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Lord Magtok
2015-03-28, 08:47 AM
Game Room

"Ah! Detective Joyeux, we finally meet at last, again, for the very first time! The papers said you'd been tracking me me since Istanbul; I knew it was only a matter of time before we found each other! I can't say I ever expected our inevitable confrontation to turn out quite like this, however. Lowering my guard for just a moment, only to find myself tackled and straddled by you a second later...I think I had a dream like this, though. We were in Italy, if I recall. I'd just liberated one of Picasso's finest, and you...you were wearing significantly less pants," Magtok explains, slipping into the role of a eccentric, dastardly gentleman thief about as effortlessly as you'd expect. He hopes Happy doesn't mind her sudden promotion. Going from lowly museum guard to ace detective obsessively chasing art crime around the globe is a pretty big jump, after all.

I mean sure, it might've been simpler to just leave her as a security guard on the night shift, but doesn't it stretch credulity to have legendary rogue and notorious black market art trader Timaeus Maelius (original character; do not steal) get taken down by some faceless goon? I mean, not even a major antagonist, just your standard rent-a-cop with a broken flashlight? No, better to give her some extra backstory and heightened plot relevance instead. This deliberately terrible, goofy roleplay stuff is serious business, after all.


"I need something or someone who can handle evacs. VIGIL has a few infirmary patients, but worse than that, it's full of the kind of crazy people who would stand around and try to make a valiant last stand until the cavalry shows up, instead of running away while they still have a chance. We don't actually have a cavalry big enough for this anymore, though. Not with DC gone and HALO breaking off. They need to be dragged away and brought somewhere safe. Trog's, maybe." Magtok stops to gulp nervously, feeling his throat dry up and his hands start shaking. Dammit, this is not how his first day back on the job was supposed to go!

"Ideally, we'd get everyone clear and then bomb the whole site to pieces, but I don't know if that can be done without accidentally hurting a few innocents or letting a couple demons escape. I've only had to deal with MagCave invasions before; I didn't have the lives of other people to worry about like I do here." the cyborg frets. Someone else is going to die today, and it seems as though there is horrendously little he can do about it. He's run out of favors with the Union, HALO certainly isn't his best friend right now, and most of the combatants he knows are either too precious to him, too powerful, or too reckless to risk being killed, corrupted, or captured.

2015-03-28, 09:50 AM

"It will be safe. Not Trog's." Sunny says. She starts tapping away in the background, and the first step happens - the medical robots (that Sunny donated to Watchtower when she left (on good terms), but that have been mostly in hibernation or being used for basic life support tasks) wake up from their slumber and begin transmitting data to their creator.

At this point, this conversation should probably move to the VIGIL thread....

Game Room

"Mais non, Monsieur. It was Paris. C'est toujours Paris," Detective Joyeux says. "It was on the banks of the Seine, as you emerged from the Musée d'Orsay with the most exquisite Mondrian, preparing to stuff it into your diving suit and swim away. I did wonder how no one noticed the museum goer wearing scuba tanks, but perhaps they thought it was performance art."

Lord Magtok
2015-03-28, 02:21 PM
Game Room

"Ah yes, the Mondrian. Not quite the Starry Night Over Riverside I'd hoped for, but even I can only do so much with just a tool box and a coat hanger when the finest of Paris's finest is in hot pursuit," the rogue shrugs. It's a struggle for Magtok to not snicker at any point during the detective's accented retort. This is incredibly silly, but the moment he breaks character, he loses.

"So tell me, detective, am I being brought to justice, or are you just here to reminisce? Because if this is official police business, well...you probably needed these," the scoundrel points out, sweeping a hand up from the detective's belt to her face, revealing a pair of handcuffs he must've swiped from her a moment ago, and definitely didn't pull out of his own sleeve or anything like that.

2015-03-28, 02:55 PM
The Game Room

Detective Joyeux gives him a critical look. "You think to fool me in such an obvious trap? There is no Starry Night Over Riverside - the stars have not been seen over Riverside in years. And no handcuffs ever made would hold Europe's most wanted. Do you think to trick me into giving you access to the Skyside Archives?"

Lord Magtok
2015-03-28, 11:15 PM
Game Room

That's two strikes now. Twice she corrected a thing he said. He cringes a little on the inside. Blugh, he's getting his rear handed to him, he definitely should've studied the game's lore and did his art homework before any of this happened.

"Ah, all I needed was to confirm that you had access to the Archives," he tries, his voice wavering for a moment, betraying a small ounce of doubt which isn't quite in-character. Dammit, should've just let her play boring old security guard; this is getting far too difficult.

"The rest will come together in due time." The cuffs come into play again, clacking into place on his wrist and hers. Which one of them is well and truly the captive now? Still him, totally.

2015-03-29, 01:57 PM
Game Room

"Abducting an officer of the law? That is definitely going to make things worse for you. So... much.... worse...." Oh dear. Happy seems to have fallen out of character and punctuated the last few words with kisses. How disappointing!

2015-03-29, 07:47 PM
[Outside the Remains of the Lime Room]

"It shall be done soon, then, Sir!" Riss said in a tone that might well be pulling a smart salute if voices could have corporeal representation. Once Magtok was satisfied/bored/finished with supplying parting comments/ready to wash his hands of the muse for now and let her go back to blowing herself up on company time, Riss would fully turn her attention to her test subject Sophia. "We're going to need to fit this to you since it was made to be somewhat generic when it came to user body shapes." she began, turning on her heel to lead the way down to the foundries; making a few quick stops to empty and clean out the vomit bucket as well as seek out some mouthwash on the way.

"We may end up needing to test this outside due to the augmentative nature of this thing. I don't know if a large chamber will be enough but I suppose we'll find that out soon enough." she said, only vaguely hinting at just what this 'thing' was. "I'm rather glad you were here, though. I need data on a full scale flesh and blood humanoid who isn't already physically augmented if I want a decent baseline for later refinement." she said. Unfortunately, just about everyone she knew other than Sophia was excluded for one or more reasons from that group. Sure, there was the whole shifter thing but that seemed dependent on her normal body rather than the other way around. It shouldn't skew results too much.

((sorry, march-April is apparently Siege of Schoolwork))
Sounds fun! I have a fondness for augmentation equipment, obviously, after all. You shouldn't have much trouble with fitting, by the way. I picked up slight shape shifting powers -it's a bit of a long story-, so I can do so as long as my mass isn't altered. It's just a magical power though, so it doesn't alter my cells or nervous system or anything.
Sophia replies, keeping an even pace with the scientist. She may seem a bit older to Riss than before, and her complexion may seem a bit lighter as well. Sophia also wears a small locket in the shape of the survey corps' symbol around her neck, and a holy symbol draped beside.

