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View Full Version : Stephen Colbert vs. Jon Stewart

2007-01-09, 09:25 PM
So, who is it? My two cents worth: Colbert has better material and often has a better-produced show, but Jon Stewart's delivery is way better (and therefore funnier) than Steven's.

Poll away, fellow forumgoers.

2007-01-09, 09:33 PM
They're both from the same bread baby, they're just different slices! (They came from the same show, Colbert used to be the Senior guy on the Daily Show until he got all "growed" up... *tear*... and then he made the Colbert Report.) I show them equal love.

2007-01-09, 09:38 PM
I personally always find myself laughing more while watching the Colbert Report. Plus, I feel the daily show spends too much time on the interviews.

2007-01-09, 09:41 PM
So, who is it? My two cents worth: Colbert has better material and often has a better-produced show, but Jon Stewart's delivery is way better (and therefore funnier) than Steven's.

Poll away, fellow forumgoers.

I love both shows, but Colbert has a habit of cracking himself up a bit more often than Jon Stewart (who is probably one of the best "straight man" comedians today).

2007-01-09, 09:42 PM
John Stewart by a long shot. Not only did his development of the daily show turn into, believe or not, one of the major sources for political issues, bu it also fostered Colbert to become the comic suave straightliner he is, and need I mention the new movie coming out with Robin Williams - Man Of The Year. Tell me that's not a movie based on John Stewart. His comedy changed the way politicians carry themselves. No one running for office in the US now does so without trying to make an appearance on the Daily Show to gain the market share of votes the watchers provide. Sure, you can argue that Craig Killborn is responsible for the Daily Show's initial success, but you can't argue that it was John Stewart who made it a force to be reckoned with on a political scale.

2007-01-09, 09:42 PM
Not a big fan of Colbert's show. I think he was remarkable as a bit part in the Daily Show. I see Colbert as acting out a part. I put him on the level of your standard movie comedians, like Will Ferrel. And I don't much care for that humor. Just a "watch me be stupid." And then Jon Stewart, he isn't acting on the Daily Show. He doesn't require the showmanship. He is just really clever. So I guess I see it as the difference between Will Ferrel and Mark Twain. One delivers what some people call funny, the other actually has substance to it.

2007-01-09, 09:50 PM
I have to go with Jon. I remember him on MTV, so he's been with me for a while. The Daily Show has had such a huge impact on politics and public awareness, it's a force to be reckoned with. Now don't get me wrong, I love Stephen too, but I consider the Report to be the "after-dinner mint".

2007-01-09, 10:19 PM
I'm kind of bored of Jon Stewart. As it stands, the "Straight Man" is really his only bit, and all of his jokes have come to rely almost entirely on the pre-existing opinions of his audience.

2007-01-09, 10:22 PM
They are both fantastic but i prefer jhon stewart because it gets annoying how stephen colbert never comes out of is conservative republican character

2007-01-09, 10:55 PM
John Stewart, for sure.

When I watch that block, I watch the Daily Show all the way through, then watch just the first half of the Colbert Report. By then, I've already seen The Word (which I do love), but I never sit through the Colbert Reports' interviews (which I find to be almost unwatchable). Even then, I usually only pay attention to The Word.

I think my issue with the Colbert Report is that the Colbert personality is so overwhelming that a lot of the material - both comedic and serious - gets drowned out.

2007-01-09, 11:26 PM
the "Straight Man" is really his only bit,
I gotta disagree here. I don't think I'd call his delivery a 'bit.' I find it to be more his personality, the jokes don't need to be rammed down the throat. They just need to be given light.

A would call things like "This Week in God", or "The Word" to be bits. I would not call Colbert's delivery a bit either.

2007-01-09, 11:47 PM
John fifty times over. Colbert sounds like he's from a mtv show sometimes. And forced. And not at all subtle humor. John is funny.

