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View Full Version : "Biological" version of Incarnate Construct?

2013-11-14, 10:37 AM
In one of my many late-night wonderings about such things, I vaguely remembered (or thought I did) such a template that I had grand schemes of combining with the Feral template and maybe something big and beefy like a Minotaur. My fevered mind recalled this as being called Primordial Giant, a template that lowered Level Adjustment and reduced the creature's size by one category, similar to the way Incarnate Construct operates.

Conducting a quick google search shows Primordial Giant as being something quite different, from the Secrets of Xen'Drik (Eberron) book.

Am I going completely bonkers, or has something in this vein actually been published at some vague point in time?

2013-11-14, 10:52 AM
There is a template called Dungeonbred in Dungeonscape that makes creatures smaller, but it doesn't affect LA.

To the best of my knowledge Incarnate Construct is the only official template in 3.5 that reduces LA, though there are no doubt a number of third-party books with templates that do so (e.g. Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary, which has the baffling Miniature template, at LA -4).