Lord Magtok
2015-03-30, 10:18 AM
Game Room

"No prison...ever made...would hold...could hold Europe's most wanted," he answers, parroting back her earlier remark, and bringing his own kisses with him. I don't think he's terribly worried about authenticity or staying in character, if this is where things go when Happy lapses. He doubts she'll suddenly pull back and ask him what the hell he thinks he's doing, her character would never be comfortable with someone's hand on the back of her neck after that traumatic incident with some vicious street gang, which later inspired her to become a cop and fight crime in the first place. At that point, she absolutely would have to be messing with him, because there's no way anything could've prepared him for a narrative twist like that.

2015-03-30, 03:03 PM
The Games Room

"No ordinary prison," Happy insists, and rolls them over so that Magtok Timaeus Maelius is on top. She'll let him guide the handcuffed pair of arms, since she is less likely to twist any joints, but her free arm is firmly around his waist. "I am taking you to the Stormcage Containment Facility (http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Stormcage_Containment_Facility).... Once you've... had your way with me, that is..."

Lord Magtok
2015-03-31, 10:44 AM
The Games Within Games Within Games Room

"I'll be taking my time, then," the rogue answers, as if he could avoid imprisonment simply by taking a really long time to drop a curtain. Timaeus Maelius (Wow what kind of name is that anyways? Sounds like some ancient Roman or some kid's first DnD character. Thank goodness Mag hasn't had the opportunity actually speak it aloud :smallyuk:) entwines his fingers in her cuffed hand and pushes it to the floor, using it as leverage so he can bring his legs up and rest on his knees. From here, he can look down on her from on high, check the door to make sure it was closed all of the way before any of this started, and perhaps most importantly, snake a hand under her shirt. He has to be sure there's no GPS tracker or wire or anything of the sort in there, and that means a whole lot of brusquely frisking every inch of her abdomen.

2015-04-04, 09:15 AM
Metagames Room

Detective Joyeux isn't wired but she's definitely ticklish.* "No! Stop!... Please!**..." she gasps out between peals of laughter and more kisses. "Don't!... I give up***!...Just please...."

*Which is suspicious, as Happy is not ticklish.
**Also suspicious is that she's helplessly gasping out pleas for him to stop, but maintaining her French accent.
***And she's smirking.

Lord Magtok
2015-04-05, 10:10 AM
Metagames Room

"Just making sure you didn't bring an audience, Detective. Whatever the d'Orsay staff's may believe, this is certainly not performance art." our master thief smirks back, satisfied with his search. I have to wonder why he did all that before he trying to remove Joyeux's shirt, though. Wouldn't it have been easier if he could see what he was doing? Anyways, while he's doing that, the curtain descends.

2015-04-05, 01:35 PM
Game Room


Sometime later...

"Nuh-uh. No taking the cuffs off until you clear the next 3 levels," Happy says. They are back on the sofa now, still cuffed together (though mysteriously dressed again) and snuggled up, and Magtok was about to dispense with the handcuffs.

2015-04-05, 07:07 PM
[MagForges - Not Just For Signatures Anymore]

"All the more reason for fitting given the method I've chosen for equipping." Riss replied. "I would prefer that you were in a state you find most comfortable as there will be the need of a 'default' state for this to operate properly." she said, slightly quickening her stride and leaving the scent of cinnamon and chai in her wake. It was the only outward sign she would allow herself to show in present company of her own enthusiasm.

"By the way, is there anything you might be wearing now that you would consider 'essential' to your survival? The process involves a brief interval of removing extraneous material so anything that shouldn't be considered as such would be good to designate now." she added once they arrived at what could be thought of as a kind of storage room just outside the forge wing of the cave... Assuming it could be called a 'wing' but that was semantics, really. "You needn't worry about anything deleterious happening to things like those pendants of yours, though. They will be safely stored away in the meantime."

With that, Riss opened the sold doors with a mental command and lead the way inside. The room itself, from both the smell and the sooty marks on the floor, had been previously used as a storage and assembly area for... Well, the list was probably in Magtok’s files somewhere but the remnants of arc welding and the like had yet to be scrubbed from this place. It was definitely an older room but the walls looked quite solid although that was possibly due to being quite deep in the mountainside. All that weight of rock had to be supported somehow. Other than several crates that could have well been forgotten or lost due to a rounding error or, as was the case of what looked to be dozens upon dozens of pants of various kinds, purposefully left there, the room was empty save for a small steel box sitting out in the open with something that looked like a combination of a sledgehammer, and ramjet engine propped up on top of it. Moving the strange weapon, as what else could something like that be, with surprising ease despite how heavy the device looked, the muse nudged the lid open with the toe of her shoe and knelt down to pick up what looked to be... Well.. What might be a frankly underwhelming set of metal bands. ”Here. These two go on your wrists. These on your ankles and this one can be worn as a belt. This last one should fit around your neck like a choker though I can make the final product into something that will fit more in line with ‘casual wear’ if you really need it.” she said, holding them out with one hand. Other than the neckpiece, the bands would be surprisingly heavy for their size, each at least three to four kilograms.

Lord Magtok
2015-04-05, 09:47 PM
Game Room

"Three? I'm not even sure how to approach this one. I swear I've checked all over for secret passages and stuff. Maybe if I just sneak really fast when both guards are turned around-" Magtok pushes the control stick forward, and then suddenly backwards when his plan quite predictably falls apart. Oh jeez, that would certainly lead to one hell of a medical bill in real life. At least he's slightly closer to completing the level, though. He has one more addition to the list of things to not do, though.

"Ouch. That reminds me, have you heard anything from Malice? He doesn't really like talking to me, but last I heard, he was trying to ruin Thanksmas. That was four months ago; you'd think he'd have some new plan by now," Magtok remarks, trying to sound entirely casual and nonchalant, despite genuine concerns for his estranged 'sibling' and some niggling suspicions as to who the other cyborg's last sidekick may have been.

2015-04-06, 03:48 AM
Game Room

Happy's hand is a dead weight under the controller as Magtok plays, but at least she isn't fighting his control at all. Until the name 'Malice' comes up, when she tenses involuntarily. Which spoils his current run. On screen, his game figure runs right into the special detective. "Put down the Picasso and put your hands into the air."

"Nnnno. I came straight here," Happy protests. She's a terrible liar. Even when, as in this case, she's telling the truth. It still sounds like she's guilty.

The actual truth that she's hiding is that she was headed for a meeting with Malice when the Pothole of Great Inconvenience happened. Oh gods, what if he'd gone looking for her and ended up in the Pothole? And that was meant to be an offscreen deadtime only place, so they couldn't even go searching for him there! And how was she supposed to explain to her boyfriend that she'd been sidekicking on the side with, well, his own evil clone? Well, okay, Magtok would take it better than most, since the whole 'evil clone' thing wouldn't be the most shocking part of the business. But still. Sidekicking for someone else is probably just as bad as cheating. And she didn't just do it, she threw herself into it, with costuming and theme weapons and all sorts. And it was fun!

"But I'm sure he'll turn up. So what else has been going on in the Nexus while I was away?" Happy says brightly, trying to change the subject.