2007-01-10, 12:28 AM
John Stewart by a long shot. Not only did his development of the daily show turn into, believe or not, one of the major sources for political issues, bu it also fostered Colbert to become the comic suave straightliner he is, and need I mention the new movie coming out with Robin Williams - Man Of The Year. Tell me that's not a movie based on John Stewart. His comedy changed the way politicians carry themselves. No one running for office in the US now does so without trying to make an appearance on the Daily Show to gain the market share of votes the watchers provide. Sure, you can argue that Craig Killborn is responsible for the Daily Show's initial success, but you can't argue that it was John Stewart who made it a force to be reckoned with on a political scale.

Not even. Craig Kilborn doesn't deserve credit for crap. He was a tremendous ass who drove Lynn Winstead (one of the creators of the original Daily Show) away from the show, then bailed to host the worst late-night show in recent memory. He couldn't deliver a joke if his life depended on it, and the show went through a total style makeover when Jon Stewart took over anyway.

2007-01-10, 12:31 AM
Though both shows are pretty funny, I'm going to have to side with the majority so far and say that I prefer John Stewart. Colbert is a little over the top and repetitive with his schtick. Daily show has a lot more variety to it as well.

2007-01-10, 12:34 AM
I'm kind of bored of Jon Stewart. As it stands, the "Straight Man" is really his only bit, and all of his jokes have come to rely almost entirely on the pre-existing opinions of his audience.

You'd miss him if he was gone. The straight man makes the jokes...the correspondents' jokes wouldn't work without Stewart there to bounce them off of. This is especially true of Colbert's jokes...if you notice, they've given him a "virtual straight man" for the "Word" segment. Colbert is funny on his own, but he's even funnier with Stewart. The straight man rarely gets the laughs; that's not his job. Nobody laughed at Abbot. They laughed harder at Costello because Abbot was there.

2007-01-10, 01:08 AM
I used to like Stewart better, but lately he's appeared, at least to me, a left wing hack. Colbert is just more entertaining to me, but if you take either seriously please, please stay out of politics.

2007-01-10, 07:06 AM
The satire of Colbert being so extremely right wing is a good bit. If you don't take him as playing a character that is nearly 100% opposite to his actual beliefs (see various interviews) he is almost frightening. That's a double edged sword that gives him a very nice edge... two in fact I guess. :smallamused:

But I still stand by John. He can smoothly transition from a ridiculous interview with celebrities one night, to a serious discussion with a philosopher the very next night. He draws fire from the right, and weathers it with grace, dignity, and fart jokes the next night. :smallamused: And his straight man schtick playes well with the new faces of incoming correspondents. I miss Mo Rocca, Steven and Stephen... but the newer faces work very well.

2007-01-10, 08:16 AM
I personally don't like either Stewart or Colbert that much, but I went with the Daily Show because I find the guy who does the "Back in Black" bit to be hilarous. And possibly psychotic, but that only makes it better for me.

2007-01-10, 08:54 AM
I like them both equally.

2007-01-10, 08:59 AM
For you fans (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITNkV-l-KuA). And for the record, Jon cracks himself up (or gets cracked up by others) far more than Colbert. That's WHY I prefer him.

Deus Mortus
2007-01-10, 09:22 AM
Colbert, it's the truthiness!

2007-01-10, 09:24 AM
Only Colbert will tell us the truth about bears. besides I think Stewart is kind of whiny he used to be funnier.

2007-01-10, 10:40 AM
Colbert all the way, and a wag of my finger to those who prefer the other guy!

Why? Jon Stewart has an axe to grind, over and over again. He phrases interviews to be as "Arn't people who disagree with me just totally irrational? I mean really, don't you (the guest) agree?" "Yes Jon, see my new book..."

Colbert is witty. He's quick and funny, and intellectual which, although Stewart is funny, he's too caught up in his own "isn't this right" thing. While I might agree with certain aspects of the argument, Stewart comes off like it's propaganda.

Colbert at least takes up a position that encourages discussion. He's middle of the road on issues and brings people to a discussion. He hasn't come out one way or the other on particular hot topics (like Stewart's crusade against embryos), and has a variety of guests on the show from all opinion sides; at least he'll call guests on stupidity.
All Stewart has is that one conservative guy who comes on once a month and to be the token conservative guest.

