View Full Version : Build help? [3.0]

2013-11-14, 05:29 AM
Greetings all!

I am looking for some wisdom in my build and any and all comments will be appreciated.

Ruleset is D&D 3.0 with some minor 3.5 allowances. Our party consists of Human wizard 6, Human cleric (pelor) 6, Fey'ri Martial rogue 4, Thri-kreen Fighter 5 and myself. (Don't worry about the Thri-kreen not fitting the mold here, already brought that up, was ignored.)

I am looking for advice on the build I currently have and most interested to see what feats you'd recommend at 17th and 20th. My build is Githzerai Cloistered cleric (Fharlanghn) 1; Monk 3 Cobra Strike variant (from UA, p. 52)

I will be adding Monk 4, then moving to Shou Disciple, then moving to Sacred Fist for my last 8 levels (I believe it was mentioned we're going to be epic, but I'll get to that if and when it happens)

My domains are: Celerity, Knowledge, Luck. At level 13, when I begin Sacred Fist, I will take the Travel domain.

My feats are: Faction feat (Char1), Dodge (Monk1), Mobility (Monk2), Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike (Char3), Weapon Finesse (Char6), Weapon Spec - Unarmed Strike (ShouDisc2), Combat Reflexes (ShouDisc4), Alertness (Char9), Improved Weapon Finesse [web 3.5 feat] (Char12), Open (Char15), Open (Char18).

I was originally just looking to not overshadow nor be eclipsed myself with what I brought to the table. I might be missing an opportunity to min-max but the GM hates that anyway (despite the 3.0 system being very much min-max). I believe I will be equal to the fighter around lvl 14 and perhaps overtake the main tank at lvl 20 (not the point, just looking at raw numbers).

I might be able to get the GM to accept alternatives for the following abilities (as I come across them in levels): Slow Fall - 20' @ Monk4 (Char7), Martial Flurry (light; any) at ShouDisc2 and 4 (Char8 and 10) and perhaps Sacred Flame if I consider it useless when I reach it at Sacred Fist 7 (Char17). But what alternatives would you consider equivalent? I believe if I make a good case, I can get those replaced as they bring nothing to the character's advancement. But I need good equivalent options and as good as I feel about the character's path, I don't want to overreach and have the GM balk.

[Q]So .. with all that in mind, comments? Also, thoughts on gear would be extremely appreciated as I might be thinking in a different vein. I'll leave out what I have currently so as not to color perception. Thanks very much in advance.

2013-11-15, 05:55 PM
I see some views but no responses. No one has any advice?

2013-11-17, 06:17 AM
Did I perhaps post in the wrong forum or incorrectly request for assistance?