Lord Magtok
2015-04-06, 09:33 AM
Game Room

"HALO and AMEN spli-I mean, HALO and Watch split," Magtok corrects himself. He never really saw much difference between the two, honestly. Both organizations had plenty of infighting, murder, questionable morals, and people who actively hated him. The only real difference seemed to be public relations, goals, and whether or not the Empire wanted them all lined up and shot.

"Right when I was walking back in the door to get back to work, too. And then DC was in the Vault, yelling about how the apocalypse twins' remains weren't safe in this incompetent organization, and that he was going to steal it and run off, up until KR, who had been agreeing with him and acting like a stereotypical mustache-twirling supervillain, suddenly turned on him and stabbed him in the chest, and then they both teleported outside and exploded and demons started invading." He goes on, as his character tries to run, even in spite of the handcuffs on his wrists, only to be tased and brought to justice moments later. Ouch. At least he got to the painting this time, though.

"It's been a mess. I don't know why I even bother; none of these people appreciate anything I do for them. They don't care how many slaves are freed or what apocalypses were stopped, they don't trust me or listen to a thing I say. They're all just waiting for me to do something horrible so they have an excuse to beat me senseless."

2015-04-06, 09:56 AM
Game Room

"KR killed DC. Like the Sapphire sword... " Happy says. She killed her own husband under its influence. She doesn't think Draken is still around, but he could have returned. No one is ever really dead. "But they're both gone now? Does that leave you leader of Watch? Or HALO? Or AMEN? Will you tell me if either of them comes back?"

On the large screen, the scene cuts to show Magtok's next "life" - his character just emerging from prison after serving his sentence. His money is halved, and he's lost any weapons or art he was carrying at the time of his arrest, but he still has his other items. The art he's stolen on previous missions is still his.

Lord Magtok
2015-04-06, 10:58 AM
Game Room

"Wenomir said the staff she was using is tied to the Cuthun demons, so it's possible the same kind of thing was going on. Maybe he just didn't want to think his girlfriend was nuts, I don't know. I don't even know if the organization even has enough people left to lead anymore; it was pretty dead just before the split, and now we don't even have half the people that were around before." As defeatist as Magtok might sound, it doesn't seem to hit quite as close to home as it would if, say, AMEN was the one dying instead. He had no friends in WATCH, and if the jerks all get eaten by demons, it wouldn't really bother him any more than the Empire's collapse, really. He's only still involved out of pride and a sense of obligation. If and/or when the group finally dies, he'll just move on to the next thing, like he always does.

2015-04-06, 12:40 PM
Game Room

Happy falls silent for a bit, watching him play until he gets to the next cutscene. Then she sits up and snaps the handcuffs open so he can play unemcumbered. "I always appreciated it. It wasn't just because of the chemistry between us either. I knew you were the one to rely on when hell was invading. I couldn't have been the only one."

Lord Magtok
2015-04-06, 01:18 PM
Game Room

Nope! Magtok tries to put the cuffs right back on. He's been challenged, and that challenge has to be met. As much as he may've whined a moment ago, he's not going to let go of the cuff situation until he succeeds or gives up. Also, he's pretty sure he finally figured out this mission, now that he knows where the special detective is lurking.

"Maybe, but they aren't exactly vocal abou-" Magtok shakes his head. No, he's not going to make an issues of this. Better to change the subject. Only crazed egomaniacs complain about people being ungrateful for their leadership, for being less than devout worshipers to their superiors. He might be a little narcissistic, but there's no way he's going to let himself be that bad.

"Can you believe Tobias cited incompetent leadership as one of his reasons for the split? I was the one to help HALO back up on its feet after he fled the throne without warning anyone or setting up any kind of successor. I finished up the merger stuff he helped get started, and that was with Watch glaring at me from across the table the entire time. He's got a lot of nerve after abandoning his organization to the schemes and machinations of a notorious evil genius. You don't throw stones when your house is a glass submarine."

2015-04-06, 01:44 PM
Game Room

Happy chuckles, and allows the cuffs to be reattached. Or replaced. She did kind of brute force the lock, which means it might not go back again. "People who hide under the sea probably don't want to be reminded of the sky. Also, Tobias is a prig, and I don't envy you having to work with him."

Your mission is to steal the original Dogs Playing Poker, entitled "A Friend in Need" from ???? (http://www.bicyclecards.com/news/story/playing-poker-with-dogs)

"Ouch. Those mystery missions are tough."

Lord Magtok
2015-04-07, 10:31 AM
Game Room

"I don't think I've ever been forced to talk to him about anything for more than a moment at a time, actually. S'weird, really, when you think how much more contact I had with his buddy Rein, the Apocalyptor. I'd always wondered about the cat's attitude, if he got it from the fox or the demon, but I never got around to asking before he knocked up those girls and skipped town." Magtok comments, checking out a few kennels in the area, figuring the game would hide the painting somewhere innocuous and out of the way, just to mess with the player's expectations, rather than any rich aristocrat's mansion or lavish museum.

"Oh right, I never told you, did I? Turns out he got a genderbent clone of Tobias pregnant, too. There was a big episode about that one maybe or maybe not being apocalyptic, just like the other one, which fortunately ended with 'No, not apocalyptic at all, everything's fine', followed by an entire barrel of wine to get the mental images out of my head. I mean, I knew they were close, but Raptor Christ, eww! Human form or not, there's still a talking cat in there." Says the cyborg who'd been joke-flirting with the same cat a few months before the end. He'd insist that was all just to try to unnerve and unsettle the cat, but still, it's just a little hypocritical of him to talk like that, isn't it?

2015-04-07, 01:27 PM
Game Room

Happy refrains from reminding Magtok that he confessed to her that he was attracted to Reina. He'd called her because he was confused and didn't know what to do, and Happy had told him that he was crazy and that Reinholdt was manipulating him (or that's how she remembers it anyway).

"Isn't Tobias part fox or something? They're kind of somewhere between cat and dog. Anyway, what matters is that there are a thousand or so Reinholdts, and they all want to have children. As long as he's not the one raising them, I guess they'll be okay." For Nexus values of okay.

2015-04-07, 10:38 PM
Poke me tomorrow please. I don't have time to reply to or now, so...

Another point in time! Yay!

It's been a while, and as we all know, time fluxuates in the nexus for a few select people sometimes. I guess with these facts, it should be no surprise when a knock at Magtok's door, whether front door or inside room (an old... acquaintance, I guess, might be allowed inside, after all!) as determined by choice of Magtok and maybe Happyturtle, sounds to herald the arrival of someone close to Magtok in story at least, familiar yet different.
One hint: Caelynn is a good guess, but you're off by a little!