2007-01-10, 10:52 AM
Colbert. Definitely. Lately, he's been really funny with the Green Screen Challenge. And the 5-in-1 guitar. In my opinion, the interviews suck.

2007-01-10, 01:05 PM
I used to like Stewart better, but lately he's appeared, at least to me, a left wing hack. Colbert is just more entertaining to me, but if you take either seriously please, please stay out of politics.Jon Stewart gets away with way too much. He's become clearly a self-serving left-wing pundit, but he weasels out of any responsibilities or scrutiny by claiming "Well, I'm just a comedian on Comedy Central"

Also, the way he blends ridiculousness and seriousness is very poorly done. He basically says something really seriously then just does something ridiculous so he doesn't have to face up to what he's doing.
It's like, "You know, I think Bush is stupid and this latest thing he said was totally wrong," (audience laughs and applauds, because he criticises Bush and they don't care if it's funny or not) "Now, here's one of my minions talking about some guy in the midwest who thinks Aliens exist."

Finally, those who are "Afraid that Colbert isn't entirely opposed to his political opinions on the Report" A WAG OF THE FINGER. Colbert isn't about pushing his politics by mocking the other side like Jon Stewart, he's about satirizing the abuses of TV Newspeople on both sides. If you actually look at Colbert's real politics, he is a moderate libertarian, and a devout Catholic, which I think is super.

2007-01-10, 01:37 PM
Jon Stewart gets away with way too much. He's become clearly a self-serving left-wing pundit, but he weasels out of any responsibilities or scrutiny by claiming "Well, I'm just a comedian on Comedy Central"

Funny, when South Park does the same thing for the right-wing, nobody complains. And don't give me this crap about them making fun of both sides...it's a load of bull. They devote an episode to calling the Hurricane Katrina crime wave victims liars and take every opportunity to make fun of anyone who makes fun of Bush, and they aren't right-wing hacks? Give me a break.

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-01-10, 04:46 PM
They are very different types of humor. John is direct and funny, Stephen pretends to be the right-wing nut-jobs he makes fun of so they aren't really comparable.

But for the record John stewart is one of the producors of the colbert report.

2007-01-10, 04:54 PM
Stephen Colbert is a moderate? Really? Huh. His satire seems so bluntly anti-conservative that I thought he was fairly over to the left.

Personally, I side with Jon because Stephen's material seems a little forced at times. When he's more natural and subtle, he's funnier than Jon Stewart, but overall, Stewart wins.

2007-01-10, 06:43 PM
John Stewart wins by a long shot.

First of all, he actually reports news, which saves me from having to sit through an hour of Wolf Blitzer trying to convince me that we're on the brink of disaster. Colbert spends far too much time developing his own image. I'm referring, mostly, to things like the green screen challenge with the Decemberists that played a billion times when everyone at Comedy Central was on break, but I also get this from the Wag/Tip and Word segments, where the audience just goes wild and he holds himself as if he's king of the univverse. I've had people tell me this is supposed to be ironic, and I'll even accept that it is. But it doesn't work. In part because he never comes out of it, and in part because it's really a waste of time to be satirizing newscasters.

I also agree with Chubs about the vapidity of some of Colbert's stuff, and adenheld that he can be overpowering. I loved the guy as a correspondent or role-player on the Daily Show, but I can't take a whole show full of him.

And then finally... we really just didn't need anyother fake/comedy news show. Stewart does a fine job of it, and a fair portion of Colbert's material is the same as Jon's but from the other direction. Why would I want to sit through that twice?

Despite the fact that I think his show is superfluous, I do think Colbert is quicker than Stewart in the interviews. Sometimes the latter's just caught on guard, and Colbert is excellent at drawing ludicrous paralelles to his guests' arch-conservative viewpoints.

Tussy the Druid
2007-01-10, 06:51 PM
I prefer Colbert. Although neither of the shows are great in my opinion, i've watched both a few times, and it seems to be that Colbert is funnier.

