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View Full Version : Mujuon Raptorans(Race, Class and Artifact)

2007-01-09, 10:22 PM
Mujuon (Subrace)

Mujuons, birdmen, windwalkers. They have many names, many given to them by ignorant humans who often can't tell a Mujuon from a common bird of prey. Albeit, they are alot like thier aerial cousins. Unlike normal raptorans, Mujuons are very often lawful, structured and even at times dull. There are of course deviations from these normal laws and stereotypes.

Mujuons commonly live in great mountainsides, thier main capital is the great city of Lijigor on a great jagged mountain known as Adder's Fang. Lijigor is carved right from the side of the mountain, a platue made of stone and beautiful buttreses of mithril. The city itself is impossible to get to without some kind of flight or teleportation ability.

Mujuons appear differant than normal raptorans, unlike thier cousins of the woods, Mujuons have long hair instead of feathery cowels, large beak-like noses and thier feet are more humanoid in appearance, although they are as flexible as a normal raptorans, so they may utilize a footbow just as well. Also, unlike thier amber-eyed cousins, Mujuons have a single solid color to thier eyes, anywhere from black to silver, to teal to even bright colors like pink and green.

Mujuon Traits (Ex)
+2 Dex, -2 Cha. Mujuons are graceful and agile, but aloof and often snooty.
Favored Class: Wizard. This replaces the normal raptoran's favored class.
Mujuon Windstrider
Windstriders are mighty warriors of steel and the powers of air. They are the brave protectors of the Mujuon race and the grand platue of Lijigor of Adder's Fang mountain. Windstriders are always seen wielding some kind of mithril blade, but it is also most often seen in a blur.

HD: d8

Alignment: Any nonevil
Race: Mujuon Raptoran
BAB: +5
Feats: Weapon focus (any one-handed sword), Fly-by attack
Special: Must own a mithril sword of the same type in which you have weapon focus.

Class-skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken indevidually), Jump (Str) and Swim.
Skill-points per level: 2+Int modifier

1st|+1|+0|+2|+2|Guardian of Lijigor, lesser blade of the winds
2nd|+2|+0|+3|+3|Windwalker +10ft.
3rd|+3|+1|+3|+3|Gust of wind 1/day
4th|+4|+1|+4|+4|Master of the Sky
5th|+5|+1|+4|+4|Blade of the Winds, windwalker +20ft.
6th|+6|+2|+5|+5|Mithril Fluidity
7th|+7|+2|+5|+5|Gust of wind 2/day
8th|+8|+2|+6|+6|Windwalker +30ft.
9th|+9|+3|+6|+6|Wind Knight
10th|+10|+3|+7|+7|Greater Blade of the Winds

Guardian of Lijigor(Ex): At first level, you become a stalwart guardian of the Mujuon people. Whenever you threaten a foe, the same foe threatens a Mujuon ally and you are adjasent to your ally, you and your ally recieve a +2 dodge bonus to AC against the threatened foe and the foe is considered flanked, even if there are no more allies in flanking position.

Lesser Blade of the Winds(Su): At 2nd level you channel a bit of the elemental plane of air into your sword, giving it a bit of elemental force. It is now considered to have the shocking property while in your hands.

Windwalker(Ex): At 3rd level you begin to gain secrets to efficient flying, manipulating smell details of the zephyr to boost your speed. At 3rd level your flight speed increases by 10 feet. This increases to 20 feet at 5th level and 30 feet at 8th level.

Gust of Wind(Sp): At 3rd level you can channel the winds around you and fire them forth. Allowing you to use Gust of Wind as a spell-like ability once per day. You gain an additional use per day of this at 7th level. The caster level is equal to your Windstrider level.

Master of the Sky(Ex): Through strict training of your wings you gain greater focus with it. Your flight manueverability becomes perfect and you gain Improved Fly-by attack (http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Improved_Flyby_Attack,all) as a free bonus feat without needing to meet it's prerequisites.

Blade of the Winds (Su): You pull a bit more force of the elemental plane of air into your weapon, granting it greater speed. Whenever you wield your mithril sword it is considered to have the speed proporty.

Mithril Fluidity(Ex): Whenever you wear light or medium armor you can increase the max dex bonus to armor class by 2. If the armor is light and made of mithril the max dex bonus is instead, doubled.

Wind Knight(Ex): Whenever you wield a mithril weapon, and wear armor of mithril you gain a few benefits. Firstly, you gain a +2 luck bonus to attack and damage rolls. Secondly, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor class and lastly, you can ignore all penalties of being in wind-speeds of any intensity.

Greater Blade of the Winds(Su): You channel the mightiest winds into your mithril sword and gain powers drawn strait from the elemental plane of air. Your blade becomes ever-quicker, it is considered to have an improved version of speed in your hands, granting you an extra attack beyond the first (for a total of 2 extra attacks).

Losing your Mithril Sword: If you should ever lose your mithril sword (permenantly or not) you do not lose all class features, but you no longer gain access to the class features that do require one. If you attain a new one at any point you regain the ability to use the abilities you lost through the new sword.
Windwalker sword(Major Artifact)In ancient times, when the world was fresh and new, a race of people streaked across the skies on beautiful wings. They were only known in the most ancient scriptures as Bird-men, or even Bird-elves by some. They aged with humans, elves and all the races of the world, known as the raptorans. But there was a point of great strife between two major raptoran clans, Tuilvilanuue and Mujuon. The leaders of each began hating eachother and it eventually lead to the Mujuon tribes to move into the mountains north of the Tuilvilanuue lands. Here they learned how to work stone from the earth-dwelling dwarves, granted them the tools and law for peaceful structural life and above all else, granted them the metal Mithril and the techniques to forge it.
A great warrior wizard known only as Kalhael learned all the greatest secrets of harnessing magic and metal-working into creating the ultimate weapon. He reached into the elemental plane of air and used its power to grant the weapon speed, power and beauty. It is unknown how long the sword has been passed from mujuon family to mujuon family or even how old the blade is at all. But it is known that any mujuon raptoran warrior desires this sword above almost all else.

