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2014-03-06, 02:34 PM
Katria's interest brings a big grin from Branna. "We'll have so much fun! We'll turn the place into kindling!"

Shenra's statement brings Branna back to focus on the project at hand, though.

"So do you mean like bait him out into the open. Start smashing away at something he doesn't want smashed? Maybe his followers would be something that he would prefer to not be killed. If so, Shenra and Katria have a good start made on that.

"Can we use that somehow?"

Plushie Arz
2014-03-06, 05:18 PM
DM: +400RPXP to Branna, Daelric, Helik, Feeona, Katria

Given that the Steel Pits were empty and sealed off after the rebel attack on the Hollow Men, Helik's calls were answered by silence. Wherever he went, the damage to the walls and the puddles of melted ice on floor told the same story of destruction that was wrought by the rebel assault.

* * *

Verzera winced as Mahb's claws suddenly dug into her foot and she cursed at the panther. "Well, Calthie said to lure him out into the open and use walls of fire to cut off his escape. If he's as simple as his retainer say he is, he probably can't resist taunts and an opportunity to kill whoever's provoking him. I'd say we wait until the Night of the Moon and draw him out that way. Is there any chance we can also drag the Order into this? Kill two birds with one stone."

2014-03-06, 05:20 PM

Feeona didn't argue when the Mother Superior settled the matter, but interjected quickly when the High Justiciar finished. “Sir, hand him to a torturer, and we learn only how little we value our morals. Mornay is merciful. You said it not one minute ago. Please, if you want information, trust me to the task. I've made some rapport with him – some. I can build on that. In my own time, without ever impacting my duties. We can have the truth while keeping faith.”

Plushie Arz
2014-03-06, 05:36 PM
The High Justiciar raised an eyebrow at Feeona's remark but he raised his hands all the same. The two knights who were on their way to call Kolvars stopped in their tracks. "We have ways of compelling truth by divine magic, but those can be resisted with training. I had thought by employing a known associate of Fharel, we could have the prisoner divulge further truths but if you believe your ways are more efficient, I give you leave to try."

"Mellon shah!" Exclaimed Rinath, when Helik showed the boy the medallion. ""My ma had told me of the lizardfolk craft! This is the best I've seen! Where did you find it? It will fetch a pretty sum on the markets."

2014-03-06, 07:39 PM

Red burned in her cheeks at the explanation. “Oh! Sorry. I heard Kolvars, and remembered what he did to Fharel, and feared – it doesn't matter. I'll take care of it. Thank you.” After that, she second-guessed asking of the reclusive demon-hunter she had been shy to pursue as a novice. It wasn't much of a worry now. If the Order were being lenient to the Sister's captive, it was obvious that Darius and every inch of his silver hair were safe. She cleared her throat. “Sir. At any pace, do you know when the amnesty might come into effect?”

Did I mention that "today" really means "tomorrow" when you fall asleep? :smallsigh:

2014-03-06, 10:10 PM
Shenra struggles to fend off exhaustion, but thinks over Verzera's idea.

"Well, let's think. If we're using walls of fire to isolate the Slaughter King, there are slim chances we can do anything en masse against the Order. However, if we were to, say, trick the Order into fighting the Slaughter King..." She takes a moment to think things through. "Not sure how to get them there, but if we could get maybe an Order officer in the arena with the Slaughter King... we could take the winner out with little to no resistance. Anyone know any relations between the Syndicate and the Order? Any animosity or anything?"

2014-03-07, 12:02 AM

Thinking back to some conversations shes had Katria hesitates to say anything before finally just speaking. "The Order no, but the Guard would want to take care of them and we've seen the guard and order work together on things. If you let slip some info to the guard they might also involve the Order. Both organizations seem to want to antagonize certain people and being that the Syndicate isn't friends to any reasonable person I'm sure they'll want to deal with them."

2014-03-07, 10:17 AM
Branna has a scrunched up face trying to keep the possible plans in mind. She finally shakes her head.

"So, we lure the Guard and Slaughter King to the same place somehow. We hope the Guard brings the Order. We try to isolate the Slaughter King with walls of fire and hope the Guard and Order fight the Slaughter King. Then we try to go in and wipe out the winner. And then we make it look like we're the people who should get the credit so the city loves us."

She flops back against the wall in frustration.

"You guys are the experts, but that sounds crazy to me.

"How about this? Lure the King out. I lock him down, Shenra's firewalls block out interference, and Daelric shoves a sword through his back while Katria beats him into a red paste. Simple."

Branna realizes she's butting into something where she's probably out of her depth, and crosses her arms defensively over her chest.

She mumbles, "Or, at least that's how I would do it."

2014-03-07, 04:14 PM

"I admit my suggestion wasn't very good. It might be better to lure the Order here with 'rebel' sightings. Then wait for them to engage the Slaughter King and we swoop in to defeat them both. The problem with either of my suggestions is how to get the info to the intended target." she sits back looking like she's thinking.

2014-03-07, 07:21 PM
"How to get it to them and what to tell them.

"We don't want them coming in with too much force so they kill the King, look good doing it, and are still too strong for us to take out. We don't want them so weak that the forces there just pull back and call for reinforcements."

Branna throws her hands up in the air.

"It sounds impossible to me. What is that perfect story to get them to do what we want?"

2014-03-07, 08:39 PM
"No, I will take it to the markets to understand what it is, but it is magical and without knowing the purpose of its magic, I cannot sell it to some unsuspecting person. I found it in the pits, do you understand child, I cannot just sell it." Helik turns it over again, sitting across from Rinath. He was obviously uncomfortable, lizardfolk made this, what could it mean, was it simply forgotten, did someone cast it aside knowing its power? Was it lost during the fight? "Tell me child, is there anyone you know with information of the lizards? I would rather not go stumbling into the markets and be robed of any possible answers.

Plushie Arz
2014-03-08, 05:06 AM
"You've got questions? You gotta talk to the Biologist. He's got a little workshop in the lower markets. Ma goes for free healing. He knows everything!"

Plushie Arz
2014-03-08, 07:59 AM
"We will need to draft and deliver the terms to the rebels. With the information you provided, I believe that some may be more easily persuaded than others to give up arms and bend the knee. It would be useful to know which groups currently stand against us and the best ways of reaching them. That information would do much towards achieving peace in this city."
Helarm met Feeona's eyes.

"Would you help us?"

2014-03-08, 09:20 AM

one sec aka give me a year

2014-03-09, 09:34 AM
"Take me to this one, if he has any answers, I would be both surprised and impressed." Helik gestures for the boy to lead, even with some knowledge, Helik has no interest in getting lost in place when his spirit already is.

2014-03-09, 01:28 PM
Shenra suddenly sits forward.

"Don't tell them of the Slaughter King. You're brilliant, Branna." She moves closer to the group, and speaks a bit more quietly. "Think about it. Everyone wants to be the hero, right? So we let slip to some soldiers somehow that the Syndicate is weaker here. That all they would have to do is clean up, right?" She pulls out Katria's map and shows one of the open areas. "They move in. They clear out some of the Syndicate, and the Slaughter King comes out, and I'm sure they can put two and two together... They want to kill him and be the unit that takes out the Syndicate. Best case scenario, there's a significant officer here, and the fight actually takes a toll on the winning side. Worst case scenario, the greed brings a pathetic unit who simply gets obliterated. Either way, during the fight, we can pick off the Slaughter King. And we've proven time and time again that we can handle the Order."

Plushie Arz
2014-03-10, 07:25 AM
Rinath led Helik and Kileal through the assembled masses of traders, beggars, guardsmen and civilians that filled the marketplace. He could see a large throng gathered around the local square and as he edged closer, he could see several men in shining armour standing on a platform. Five of them had spears and the sixth wielded a gleaming bastard sword in his right hand. Their faces were covered by steel visors and their white cloaks looked green under the filtered light of the dense canopy. He had often wondered how those men could stand wearing steel under the oppressive humidity of the jungle but he had heard rumours of enchantments that could woven into the armour, to provide a modicum of comfort for their wearers against the extremes of the weather. Perhaps those men wore such enchanted armour.

They guarded an elven woman who was bound with thick lengths of grey rope. Her long platinum hair hung around her face as she looked down. There was a haunting sense of despair around her and her dark eyes would remain in Helik's memory for a long time. The soldier wielding the greatsword spoke, his voice magically amplified around the marketplace. "This woman was accused of murder. She lured three honest soldiers back to her house and while those men trusted in her hospitality, she brutally killed them in cold blood. For this treachery, the High Justiciar has condemned her to death. Mornay spare her soul!"

The crowd burst into a farrago of jeers, heckles and insults. Some directed at the accused and others at the Order soldiers. "And what were those men doing? Killing and raping no doubt!" Screamed a young man. Others were less kind in their accusations. The soldiers were immune to the verbal barrages. Two of them forced the woman to her knees and the executioner swung his greatsword in a great arc...

Rinath tugged at Helik's arm. "Happens every second day or so, sir." He said. "They kill rioters, thieves, murderers. But never their own. We need to go."

Discussion about the best course of action took all night but one by one, sleep and reverie claimed the group. The evening darkened. Wild howls and frantic chanting filled the slums and alleyways where the Syndicate staked their territory, but in the confines of the brothel's basement, the group could hear none of that. Instead, the continuous moans and creaking from upstairs filled their ears and lulled them to sleep.

* * *

The group woke the next day to find a plate of cold meats, bread and fruit had been left atop an old barrel, along with a pitcher of fresh goat's milk. It seemed that despite the state of the establishment upstairs, its employees ate well and were willing to share their bounties with the party.

2014-03-10, 07:42 AM

Having emerged from another night of "rest" Katria lets the others partake of the food and refreshment. She takes the time to clean up as well as she can and meditate for a hour getting ready for the day and the struggle ahead this day. She takes her staff that has not seen much use lately and lays it across her folded legs. She waits patiently for someone to outline what exactly we're doing today.

2014-03-10, 08:53 AM
Helik spoke softly not looking at Rinarh, holding his voice steady to cover his anger. "This pathetic display is no better than dog or bear baiting. These creatures before us fear everything, they fear their neighbors, they fear themselves. This lynching shows little more than the fact that people lash out and attack that which they cannot comprehend. They look for anything to use as an excuse to commit violence, the war, this lynching and what happened in the pits the other day. Any bipedal creature should feel ashamed that such a culture exists." He turned to Rinarh, holding back tears of sadness. "Show me the way little elf, the less time I spend among these monsters the better."

2014-03-10, 09:12 AM
Shenra did not sleep well. The sounds may have been consistent and lulling, but she was uneasy. From what, she could not discern; but her stomach did not agree with her body's exhaustion. She woke the next day feeling awake, but not rested. As she sits down to the meal before them, her stomach remained unsettled and she sighs and looks to Katria as the others slowly awaken. "Good morning, I pray you slept better than I." She leans against her staff and closes her eyes in prayer for the morning.

Ona, grant me patience and strength today. Serenity, if you wish it, for my body is wracked with the events of these past days. Give me your guidance that I may bring balance to the people of Kiiska through my actions today and tomorrow alike. Tiichi ekess wux ihk, shio tairais vur filkiati."Praise to you, for all time and balance forever."

2014-03-10, 12:57 PM

Waiting for Shenra to finish her daily ritual she replies.
"We elves do not sleep such as you humans would understand it. Our minds relax into a state of rest known as the reverie. It's a trance-like state of being that rests the mind, but doesn't have dreams as much as it would be considered more visions."

2014-03-10, 01:23 PM
Shenra smiles without lifting her head, missing the tongues in which Katria addressed her. She leaned her staff against the wall and picked up some of the fruit.
"Ah, yes, I believe we actually discussed this upon our last... visit, here. Nonetheless, I pray you are well rested. We should make haste while we can; no telling what we will need to do to draw out the Slaughter King."