Lord Magtok
2015-04-08, 01:48 AM
Game Room

"So long as the five thousand or so ReinChildren who aren't Fox Baby or DoubleCat have the decency to stay the hell out of the Nexus, things should be fine." Magtok frowns, referring, of course, to Tovia and Caelynn's children, respectively. Magtok doesn't say so, but he's always been just a little weirded out by the idea of second-generation Nexusians, even his own. Probably because it makes him feel older than he tells himself he really is. Hard to insist that you're still that passionate young man with radical ideas about the way the world should work when all your peers are off making babies, after all. Naturally, that means third generation Nexusians are even worse, and clearly the work of devils conspiring to make him feel super-ancient and past his prime.

"I heard there's a space station over Nexus now. Somehow it wasn't named Spaceside, and is apparently fairly popular. Popular with people who don't have the sense to stay the hell away from space, I mean. At least with HALO, there's a chance you could get out alive if the place sprung a leak. A space station pretty much kills you instantly the moment there's a problem," Magtok claims, exaggerating quite a bit to justify his own phobia of going into space. I don't know exactly what makes him so terribly resistant to the idea of ever leaving his terrestrial cage, but it certainly doesn't sound like anything less than a major apocalypse could possibly motivate him to spend even a single afternoon up on Salmagundi Station.

Another Point in Time!

Excluding the people who live here with Magtok, Happy is more or less the only one the doors ever open for without any sort of cyborg approval beforehand. Our tin man is nothing if not paranoid; he's not even going to open up for an old acquaintance. Not without the usual intercom system and surveillance camera squinting at the visitor from afar first, anyways.


2015-04-08, 02:00 AM
Game Room

"You'd die in HALO instantly too!" Happy insists. "There is an entire realm of chaos sitting atop you down there, with a scant bubble of protection." She's hardly one to mock his space phobia given her fear of being underwater.

2015-04-08, 01:29 PM

A young woman, 17 years old with fair complexion and slightly freckled face, stands at the door. Clad in a waist-length military jacket of violet, a black sweater worn below with warm white scarf wrapped about the neck, legs adorned in black shorts and matching combat boots with violet lace, paired with stockings of snow covering the rest of them, the adolescent nervously waits. Her platinum hair is kept in a collarbone-length (at most) moptop below the black military cap she wears, and one might see bandages under her sleeves despite the fingerless gloves the woman wears.
The most noticeable feature, however, is her eyes. The right may be covered by bandages, but the other shines that vivid, trademark hot pink that Magtok has come to know so well.
Hello? I think you might be able to help me.
The woman replies tentatively

Lord Magtok
2015-04-08, 11:02 PM
Game Room

"Sure, but HALO isn't guaranteed to be full of people with tech better than mine, who could easily hack the left half of my face if they really felt like doing so. Everyone up in space has to be at least as techy as me, whereas you can be atotally useless pantsomancer or something in HALO, because you only need to be able to find the portal or boat or whatever that takes people there. HALO's bad, but space is worse." Mag insists, as if any of this made any sort of a difference either way.


"Raptor Christ, you're already a teenager. ****," Magtok exclaims, sounding more dismayed than surprised. He's seen this kind of thing tons of times before, but it never makes it feel any less weird when someone he knew as an infant is all grown up, talking in complete sentences, drinking, and making out with other young people. He's not that old, dammit!

"Right. So...anyways, you know who I am, and it's pretty obvious I've already figured out who you are. S'there any particular reason you came all the way out here?" He asks, his chrome fingers pressed against his temples, as he slowly shakes his head back and forth. On some level, he always knew this would happen, but it doesn't make the experience any less stomach-churning. At least it's not as awful as it was when he figured out who Ilpholin's infamous mother was, though.

2015-04-09, 04:20 PM

I've been attending school back home for a while, I guess time moves differently there. And before you ask, my mom has an interdimensional cell phone.

But I digress. I came here because I need guidance. I want to make a difference in the world, to be great, and I feel the best way to do so would be to find someone who can help me achieve it.
And obviously she went to Magtok. Hm. Interesting choice....

2015-04-10, 01:49 AM
Game Room

"So? You take me with you, and anyone tries to de-tech your face, I re-arrange theirs." Happy says. Magtok finds A CLUE on the deck of playing cards. But before he can act on it, the RIVAL THIEVES turn up for a running shooting match along the pier that turns into a speed boat chase!

"So... um.... you think we should look for Malice?" Or more sensibly, do something prominently respectable and wait for him to turn up to make trouble.

Lord Magtok
2015-04-10, 09:38 AM

"Your second mistake is wanting greatness. Nobody in this world has ever become great or famous without dipping their hands in the blood of the innocent somewhere along the way. Your first mistake, near as I can tell from looking at you, was picking a fight with a wild owlbear on your way here. Your third is probably thinking of me as a sort of surrogate uncle, and your fourth is turning to me for guidance, instead of someone like..." Magtok trails off, hand wrapped around his chin as he tries to think of an individual who would be better qualified to mentor young Reinsdottir.

Momma Caelynn? No, not unless your intended mark on the world is keeping the tabloids in circulation and widespread controversy as a result of a single questionable decision. It's impossible for Mag to hold that against her after what happened with Marcy, but even so, there's a huge gap between achieving forgiveness and being qualified to be someone's Ben Kenobi. Maybe if she singlehandedly launched a successful coup against Vyrn and his entire Union, but only because that's pretty much impossible for anyone to achieve.

Daddy Reinholdt? No, even if he hadn't vacated the Nexus for good, between the devastating apocalypses and the whole absentee father thing, he's not exactly Deadtime Magazine's Person of the Year, is he? He'd probably tell her to explode the whole world, and be a hero by ending everyone's suffering in one huge-massive explosion.

Dipsnig Razortooth? Well, provided you could get over eating mushrooms every day and that awful stench, he might set you on the right track. His kind are one of those awful species that live in big dumb caves, tinker with tech until it explodes in their faces, and frantically reproduce faster than their enemies can cut them down, though. Y'know, the kind with stupid-sounding names like Giptog and Magyok and Mogtak. You can never trust those kinds of people.

DC? Well...sure, I suppose, if he can forgive you your ancestry, and if you can afford to cast Speak with Dead every two minutes. He'd probably recommend murdering pretty much anyone and everyone who's committed evil before, though. Given the sort of people who typically hang about the Nexus, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who isn't kill-worthy. Really, it'd basically be the same advice Daddy Reinholdt offered, except the Union would inexplicably be spared from this bloody, violent rampage. Vyrn would offer more or less the same advice, provided he didn't have you executed for being dressed like a potential assassin first.

Sakura Frescot? Sure, why not. Just find a nice boy, and then follow her example by dragging that boy under the curtain and making so many babies the nations of the world are forced to acquiesce to your demands, in exchange for an eighteen month reprieve to find enough baby formula, diapers, and daycare centers to accommodate your infantile army of cat babies. That's a kind of greatness, right?

That One Fox Person at Inari's? Maybe. Can you actually recall the name of anyone who works there, though? Can you even tell one fox person from another, or are you a huge fox-racist for whom they all look exactly the same? They seem like nice enough people, but there's a huge difference between being a friendly neighbor and being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

"Okay nevermind, just three mistakes. So first things first, what do you already know how to do? Does your school teach combat training, did you inherit weird magic stuff from your dad, is there a specific sort of do-gooding you had in mind?" Magtok asks, already showing signs of being weary and exasperated with this whole training nonsense before it's even begun.