This mithril longsword is a thing of legend to the Mujuon people and a few learned adventurers or scribes. It appears to be slightly longer than that of a regular longsword and slightly thinner. It's guard is a pair of cupped silvery mujuon wings with a small birds skull made of silver attached to it. The hilt is wrapped in blue leather and the entire weapon is supernaturally balanced. In the hands of a non-mujuon it acts as a +3 mithril longsword, but in the hands of any Mujuon it acts as a +7 keen shocking burst mithril longsword of speed. Unlike a normal weapon of speed, if in the hands of a 10th level Mujuon Windstrider it allows another attack above the double number of attacks they can make in a full attack action. Also, three times per day as a swift action, the wielder of the Windwalker may cast chain lightning from the blade, and gust of wind at will.
CL 20th.

Destroying Windwalker
To destroy Windwalker you must first bring it to the elemental plane of earth where it must sit in it's soil for 20 years. When it has finished it's rest in the earth it will be brittle and rusted, but still nearly unbreakable by normal standards. It must then be brough to a pool of acid from a black dragon's blood on the elemental plane of earth. It must be thrown into the acid and lay at the bottom of the pool undisturbed for one year and one day. When retrieved from the acid it must then be brought to a Tuilvilanuue blacksmith and destroyed with a hammer of at least epic magical strength (+6 or higher) and it's mithril shards buried on the elemental plane of earth at least 3 miles apart from all the rest where it will rust and decay for eternity.
Can you believe I made all of this on the spot? Thanks the good people of Sharune for the inspiration.:smallbiggrin:

2007-01-10, 07:58 PM
What, no feedback?

2007-01-11, 02:34 AM
...I'm not really a raptorian person myself.

The subrace seems balanced... depending on how you view raptorians to start with...

The class realies on what you own so... if someone sunders you mithril sword, do you loose all class benifits, seeing as you no longer qualify for the class or what?

The artifact is an artifact, and as such, has no holds barred. make it +10 and it will really be worth it (not that you pay anything for an artifact...), or +6 in the hands of your subrace, thats epic, and can take out the Tarresque!

2007-02-06, 02:35 PM
Alright, took me a while to refind this thread, but I've changed a couple of very minor things here and there.

2007-02-06, 05:20 PM
Hmmm... Do the Mujuon traits replace the raptoran traits, or are they in addition to, like the grey elf.

2007-02-06, 09:07 PM
Subrace is a subrace, the PrC is interesting. I like that it focuses on use of a mithral weapon, since mithral has no effect on weapons whatsoever except coolness.

The lesser blade of the winds is a bit too frontloaded, and the greater is odd. Shocking burst isn't much of an improvement over shocking, but doubling the number of attacks is wrong, just plain wrong. I'd say lesser blade of the winds grants shocking, blade of the winds (at some random level) grants speed, and greater grants an extra attack that stacks with speed (total of +2 attacks/round).

The artifact isn't much of one, it's just a spiffy themed magic weapon that has the artifact stamp. To make an artifact an artifact, you need a long backstory, unique method of destruction, and some cool abilities that aren't just existing spells.

2007-02-06, 09:52 PM
Subrace is a subrace, the PrC is interesting. I like that it focuses on use of a mithral weapon, since mithral has no effect on weapons whatsoever except coolness.

The lesser blade of the winds is a bit too frontloaded, and the greater is odd. Shocking burst isn't much of an improvement over shocking, but doubling the number of attacks is wrong, just plain wrong. I'd say lesser blade of the winds grants shocking, blade of the winds (at some random level) grants speed, and greater grants an extra attack that stacks with speed (total of +2 attacks/round).

The artifact isn't much of one, it's just a spiffy themed magic weapon that has the artifact stamp. To make an artifact an artifact, you need a long backstory, unique method of destruction, and some cool abilities that aren't just existing spells.
Thanks for the input on everything, especially on the class which is way better than what I have.

2007-02-06, 09:53 PM
Hmmm... Do the Mujuon traits replace the raptoran traits, or are they in addition to, like the grey elf.
Well, raptorans don't have any ability adjustments in the first place so that's not an issue and it already says Wizard replaces Cleric as a favored class.

2008-10-20, 09:49 AM
So is one to assume that most of the Raptoran fluff is tossed out the window? As the raptoran fluff states that they dont do wizards as the books may encomber flight.

(Honestly not trying to be rude, just curious)

I love the Subrace and the PrClass!!

I was just curious about the fluff ^_^ not that fluff matters in the way of mechanics, but it best to know where you where coming from ^_^:smallbiggrin:

2008-10-20, 05:41 PM
So is one to assume that most of the Raptoran fluff is tossed out the window? As the raptoran fluff states that they dont do wizards as the books may encomber flight.

(Honestly not trying to be rude, just curious)

I love the Subrace and the PrClass!!

I was just curious about the fluff ^_^ not that fluff matters in the way of mechanics, but it best to know where you where coming from ^_^:smallbiggrin:

Yes, the fluff for mujuons are taken pretty much entirely from an old text-MMO I play from time to time called Sharune. Mujuons are a bit more orderly and rigid.

2009-08-16, 10:40 PM
Just subscribing

2009-08-16, 10:50 PM
Just subscribing

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Dragon Elite
2009-08-16, 10:51 PM
That's true.