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View Full Version : Advice on character roleplaying aspects

Master TT
2013-11-13, 01:22 PM
Hello everyone.

I’m a new poster here and I’ve come to seek your adivce.

I (character name: Lavorran) play a dnd3.5e campaign with my best friend Nickolai (character name: Illo) and our friend Martin as Gamemaster. Our problem is that Nickolai’s character is in a tight in the rolepay aspect and we’re coming up short on ways out of this.

First let me tell you a bit about the setting:
We’re on a plane where the maximum character level is 6 and the plane is magic starved, about 1/1000 of the people have magic. The paladins (or blackgaurds) rule supreme and have the final word on everything. There’ still normal ruling and government, they are just above that. The plane has vivid rasicsm, primarily among humans but also among the other races. Because of the low amount of magic and power on the plane knowledge of the plane system is not know and anything not divine is counted off as demon-whorship. And gold have a higher value here, 100 copper to 1 silver – 100 silver to 1 gold – 1000 gold to 1 platinium and so forth.

In this plane we’ve become a party as follows:

Lavorran was a spellscale sorcerer travelling the land searching for magic and trying to get away from rasiscm. He had Draconic heritage Old blood and a major silver dragon bloodline so Lavorran was a freak of nature even to other spellscales. Lavorran travelled for over 25 years as he was 39 years old.
Illo is a human bard going around from city to city and inn to inn just enjoying life trying to make a living. This would be quite normal if not for the fact that he was “fleeing” from his own blood. He is a half-devil and the son of one of the lords of the nine hells and have Spawn of the dark prince and a major devil bloodline.
Sissurn is a NPC human slave that we bought along the way. We eventually trained her with our two different views and got her small pieces of a personality as she was completely broken when we got her. She is still a very flawed person with whole parts of normal mind, common sense and personality traits missing.

Shortly the major points shaping our current predicament:

We banded together and set out to adventure normally going from city to city doing quests. We came upon a town of zombies, killed them and claimed the town for ourselves and happened to have a noble with us to acknowledge it. Having saved this noble who was the son of another noble whose house we got unstuck from a plane shift ritual we had really good relations with that family. Illo was technically a noble because of his father even though no one knew who that was. So he got the family’s daughter to marry. We’ve now spent a lot of money to build up this city. It’s hidden in 8 layers of permanent fog and we’ve build it to be a free city where religion don’t control you and you’re free to chose. Rasiscm is punishable by law and women can work if they wish. However as we levelled our bloodline we also started to manifest more and more traits of said bloodline. Lavorran got draconic wings and generally changed his overall body to be more and more draconoid and less and less humanoid. Illo always had the very black eyes of a devil and first he got a red leathery devil tail and now has gotten skin coloured devil wings. Lavorran has enjoyed the prospects of this city since we started building it as he doesn’t feel the weight of rasiscm and has power as magistrate in the city. Illo however has been unable to enjoy this as he has to keep up appearances for the nobles so as to not destroy his own house and possibilities of good relations. This is a very hard thing for him as nobles are the most racist people on the entire plane. He has been able to tell his wife and family but not more open than when they’re alone in the house. Illo also started to talk more with his father and even build him a church in the city so he could gain followers.

Our differing personalities:

Lavorran is free of mind and is fully acceptant of who and what he is. Even his own people have shown him the vague colours of differential treatment as an outsider and because of this he clings to his draconic heritage and the fact that he is more a dragon than anything else. However he still searches for a place where he can settle and live a life where people understand and accept him and his magic.
Illo is free in his demeanor but trapped in his own mind. He tries to flee from his heritage and doesn’t acknowledge what he is. He won’t let that define him or calssify him as he flee his father’s influence and the life as his son. Illo has tried ever since he found out what he was to have nothing to with his father even to the point where he became a nobody on the road.

This is our troubles.

Nickolai don’t know which direction to go now or which path to take with Illo. Illo has for some time been contemplation just sacrificing the entire city to his father and leaving it for the road again. He has also played the notion of giving the city to his son when he reaches a good age and then head down to the “evil” lands where he can be free as who and what he is. Illo has also been just on the tipping point for quite some time now in regards to just jumping full in and living as everybody sees him: A prophet son of a devil god who is a half-devil high priest of his father’s religion and start working on conquering the plane for his father and take his place in the blood wars.
However because of how much this city means to my character Nickolai would rather try and find a path that works together with that objective. As a minimum he would need something that would allow him to hide who he is efficiently or be able to show his true physical form without it harming social interactions.

Illo is a Bard level 3 and Warlock level 2 with a major devil bloodline of level 2
Lavorran is a Sorcerer level 3 and Warlock level 2 with no bloodline anymore but a +4 level adjustment
Sissurn is a Warlock level 1 and Hellfire warlock level 5

So... any advice on how to proceed from here? Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Note: Martin is hardcore veteran of many different systems of both pen & paper and live. He is an extremely good Gamemaster and makes anything work so it feels right. He’s got plans of this plot turning into a destiny for this plane. He’s just turned Lavorran into a true silver dragon of a physical wyrmling age 5 but with his former mental maturity. We know that he’s got similar big plans for Illo we just don’t know what

Master TT, signing off :smallcool:

2013-11-13, 03:33 PM

You can always punt.

Meaning, create some sort of horrible threat to keep everyone together and kick the problem down the road.