2014-03-10, 02:25 PM
The talking pulls Branna out of her sleep. The tiny owl-like form she had taken, fluffed its feathers, rotated its head back and forth, and finally grew back into the form of the slight halfling.

"You guys still planning? Yeesh. Take a break every once and a while. I like the plan as it is - attract in some Order troop to start clearing out some small-time Syndicate people. They attract the big guy's attention. They start slugging it out and we step in and clear them all out."

She stuffs half a banana in her mouth.

"Eazshy ash diggig up grubsh."

Plushie Arz
2014-03-10, 05:38 PM
Verzera adjusted her corset and started putting on the pieces of her armour, strapping on the black greaves and cuisse with a grunt. "They swarm out at night, the Syndicate that is." She said, grabbing a handful of grapes and popping them into her mouth. She swallowed a great number of them and spat out the skin. "They swarm around the alleys, fight dirty when the spaces are tight and cramped so you can swing big swords at them. You'll find one or two stragglers by day but nothing a few of us can't deal with. Think the Order will be happy with that?"

Making an escape from the hustle of the lower markets, Rinath led Helik to an arcade nestled in the buttressing roots of a massive fig tree. Rows of shops and hovels lined the narrow pathway, all stacked precariously among each other. The boy picked out a small steel-lined door leading down into an underground room. The first thing that struck Helik was how cool the air was compared to the stark humidity of outside. The floors, walls and ceiling were organic and the timber shelves were carefully stacked with piles of pungent herbs and bottled alchemical components. A stone bench occupied the centre of the room and another door opened up to the back.

An elven man waltzed in with slow, measured movements from the back rooms. He had a thick neck and podgy cheeks and his cropped white hair was neatly brushed behind a receding hairline. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up and a growing belly strained against the confines of his dark leather waistcoat. He rubbed his calloused hands and spoke in a soft voice. "What is it today Rinath? Does your mother need more medicine?"

"No sir, got a human. A shem. He's got questions."

The older elf carefully regarded Helik and Kileal with his pale yellow eyes. Helik sensed that behind the man's mild demeanour, there was some unspoken power. "You're not with the Order." He finally said. His frown relaxed. "Who are you?"

2014-03-10, 07:42 PM

Feeona met his gaze easily. “Achieving peace has to be the highest of Mornay's ideals, sir. But no one trusts our goddess any more. To their eyes, we're poisoners, zealots and tyrants. Demanding an all-inclusive list of names and locations will worsen that. They'll think we're more likely to march before we mediate. If the goal is peace, smaller steps serve. I can ask for individual names instead. People willing to listen and speak on behalf of rebel groups. From there, contacting them will be easy, and terms can be tweaked without anyone dismissing it as a trap.”

2014-03-10, 10:06 PM

"I'm ready for any action that's needed. I can fight in almost any environment or conditions." She sets her staff down next to her for quick retrieval.

Plushie Arz
2014-03-11, 01:32 AM
"I'm pleased to hear that. You'll need every resource you can muster if you want to fight both the Order and the Slaughter King." It was a male voice that spoke from the darkness, eloquent and laced with honey. The group quickly turned to the source of the voice. Branna, Katria and Shenra felt a lump in their throats as they saw the tall stranger. He had the pointed ears and chiselled face of a handsome elf and a mane of platinum white hair ran down past his broad shoulders. The front of his red robes opened to show an impressively toned physique.

"Shardin!" Verzera instinctively got up and threw her arms around his neck. The group noticed with some discomfort that his hand lingered a little too long over the drow's backsides. "They said you've been away all week!"

"Yes, I've been attending to my other interests. I see you people have made yourselves comfortable in my little business venture."

2014-03-11, 02:06 AM

She eyes Shardin. He looks formidable. Who doesn't Verzera know around here? "Some more comfortable than others. I hope our presence isn't a problem for you. The Order and The Syndicate has their strengths and weaknesses. We just have to figure them out and play off them."

2014-03-11, 03:00 AM
Helik sighed, relieved that Rinarh didn't seem to have exaggerated. "I am called Helik and this is Kileal, I am glad that you do not associate me with my kind immediately. I do try tokeep my distance from their insanity. I am here because I wish to know the purpose of this." He withdrew the medalion, offering it to the elf for closer inspection. "It has an aura of magic to it and even though it is faint, i cannot justify selling or gifting it without knowledge as to what it could do."

Plushie Arz
2014-03-11, 03:38 AM
"The rebels are fools if they reject our amnesty." Huffed Uhars. "We will turn to them with steel and flames and make them witness the glory of Mornay."

"Hold your words, Field Marshal." Helarm shot a dangerous look which silenced the bearish officer. "If the rebels fail to grasp the opportunity or abuse our trust, there will be consequences. However we must attempt peace. We will need envoys then if we are to sue for an end to this conflict. I am told you have a history with the rebels. Perhaps you will be our envoy."

Amusement lit up Shardin's purple eyes. "Then you ought to hurry. The Syndicate went on a spree last night to avenge Memtoch. They murdered eleven. The Order curfew may have saved civilians but it was the guards who bore the losses." Despite his words, Shardin bore no sense of urgency and his tone was conversational.

Plushie Arz
2014-03-11, 05:17 AM
The elven man held out his hands to accept Helik's medallion. The blue veins showed through the pale and bony palms and he raised the metallic emerald disk for a closer look. "Remarkable." He whispered, turning the snake relief in the light. "I haven't seen one made to this quality. The workmanship and details... absolutely superb." He set the medallion down and peered at Helik.

"This is no a simple jewel, shem. The lizardfolk use them as keys for doorways they wish to protect. Each of those disk keys are attuned to a single door and that door is impregnable to any other ways of entry, whether mundane or magical. By my reckoning, this one is at least a thousand years old. Where did you find it?"

2014-03-11, 06:41 AM

“That would work best, sir. Whatever else they make of me, I'm still an example of the Order's leniency, and I've felt how they feel. I'll be happy to.” At that, Feeona smiled.

2014-03-11, 07:35 AM
Shenra attempted to make eye contact with the drow, but he paid her no attention until she spoke up. "Well met, Shardin. I am Shenra." Despite being pained by guilt at her involvement with the merciless slaughter of the guard, she tried to maintain the cool and collected presence she heard in his voice. "How do you recommend we involve the Order? I trust you know the... innermost workings of this area, and would value your insight into our dilemma."

2014-03-11, 08:10 AM
A key, this was interesting, what could it unlock, was this the universe giving him a way to track down Gwen? Would the door this key protects lead him to her? Why else would such an old thing be sitting in a place like that? In the pits, the child told me of fighting down there and I had hoped to find a clue to assist my purpose in this land. That key was the last thing I came across before returning. It was in an unnatural area, my Kileal noticed it under some rubbish.

Plushie Arz
2014-03-11, 08:04 PM
"And it is my pleasure to meet you, Shenra. I am flattered you seek my counsel. I know little of politics. After all, I am little more than a simple purveyor of services." Shardin gave a small laughed and turned away from Verzera. He fixed Shenra in his purple gaze and it sent a tingle down her spine. She felt herself blushing involuntarily and she noted the heat that seemed to emanate from his body. "But if I may so suggest, the goals of the Order in this city are not complicated. Consolidate the half-elves, destroy all resistance and show themselves as heroes in the eyes of their sun god. An opportunity to kill a demon bred in the unholy pits of an elven slum? Many a green knight would throw away their lives for such a chance. All the better."

"But beware the Order for they have many weapons and arms to wield them. I heard they have a new group that they deployed. They call them the Sisters of Dawn. Fanatics and zealots unswayed by the temptations that may fell lesser men."

"Then it is settled. You will obtain answers from the prisoner about the workings of the Resistance and you will then deliver my terms to your contacts in your rebels." The High Justiciar turned to the Mother Superior.

"I have also heard disturbing reports of rebel activity in the lower reaches of the city. I am told the Midnight Syndicate is active in this city and they rally around an unholy demon that calls itself the Slaughter King."

"But Mornay's angels banished the demons before they departed Sundara. So it is said in the Book of Dawn. It is one of the oldest tales of creation!" Protested Sister Eleanor.

Wessing scoffed. "Perhaps those half-elves and their 'superior vision' couldn't tell the difference between an ogre and a demon. Demons, dragons and faeries belong to the stories told to children."

"That may be but the appearance of a true demon would be no small matter. They are unholy servants of darkness that must be vanquished. We cannot take that risk."

"Mornay save us." Muttered Ross. "The Darkling sightings are bad enough but this?"

Helarm nodded. "Regardless of the identity of this 'Slaughter King', it is imperative we do allow the Syndicate to obtain a foothold in the city. The rebels are bad enough without a cult of madmen, murderers and demon-worshippers supporting them."

"Jacob, this is a task for the Sisterhood." Sister Eleanor's eyes were like ice and she spoke with a steely determination. "Who else are more prepared to send the servants of darkness back into hellfire and damnation?"

"The lizardfolk used those keys to guard their temples and vaults. I won't be surprised if those blasted orcs or thrice-damned Hollow Men found it in their rampage of pillage and plunder." The elf sighed.

"Base creatures, all of them. Calling them beasts would be an insult to animals. Tell me then, shem, what do you plan to do in this city?"

2014-03-11, 08:32 PM

She listens avidly to what Shardin is saying. A pained look crosses her face. "More Order goons? Do these humans know no shame? Are these Sisters particularly dangerous? If so why wait till now to use them?"

Plushie Arz
2014-03-11, 08:50 PM
"They are women devoted the service of their sun god, and are in return blessed with powers. They do not bargain and do not yield. The worst features of fanatics." Shardin shrugged. "Why do they fight now? Perhaps they want their enemies to taste hellfire and damnation. Perhaps they want their justice dealt by a legion of beautiful women. They could've come here for that."

2014-03-11, 09:44 PM
"Origonally I was trying to track down a few specific orcs, but now with so much time between me an them, I've been chasing every orc around. A raiding party of them captured my wife when the war between humans and orcs was still strong." Kileal sensed his discomfort, forcing her head under his hand, getting some of his attention.

Plushie Arz
2014-03-12, 02:18 AM
Shardin flashed a queer look at Katria. "There are no more demons on Sundara, not since Mornay's angels sealed them away in their exile. They have followed dragons into the realm of faerie tales along with the narks, gnomes and snarls." He chuckled. "But it doesn't matter if they exist or not do they? The Slaughter King might as well be an ogre, darkling or troll and it would make no difference. The mention of a demon still commands great fear in the Order, little dancer. Fear is what will motivate them and bring them to ruin."

"You will be hard-pressed to find those orcs in this city. Dead or otherwise. The humans saw to that in the Steel Pits." The elf set down the medallion on the stone bench and rubbed his hands. He tilted his neck.

"Some call me a biologist. Others call a scientist. Some others call me a healer. I like to see myself as a protector of my fellow elf. I see that you bear no such love for your fellow man."

2014-03-12, 03:31 AM
"In the wilds a mountain lion cares for her young but another lioness will gladly claim that cub as her own or more likely for food. Kileal here has no interest in the wolves. She respects their territories and they respect hers. She sometimes hunts on their home but does not often stay for long. This is how I treat your kind. I will enter your home and I will feed myself when I am here, but I will not claim your home. Humans have no interest in your kind or homes, they only wish to rule. I find you to be closer to my kin than humans. Perhaps if i had been born a century sooner i would feel different, perhaps before humans turned to such evils I would consider them my kin. My first foray into a human city I had respect for my fellow man, I helped out where I could but all that time they showed no mutual respect to me or the people born there. How can I protect and care for a creature which cannot comprehend love? Helik crouched, pulling up her lips, revealing her fangs. "Kileal is a predator, an carnivor. I cannot blame her for what she is, it is what she does. Humans areboth carnivor and herbavores, they eat animals and plants. It would not be the way of a druid to fault them for that. But this consistent warfare, what creature is meant to do that. This land belongs to all yet my kind refuses to share. How is that just? Helik looked at the elf, wondering if the wise one had an answer. "I am already old for my kind I doubt i will live to see the end of this conflict and i was living with the animals when it started, how can I watch so much needless death from the sidelines? Did you know that they burn the bodies? Why is there so much waste? A single animal the size of a human can life for a month off that much meat."

