managed to keep from screaming on the way down. Once they had landed he quickly activated his mech and readied his machine gun, expecting a trap from the get go. "Call out if you sight hostiles."

Perception check

2013-12-01, 01:55 PM
Cetos slid off Titus and landed awkwardly in the dust, looking around nervously and regretting his decision not to bring the twins. Octavia, my love, get a view from above and relay what you discover back to me. Be safe. Octavia bobbed in the air and soared up. Titus, not waitng for directions, stalked towards the trees, the overlapping steel plates of his powerful muscles flexing and creaking.

2013-12-02, 12:55 AM

As Titus approaches the treeline, the shaking grows more and more violent, and then stops, as soon as he gets within about twenty yards. No further motion occurs.

Info just told you guys that she found a downed ship. You should probably pay attention to her, too.

2013-12-02, 08:39 AM
As Info reports her findings, Octavia swoops down to the water and scans it with increased intensity, relaying a stream of images back to Cetos through his sim-module once he slips into AR. "Strange..." he mutters before lapsing into silence, fingering his protective talisman. Titus ventures a few more meters into the canopy before returning to his father's side.

2013-12-02, 09:46 AM
Antonius Lagbuch

Antonius keeps watch on the treeline. He radios Info "Is the ship active or inhabited?"

Perception roll

Perception to see if Antonius can see anything in the tree line. Something has to be causing the movement.

2013-12-04, 11:38 PM
Mader listened to Info's report absentmindedly as his eyes stayed fixed on his instruments.

"These damned soil readings are taking far too..." A light indicating their completion blinked on. "...long." Zak's giggling echoed through his mind. Ignoring the derisive laughter, Mader pored over the results of the scan. High phosporous... and Caesium-137 in the soil. Where had he seen that before? His brow furrowed in concentration.

Knowledge (Physical Sciences): [roll0]

2013-12-09, 02:11 PM

As Titus prepares to turn around, the construct is pounced upon by some unseen foe. The creature tears into Titus, slashing open metal sheeting.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] slashing

If the attack hits, a grapple check: [roll2]

2013-12-09, 02:38 PM

"So their ship. Is anyone going to join me in exploring it further? I think that should be our primary concern at the moment. Come, let us go investigate it further." she says as she makes to fly towards the ship again.

2013-12-09, 06:06 PM
"My son!" Cetos cries. "Titus, get out of there!" With a pop, Titus vanishes and reappears at his fathers side, deep gashes torn in his metal side. Cetos gently lays his hand on his son's body and the faint glow of magic surrounds the contact. When he removes it, the wounds have closed somewhat and Titus' arcano-mechanical interior is no longer exposed, but the metal sheeting is still ridged and scarred where the creature ripped into him. Cetos looks up with fury in his eyes. "No one hurts my children. No one." Raising his eyes to the sky and opening his arms, he calls, a noise of rage and anguish transmitting up to the ship through the connection of his powerful commlink. Far up above, something stirs.

Titus uses 30 feet of his Shadow Jump tuning ability to return to Cetos, who uses a use of Opportunistic Piety to heal 24 damage to Titus. I'll stat up Titus, Octavia, and Primus.

2013-12-12, 10:42 PM
The creature burrows back into the ground, departing almost as rapidly as it had attacked. The jungle remains very, very still, and very, very quiet - as a grave.

2013-12-16, 02:33 AM
Antonius radios the rest of the team. "We have what looks like hostile native critters. They burrow and seem like they are capable of damaging us. Keep your eyes open."

Antonius then readies an action to shoot the next critter that pops up.

2013-12-16, 09:05 AM
"Or, and this might be sort of an extreme alternative for you, we could just leave them alone and come take care of the task we arrived here in order to complete. Just come back here and leave the indigenous life alone. Let us go investigate the ship under the water." Data snaps back through the comm-link, clearly getting as frustrated and impatient as one without emotions could get.

On the beach, she again flies up into the air and leads the way out to the site of the ship, hovering in the air over the crash while waiting for everyone else to make their way over.

2013-12-16, 05:01 PM
Panting, Cetos takes out a handful of tools and begins working on Titus again. Gone for the moment. Stay there for now. We'll be back soon, he messages his children. As he works, Octavia floats after Info. "How are you planning to investigate?" she asks through the commlink.

2013-12-18, 12:37 PM
Mader shared in Data's irritation, or would have if his attention had not been monopolized by his discovery. The presence of Caesium-137 in such numbers could only mean one thing. And oh, what a curious thing it was.

"Stop playing with the local wildlife, we have bigger concerns," Mader said over the radio, "If nature itself is not playing some cosmic joke, this uncharted planet has seen the devastation of nuclear fire within the past 100 years."

Zak remained mercifully silent, apparently mystified by this revelation.

2013-12-18, 03:02 PM
Antonius radios Mader "Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't nukes make mutants and stuff? Also this place doesn't look like a nuclear wasteland." Antonius starts moving away from the treeline towards Data and the submerged ship. He then messages Data "Acknowledged relocating to your position."

EDIT: Forgot to add color