View Full Version : Cleric for Review

2013-11-13, 02:07 PM
I am building a new character for a lvl 17 game. And would like some opinions


NG Cleric of Pelor

Cloister Cleric 5/Combat Medic 5/Paragnostic Apostle 5/Sacred Exorist 2

Whisper Gnome

Str 06
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 33 (+5 Insight, +6 Enh)
Cha 16 (+6 Enh)

Feats (including 2 Flaws)
Combat Casting
Extend Spell
Persistent Spell
Divine Metamagic (Persistent)
Chain Spell
Extraordinary Spell Aim
Zen Archery

Knowledge is Power
Manifest Ethos
Call of Worlds
Mind over Body
Mind over Matter
Penetrating Insight

Turn Dragon

Equipment -
Regalia of the Phoenix
Gloves of Endless Javelins
Monk's Belt
Other slots open

This cleric needs to be a very capable healer. A lot of the party members have the mentality they can do suicidal things and because I am the divine caster its my job to save them instead of playing combat smarter. I have been slowly working on trying to break them out of this mentality.

1 rule about character building, our DM has set up that if you take a prestige class you have to take all levels in the Prestige Class before you can move onto another one. We do not play with LA buy-off.


1) I have been pondering being middle aged so I can increase my mental stats but not sure if the -2 to physicals will be worth it.

2) I will be using the Gloves of Endless Javelin as the source my primary attack weapon with the Talon Scepter as my melee weapon. So not sure if keeping Zen Archery is worth it. Since the way I read the item is that I can conjure free javelins so I can make multiple attacks

3) Are there any better combinations of feats people would suggest?

4) If anyone has a better alternative for prestige classes I am open. Particularly if you have something better for Combat Medic

Any suggestions, pointers, advice welcome

2013-11-13, 04:30 PM
I'd use the Ice Axe in melee as often as possible. As for feats: combat casting & dodge? You can do better than those. With a monks belt and that otherwordly wisdom you will rarely be hit anyway.

Pick something useful instead, like extra turning maybe?

2013-11-13, 04:37 PM
Combat casting & Dodge are required feats for the Combat Medic PrC. If I could find a way to get them for free or some other way to get them I would trade them out in a heart beat.

2013-11-13, 05:01 PM
I guessed as much. Sheesh, with your WIS the DC to overcome the sanctuary kicker is going through the roof!
Anyone you heal will be untouchable.

2013-11-13, 05:30 PM
By level 17, an unlimited supply of +1 javelins as your main attack mode is going to feel pretty unsatisfying. If you like the javelins of force thing, you might talk with your DM about customizing a beefed-up gauntlet that applies more weapon enhancements to your javelins.

Alternately, take advantage of the fact that you're a cleric of pelor and take the Radiant Servant class instead of Combat Medic and Paragnostic Apostle. Better HP, kinder pre-requisites, armour and weapon proficiencies, a bonus domain, and you're still great at healing. Something like Cleric 6/Radiant Servant 10/Sacred Exorcist 1 will be quite strong. Not that the current build isn't! But consider that all of the things that Combat Medic enables you to do are exactly the things that you DON'T want your fellow PC's relying on you for. By taking the class, you are officially the enabler in this relationship. :smalltongue:

You have two more feats listed than you would normally have at level 17. I'm assuming that one of those is because Chain Spell is listed twice. The source of the other feat?

If you're going for DMM persistent, then getting additional turn undead uses is pretty important. Gear that helps this (Reliquary holy symbol, as many nightsticks as you and your DM agree are reasonable) will be essential.

Also, chatting briefly with the DM about how powerful the two of you would like to go with DMM persist will help smooth things out later. Mass lesser vigor, persisted, essentially means that players erase damage during downtime. Useful but not game breaking. Discussions of what spells to persist are not hard to find. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154680)

Good luck!