2014-03-12, 04:10 AM

Katria stops to think on what he said. "Angels? Exile? Dragons?" She stops for a second before regarding Shardin again. "My name is Katria. I left a dancer, but came back a fighter. One of lifes unexpected change of focus."

Plushie Arz
2014-03-12, 05:07 AM
The elf shook his head dismissively at Helik's monologue but he did not interrupt. "Love. Good. Evil. Grand notions that cannot be summed in a few words. It takes many lifetimes to truly comprehend such concepts, time which you shem do not possess."

"As for the corpses, they fear plague. Rightfully so. Cities filled with the dead are no places for the living. Rats and flies swarm around rotting flesh and they bring disease. Only fire cleanses."

"You know little of war but it will find you nonetheless. You will do well to prepare for what's coming."

Shardin grinned. "Not an unfamiliar story, Katria. Perhaps my girls could relate. Some of them were warriors, maidens, mages and bards. I've had fat ones and thin ones. Pretty ones and ugly ones. And now they all work for me."

2014-03-12, 05:26 AM

"I hope one day to be free to pursue my own path again. Maybe on that day I'll go back to making others laugh and smile. Right now I have to contend with the Order and our efforts in defeating them." She goes quit drawing back into contemplation and watching listening to the others anxious to get to work dealing with the Syndicate and the Slaughter King.

2014-03-12, 01:37 PM
Branna liked Shardin's presence; it had a very alpha male feel. Daelric had a different version - dark, dangerous, and a bit scary at times. Shardin's was sexier.

If he just weren't quite so tall she'd drive off the other girls in the room and take him for herself. Branna wondered if she should ask him if he wanted to give her an education on some of the crazy names Daelric had been spouting.

Most of them were too silly to believe - Orc in a Bathtub, as if orcs ever took baths!

Even if they were fakes, rolling with Shardin would be fun.

And then they all started talking politics. What a downer. What did it matter who came to fight the demon or not-demon thing?

It was nice to watch him while they all droned on, but eventually she grew restless.

"So, if the Order took a beating, would they send in a large group of soldiers if they hear about the Syndicate again? A few dozen is one thing, but if they bring in hundreds, I don't think that would work for our plans very well."

She turned to Shenra, Katria and Daelric. "That or we skip the part about attracting the Order, and just draw out the Slaughter King ourselves. I like the idea of bloodying the Order while we're doing this, but if they bring too many soldiers ...."

She shrugged her shoulders.

Plushie Arz
2014-03-12, 08:50 PM
Verzera pulled away from Shardin and rested a gloved hand on her hips. "Yeah, you're probably right." She pouted, in response to Branna's proposition. "Don't want to involve too many of the Order bastards. If anything, there's already too many of them in this city."

* * *

The group took leave of the Knot and travelled to the lower reaches to harass the Syndicate...

Helik left the Biologist's workship, feeling somewhat dissatisfied. It seemed his search for answers had left him with more questions, none of which seemed to lead to Gwen. He followed the Greenway, eventually leading him out of the markets and into a strange neighbourhood filled with unrecognisable alleys and overgrown shacks that jutted from the roots of the surrounding trees. Kileal hissed. As Helik turned the corner, he almost vomited. Forty feet away a female corpse hung from the low-hanging branches of a fig tree. Her face was mutilated beyond recognition but she appeared to be a young adult. A pack of six figures surrounded the corpse, tearing away at the flesh with sharp knives. He could see they were lean and agile with wild hair adorned with bits of small animal bones. "Billy berserk, slice n' dice!" Muttered one of them in a gibbery voice. "Slice n' dice! Slice n' dice!"

One of them turned and saw Kileal. His lips, studded with dozens of piercings and spiked rings curled, revealing blood-stained teeth. "Slice n' dice!"

2014-03-12, 11:29 PM

Shrugging Katria says. "Does it really matter how we do it? With or without the Order being involved? And I agree with you...way too many Order soldiers in Kiiska." Katria sets aside her staff knowing that what she really keeps it around for is to trick the enemies into thinking it's her main form of offense. The crazies will need her to be dishing out the hurting though...for real.


Katrias stays alert as the group preceeds into the bowels of the city searching for those -shiver- cultists. I hope this pays off. Can't have more of what happened last night while we were resting. She doesn't let up on her vigilance having faced 2 of their cultists and 2 of their casters. She looks at the rest of their group relieved it's not just her, Verzera, and Shenra.

Plushie Arz
2014-03-13, 12:15 AM
DM: Spot and listen checks for Katria's group.

2014-03-13, 12:44 AM
[roll0], [roll1]

2014-03-13, 08:47 AM
Branna Spot: [roll0]
Branna Listen: [roll1]
Mahb Spot: [roll2]
Mahb Listen: [roll3]

2014-03-13, 10:03 AM
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2014-03-13, 10:31 AM
"Well Kileal, something tells me these folk have little interest in conversation. Awaken Shillelagh. Helik raised his staff, placing two fingers near his clenched fist and gently rubbing the staff. "Keep your guard Kileal, if enough fall, they may retreat." Kileal lowers herself, ready to attack whoever comes in range first.

Should be self explanatory, the shillelagh becomes a +1 weapon and deals 2d6 damage instead of 1d6.

I was going to post yesterday, but some of the medicine I took had one hell of a kick, couldn't remember much of anything.

2014-03-13, 05:01 PM

“Sister Eleanor has the right of it. If it serves, sir, I can also raise the matter of seeing the Sisters left unharmed to the task, once I speak with the Resistance. Maybe even persuade a joint effort against the Syndicate. They're everyone's enemy, and the Sisters have never been deployed against the Resistance. They would be more welcoming of ourselves than the Order.”

Plushie Arz
2014-03-14, 09:19 PM

Syndicate cultists: [roll0]
Helik: [roll1]
Kileal: [roll2]

"We do not know of their motives, child. You will have strangers fighting by your side? The same strangers who raise their arms and strike at us?"

"The Resistance cannot be trusted to help us defeat this Slaughter King." Said Ross, "There are too many unknowns, especially after the Steel Pits. They could turn on us as easily as they offer their aid."

"I will not have us fight with the rebels." Insisted Eleanor. "The Sisterhood will cleanse the unholy with our righteous fury!"

Helarm heard the various dissenting opinions and rubbed his chin. "If the rebels obtain this information, it would greatly endanger the lives of yourself and the Sisters. Peace cannot be won in this manner. The assault on the Syndicate is of absolute imperative."

Daelric had been pulled aside by Shardin at the Knot for another task, leaving Verzera, Branna, Katria, Shenra and Mabh to harass the Syndicate.

The small band of them trudged along the well-worn paths of the lower reaches. The surrounding trees loomed above them and shafts of daylight penetrated the dense upper canopy, striking the soft ground like thin, translucent columns. While the district seemed peaceful, the group saw disturbing hints that the Midnight Syndicate laid claim to the territory. Katria and Shenra saw the ominous sigil of the Syndicate painted on several walls in a dark red substance and Branna saw what looked like a human hand nailed onto the low-hanging branches of a birch tree. However, it was Branna's keen hearing that registered rustling in the branches. For a split second, she saw a woman in a tight black bodysuit and a shadowy cloak watching them from the boughs of a fig. The moment Branna turned for a closer look, the woman was gone and a blackbird flew from the treetops, into an alleyway...

2014-03-14, 10:33 PM
"Hey, there's someone ..." and Branna trailed away as she stopped walking. She considered changing and chasing after, but that seemed like a great way to fall into an ambush. Humans and Elves could give lions and wolves a run for their meat when it came to cunning ambushes.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that we won't have trouble attracting the Syndicate's attention. I think I spotted one of their people watching us. She turned into a bird, though."

Branna frowned. "I really hope that wasn't a druid. That would be ... wrong."

She shook her head. "If they're watching us, I'll bet we can start doing ... something. So how do we get their attention? I imagined charging into a mob of them with claws flying. But if they aren't here to fight...."

Branna looks around directionless. "What? Do we declare the Resistance is here to save the day? Seems sort of silly if no one is here."

2014-03-14, 10:41 PM

"Turned into a bird? That doesn't sound like these Syndicate cultists, but I could be wrong. I have no fear that when we come across them we will know. We don't t have to do anything to get their attention, just be seen. They have no subtlety about them. In fact I think the Syndicate is wrong in the head. After having fought 2 of their cultists and their 2 casters -shiver- I will have no qualms about putting them down."

2014-03-14, 11:18 PM
Branna considered Katria's words for a moment and shrugged.


She hopped up on top of Mahb and called out as loud as her Halfling voice could, "The Syndicate is a bunch of sick cowards! We are here to wipe them out because the Order can't!"

She hops back down and looks proudly at the others. "Hopefully that was direct enough for them."

She crosses her arms proudly over the dragonscales of her breastplate. "That was pretty clever talking about the Order like that, huh? Makes them sound weak. I thought of that myself. I'm getting good at this diplomacy stuff, aren't I!"

Plushie Arz
2014-03-15, 08:26 AM
The cultists noticed Kileal and they hollered in glee at the prospect of killing. Laughing maniacally, they split off from the tree, a few of them disappearing into alleyways while two moved towards Helik in a slow and methodical manner, twirling their knives.

DM: Two at the back move 30' towards Helik. The curved lines are intended to be stairs (difficult terrain).

Despite Branna's taunts, her calls went unanswered. "Maybe the're all sleeping." Suggested Verzera playfully, tugging at her gloves. "Y'know how some people work by night and sleep by day? And it's awfully early."

2014-03-15, 08:43 AM

"If they are asleep then now would be a great time to scout out the area and gather information."

2014-03-16, 02:12 PM
Keep an eye on the alleys, I'll back you. With a gesture to Kileal, they both started backing up slowly, not wanting to get flanked. He watched both sides closely, waiting for the cultists to either pass the or enter the area.

20' back just in case and waiting for their move.

2014-03-17, 07:38 AM
Shenra nods in agreement with Katria. "Now is the perfect time to choose a location to fight the Slaughter King, if we can. Find somewhere isolated, but open to siege tactics." She walks along, as Ras sits about her shoulder, ruffling his feathers as if to show he's awake. "The last thing we need to do is draw the Slaughter King out and have him get away..."

Plushie Arz
2014-04-01, 07:02 AM
DM: +1000XP to Helik. +800XP to Feeona, Branna, Katria, Shenra.

He saw the figures darting into the alleyways and thought he could hold them if he backed away. It was Kileal’s snarl that alerted him otherwise. Looking up at the rooftops of the terraces and branches, Helik could see movement. Despite his failing eyesight, the gleam of exposed steel in the feeble rays of the morning sun was unmistakeable. Fat, thin, tall and short. The figures above crowed in laughter, their tongues rolling in impossible gibberish that only they seemed to comprehend. Heliks had the growing sense of unease that the new arrivals would not be friendly and as he looked ahead, he saw the cultists who had been standing before him mere moments ago had vanished into the dark alleys. Feeling vulnerable in his current position, Helik’s cautious steps became a gait as he retreated into the winding snakelike paths of the lower reaches…

The four women waited. Despite encountering no resistance from the Midnight Syndicate, they could not shake the eerie feeling that they were being watched. On more than one occasion, Katria or Branna would see a pair of eyes and a swarthy face staring from above a rooftop or around a corner but the face would quickly disappear as soon as the women brought it to the group’s attention. On more than one occasion, a lump of fresh faeces or a rotten piece of fruit would be lobbed from the alleys, narrowly missing the women. No matter how hard they searched, their assailants always seemed to elude them, hidden by the narrow alleyways and hidden lofts in the various ramshackle huts and terraces that lined the district.