Game Room

"Maybe. He's really good at staying hidden when he wants to be, though. We'd have to do something ridiculous to get his attention, like open a bank or sell Malice-themed merchandise or play paintball in his last hideout until he shows up to yell at everyone." Only the first of those ideas was even remotely close to 'prominently respectable.' Somehow that doesn't surprise me in the least, though.

2015-04-10, 07:17 PM
I still don't get why Gulaghar refuses to have her litterally raise an army

Alexis chuckles
Actually... one and a half. The bandages aren't actually bandages, though I did get a bad head injury, and I'm not that foolhardy about relations between you and my mom.
Also... Would you mind me coming inside and sitting down or something, instead of talking on the doorstep?
She replies, adjusting her hat.
Whether or not this happens, she will inform him of the following later.
I'm pretty skilled with a Variant Ballistic Chain Scythe, learned from the master herself in fact. I've learned to use my semblance, Speed, to an extent. Still working on it, but I've improved. I'm hoping to slay the monsters that wish to harm, to try my best to prevent suffering.

2015-04-11, 02:14 AM
Game Room

"Oooh, paintball sounds fun! Let's do that!" Happy says.

Lord Magtok
2015-04-12, 01:29 PM
Game Room

"Sure, let me just finish this speedboat chase and-" Oh look, the chase is over. He wasn't expecting a helicopter of all things to save him. When did the dopey sidekick learn how to fly one of those, anyways?

"Alright, I've got some paintball stuff in the armory. Should we bring anyone else, do full-fledged teams with the Magbots or something? Paintball's more fun with more people, but that might get him really agitated and pick a fight with someone who'll break his legs," Magtok wonders aloud, not mentioning that he would totally be the one to break Malice's legs in those circumstances. There's something suspicious between him and Happy, and while he's sure Mally has about as much tender, romantic sweetness in his iron heart as an alligator with motion sickness, it's still a little alarming.


Magtok flinches when Alexis mentions preventing suffering. Jeez, it's like she read a history book to find exactly the wrong words to use in these circumstances. He leads the way inside anyways, though. A dining room table is their eventual destination,

"The second-worst apocalypse was started with the idea of preventing suffering, Ms. Turath. The idea was something like 'who's going to be left to feel anything, if we just up and kill everyone?' which, as you can imagine, didn't work out like they hoped." he chides, deliberately using her mother's maiden name, rather than acknowledge her paternal ancestry.

"Ms. Turath, the current problem with this world is not a shortage of adventurers with fantastic weapons, willing to go out and fight monsters to protect the innocent. No, the Nexus's ultimate flaw is that it has too many of these kinds of people. There are not enough monsters to go around and satiate the bloodlust of this would-be heroes, so they go out and form acronyms, governments, and major city factions.

In Watchtower, the Union, and Skyside, you can see this phenomena in action. The Union was meant to guard us, but we gave it too much power, and it claimed ownership over its people. Skyside was meant to free us from the rules and restrictions of that tyrant, but chained us to the depravity and greed of slavers instead. Watch guarded against ultimate evil, but was willing to let a lot of their own smaller evils go unaddressed, until they grew too powerful to ignore. Evil is all around us, in every major organization you care to name, leading the righteous astray. It's why AMEN still lives, why Skyside's slavers haven't been run out, why GLoG went from a righteous group of heroes to offering asylum to sociopaths and deadly killers. If you really want to be great, to be more than just another kid with a shiny weapon who beat back some bad guy on a quest nobody remembers, find a way to fix this."

2015-04-12, 01:42 PM
Game Room

"Invite two more people. More, and it just gets bogged down waiting for other people's turns." Why it should take so long for someone to take a turn to shoot a paintball gun is a mystery, but it seems to be a property of the Nexus. "I'll let you invite. I'm 3 months out of date with social niceties."

2015-04-13, 12:31 AM
Game Room

"Sure, let me just finish this speedboat chase and-" Oh look, the chase is over. He wasn't expecting a helicopter of all things to save him. When did the dopey sidekick learn how to fly one of those, anyways?

"Alright, I've got some paintball stuff in the armory. Should we bring anyone else, do full-fledged teams with the Magbots or something? Paintball's more fun with more people, but that might get him really agitated and pick a fight with someone who'll break his legs," Magtok wonders aloud, not mentioning that he would totally be the one to break Malice's legs in those circumstances. There's something suspicious between him and Happy, and while he's sure Mally has about as much tender, romantic sweetness in his iron heart as an alligator with motion sickness, it's still a little alarming.


Magtok flinches when Alexis mentions preventing suffering. Jeez, it's like she read a history book to find exactly the wrong words to use in these circumstances. He leads the way inside anyways, though. A dining room table is their eventual destination,

"The second-worst apocalypse was started with the idea of preventing suffering, Ms. Turath. The idea was something like 'who's going to be left to feel anything, if we just up and kill everyone?' which, as you can imagine, didn't work out like they hoped." he chides, deliberately using her mother's maiden name, rather than acknowledge her paternal ancestry.

"Ms. Turath, the current problem with this world is not a shortage of adventurers with fantastic weapons, willing to go out and fight monsters to protect the innocent. No, the Nexus's ultimate flaw is that it has too many of these kinds of people. There are not enough monsters to go around and satiate the bloodlust of this would-be heroes, so they go out and form acronyms, governments, and major city factions.

In Watchtower, the Union, and Skyside, you can see this phenomena in action. The Union was meant to guard us, but we gave it too much power, and it claimed ownership over its people. Skyside was meant to free us from the rules and restrictions of that tyrant, but chained us to the depravity and greed of slavers instead. Watch guarded against ultimate evil, but was willing to let a lot of their own smaller evils go unaddressed, until they grew too powerful to ignore. Evil is all around us, in every major organization you care to name, leading the righteous astray. It's why AMEN still lives, why Skyside's slavers haven't been run out, why GLoG went from a righteous group of heroes to offering asylum to sociopaths and deadly killers. If you really want to be great, to be more than just another kid with a shiny weapon who beat back some bad guy on a quest nobody remembers, find a way to fix this."

I see what they were going for there, but there's a fatal flaw there: people suffer when dying, usually. Well... Unless you got a slaughterhouse set up or whatever - but I digress.
This may be Alexis having morbid fascination, or Alexis messing with Magtok. I honestly am not sure.
Hm... Sounds like a challenge. This will be an interesting undertaking.
Alexis muses, thinking deeply about this new challenge.

Lord Magtok
2015-04-19, 10:15 AM

"Or you can just give up on being a good hero, and just settle for being a good soldier like everyone else," Magtok shrugs. He doesn't really expect much from Alexis. People with much less vile fathers than her have tried to achieve the same sort of renown, and failed horrendously.

