View Full Version : Encounter Idea: Getting abducted from a tree-swinging maniac

2013-11-13, 07:08 PM
Hello Playground, I came up with an idea that I would like to share/discuss~

Initial Idea: Creatures with the feat Scorpions Grasp(page 52 of Sandstorm) swinging down from the trees, Give them the Brachiation feat(Complete Adventurer page 106) so they can swing from tree to tree. Spring attack as well so they can swing/jump/tumble down, grab a guy and then jump/climb back up!

The problem is having enough movespeed to get down and then up again in one spring attack. Searching for something fast and large-sized I found something with 50ft move speed. A Centaur.

A level in monk will give the Centaur Improved Unarmed s
Strike and Improved Grapple for the Scorpion's Grasp prerequisites.

I can't find a way to get the Brachiation feat on a Centaur Monk 6(the earlier cr this can be made to work the better?), luckily there are gloves of Brachiation for 4000gp in the arms and equipment guide.

I have come up with three similar builds that achieve the same fantasy.

[leftmost column is total HD, second column is class and level, c=centaur, m=monk, f=fighter, feats with an asterisk and in brackets are bonus feats]

Method 1: using the unearthed arcana Cobra Strike acf for monks gaining dodge, mobility and spring attack instead of regular monk bonus feats

1 c1 feat of your choice
2 c2
3 c3 feat of your choice
4 c4
5 m1 (*Improved Unarmed Strike), (*dodge)
6 m2 Improved Grapple, (*mobility)
7 m3
8 m4
9 m5 Scorpions Grasp
10 m6 (*Spring Attack)

Method 2: using the Racial Centaur HD for dodge and mobility.

1 c1 Dodge
2 c2
3 c3 Mobility
4 c4
5 m1 (*Improved Unarmed Strike), (*Improved Grapple)
6 m2 Scorpions Grasp, (*Deflect Arrows or Combat Reflexes)
7 m3
8 m4
9 m5 Spring Attack
10 m6 (*Improved Disarm or Improved Trip)

Method 3: taking a level in fighter (say no to multiclass penalties!) so that we can fit in the brachiation feat instead of having the gloves

1 c1 Dodge
2 c2
3 c3 Mobility
4 c4
5 m1 *Improved Unarmed strike, *Improved grapple
6 m2 Scorpions Grasp, (*Deflect Arrows)
7 m3
8 m4
9 f1 Brachiation, (*Spring attack)

Another thing to note is that at monk 4 slow fall should be replaced with wall walker from page 11 of Dungeonscape so that we can walk back up into the tree tops at full speed rather than climbing at half speed)

I prefer Method 1 or 2 over method 3 since monk 6 gives us a 20ft enhancement to speed rather only 10ft, the goal here is to grab someone and get far away. Although method 3 doesn't have to rely on an obscure item

The other problem is that with max strength the grapple modifier is only +25 making it only +5 when using scorpions grasp.

Any ideas on how to improve this? What does this guy even do when he nabs someone? He hasn't thought that far ahead...

2013-11-13, 07:30 PM
The idea of a four legged creature like a centaur climbing up a tree strikes me as being really strange.

I'd consider just using an ape that a druid has cast awaken on. They have large size and have a climb speed as fast as their movement speed.

2013-11-13, 08:03 PM
Do you have a problem with centaurs? Implying that an ape is more appropriate is racist.

2013-11-13, 08:34 PM
I've no problem with centaurs in general, but their entry in the monster manual says they way around 2,100 pounds. A vine isn't going to hold that kind of weight and tree branches would have trouble doing so also. Plus a centaur only has 18 strength. Checking the carrying capacity chart: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/carryingCapacity.htm makes me think it should not even be able to climb up a tree.

2013-11-14, 08:35 AM
cat folk 40 feet
scout +10
barbarian +10
dash feat +5
quick trait +10 - 1hp per hit die

that's 75
also I would not count a pendulum swing as normal movement.

2013-11-14, 08:45 AM
I agree, centaur is a rather poor choice both mechanically, and for flavor reasons. It makes no sense as to how or why a centaur would be swinging through trees. An ape of some sort or catfolk (both mentioned above) would be better options.