The longer they spent in the lower reaches, they noticed more grisly finds. On an earthen brick wall, they saw a severed humanoid hand clearly nailed to the stone. On the paved ground, they saw a hive of ants swarming a piece of flesh that looked a little too fresh to be from a discarded meal.

Finally, after several agonising hours, they came to a sunken courtyard. The buildings and trees loomed around them but they had a clear view of the surrounding area without the risk of a sudden ambush. Mabh purred at an alleyway from the southern end of the square. A middle aged man accompanied by a cheetah stumbled through, huffing and out of breath.


2014-04-01, 07:28 AM

Katria is increasingly disturbed by the sights and scenery around her, but doesn't let it sap her resolve to get this done. She shakes her head continualy at the violent wanton distruction that is being done here. And to think Kiiska used to be more peaceful than this. Once we put the natural order back to what it should be things will get better.

As Mabh purrs Katria looks in that direction eyes narrowing as a older male appears winded and accompanied by what she surmises is a wild animal. She uses some of her discipline not to take a defensive or offensive posture, appearing relaxed and calm. "Excuse me sir, but you took the worst time to travel down here by yourself. Is there any assistance we could provide you?"

2014-04-01, 09:45 AM
Branna pouts a bit when no reaction was forthcoming. "Hmph. Bunch of crazy loons too nuts to react like normal people," she mutters. The odd feeling of being watched wears on her, but she tells herself that this is what they're here to do - beard the beast in its own lair.

As the man comes from the alleyway, her keyed up nerves have her beginning a summoning, but her gesturing hand stops as its apparent he's not attacking them.

As Katria calls out, she takes a moment to pay attention and is cheered to see the animal with him. A ... oh, what was that thing? She had seen them several times in her travels, but couldn't remember their name. It wasn't a leopard, even with its spots. A, a, a bobcat? No, that wasn't it. It would come to her soon enough.

She nudges Katria as she finishes speaking, "Ask him if he's seen any crazy, bloodthirsty cultists. I can feel they're somewhere near."

2014-04-01, 09:59 AM

She nods to Branna. Then turns back to the man. "Have you happened to see any wacky cultists with a sharp object fetish in the area?"

2014-04-01, 10:44 AM
"Hear that Kileal, were not the only ones with an inconvenient stalker. I have at least six of your cultists following me; that is if they still are following. Whomever they are, they seem to have an obsession with slicing and dicing things as for whether it is a fetish or obsession is beyond me. I would suggest keeping an eye on the roofs of the buildings behind me. They seem to have an affinity for climbing."

Helik walks forward, happy to have met a few people not obsessed with murder.

"Kileal, keep an eye out for the cultists and let us know if you see any. I must admit, you three are rather unusual company. A human, an elf, a child and a- is that a panther."

There was no fear in Helik's voice, just mild curiosity and panting from his being out of breath. Once he closes half the distance: he crouches to look at the other cat on the same level.

"Most unusual indeed."

2014-04-01, 11:34 AM

She gives the human a piercing gaze. She doesn't know what to make of him. "Yes they were agitated due to recent events, but now seem to be cautious instead. My companion here"she gestures in Branna's direction "is a halfling. And on the subject of our unusual group...What exactly are you doing here? I haven't seen many humans around here. And alone especially."

I haven't seen many that can befriend such dangerous animals. Is this human a druid or ranger? Have some of them learned to live with nature rather than destroying it? She softens her expression and smiles to try and keep him at ease, looking around as she remembers about the Syndicate.

2014-04-01, 11:36 AM
A human! Shenra's mind reels. She had not been in the presence of humans, with the exception of the Order and the very, very rare independents since... since...

She coughs as quietly as she can as her eyes roll in and out of focus. She steadies herself against her staff.

"Are you with the Order?" is all she says, incredulous. She is not keen to trust someone stumbling from the shadows, especially this far from "home".

2014-04-01, 12:33 PM
Branna watches the two cats carefully, but they seem to be more curious than anything. Good. Sometimes they could be territorial.

"Oh come on, he can't be with the Order - his ... Cheetah! That's the word, cheetah! It just came to me. Anyway, his cheetah trusts him, and animals are excellent judges of character. The Order couldn't deal fairly with something they don't control if they had an angel watching them."

In spite of her bold assertion, she does carefully watch the man. She knew there were ways to force compliance in beings, but Mahb seemed to be getting along with the cheetah pretty well, so there probably wasn't any of that going on.

2014-04-01, 01:53 PM
"I wasn't alone originally, I had a guide. We went our separate ways after my business was done. The Order? What do they have to do with- Oh, humans. I don't suppose there are many around not with the Order. I suppose you could say I am one. I tend to avoid them when able and because of their corrupt look on this world; ignore me. Damned insults is what they are." He glances at Branna. "Don't worry about them, because of how different the habitats they come from are I doubt they will fight over a territory that both know Kileal is not familiar to." He grinned, looking over the group. "You three couldn't have come at a better time. I was having a lousy day but you, you are proof that eventually peace can claim this land. Three separate races not at each others throats. Hah, I never would have thought I'd live to see it."

2014-04-01, 02:58 PM
Branna grins a bit. "You must have read my mind." She ruffles Mahb's ears.

"We aren't entirely peaceful. We're hopefully going to be at someones' throat pretty quickly. We're trying to find some sick people who enjoy torturing and mutilating others. Hopefully when we're...."

Branna stopped. Explaining too much was probably bad, oh what was that phrase she had heard a few days ago, 'operational security'? Something like that. Not blabbing everything.

"Hopefully when we're done with them, no one will need to worry about them any more. You said they were following you?"

She looks at the others and gestures to the alley from which the man came, "What do you think? Check it out?"

Back to the new man, "Hey, what's your name?"

2014-04-01, 03:17 PM

"Yes we need to continue. I'm curious as to why the silence and absence of cultists when we're right in their territory."

2014-04-01, 03:49 PM
"I suppose someone has to do something about all that death and I cannot see the order wasting its precious time on it." Helik falls silent for a moment, rememering his day. "It is strange hearing one as little as yourself excited at the prospect of warring, even if it is with ones as horrendous as those cultists. Yes, six that I know of. Whether more joined for the rumpus is beyong me. He stands before offering Brenna a short bow. Helik Someic of the planes, at your service.

2014-04-02, 03:22 AM

"Helik, my name is Katria." She curtsies. "I don't mean to be rude but we have some business to attend to. The cultists seem to have departed so you shouldn't have any problems leaving the area. Or you can accompany us if you don't mind the chance at an altercation with the cultists."

Plushie Arz
2014-04-02, 07:13 AM
Of course, there was the fourth woman that Helik overlooked. She had the pointed ears and features of an elf but her silvery hair and purple skin looked alien to the druid. She wore heavy plate armour and extended her hand. "Verzera." She smirked. "I'm here on a favour."

Contrary to Katria's assertions, the group heard a low chuckle and the scampering of feet in the surrounding buildings. They spun around to see eyes and an assortment of hungry faces staring from the surrounding buildings. Some wielded crude knives while others had razor-lined nets or sharpened bits of bone. They stood at a safe distance, out of melee while their numbers gathered from the nooks and tiny spaces that filled the lower reaches. It seemed that the Syndicate had been biding their time and found them after all.


Under interrogation, the captured elf revealed his name as Nydaren but he resisted answering the questions in the Justiciar's presence. Feeona had the impression that coaxing cooperation from him would yet take some time but with the imminent threat of the Midnight Syndicate and the yet unknown Slaughter King, time was a luxury the Sisters could not spare. The High Justiciar and his retinue withdrew from the Chapel, leaving a token force of armoured guardsmen to aid in the Chapel's defences while the assault on the lower reaches took place.

* * *

"You know child, the Syndicate are seen as heretics, even by the followers of the Black Night and the Jagon." The Mother Superior wore her habits and headdress but Feeona knew that divine wards and protective enchantments protected the Abbess far better than any armour ever would. "They are hated but they feed on this hate. It is what makes them the depraved enemies of her Radiance."

Feeona walked beside the Mother Superior and Sister Eleanor. The Ascendant had traded her nun's habits for a suit of alabaster armour and a black tabard emblazoned with the white sun of the Sisterhood. She led thirty of the Sisterhood's finest, similarly armoured and armed with the Goddess' favoured bastard sword and shield.

"They will fall nonetheless. Our anointed blades will smite the heathen."

2014-04-02, 08:22 AM
Last time I waited for their move, I would not suggest that choice. Helik reaches into a bag at his hip for a small ball of fur. With a short lob, the ball flies ten feet straight east, turning into a boar just in time to land on its feet, huffing at the cultists.


2014-04-02, 09:01 AM

Katria looks around and assumes a defensive posture. Although not wanting to see what the cultists have planned unfold, she doesn't want to distance herself from the rest of the party by advancing on the enemy.

2014-04-02, 11:34 AM
"Helik, eh? I run into a lot of sick creatures, and often the only cure is to put them down before their diseases spread."

And with that the cultists begin appearing.

"Speaking of diseases, it's time to start healing."

Branna intones a quick prayer to the world to aid her in cleansing the land. She steps back more into her group and estimates a point with the right distance. The buildings block a bit of sight, but some of the trees over them offer sight of things a bit further away. With a few soft words and a sharp gesture, thorns erupt along the northern side of the square, covering most of that side.

Initiative: [roll0]
Mahb is staying close.
5' step straight back.
Briar Web. 40' radius. I have to aim at least 40' away to avoid getting us. Aiming straight ahead beyond the big guy (Orc?) directly north of me, right at the very top edge of the map. I think a 40' radius from there will nail the four little guys (kobolds?), the Orc, and possibly the red lady in the north west corner. Just my estimate.
Briar Web (http://dndtools.eu/spells/masters-of-the-wild-a-guidebook-to-barbarians-druids-and-rangers--44/briar-web--1917/)
Entangles everyone in 40' radius. Lasts 7 minutes.
Doesn't hurt anyone unless they make actions (attack, cast, move, etc.)
Taking action causes 1d4+7 damage.
Reflex save DC 17, break free Strength (DC 20), or Escape Artist (DC 20) to avoid being Entangled. (doesn't avoid damage)
Unentangled can move half speed, but still take damage.
Thorns try to re-entangle every round for those still in the area.

2014-04-02, 11:44 AM
Shenra stands up straight, relieving her weight from her quarterstaff. Reaching into one of the small satchels on a knot, she pulls out a small palette. Dabbing her fingers among the paints, she begins to smear across her skin. Soon, the magic swirls around her face, and her pale flesh is replaced by the visage of a large insect, similar to an ant or a wasp. The mandibles click together, though it does not seem to have the same effect on the party as it did on the cultists, who seemed to murmur in either disgust or fear (or both) at her new appearance.

Her voice is quiet. "So much for waiting for the Order to step in for their chance at glory." She sighs and prepares her next spell.

Cast Extended Apparition. DC17 Will Save or Shaken. Lasts until cancelled.