Game Room

Magtok would argue that social niceties don't change in as short a span of time as three months, but then, Happy wasn't exactly the most socially gifted individual before the three month absence, so maybe she's still got a point. Who to invite, though? Most of VIGIL doesn't care for him or the concept of 'fun', the HALO crowd might as well be complete strangers, and AMEN is right out. He could ask one of those people Malice abducted, but then this becomes more of a revenge thing than anything else, and there's no way Malice wouldn't pick up on that.

"I don't know if I have two more people. Most of the VIGIL kids are all busy fighting for their lives," Magtok frowns, peering at his wrist. Too many of the people he likes are Turtle and Wolf PCs. He's really got to find some acquaintances who aren't connected to those two. "I suppose I could harass some people at Trog's until someone volunteers."

2015-04-24, 09:03 PM
Well, To Be Fair, Sheperd Had a Big Influence On The Nexus!

Hmm... Maybe the way to go about it is to work up the chain of command. It's probably best I work under psuedonym and adopt a disguise for my time doing so to prevent my heritage from influencing the reactions of the others. I wish for judgement to stem from who I am and not what I am.
What is the current status of Watchtower? From how you speak, I presume VIGIL has split.
Alexis inquires.

MagForge - So That's How Magtok Got a MagNopoly of Marts!

Sophia thinks for a bit.
What happens to the essential equipment? Are they simply stored in a way allowing for easy access, or is there something more complex?
She inquires, shedding the 3dmg and military coat.
Just a heads up, I'm going to change before equipping the bands. I think I can guess that these bands form some sort of outer layer, and I'm not entirely confident my current outfit won't interfere...
She replies after a moment in thought. There may be a slight hint of scarlet in her cheeks.

2015-04-27, 07:14 PM

Riss tilted her head to the side at the shifter's response. "...Why? Is it somehow.. Locked into your body or something?" she asked despite being doubtful of that. Holding up the featureless white device from her earlier demonstration, the muse went on to add: "What you will be wearing is a gestalt system that operates in a manner similar to what I used earlier. Anything outside is switched with what is inside and stored there. Thus if you have any external forms of, say, life support then they would be removed unless they were identified on a whitelist."

Still, despite all of this, Riss was being quite tight-lipped as to just what was on the inside and why it was a total of twelve kilograms in mass as certainly the bands on their own weren't that large. "The switch should happen quicker than most can perceive but if you're afraid that some person with a processing speed magnitudes beyond the norm who might also be in this room is going to try and sneak a look between those scant milliseconds then there is plenty of which in here that you could stand behind." she said, her tone not even showing a hint of sarcasm.

2015-06-08, 04:40 PM
Backup Lab!

Well, it was more a worry of clothing getting in the way of the bracelets, is all.
She explains, responding with the last comment with a chuckle
I doubt anyone is skilled enough to time a picture that well.
she replies with amusement.

2015-06-10, 03:42 AM

Sunny teleports in a sitting position, sans chair. Her butt hits the ground, her chin hits her knees, and her arms flail before she finally catches herself in an ungainly heap.


Game Room

Happy sits up, blinking. "I had the oddest feeling that the moon was waxing and waning in the sky while we kissed and plotted mayhem..."

Lord Magtok
2015-06-14, 03:05 PM
Game Room

"Are you quoting something? Is that a reference I'm missing, or-?" Magtok stops, glances at some invisible display hovering over his wrist, and shakes his head. Dammit, he was hoping he had more time than this. He'll have to make this fast, but not so swift that he comes off as flippant or callous.

"Nevermind. Follow me; we haven't much time. Quick, just off the top of your head, don't think about it, if either of us were to drop dead tomorrow, is there anything you'd regret not having done? Adventures that should have been had, games unplayed, things unsaid?" He asks, hurriedly striding out of the room and down the hall, heading for a door covered in yellow warning tape and a sign insisting that the room was under construction, and thus, not safe for anyone without the right clearance and/or safety equipment.


The cyborg looks mildly surprised by her appearance for a moment, but not too surprised. I mean, he took the time to wear a business suit and hat, as well as lug around a pair of briefcases; it's obvious he was expecting someone to see him in this ridiculous get-up and understand that he's going somewhere.

"Sunny! I was wondering when you'd get here! This is about the nano stuff, right? You don't need to bother getting all worked up over it; I've found a solution that will work out for everyone. I'll explain it inside. Do you mind helping me with one of these bags? I'd have the robots do it, but they're all busy on that solution I just mentioned, and well..." Apparently the telewarp system is equally occupied, or else Magtok is just lying and trying to find some convoluted excuse to walk and talk at a sedate, leisurely pace but still look like he's in the middle of something important.

2015-06-15, 11:42 AM
Games Room >> Yellow Tape Room

"Wait - what?" Happy says, trying to keep up. Then... "Is this about Malice? I was going to tell you, I swear! It was just never the right time!"


Sunny picks up a bag. "N'alae says she doesn't want it, but then she said things she might do to get it. I won't give it to her. Or you." His robot side can feel her anger and confusion and anger. Quite a lot of anger. And grief, because she loved DC, and she couldn't save him, or Watchtower.

2015-06-23, 04:39 PM
[Backup Lab?]

"Mmm... Then I won't shatter your illusions then." Riss said in mild tones. "Anyway, this system is designed to mesh most readily with a cerebral implant but knowing how rare that is as well as the strangely low expectancy for one to get one is, I have also allowed for a kind of physical mnemonic to be utilized as well when one wishes to activate it." she began. "So a certain pattern of finger motions or a sequence of flexing certain muscles would serve as a password in this case to help personalize the system and prevent theft. Verbal commands can be included as well as part of the process... And yes, I am fully aware that there exists a subset of entities within the Nexus who call upon a patron and undergo various physical alterations in terms of garment and sometimes physical structure in order to enter combat and I am fully aware that this system can just as easily be used to emulate such behavior if one selects a particular stance and phrase as the keys to activate it. I would not outright discourage such a choice but I would recommend, perhaps, a sequence that is not so brazen in order to more easily hide the fact that you are activating the system." she said, not entirely hiding that she would find such a choice to be rather derisive.

"Beyond that, I ask that you please hold still for this first time. I shall be operating the trigger this time around before allowing you to encode your personal passcode. The only thing that remains is to know if you feel ready yourself." Riss said, hands folded behind her back as she waited for Sophia to take it all in.

2015-06-23, 05:50 PM
[It Serves That Purpose Well!]

Well, as long as you don't need to shatter the illusion of you not being a pervert, I dont mind if you do.
Sophia replies with humor. maybe a slight blush.
Don't fret: I don't plan to sign any contracts with Kyubey or even imitate the results.
I'm ready
Sophia answers as humor, then gravity and tenacity, lace her words.