2007-01-10, 06:58 PM
they're similar enough, at least to me. Though i've noticed colbert is a bit more assertive and makes his viewpoints more strongly during interviews. anyone see him and thr guy who wanted to legalize pot. They really went at it didn't they. not to get on the endless debate over legalizing it but i found his guest's views not convincing. he seemed to only really care about reducing crime and not wether pot is dangerous or not. reducing crime by making illegal things legal is pretty weak to me.

2007-01-14, 05:37 PM

join us
:mitd:all the cool kids are doing it

General Leitmann
2007-01-14, 07:30 PM
I love both shows, almost equally. Jon Stewart is good because he keeps as himself delivering quick wit, Steven because he plays a character, being the personification of pure zeal and pride, even in most dire of times. My vote goes to the Daily Show, only because I like Jon Stewart's delivery and honesty more than I like Stephen's radical right winged characterization.

2007-01-22, 08:40 PM
I've got a soft spot for deadpan deliver; Colbert all the way. Plus he had that "Decemberists" episode which was great.

General Leitmann
2007-01-23, 07:34 PM
I've got a soft spot for deadpan deliver; Colbert all the way. Plus he had that "Decemberists" episode which was great.

Yeah, that's a plus for Colbert, because the Decemberists are awesome. But I still can't shake my love for the Daily Show first and foremost.

2007-01-23, 07:39 PM
Colbert. Maybe it's just because his show is newer and fresher.... but it kind of seems to me like ever since he realised his show gets "more viewers than CNN," Stewart's gotten more preachy and less funny. It's easy to see where Colbert's political loyalties lie, but he's just too silly to be offensive to anyone, IMO.

2007-01-23, 07:45 PM
Colbert. Like others have said, Stewart is too into himself. Who ever heard of a comedian with self esteem?

And who can forget Colbert's stand up in front of President Bush? I have to say, though, I was just as impressed with Bush for laughing off the roast.

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-01-23, 07:54 PM
I have to say, though, I was just as impressed with Bush for laughing off the roast.

He did?@!? It sure didn't look like it in the video, I could practically see the steam shooting out his ears he was clearly enraged. I half expected the secret service to make Colbert "dissapear."

2007-01-24, 01:27 AM
He has weird facial expressions, but I saw him chuckle once or twice. He doesn't quite have Clinton's sense of humor, but he's no Reagan.

2007-01-24, 03:33 AM
Jon Stewart all the way! We have the same first name! - JON!!!:smallbiggrin:

The man named L
2008-12-30, 12:07 PM
Both of them are really funny and you cant really compare the two of them because they're two different styles. Stewart is intelligent comedy, he reports on the news and makes it funny, while Colbert is comedic satire, hes making fun of Bill O'reily and other pundits. So really it depends on your taste but if i really had to choose it would be JOHN OLIVER! So i would say both +John Oliver.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-12-30, 12:12 PM

Both of you are weak.

There's only room for one serious newscaster - and it is I, Christopher Morris.


Mr. Zook
2008-12-30, 12:21 PM
Jon Stewert = win. I watch both shows. I don't see the need to compare the two. :smallconfused:

2008-12-30, 12:49 PM
Good gods, this thread was dead for almost a year and somebody bumped it. Biggest bump I've seen.

Also, both. Jon Stewart is snarkier and more subtle, and Colbert is roll-on-the floor laughter, and I appreciate both of those.

2008-12-30, 12:56 PM
I'm not sure I can compare Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, but I will compare The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.

Daily Show is better. Period. My problem with Colbert Report is that it's all about Colbert's character. With TDS, you have maybe 10 min of Jon, 10 of a correspondent, and 10 of a guest (minus commercial break time of course). Jon is present for most of it, but he isn't always the center of attention. Colbert is 30 min straight of Colbert. Yeah he has a guest, but he does't let them talk. He'd rather just steamroll over whatever they have to say.

Bottom line is that I don't like how the Colbert Report is put together. I get sick of just seeing one person on the screen, in a strange persona, for 30 minutes. Back when I had cable I'd watch Jon Stewart and then I'd watch Colbert until the first commercial break. That was enough of the show for me.