Plushie Arz
2014-04-04, 05:15 AM


Branna: [roll0]
Helik: [roll1]
Katria: [roll2]
Shenra: [roll3]
Verzera: [roll4]
Kileal: [roll6]

Syndicate Sappers:[roll7]
Syndicate Bruisers:[roll8]
Syndicate Slashers:[roll9]

Plushie Arz
2014-04-04, 05:27 AM

The web of briars quickly sprouted along the side of the building, ensnaring the Syndicate cultists caught within its thorny reaches. Helik tossed the nondescript ball of brown fur to the ground ten feet away and magically, it started growing until a great boar with bloodshot eyes and mighty sinewy bristles stood in its place.

The cultists not entangled by Branna's web started approaching cautiously, flicking their weapons and hissing at the group. They circled the parameters, relying on their greater numbers to surround the party...

2014-04-04, 08:20 AM

Katria takes a step to her right and prepares to counterattack. The first one to get within range will get punched.
free action - 5 foot step to her right(characters pov)
standard action(readied action, first enemy to get within melee range) - unarmed strike(punch) att[roll0] dmg[roll1]
If hit and evil touch of golden ice (DC 14) {1d6+enemies cha} dex/{2d6+enemies cha} dex

Plushie Arz
2014-04-06, 02:52 AM



The Cultists closed in, slashing and casting their nets at the group. Verzera slashed at one of the approaching kobolds, spilling its blood onto the cobbles but not before the reptilian cast a tangled net over her. The drow was immediately ensnared by the thick strands of rope and cut by the fragments of blades woven into the coils. The other cultists surged forward, trying to overwhelm the group with wild attacks. Katria struck one knife-wielding maniac in the chest and froze him in his place but two others lunged, narrowly missing the elf. Mahb was not so fortunate and two blades scored her sides (13 damage to Mahb). Kileal also found herself entangled in a crudely woven net of spines (5 damage, entangled).

2014-04-07, 01:33 PM
Branna winces in sympathy as Mahb takes several slashes from the cultists, but that wouldn't be a worry for long. A servant of nature was never outnumbered, at least not for long.

With a word and gesture, Branna called on nature for allies in the fight. Hippogriffs should do nicely.
Using a Summon Monster IV to summon 1d4+1 Hippogriffs. (normally a level II summons)

2014-04-07, 01:54 PM
Nature answers Branna's call and five Hippogriffs pop into existence behind the closest enemies.
H1: Three squares directly south of Branna, targeting the Orc(?) just south of panther Mahb.
H2: Two squares directly diagonal to the southwest, targeting the southwest red enemy. (what are they, so we can refer to them more properly?)
H3: The square directly north of that, targeting the red enemy due west of panther Mahb.
H4: Three squares directly west of Branna, targeting the red enemy due west of Branna.
H5: The square directly north of that, targeting the red enemy due west of Katria.

Just calling them in to flank the enemies and ...

The Large Hippogriffs are naturally nasty-tempered and are growling and snarling, ready to leap onto their enemies.

All the enemies are Flanked, so +2 to all attack rolls.
H1: Touch Attack to initialize grapple: [roll0]
H1: Opposed Grapple Check: [roll1]
H1: Bite Damage if Grapple Succeeds: [roll2]

H2: Touch Attack to initialize grapple: [roll3]
H2: Opposed Grapple Check: [roll4]
H2: Bite Damage if Grapple Succeeds: [roll5]

H3: Touch Attack to initialize grapple: [roll6]
H3: Opposed Grapple Check: [roll7]
H3: Bite Damage if Grapple Succeeds: [roll8]

H4: Touch Attack to initialize grapple: [roll9]
H4: Opposed Grapple Check: [roll10]
H4: Bite Damage if Grapple Succeeds: [roll11]

H5: Touch Attack to initialize grapple: [roll12]
H5: Opposed Grapple Check: [roll13]
H5: Bite Damage if Grapple Succeeds: [roll14]

2014-04-07, 02:09 PM
Mahb snarls as the blades cut into her, but she is not afraid. With her halfling companion, there is nothing they cannot face. She leaps onto the brutish beast in front of her, attacking with everything she has.

Sorry, I did this out of order - Mahb should have gone first, then the Hippogriffs. Sigh.
Mahb Bite Attack: [roll0]
Mahb Bite Damage: [roll1]

Mahb Claw Attack 1: [roll2]
Mahb Claw Damage 1: [roll3]

Mahb Claw Attack 2: [roll4]
Mahb Claw Damage 2: [roll5]

If Mahb's Bite connected, then free grapple. (Hippogriff 1's attack will be joining in on this.)
Mahb's opposed Grapple Check: [roll6]
Mahb's Rake damage: [roll7] and [roll8]

2014-04-09, 07:34 AM
Shenra whips around wildly, looking in the direction of as many opponents as possible. Reaching into a different satchel, she pulls out a small vial of clear liquid. She draws one drop out onto her finger and throws it forward over Branna's shoulder at the enclosing enemies. A soft rumbling envelops the area and they visibly shudder and recoil. They blink repeatedly and look fearful.
Walk past Branna and cast Crushing Despair over enemies attacking her and Mahb. Should hit the two kobolds and the cultist. DC19 Will to avoid -2 to attacks, saves, skills, and damage for 7 minutes.

Plushie Arz
2014-04-09, 08:37 AM


Mahb tore down the cultist where he stood, her jaws closing around the man's neck even as he flailed on the ground screaming. Meanwhile, Shenra's spell impacted on the three cultists assaulting Katria. They seemed to be struck by a moment of sheer agony and they lashed out at the elf, narrowly missing her with their attacks. The Kobolds and bruisers attacked Kileal with undue anger, smashing the cheetah with the ends of heavy clubs and the crude edges of primitive knives. (11 damage to Kileal)

On the other side of the fray, Verzera struck down another cultist while one of them broke free from the briar web, blood trailing down his arms. Even though the numbers were thinning, there appeared to be no end to the skirmish. The arrival of the conjured hippogriffs evened the odds but the Syndicate were not to be outdone. One of the cultists let out a shrill whistle and reinforcements arrived from the alleys. They wore wooden masks with crude faces painted over, giving them an inhuman appearance. They were dressed in matted furs and carried heavy stone axes, dripping with gore and day-old entrails.

2014-04-09, 09:17 AM
Seeing more appear Katria springs into action her graceful movements almost non-threatening if it wasn't for their impact on the cultist she already hit. She launches into a flurry of body parts and frenzied attacks.
full round action -
1st unarmed strike att[roll0]+2(flanking)=15 dmg[roll1]
2nd unarmed strike att[roll2]+2(flanking)=21 dmg[roll3]

2014-04-09, 10:04 AM
Branna grins at Mahb's fury unleashed. Now the Hippogriffs could start their work - it wouldn't be much time at all before this little batch of cancer was ....

"Nergal!" She saw more cultists pouring from the southwestern side of the square. Slow 'em down and deal with 'em bit by bit. She wasn't the greatest fighter, but she could slow them up so the others could strike them down.

Branna again called upon the fury of nature, and thorns erupted from a taller building further back in that direction and spread outward, catching many of the new cultists.

Mahb, having finished off her enemy sees the brutish cultist attack the cheetah and charges to the attack.

The Hippogriff which had been going to attack the bruiser which Mahb had just ripped apart snarls and looks for the closest unoccupied enemy. To the southeast, a cultist has just emerged from an alleyway, and is unlucky enough to catch the Hippogriff's attention. With a chilling shriek the beast leaps across the square onto the cultist.

The four western-most Hippogriffs go with their grapples like I had messed up last round. The fifth hippogriff Charges the cultist to its southeast. Mahb Charges and Pounces on the brute attacking the Cheetah.

Branna uses her second Briar Web. She targets the roof of the small, square-ish grey building just to the south east of the southwestern brown tree. (That's a tree, not a tower, correct?) That sould cover the two kobolds and the two red cultists in the southwest area.

Please use the Hippogriff attacks from the previous post. Except for the one that was going to attack the brute, they are all in the same position to do their grapple attacks.

Hippogriff Charge!
Attack: [roll0] Crit on 20: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Mahb Charge!
Attack Bite: [roll3] ----- Damage: [roll4]
Attack Claw: [roll5] ----- Damage: [roll6]
Attack Claw: [roll7] ----- Damage: [roll8]
Attack Rake: [roll9] ----- Damage: [roll10]
Attack Rake: [roll11] ----- Damage: [roll12]
Mab Crit on a 20, just in case: [roll13]

2014-04-09, 02:10 PM
Shenra smiles as the despair washes over the enemies and they are visibly shaken. She spins her quarterstaff and pulls a shuriken from one of the knots' pouches. "Ona, grant me your flame to bring judgment to these heathens!" With that, the shuriken ignites and as the flames wash over her fingers with seemingly no effect on her skin, she whips them furiously at the enemies closing in on Verzera.
Cast Fire Shuriken.
Attack the cultist coming in from above Verzera.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll3]
Damage: [roll6]

Plushie Arz
2014-04-10, 08:24 AM

Attacks: [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4][roll5][roll6][roll7]
Damage: [roll8][roll9][roll10][roll11][roll12][roll13][roll14][roll15]

Both of Katria's blows easily landed on the nearest cultist and the madman seemed to seize up as the golden ravage took effect.

The cultists continued their onslaught with savage abandon (9 Damage to Branna, 8 damage to the summoned boar). Mahb leapt onto the brute swinging at Kileal and the combined efforts of the two big cats brought down the snarling madman in a spray of blood. Despite being entangled, Verzera hurled herself at a nearby cultist, cleaving him cleanly in two while Shenra brought another one down with several bursts of flame.

The summoned hippogriffs appeared out of the aether and they tore into the Midnight Syndicate. One cultist, already weakened by Katria's golden blows, fell under the attacking beaks. Others were raked by the sharp talons and sustained grievous injuries, which they seemed to ignore.

2014-04-10, 08:39 AM

Not knowing how long the overgrowth will stall the other cultists Katria doesn't show any surprise as odd bird creatures appear to help. She continues her onslaught on the cultists caught between her and the bird creature.
full round action -
1st unarmed strike att[roll0] dmg[roll1]
2nd unarmed strike att[roll2] dmg[roll3]

2014-04-10, 03:18 PM
Branna yelps as the cultist slashes at her, but with the two large Hippogriffs about to rip into it, she isn't unduly worried. She takes a moment to glance around, seeing if there is anything catching her attention. It seems the new person was paralyzed after he called forth that boar. Perhaps he had fallen to some cultist poison, for he didn't even seem to be moving. Though the cultists hadn't broken through to him, so he was probably fine for a little bit longer.

Verzera looked to be in the most danger - entangled and almost surrounded by cultists.

Branna started her way over, whistling and gesturing to her summoned allies and to Mahb. Though it was in the middle of the cultists, she ran up beside Verzera and started slashing at the ropes and nets with her dagger, trusting that the metal armor would keep the quick slashes from hurting Verzera.

The two westernmost Hippogriffs (1 and 2) attack the cultist immediately to the west from them. Katria can easily handle the cultist next to her.

The two Hippogriffs (3 and 4) just below them attack the cultist in front of them.

The fifth Hippogriff has been having a horrible day - Mahb has been killing everything before it can get to them! So, to fix that, Hippogriff 5 is Charging the cultist to its east who happens to be next to Mahb at the moment.

Mahb, just to let Hippogriff 5 have a chance to do something will Charge east and attack the red cultist just south of Verzera.

Branna is finally running due east, next to the Boar, and is using her knife to try to slash Verzera free.