2015-06-25, 11:46 AM
[A Re-Appropriated Storehouse Where Tests Happen]

"What's a Kyubey?" Riss asked, triggering the system with her first syllable. The process had finished long before she even got to the second although it perhaps would serve as a decent distraction to keep Sophia from feeling so tense. In all, it might feel like a light breeze for the briefest of moments if she felt anything at all beyond the sudden change of textures from the clothes on her skin to what was now a cool, not-quite-fabric yet not-exactly-plastic-nor-rubber. The weave itself of.. Whatever it was would feel extremely smooth, like a second skin, despite it's outward appearance being more of a grey matte rather than shiny as one would expect of such a texture... Of course that was only the parts that it could be seen at all given how it was simply one part of the full ensemble.

Speaking of which, the full 'outfit' if it could be considered such, lent itself to a very particular function that, even though it was not the bulky and heavy outfit that one would expect when one uttered it's classification, would still be evident to an onlooker as it could hardly be anything else. That and Riss didn't want to spoil the surprise for her test subject Sophia by simply saying that she was wearing a power armor equipping system. She never claimed to be a good or a nice person but the muse was well aware that there were some things that were fun to hide and obfuscate until the last moment for the best effect.

The armor, as mentioned, was not the bulky kind that one might expect to see worn by some gung-ho future marine from space nor perhaps something of Remnant's that had made it to the black market (If such a thing could happen). Actual hard points in general seemed quite sparse, protecting joints and the neck where they did appear although at least there were more solid coverings to add extra protection to the torso which also had the effect of keeping the suit from appearing entirely form-fitting given how it melded into the spaces between fingers and toes with ease. The outside of the helmet was a simple thing, appearing as a sleek, unblemished item with a distinct lack of faceplate. The inside was quite different and Sophia might feel momentarily overwhelmed with the sheer amount of data popping up in her line of sight although, beyond the various readouts that appeared to be quickly closing to clear her vision, she would be able to see the room around her as clearly as if she weren't wearing a helmet at all.

What she might find strange is just how incredibly light she would suddenly feel, though. It was like a simple step here would be as if she had jumped as hard and as high as she could on the surface of the moon. Maybe she couldn't quite fly but 'tall buildings in a single bound' might not feel out of her reach right now. Riss, wearing a self-satisfied smirk now, had taken to sitting atop the nearest crate as she reviewed the data cycling through her mind from the suit. "I hope you don't mind unpainted greys there. We can color it to your liking later.." she said. "Anyway, why don't you try moving around? Get used to how it feels." Of course, this was only the core component of the full armor but that was why it was important that she made sure everything fit right. The secondary components might not be so flashy as one might expect, of course, but they had a pleasing sleekness in their design as one would expect from an engineer who's domain was so far advanced. But that was later. Now was the time for Sophia to have a little fun and try not to break anything. Or try not to break anything that was important at least.

2015-06-25, 12:29 PM
[Testing is Fun!] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9Sevq-cW28)

Someday I'll introduce you to an anime, Riss.
Sophia replies with a grin as she feel the coils, threads and plates bond to her form.
She staggers slightly at the sudden tidal wave of information from the HUD, but speedily recovers, flexing her fingers to feel the resistance (or, in this case, nigh-lack thereof).
Aesthetics aren't too high on my list of concerns, don't worry. This feels like it'll be fun to test, I must say.
Sophia responds, raising her left hand in front of her face and making a fist, feeling the boost from the augments of the power armor to her already impressive physical strength.
She turns to face the wall to her left, assuming her usual combat stance and sending a quick flurry of jabs and roundhouse kicks to get a feel for how the suit may limit her movement.

2015-07-01, 02:00 PM
[Axillary Room Lacking in Limes]

Perhaps the most telling about the limits on mobility was the sheer lack thereof. As Sophia was shadowboxing, Riss called on the dust-glove she was wearing to form a pistol and pointed it in the shifter's general direction. It was unloaded as the machines couldn't just transmute themselves into propellent but she wasn't planning on shooting anyone. Yet, at least. But from the end of the barrel to the wall, just crossing over her shoulder, a bright green line would appear within the shifter's vision, a ripple traveling through it to indicate what direction the bullet would be moving.. "Though I can't say you have the reaction time to dodge bullets, this system can at least keep you aware of where they'd be coming from so you can try to avoid being in their path in the first place." she said, moving the gun slightly to where it would pass the line through the shifter's shoulder; becoming red to signify that impact was the projected outcome. "It's an adaptive system so anything that is observed to be shooting, well, anything will be classified as a weapon and will be given the same treatment. It will detect when weapons have a spread to them and instead give you a cone of fire rather than a line as well... Though I will say that, when it comes to mages waving fingers about and firing things from their fingers or using near-omnidirectional firing mechanisms is where you will face the most trouble in getting a solid reading." she said, a bullet appearing in her hand from the small, digital storage device she was still carrying.

"If you would, I'd like you to stand still for a moment. This caliber is too small to cause you harm but I want to demonstrate to you the ballistic matter defensive systems once you are ready." she said, keeping the bullet out of the gun until she had the go-ahead. Proper firearm safety was, after all, a generally intelligent thing to use.

2015-07-01, 03:15 PM
[Axillary Room Lacking in Limes]

Perhaps the most telling about the limits on mobility was the sheer lack thereof. As Sophia was shadowboxing, Riss called on the dust-glove she was wearing to form a pistol and pointed it in the shifter's general direction. It was unloaded as the machines couldn't just transmute themselves into propellent but she wasn't planning on shooting anyone. Yet, at least. But from the end of the barrel to the wall, just crossing over her shoulder, a bright green line would appear within the shifter's vision, a ripple traveling through it to indicate what direction the bullet would be moving.. "Though I can't say you have the reaction time to dodge bullets, this system can at least keep you aware of where they'd be coming from so you can try to avoid being in their path in the first place." she said, moving the gun slightly to where it would pass the line through the shifter's shoulder; becoming red to signify that impact was the projected outcome. "It's an adaptive system so anything that is observed to be shooting, well, anything will be classified as a weapon and will be given the same treatment. It will detect when weapons have a spread to them and instead give you a cone of fire rather than a line as well... Though I will say that, when it comes to mages waving fingers about and firing things from their fingers or using near-omnidirectional firing mechanisms is where you will face the most trouble in getting a solid reading." she said, a bullet appearing in her hand from the small, digital storage device she was still carrying.

"If you would, I'd like you to stand still for a moment. This caliber is too small to cause you harm but I want to demonstrate to you the ballistic matter defensive systems once you are ready." she said, keeping the bullet out of the gun until she had the go-ahead. Proper firearm safety was, after all, a generally intelligent thing to use.

[Auxiliary Room That Needs A New Paint Color]
Sophia grins.
Now THAT would come in handy. After all, I may carry a pistol but my main weapon is still my blades. I'd suggest trying to configure it to inform one of oncoming projectiles as well, but i'd imagine that could be a grueling task to code and possibly a drawback depending on how it determined what was a projectile.
She gives a nod to show she's ready, stretching her arms out in the classic "Shoot me you coward" position villains keep using to taunt protagonists for some really stupid, overconfident reason.
Besides, even if it does hurt me, I do have my shifter powers.