2008-12-30, 01:05 PM
Considering I've only seen John(mind the spelling, people) Stewart, and that I think they don't even cast Colbert's show over here.

I'ma gonna have ta say John.
Even if he's not on around here anymore.

2008-12-30, 01:37 PM
Colbert gives better interviews. With Jon, it always seems like he gives extremely softball questions to people he agrees with, but digs in to people he doesn't. Some of the Mike Huckabee exchanges have been extraordinary, but in general the interviews are hit or miss. Colbert does a much better job of being a royal pain in the butt to anybody on his show, and can get away with asking totally off-the-wall questions. I usually learn a lot more about the interviewee from Colbert than from Stewart.

2008-12-30, 01:42 PM
Colbert gives better interviews. With Jon, it always seems like he gives extremely softball questions to people he agrees with, but digs in to people he doesn't. Some of the Mike Huckabee exchanges have been extraordinary, but in general the interviews are hit or miss. Colbert does a much better job of being a royal pain in the butt to anybody on his show, and can get away with asking totally off-the-wall questions. I usually learn a lot more about the interviewee from Colbert than from Stewart.
See this don't count for me as I don't live in the U.S.A., it's all of the humor for me.

2008-12-30, 01:54 PM
I'm going with Colbert.

Man can kill and eat GHOSTS.

I don't think Jon will be able to avoid that one.

Mr. Mud
2008-12-30, 02:12 PM
I made this thread first like 8 months ago! :smallbiggrin: Except without the spiffy poll feature... Anyways I think Colbert is better, because John Stewart has just been worn out... he doesn't really branch out to other forms of humor as Colbert does. Just sarcasm, and irony. Neither of which are bad, but Stewart just overuses them :smalltongue:. And Colbert is just naturally funny... The man could look in to a camera, say the word "batfish" and still get laughs.

Also Colbert's book was hilarious... anyone else read it :smallconfused:?

Ah right, and WHO has a Peabody award again :smallamused:?

2008-12-30, 02:25 PM
Considering I've only seen John(mind the spelling, people) Stewart.

I wouldn't usually call someone on the spelling, but ...


And I'll agree that Jon's interviews aren't great, but I rarely if ever like Stephen's. I just don't want to see him be a **** to random people. And because of his conservative character he acts nice to people that I do want to see him be a **** to.

Mr. Mud
2008-12-30, 02:54 PM
He's a **** to everyone, isn't that sorta the basis of the show :smalltongue:? and I just couldn't see the show working if he was a liberal... Or if he was actually conservative. But yes, I agree that both Colbert's and Stewart's interviews are bad... The new desk part(s) are the best...

A man with no arms in Germany stole a 42" plasma screen TV today... I wonder how the German police didn't notice him kicking it out the door. [swing camera] No one was hurt; thank God he was unarmed.

And the randomness of Colbert's stories completely and totally beats Stewart's...

2008-12-30, 03:48 PM
The man could look in to a camera, say the word "batfish" and still get laughs.

I am now eagerly awaiting the day when the word "Batfish" is prominently displayed in the opening sequence.

Mr. Mud
2008-12-30, 04:36 PM
I am now eagerly awaiting the day when the word "Batfish" is prominently displayed in the opening sequence.

Heh Heh, ask randman about batfish, and scrabble, I'm sure he'd love to explain :smallbiggrin:. I should totally get a batfish avatar...

Don Julio Anejo
2008-12-30, 05:16 PM
Colbert. He's funnier AND he looks like a friend of mine.

2008-12-30, 05:18 PM



Colbert Report<Daily Show

2008-12-30, 05:25 PM

Both of you are weak.

There's only room for one serious newscaster - and it is I, Christopher Morris.



Flame of Anor
2008-12-30, 05:38 PM
Being new, you probably missed this, Man Named L, but you're not allowed to bump really old threads. Someone said that it was almost a year since someone had posted--in fact, it's almost two years. In such cases, you're supposed to make a new thread.

...as I'm sure Roland will tell you when he locks this thread.

Roland St. Jude
2008-12-30, 08:46 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: Indeed. Very old. Clearly thread necromancy. Please don't.