H1 and H2 attack the cultist to the west of them.
Claw Attack [roll0] --- Damage [roll1] --- Crit [roll2]
Claw Attack [roll3] --- Damage [roll4] --- Crit [roll5]
Claw Attack [roll6] --- Damage [roll7] --- Crit [roll8]
Claw Attack [roll9] --- Damage [roll10] --- Crit [roll11]
Bite Attack [roll12] --- Damage [roll13] --- Crit [roll14]
Bite Attack [roll15] --- Damage [roll16] --- Crit [roll17]

H3 and H4 attack the cultist to the east of them.
Claw Attack [roll18] --- Damage [roll19] --- Crit [roll20]
Claw Attack [roll21] --- Damage [roll22] --- Crit [roll23]
Claw Attack [roll24] --- Damage [roll25] --- Crit [roll26]
Claw Attack [roll27] --- Damage [roll28] --- Crit [roll29]
Bite Attack [roll30] --- Damage [roll31] --- Crit [roll32]
Bite Attack [roll33] --- Damage [roll34] --- Crit [roll35]

H5 Charges the cultist to the east by south east.
Charge Attack [roll36] --- Damage [roll37] --- Crit [roll38]

Mahb Pounce Charges the red cultist east of her.
Bite Attack [roll39] --- Damage [roll40] --- Crit [roll41]
Claw Attack [roll42] --- Damage [roll43] --- Crit [roll44]
Claw Attack [roll45] --- Damage [roll46] --- Crit [roll47]
Rake Attack [roll48] --- Damage [roll49] --- Crit [roll50]
Rake Attack [roll51] --- Damage [roll52] --- Crit [roll53]
Free Opposed Grapple if Bite hits: [roll54]

I don't know what to roll for Branna trying to cut Verzera free of the entangling nets and ropes.
Attack +5 or maybe just Aid another? Or?

Plushie Arz
2014-04-13, 03:44 AM
Branna's hippogriffs felled another cultist and gouged at one of the newcomers to the fray. Now freed from the net, Verzera thrusted her blade into the belly of the closest cultist while Mahb tore into another one. With their numbers depleted, the cultists turned and fled.

Verzera grasped her bloodstained blade and wiped it on the robes of a slain cultist. "They'll be back. They always will be." She hissed and a dark flame poured from her left hand, healing the injuries she sustained in the melee. "This is little more than a taster. I know those psychos got more muscle coming."

DM: +1600XP to Shenra, Katria and Branna. +2000XP to Helik.

2014-04-13, 07:10 AM

Looking around at the carnage she nods at what Verzera said. "What are we doing with prisoners? I think a few of my adversaries have become immobile. If they're like the others I fought they probably won't be able to provide any insight into the Syndicate." She checks the cultists that seized up to see if they're still alive. She looks at Verzera "You think we should continue to antagonize them or be more subtle and look for their base?"

Plushie Arz
2014-04-13, 08:03 AM
"It's useless taking prisoners. They'll only slow us down." Said Verzera bluntly. She drew a dirk from her belt and moved towards the paralysed cultists. "If we stay, the cultists are going to come again. I think the Slaughter King will eventually seek audience but not before the Syndicate brings along god knows what. We've already seen what Olodak and Memtoch could do. If we go hunting for them, there's a good chance they'll lead us into their traps. Either way, it's their battleground here."

2014-04-14, 09:40 AM
"I agree with Verzera, Katria." Shenra moved forward, surveying the slain cultists and others. "The last thing we need is to be caught out again. This time wasn't too bad, as I believe the panther and cheetah actually took the brunt of the damage. However, next time we may not be so lucky." She checks some of the cultists for items that may be of use, then leans on her quarterstaff again. "Are you prepared for times as these, sir Helik? Because if you come with us... that is what you will find."

2014-04-15, 12:50 PM
"Any notes or anything that might point to wherever the Slaughter King is staying at the moment? Check their bodies. Anyone have a bow or crossbow to finish off the cultists still caught in the thorns?"

Branna was ruffling Mahb's ears, healing her wounds, and murmuring in her ear. "You were amazing, you lovely girl. I'll get you a fresh monkey tonight, all for yourself. What a cunning and powerful creature you are."

Healing with Belt of Healing until Mahb has been healed 13 points.
"Anyone else need a quick bit of healing?"

2014-04-15, 01:47 PM

"Poor monkey." she says with a grin letting you know she's joking. "No, I didn't get hit this battle. I think most of the action was over by Helik and Verzera." She gives Verzera a sheepish look. "I was going to come help you once the cultists I was engaged with went down. But they fled...too quickly."

Plushie Arz
2014-04-17, 06:04 AM
"I... It's too dangerous for me to go on." Helik's eyes were wide and the man's voice quavered. He took steps back and shuffled towards the buildings. "These people are crazy. Look at them! I'm not ready to fight the Syndicate."

2014-04-17, 12:49 PM
Branna pats the man on the side of his leg. "Don't worry. Not everyone is called to fight for nature. Healing, caring, learning, fighting - we all have our strengths."

She looks around past the writhing walls of thorns, but doesn't see any figures lurking. "It's probably safe to head out. May you find pure nature everywhere you go."

With that, Branna begins searching through the bodies for any clues. Unfortunately, the corpses don't offer up any, at least none that her unpracticed eye can find. There are some magic items and daggers, but everything else is crude. She holds the stuff up, turning it over in her hands and examining it.

"Some nice daggers, if anyone wants some." She tucks one into her waistband for the moment.

"A pretty nifty ring of some sort. I've seen stuff like this before - it might have some protective abilities? This bottle, though, I don't know."

She unplugs it and smoke begins pouring out into her face, sending her into a coughing fit. She manages to get the stopper back in.

"Blagh! What sort of pavement-brained idiot makes something like that?" She coughs a few more times. "Maybe someone can sell or trade it for something useful. Otherwise, it's a piece of junk as far as I'm concerned."

2014-04-19, 02:44 AM

Laughing at Brannas antics. "You might not see a use for such an item, but I'm sure others can find a use for it. And if not it can help alleviate some of the suffering happening down here through charitable means."

2014-04-21, 07:14 AM
Shenra smiles as Branna coughs back the smoke. She finds Branna quite amusing, and revels in the levity of the situation. She leans back on her quarterstaff. "I'm going to send word to Calthera of our recent victory through Ras... for now, we should get off the streets. We know now that they can find us. It would seem it is best we begin constructing a trap for the next time they do so." With that, Ras lands atop her staff in his usual fashion, and she whispers to him before he takes flight through the treetops.

2014-04-21, 08:04 AM
Branna looks at the corked item dubiously and tosses it to Katria. "If you say so. Maybe you can find a use for it, then, or sell it to someone who can use it. Shenra, you want the ring?" She tosses it to Shenra.

"I hate letting them regroup, though. We need to find out where their main lair is. They've got to be hiding somewhere not too far away."

2014-04-21, 08:20 AM

Catching the bottle Katria ponders what to do with it. "Although I agree with you Branna...are we going to survive the next engagement without loosing one of us? Maybe it is good to let them think we were scared away rather than continue and get into more alarmingly lethal fights? Verzera has a point, we don't know what traps they have around here."

2014-04-21, 11:20 AM
Branna's face wrinkles in distaste at the idea of letting the prey get away, but eventually shrugs. "Maybe. I'd still like to better know where they are hiding. My pretty here," she rubs Mahb's head, "and I can track their scent while it's fresh here. Knowing exactly where their hideout is would surely help us prepare, right? And if it looks too dangerous we can pull back. And they won't have time to set traps for us, at least not ones especially for us!"

Branna looks hopefully at the other three, an obvious desire to go charging after the wounded enemy written all over her person.

2014-04-21, 12:10 PM

Looking at Branna then at the other two she speaks. "If your still insistent I could stay behind to help you. I know that should we need to withdrawal quickly I won't hold you up."

2014-04-21, 02:20 PM
Shenra sighs quietly. She often felt overwhelmed after battle, when the adrenaline was gone. "I will accompany the two of you, if you wish. I won't hold anyone up, but I think we should decide now... should it come to blows, I think we should abandon course. I plan to live to fight another day."

2014-04-21, 03:41 PM
"Great! We'll just take a look. Let's go!"

Her friends' reluctance completely misses Branna's attention, and she bounds over to the spot where one of the cultists had been trapped in the thorns and had bled while escaping and fleeing.

"Mahb, come here!"

Branna starts working with Mahb to try tracking the cultist as he fled.
Mahb Wisdom check: [roll0] DC 10-ish? Branna helping, though Branna doesn't have the Scent ability, so mostly will be staying out of Mahb's way.

Plushie Arz
2014-04-22, 05:44 AM
DM: +500RPXP to Shenra, Katria and Branna. Thanks for the patience.

Verzera wiped her bloodied daggers on the rags of the executed cultist. "Well that settles it. Things are going to get ugly real soon if we wait anymore." She cast her gaze to the narrow alleys where the skittering shadows still lurked out of direct confrontation. "And I'm not getting any younger staying here."

* * *

Mahb picked up a scent and they followed it through the uneven pavements and looming buildings. The daylight was beginning to fade and the darkness grew around them, the shadows of the canopy and shacks consuming the narrow shafts of day that managed to pierce the leaves ahead. While the globes of conjured faerie light started to appear on the tips of branches, illuminating Mahb's path, they could also see the recent signs of cultist activity. Smears of faeces on the walls, bloodied arrows indicating the direction they ought to take. Katria narrowly avoided a tripwire that would have sent a rain of rocks tumbling from a perch above. A few metres down, the group pulled apart a crude palisade of sharpened bamboo sticks and debris that blocked the path ahead. It opened into a closed ring of buildings, the area ahead shrouded with patches of magical darkness. They heard the chittering of voices within and a low chanting. "STROM! STROM! STROM!" Mahb growled.

2014-04-22, 06:45 AM

Upon seeing the darkness Katria spits out a few elven expletives under her breath. She closes her eyes and concentrates momentarily silently mouthing a prayer of guidance to the ancestral spirits. A cloud surrounds her body and gives off light. She cautiously approaches the darkness to see if it'll light their way. sheds light as a common lamp: bright light to a radius of 5 feet and shadowy illumination to 10 feet.

2014-04-22, 06:55 AM
As the chants grow louder, Shenra can't help but feel like they are walking into a trap, and she voices her thoughts to the group. "I don't like where this is going..." she whispered silently, fingering through her pouches for a reagent. Upon finding it, she too whispers a soft prayer to Ona, and her skin becomes tough a leathery, coated in a magical type of scale.
Cast Scales of the Lizard.

Plushie Arz
2014-04-22, 07:55 AM

"Gives me the creeps, and I normally like the dark." Agreed Verzera. Her scarlet eyes scanned the darkness and she drew her sword. "Careful, there's movements in the shadows. And someone's there..."

Indeed as an aura surrounded Katria, illuminating the immediate area around her, the group saw they had entered a dead end walled off by fifteen foot tall shacks and piles of debris that sealed off any alternative exits. Shadowy figures prowled the rooftops and walls, out of melee range and they chanted the same words over and over. "Strom! Strom! Strom! Strom!"

At the centre of the ring, a crude stone brazier burned with a magical fire that seemed to resist the all-consuming gloom around it. Standing behind the fire, Katria's low-light vision could make out a woman carefully stoking the flames while meeting her stare. She had tattoos all over her face, thin webbed lines of ink that crossed over her crushed nose and pierced lips like a network of black scales. Her dark lanky hair hung lifelessly around her face and her ebon robes hung over her bent frame. "S'satund m'houn." She hissed, her amber stare locking into Katria...

DC 15: [roll0]

Katria shrugged off the suggestion. It was the woman's voice suggesting obedience but Katria's superior willpower resisted the unnatural influence that she seemed to exert.

Plushie Arz
2014-04-22, 08:38 AM
"Stuck in the middle of Syndicate territory and without a wizard or any beacon sticks! We're as good as dead! If the Goddess has any mercy, we need it!"