2015-07-06, 06:17 PM
[Axillary Room]

As an added precaution, the muse aimed away from any vitals before pulling the trigger. Sure, it wasn’t like she expected even the slightest failure of the system but, again, it would be best to keep as much potential danger out of the equation as possible. The shifter would find it odd, perhaps, that the noise of the firearm going off was quite muffled despite how clearly everything else seemed to her ears. She wouldn’t even feel the impact of the bullet, however, as a barely perceptible ripple in the air would be the only indication that the bullet had been intercepted.. Well, that and the bullet itself crumpling on impact just centimeters away from the shifter and then falling to the ground with a bland tinkling noise. "Small arms fire shouldn't present much of a problem to you and larger calibers will be greatly blunted but rapid impacts in quick succession will wear away at the field's integrity. It won't fully 'break' but it can reach a point where it will only partially affect an incoming projectile if you stand in the line of fire long enough." Riss said, the gun falling apart and returning to her glove, the casing of the round remaining in her hand. With a halfhearted toss, she sent the casing towards the shifter and it's path of flight would appear in her vision. It would, of course, bounce harmlessly off the field but it would serve to show that bullets weren't the only things tracked.

"Things with greater mass and volume will more likely have their force be partially absorbed than outright deflected so don't expect to be able to stand in front of a speeding vehicle and expect to be fine. Will give you somewhat of an edge in melee situations, however." she added. "And that's not even getting to the actual utility of the field although we'll get to that later. For now, try moving around a bit more. Jump, run, that sort of thing."

2015-07-11, 06:14 PM
[Axillary Room]

As an added precaution, the muse aimed away from any vitals before pulling the trigger. Sure, it wasn’t like she expected even the slightest failure of the system but, again, it would be best to keep as much potential danger out of the equation as possible. The shifter would find it odd, perhaps, that the noise of the firearm going off was quite muffled despite how clearly everything else seemed to her ears. She wouldn’t even feel the impact of the bullet, however, as a barely perceptible ripple in the air would be the only indication that the bullet had been intercepted.. Well, that and the bullet itself crumpling on impact just centimeters away from the shifter and then falling to the ground with a bland tinkling noise. "Small arms fire shouldn't present much of a problem to you and larger calibers will be greatly blunted but rapid impacts in quick succession will wear away at the field's integrity. It won't fully 'break' but it can reach a point where it will only partially affect an incoming projectile if you stand in the line of fire long enough." Riss said, the gun falling apart and returning to her glove, the casing of the round remaining in her hand. With a halfhearted toss, she sent the casing towards the shifter and it's path of flight would appear in her vision. It would, of course, bounce harmlessly off the field but it would serve to show that bullets weren't the only things tracked.

"Things with greater mass and volume will more likely have their force be partially absorbed than outright deflected so don't expect to be able to stand in front of a speeding vehicle and expect to be fine. Will give you somewhat of an edge in melee situations, however." she added. "And that's not even getting to the actual utility of the field although we'll get to that later. For now, try moving around a bit more. Jump, run, that sort of thing."

Axillary Room: Apparently the Armpit of the Magcave
((apparently that's what Axillary means! why that word exists, no clue))
Sophia dutifully listens to the semi(?)synthetic scientist, quite interested in all this data about the suit's shielding capabilities.
So, it absorbs kinetic energy to an extent but there are limits to how much it can take at a time?
It's definitely one of those things that one could use in all sorts of ways.
Sophia agrees, mind already pondering all the things the field could provide.
the shifter nods an begins to sprint, leap, and generally experiment how this suit might affect transportation.

2015-07-12, 10:11 PM
[Auxiliary Test Room]
((I'm glad that joke didn't get passed by.))

The first few steps would be quite the doozy. That feeling of lightness wouldn’t be far off with how much a single step would propel the shifter forwards. It wouldn’t be far off to comparing it to taking a long leap if she were to liken it to something. A leap, however, might feel as if she had just shot herself out of a cannon as the air whipped around her as she sliced through it. Stopping, however, would be strangely easy as well although a keen eye would note the same ripple in the air that had been present when absorbing the bullet earlier. Either way, there seemed to be a surprising amount of traction to the suit to where it wouldn’t be off the mark if one felt that they could walk up along a wall... Or even stick to it and pause there either as if they were some kind of spider.

”I suppose you might have noticed that the field does more than just absorb projectiles.” Riss said after a few minutes of watching Sophia very likely enjoying herself; only partially hiding a very self-satisfied smile. "It reacts to more than just bullets as well, though. Say, perhaps, you were to take a fall and you had nothing to grab on to. Or perhaps you made a mis-jump and felt that you need to alter your trajectory. Or maybe you just didn't see a pitfall before you come up on it." the muse said, giving a short introduction to what other things the suit could do. "In those situations.. Well.. Just try taking another 'step' once you're already in the air. Or stand if that suits you better." she said. Should the shifter follow her suggestion, she would find that, for a brief few moments, it would be as if the air was supporting her weight. It wouldn't last longer than a second or so but it certainly would be long enough to kick off of or even halt her momentum with in ways that seemed impossible at first. "A lesser application of this brief solidity is a subsystem that will act as a parachute for longer falls. It kicks in when a given threshold of downward velocity has been reached so you don't end up a red splatter on the ground." she added.

2015-07-17, 07:43 AM
New Ownership of MagCave

Aurora "Sunny" Evans, wife of Carl Goodfellow, mother of Luke Evans-Goodfellow, sister of Charity Evans, is a woman who has anger management problems. The major trigger for that anger is feeling that things are happening that are out of her control.

Robots are her best friends. Robots follow their programming. Robots do not do anything unexpected like give you a major enterprise and leave you all alone to deal with it even though you thought you could always depend on them to be your mentor and counsellor and father-figure.

Let's just say Sunny is not taking this well.

No one has seen her in the Mag-Cave since that day. Her phone number, as well as any numbers she inherited from Magtok, have been changed. Email is bouncing. One of her robots returned long enough to lock up her lab and put a sign up on the front door.


For those who haven't heard, Magtok has left the Nexus and given the MagCave and other fictional properties to his protege Sunny. However, she's going to be an absentee landlord until late August or September due to me doing RL things.

Current residents of the MagCave: Consider your lease extended. If you want to deal with visitors, then feel free. If you want to RP or Godmod Magbots, then feel free. If you want to tear down Sunny's unfriendly sign, feel free. Please don't let my absence interfere with RP.

Prospective visitors to the MagCave: It's up to the current residents whether or not anyone will be there to answer the door. And even when I am back, I will be unable to RP in as many plots as Magtok did. Expect Sunny to be overall less friendly IC.

Prospective MagCave invaders: Please don't. I don't even know who lives here yet! If you really have a good idea for something, ask me in a few months, and I still might say no for OOC reasons.

tl;dr: I'm not Magtok. This is going to be different. We'll work it out as we go along.