View Full Version : Help me plan a few encounters?

2013-11-13, 04:53 PM
So my players have left the main city of the campaign for the first time in this campaign, they've had several adventures, but they were all based around fairly human enemies and their thralls. However now they are wandering a Forest environment, trying to find a group of Mages who oppose the major religious faction in the game.

There are 3 general types of encounters: Arcane creatures from the mages (Golems, Outsiders, etc.), human slaves/cultists, or lightning-related creatures. And perhaps some natural types of enemies like trolls.

The players are all quite optimized, the party consists of a Barbarian/Champion of Gwynharwyf, a Paladin (Pathfinder base), a Druid/Planar Shepard of Lamannia: The Twilight Forest, and a Necromancer Cleric/Malconvoker. They are all level 8.

But I would like some suggestions for encounters based on this, neutral, and evil creatures only please.

Big Fau
2013-11-13, 04:59 PM
We need a lot more information than this. What are the players' feats, ability scores, and magic items like? What spells do the casters usually prepare? What sources are allowed, and how difficult do you want the encounters to be? Finally, how many encounters do you want help with?

2013-11-13, 06:18 PM
So that's one of the problems, I don't really know. I was recently asked to take over the DM job when the old DM left unexpectedly. They had almost nothing in terms of magic Items before now, and I caught them up to wealth per level more or less immediately by letting them choose things as long as I had veto power.

The Malconvoker has a Greater hat of Disguise, and is a Necropolitian, don't really know the feats. The Barbarian has a +1 Berserking Greataxe, and plate armor, don't know what else. The Planar Shepard has greensinger initiate and I don't know what else. The paladin has an Mace of some sort, full plate and a large shield (he rejoined just last session).

I've been testing their powerlevel, in the last 'boss fight' they fought a CR 11 (Rakshasa Nazathune, defenses were reduced, given additional special attacks) enemy with 3 CR 4 (Deadly Dancers) backups. They won, but the Druid went into negative HP, the Malconvoker was injured, The Barbarian came close to 0, and the Paladin was relatively healthy due to self healing. So basically CR ~12 appears to be the limit.

The malconvoker enjoys twin fell-drain circle of blades, and a particularly nasty curse that does -6 to an ability score and a 50% chance to take no action that turn as his trump cards, so to speak.

The Druid uses Call Lightning, and Splinter Bolt for damage. Favored Battle form is Desmondu Hunting Bat. Likes to also prepare meld with stone for escape purposes. Has a Tiger as an animal companion.

Their ability scores all appear to be decent. I will ask for the rest of the info and get back to you. 3 encounters would be preferable, 1 that is relatively easy, the other 2 of medium difficulty. Any source is allowed.

Does that information help?

2013-11-13, 06:33 PM
Go to http://www.monsteradvancer.com/

Select generate random encounter.

Refresh about 20 times.

Keep the ones you like.



2013-11-13, 07:21 PM
Its not working, thank you though.

Edit: Nevermind, was using it incorrectly. Although it seems to really really like about 3 different encounters. All that shows up are zombie kobolds, Satyrs, and Kreshshar

Edit #2: Nevermind again, it was the location. Thank you that will be useful.

But does anyone still have good idea for Arcana contructs or lightning related enemies, those are plot-related.

Big Fau
2013-11-13, 07:52 PM
Its not working, thank you though.

Edit: Nevermind, was using it incorrectly. Although it seems to really really like about 3 different encounters. All that shows up are zombie kobolds, Satyrs, and Kreshshar

You just need to change the settings. When I tried it I got a Megaraptor Skeleton and another CR10.

2013-11-13, 08:05 PM
Ah, thank you.