They started with twenty but now there were only three. It was mistake rushing into the Lower Reaches of Kiiska without any additional support, but then again it was Sergeant Hillard's nature to react hastily to reports of danger. The story of a boy's family being butchered by mad cultists was accepted by the Order patrol far too easily. In fact, Athas was counting on it. He could still remember the Sergeant's screams as he was dragged off by dozens of bloody hands into a shady alleyway. The rest of the squad, comprised of green recruits fled in terror and one by one, they were picked off by the Syndicate traps. Private Olivar was decapitated by a falling scythe while Specialist Riggs was caught in an explosion that left him a puddle against a broken wall.

They sought refuge inside an abandoned shack. The timber walls were rotted and filthy and the sour stench of raw sewage and rotten fruit lingered over the frayed floor mats. However, it was safe and Athas knew with the failing light, the Syndicate would grow more active overnight.

Athas looked to the two survivors of the squad. Yevrell was the youngest member, a girl of sixteen with cropped coppery hair and an aquiline nose. Perhaps in another life, Athas could have imagined her to be attractive. At any rate, she had more sense than Private Remy, an awkward youth of twenty who was still more of a boy than a man. Back at camp, Remy had boasted that he would single-handedly defeat the cultists in battle but whatever courage that now remained was running down the Private's leg into his new boots.

"Sir M-Magnus... We're gonna make it out alive right? I heard from Sarge the Sisters of Dawn are b-being deployed..."

Athas had heard of the Sisters of Dawn, a militant faction of nuns that fought for the Order with fanatical fervour. They were led by Mother Superior Hermia Matin, who was rumoured to have been hand-chosen by Sol Jeremiah Bradford himself. Even though they were not deployed during the eight month long campaign for Kiiska, their presence could easily sway any battle in the Order's favour.

Plushie Arz
2014-04-22, 09:17 AM
"Franklyn Calley was a monster in human skin. He deserved every bit of what happened to him."

Sophiea hissed as Kinban poured the poultice onto the wound. The cut on the woman's tattooed arm was not deep but the Hollow Men; a company of Order soldiers, had a reputation for poisoning their blades. While a cut could be healed in seconds by potions, an untreated poison could fester and kill, even after the cut is healed by magic. Kinban would not take the chance with a commander of the Resistance. As far as he was concerned, she was his leader and he would protect her as well as she protected him.

A month ago, Kinban had arrived in Kiiska in the aftermath of the Order's victory over the Old Council. What he saw shocked even his hardened sensibilities. Many of the Order soldiers were peasants in their former lives, drafted into the army by vague promises of plunder and glory. When Kiiska finally fell after eight months of bloody jungle combat in a foreign land, some of them took the opportunity to engage in a violent spree of rape and looting and the Church of the Morning Sun turned a blind eye to those atrocities. It was only after weeks of riots and further bloodshed that a semblance of sanity was restored. Captain Franklyn Calley was one of those men who thrived in the chaos of new Kiiska.

Eventually, Kinban fell in with a band of humans who were similarly outraged by the Order of the Morning Sun's excesses. They were led by Sophiea the Elf-friend, rumoured to be a veteran of the Second Darkstar War. While she remained silent about the war, the scars across her otherwise pretty face and the elven war tattoos that covered her arms attested to her experiences. She folded her arms when Kinban finished wrapping the dressing around the wound and smiled.

"Thank you, Kinban. I never had much of an opportunity to speak to you. Tell me, did you ever spend time around Oldentown?"

2014-04-22, 09:52 AM

Katria shivers at the pervasiveness of the darkness, shrouded in light though she might be. She locks eyes with the woman in black robes. A silent battle of wills commences between her and this cultist. Although Katria wins the mental match she realizes that this woman is the most dangerous opponent here right now and not to underestimate her. "My will is my own, to give or withold as I please. Would you be Strom?"

2014-04-22, 09:55 AM
"You're welcome."

At the question, the corners of Kinban's mouth turned up in a slight smile. "I was born there. It's also where I learned my craft, though experience has likely taught me more."

Kinban sighed with both regret and resignation. "And though Calley deserved what he got, it's a shame that he desrved it in the first place. Everyone would have been better off had he chosen a different path for his life."

2014-04-22, 10:55 AM
Shenra feels an extreme unease when the woman's hissing voice washes over her. "Katria..." she whispers, unsure of whether or not they should proceed. She mentally prepares for whatever may happen, taking advantage of her hiding place in the shadows to change her appearance with her ribbon to very closely mimic Katria, as much as possible. Remembering Memtoch and Olodak, she is extremely wary of this new threat. She searches through her satchels for a small piece of iron. Once she finds it, she quietly prays to Ona, never taking her eyes off the shadows where the voice came from.
Prepare to walk into Katria's light and cast Hold Person on the 'voice' if it attempts to harm Katria.

2014-04-22, 11:23 AM
"Gotcha," Branna mutters under her breath. "Lair of sickness."

She casts Barkskin on Katria, and pats her leg. "We all got this together," Branna whispers. "Don't go charging in, though. We might need a bit of room in front of us if things get wild."

Branna straightens up as best she can and yells forward. "A few of you attacked us. You the boss here? I've got a bone to pick with you!"

As she notices Shenra cast the spell, she whispers, "In my pack, there are some magic gloves. They're good for your type of magic, but only for the easier spells."

2/day. +2 CL on next 1st level spell. Swift Activation.
Barkskin: +3 Natural Armor

Plushie Arz
2014-04-23, 08:02 AM
"I thought your accent sounded familiar. And to think it was little more than a small fishing village once. I was quite a town when I was last there. I imagine it would only grow in the years to come." Sophiea smiled faintly and seemed to stare blankly into the distance. Kinban had often noticed it with Sophiea. She would occasionally fade into a silence that would last for minutes at times. The gaps had grown worse ever since Sophiea returned from Order captivity barely a week ago. The others had told Kinban that she endured terrible torture in captivity during the Darkstar War and her recent imprisonment. Whatever happened, she never elaborated on the details.

Thankfully, this lapse only seemed to last for a few uncomfortable seconds and Sophiea shook her head. "Some men fight with honour. Many do not. Whatever path we take, we must follow the rules of engagement or we'll be no better than our worst enemies. Calley pissed on the rules. May Pi'rus judge him justly."

Sophiea met Kinban's look with her own green eyes. "At any rate, your skills are invaluable. With most of elven clerics dead, any healing whether magic or mundane is useful. There's another group of fighters currently in the Lower Reach. I've been told they're fighting the Midnight Syndicate. They sure as hell could use your skilled hand.

The cultist seemed disturbed at Katria's resistance to her suggestion but she did not move from her spot. As she spoke, Katria noticed that her teeth were filed razor sharp and a forked tongue darted from her lips.

"You defy us! Strom will deliver the King's vengeance! The King will awaken and deal death to all!"

The cultists on the rooftops screeched in approval. With a slinking sound of scales on stone, the creature they called Strom slithered into the circle. He looked like a large black mamba, far larger than any Branna had ever seen with two humanoid arms that bulged with muscles and sinews. His pale eyes sported a baleful intelligence and he wielded a jagged shortspear that glinted in the orange fires of the brazier. Immediately, the vines and reeds that lined the narrow path sprouted into a wild growth that sought to entangle the party's limbs and legs.

"Kill them Strom! For the Slaughter King!"


DM: Surprise round, Strom used Entangle in an area around the party. DC 16 reflex save or be entangled (DC 20 Escape Artist or Strength check to break free and move at half speed). If succeeds on reflex save, they can only move at half speed through the area.
Katria: [roll0]
Verzera: [roll1]
Shenra: [roll2]
Branna: [roll3]
Mahb: [roll4]

Strom (surprise round) (acted)
Strom: [roll5]
Cultist: [roll6]
Katria: [roll7]
Verzera: [roll8]
Shenra: [roll9]
Branna: [roll10]
Mahb: [roll11]

Plushie Arz
2014-04-23, 08:10 AM

Verzera was the first to break free of the entangling mass of weeds. Always quick on her feet, the drow moved towards the cultist with her sword drawn, into a position where she could threaten the tattoed woman in melee.

The watchers roared in encouragement and Strom eyed the entangled group. He locked onto Mahb, targeting the panther with a psionic compulsion that would trigger the panther's natural fight or flight instincts...

Will save: [roll0] DC 22 or Mahb is affected by a supernatural Antipathy effect.

2014-04-23, 08:41 AM
Shenra reaches in and pulls the gloves out of Branna's pack and dons them. "Thank you," she whispers.

When the enormous reptile appears and the woman behind the brazier begins to screech, Shenra rushes forward into Katria's light, pulling her small metal rod from the pouch and immediately shouting "Ona jilg wux!" as she thrust her open palm out towards the woman facing Verzera and constricts her fingers all at once.

Wear Arcanist's Gloves.
Cast Hold Person on the cultist. DC18 Will or frozen in place, unable to move."Ona bind you!"

2014-04-23, 09:06 AM

If they're up against those butchers they likely need all the help they can get. Kinban replied, spitting the word out like a particularly repugnant draught. Who should I talk to in order to get in touch with these fighters?

Someday, I'm going to help you work past whatever was done to you.

In case it isn't readily apparent, italic Sienna is for thoughts.

I'd like to inquire about the rules for the Heal skill and mental treatment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/campaigns/sanity.htm#theHealSkillAndMentalTreatment). We aren't using Sanity in the campaign (to my knowledge), but some form of this would be good. Snapping people out of panic attacks and flashbacks is handy.

2014-04-23, 10:21 AM

Katrias eyes widen when Strom makes his appearance. She flinches when the new overgrowth starts writhing and attempts to grab her. Being spritely enough to evade the vines and vegetation she shuts out all other distractions and focuses on the hulking behemouth. The sounds of combat are ripe around her when she dives into a desperate tumble through overgrowth restricting her movement and the clear "courtyard" to the large snake-like creature known as Strom. Coming out of her tumble she lunges forward with a almost perfectly timed left fist.
move action - tumble [roll0] diagonally left across the map for 3 squares to be infront of Strom
standard action - unarmed strike(fist) att[roll1] dmg[roll2]
If hit and evil touch of golden ice (DC 14) {1d6+enemies cha} dex/{2d6+enemies cha} dex

Plushie Arz
2014-04-23, 10:23 AM
The message from the Resistance headquarters arrived in a roll of parchment sealed with blue wax. If Kerrigan hadn't swiped his wrist against the seal, the message would have spontaneously combusted in his hands. It was a necessary measure to maintain secrecy, particularly when the threat of Order informants and spies was omnipresent. The letter was written in a neat hand, with clean and tidied strokes that suggested the writer was more familiar with the more archaic mode of elvish handwriting. He read the letter and placed it on the anteroom table.

We have a group fighting Midnight Syndicate in your area. Some more allies will arrive. Gather them and assist.*

The safehouse was little more than a small antechamber, a privy and two smaller bedrooms nestled inside the trunk of an old redwood. Kerrigan shared it with Flick, a fellow fighter with whom he had struck an instant and relatable friendship. He was an effete-looking man with pale delicate features and a tousle of bright turquoise hair that poked out from a tangle of curly blonde. He claimed that his grandmother was a fey; a woodland nymph or some other sprite, Kerrigan wasn't too sure. Nevertheless, Flick was one of the few people who saw through Kerrigan's disguises and the changeling was glad to have a friend who shared a fey heritage.

"Another letter from the Little Serpent, Kerr? My, she's persistent and rather insatiable I must say." Teased Flick, reaching over to read the letter. "Too bad she's not a he. The last of the high elves. It must be quite an... experience."

Kerrigan knew Flick was referring to Lady Calthera, the author of the letter. Even though Kerrigan had never met her, he heard that she was little more than a young girl on the run from Farlaen who also happened to have the dubious distinction of being the last high elf on Sundara. Despite arriving in Kiiska mere weeks before the Order's landing and the subsequent eight month war, Kerrigan was privy to rumours that Calthera was romantically involved with Lerethi Magdellar, the leader of the Serpent's Fang, hence earning her the nickname "the Little Serpent" among certain members of the Resistance.

Sophiea tapped her fingers on the table. "Individually, the cultists are just madmen and murderers. Dangerous but could be dealt with easily enough. The problem is when they get into a group and use ambush tactics. You never know what they've got or what they're going to try."

"There's a cell operating around those parts in the Lower Reaches. I think it's run by a scout named Flick. Loud as hell, from what I heard, but also slippery. Has a knack for avoiding trouble. If anything, he'll be the contact for that group. It's best to get you to him."

DM: +300 RPXP to Kinban.

Plushie Arz
2014-04-23, 10:33 AM
The cultist standing by the brazier fell as Shenra's spell seized her motor skills and robbed her of mobility and speech. Meanwhile, Katria's fist made contact with Strom and flakes of golden ice fell from the area of the blow.

Fort save: [roll0]

DM: Branna's turn!

Morbis Meh
2014-04-23, 11:27 AM
This was one of the rare occasions that Kerrigan reverted to its normal form, a greyish skinned, dark haired being with yellow tinted eyes. There was really no point in altering one's shape when your sole audience saw you as you really were anyway. The garb Kerrigan currently donned was of a lower level clergymen of the Order of the Morning, they hadn't bothered to change it since they arrived at the safe house because here appearances didn't mean much. "In this day and age a simple spell can alter that if one truly wished it, but no matter an Eternal Child is long lived, she will have many opportunities to breed after we put an end to this mess." I wonder if I could aid in that endeavor... maybe some of the others as well? Hmm something to bring up at the next Gathering for sure... "Speaking of messes, we have been charged with cleaning one up; apparently someone within the organization has deemed it necessary to get into a scuffle with the midnight syndicate and we are charged with aiding them. Though the note, as always, vaguely mentions others we are supposed to gather but by golly and description of them has been left out! So it seems it is time for us to vacate and track down these so called 'allies' then lead them to where the most screaming is occurring. Maybe if we are lucky we can surprise the syndicate... It has been awhile since I have donned the skin of a goblinoid."

A small aura of heat radiates around Kerrigan as they go through the painstaking process of altering their body to suit their needs. It takes a minute but to a normal person Kerrigan now looked like a very brutish hobgoblin and within another moment their outfit changed into the standard uniform of some low level Midnight Syndicate thug. "So, am I pretty enough to kiss or will I have to settle for a paper bag later?"

2014-04-23, 12:32 PM
Branna gives an outraged screech as the plants erupt around them, twisting about her. How dare this abomination use the blessings of nature! What a perversion! This thing must die! Now! She glared at the thing as it slithered forward.

"You #*$&! abomination! Feel what Nature is really like!"

She twisted her head, looking back at Mahb who seemed to be having better luck with the vines than she was. "Mahb, you have the caster b#%!. Travel!"

The "Strom" thing was moving forward, but he was as good as dead with Katria fighting him, so she waited. You had to be patient sometimes when going in after a beast.

Mahb used the Travel Devotion gift and quickly darted out of the Entangle weeds, avoiding the snake. Instead Mahb, shook herself and charged at the caster as Branna had instructed. Claws and Fangs filled the air as she Pounced.

As soon as Mahb reached the cultist, Branna let loose her own magic. She would show that rot on the face of the plane what Nature was truly like!

She cast Entangle straight ahead, past the cultist and in a second the entire room was filled with twisting vines.

We both act after Strom, but before the cultist. Mahb uses her Travel Devotion to move her movement as a Swift action, which gets her out of the Entangle range, avoiding Strom, and then charges the caster cultist. As soon as she attacks the cultist, Branna casts Entangle.

Mahb Charge! (dunno what the cultist's AC is, but immobilized by Shenra should be pretty easy to hit)
Bite: [roll0] for damage [roll1]
Claw: [roll2] for damage [roll3]
Claw: [roll4] for damage [roll5]
Rake: [roll6] for damage [roll7]
Rake: [roll8] for damage [roll9]
If Bite, then opposed Grapple check: [roll10] vs cultist Grapple check

DC 17 for things to avoid Branna's Entangle spell.

The Concentration check for her to cast in an Entangle spell is 16. Auto-pass since she has +15 Concentration.

Branna's Entangle spell centers at the middle of the very top of the map. It stretches forward to stop in the square immediately before Katria. Now, just about the entire map is taken up with Entangle!

Whee!! :smallbiggrin:

2014-04-23, 12:34 PM
Sorry, I forgot this. DC 17.

2014-04-23, 01:18 PM
"So, how would I go about finding Flick? Or, given that he's a scout, having him find me?"

2014-04-23, 04:45 PM
Athas takes stock of his situation. The cultists had displayed an efficiency at killing that frankly surprised him. He was expecting to weed down the unit, not cull it completely. Three out of twenty - wonderful. Situation prognosis is increasingly negative. Will need to adapt strategy as necessary. The thoughts move through his mind like clockwork: well-oiled and orderly even in the face of danger. The gods themselves know just how close he dances with danger nowadays. This is just the latest of the many fine examples since his flight from Oldentown.

For all that, his arrival at Kiiska could not have gone more smoothly, and not for the first time he congratulates himself for his integration into the Order's ranks. As far as anyone else is concerned, Cantor Magnus is but a simple informant acting on their every whim, trying to sniff out those who would try to subvert the Order's newfound rule. But there are more pressing concerns right now.

Like the Syndicate cultists who are almost certainly currently closing in around their little refuge.

He paces the darkened space for a moment, considering his options. Usually, his plans are best when worked out in advance. Of course, having the Syndicate kill off the Order agents around him is hardly working against his interests. He still needs to find a way to make it look plausible, however. He pauses for a moment, working out the first part of his newest plan.

"Alright. You say the Sisters of the Dawn are being deployed, which means there is a good chance we will be rescued. However, if I really am going to get a head-start on the Kiiskan underground, then this is the perfect opportunity to place myself within those ranks. Do you have a pair of shackles? I'll need you to bind me, to make my story look at all believable." He holds out his hands expectantly.

Plushie Arz
2014-04-24, 06:13 AM
With the caster paralysed by Shenra's spell, Mahb made short work of her. The watchers roared in fury. With no clear path to Strom, Verzera closed her eyes and concentrated. The air around the brazier rippled as some entity drew on the nearby flames and darkness...

Strom drew back from Katria's onslaught and attacked her psionically.
[roll0] (DC22, or Katria is under the effects of Antipathy)

Remy fumbled through his rucksack and produced a set of steel manacles. They were standard issue, given out to patrols to detain prisoners.

"But Sir Magus," Protested Yevrell weakly. "If the rebels see us, they'll attack. We're still in uniform. We'll be like sitting ducks to the rebels and cultists..."

"I heard he's good at finding people. Today's Kan. I think it's blue."

Sophiea picked out a blue paradise feather and pinned it on Kinban's lapel. It was a clever system that the Serpent's Fang used to identify their fellow members. The feathers were innocuous accessories but each day, they would change the colour used to identify other other members in public areas. It is in this manner that the Resistance could find each other in the busy crowds of the market.

Sophiea brushed away a strand of her brown hair and gave Kinban a small hug, pressing him against her arms and the green mithril of her breastplate.

"Take care. May Pi'rus watch over you."

* * *

Flick stuck his tongue out. "A face only a mother could love, and that's if she's blind. You may as well join the Harbingers, if there's any left."

Kerrigan knew the Harbingers were a group of Jagon worshippers, formerly led by the Orcish Warlord Horgarth from the Steel Pits. They counted among themselves orcs, goblinoids, kobolds and humans who were drawn to Kiiska by the promise of fighting the hated Order. They staked out their territory in the slums and defended it vigorously against Order patrols, Kiiskan guards and other resistance groups. It was for that reason that they were mostly left alone.

However a week ago, while Kerrigan was away on a retrieval mission, the Order rallied a force and attacked the Steel Pits. It was a vicious battle that left Fharel, the erstwhile leader of the elven resistance dead and the Harbingers were all but wiped out by the toxic gases that the Order employed.

"At any rate, can't be too specific. Don't want to make job too easy."

* * *

Flick spotted the man standing under the boughs of a great pale fig and pointed him out to Kerrigan. There was no chance he could have blended into a crowd. For one, he had a stature far taller than many humans Kerrigan had seen and his wild black hair gave him a particularly feral appearance. He carried a quarterstaff and under a well-worn travel cloak, Kerrigan could see the glint of mithril chain. The blue feather pinned to his cloak marked him as a member of the resistance. "Quite a specimen don't you think?" Remarked Flick. "Seems our little serpent can't keep away from the humans."

2014-04-24, 08:50 AM

"And over you." Kinban replied, returning the embrace.

Now he stood under a tree near the rendezvous point, attempting to look like a weary traveler who had stopped for a short rest. "Well, at least I should be easy for Flick to notice."

Morbis Meh
2014-04-24, 10:05 AM
Kerrigan feigns offense "Why sir, how you wound me so with such hateful words! I would break down and cry if hobgoblins hadn't selectively removed their tear ducts so alas I must resort to heartfelt sobbing to ease my troubled spirits... or just draw on you while you sleep whatever comes first. Of course why make things easy? We should up the ante and blindfold ourselves while we're at it." Kerrigan smirks as they follow after Flick, silently watching the figure in the distance "Well what do you expect, they are the only social creatures in the realm, you really should come to one of their balls for they truly are a treat. I would even dress up all pretty to be your date!"

2014-04-24, 10:32 AM
Branna wavered. Should she begin striking down the abomination, or try to undo whatever the abomination had cast at Katria?

The decision didn't take long. Attack. "Verzera. Mahb. Can you get yourselves out of there?"

Mahb struggled to escape the vines writhing about her, but was unable to escape.

A few tiny sparks ran along her hands as she called on Lightning. A bar of actinic light flashed down, and struck the abomination, much to Branna's fierce glee.

Concentration check DC 18 to cast Dispel Magic: [roll0]

Call Lightning on Strom: [roll1]

Mahb Strength check DC 20 to break out of the Entangle: [roll2]

Plushie Arz
2014-04-24, 11:45 AM
With an unholy scream, a flaming steed of darkness appeared. Vespers had returned. The ensnaring vines could not hold onto the Nightmare's flaming mane - they were simply reduced to ashes as they snaked around the creature. Climbing onto Vesper's back, Verzera managed to cut Mahb free in a single stroke. "Go. Withdraw! Strom's got an overwhelming advantage!"
Edit: Spell Resistance Check to overcome SR 18.

Flick chuckled and swept back his tuft of turquoise. He fiddled with the coloured bead buttons on his dark grey surcoat. "Nonsense, Kerr. My grandmother was the Nymph. I on the other hand, have standards." He pointed to the man. "Now would you like the honour of welcoming our mutual friend without scaring him off or should I pick up the slack?"

2014-04-24, 01:03 PM

After striking the snake Katria concentrates on her natural instinct in combat her moves more than second anture. All of a sudden a powerful urge to get away from snakes comes over her. She turns around and moves away from Strom.
Katria moves 20 ft away from Strom

Morbis Meh
2014-04-24, 01:07 PM
Kerrigan raises an eyebrow "I have seen what you've coupled with and from where I am standing they are like smoke: visible at first glance but lack any substance when you look further into them. As for our new guest well... I suppose I can speak in a tongue that betrays my form but if we weren't on a schedule I would dearly love to set up a mock mugging! What fun that would be... well let's get on with it."

Kerrigan trots towards the lone figure whistling a jaunty tune, making their current form look utterly ridiculous, stopping at a distance close enough to show they are approaching but far enough to not violate personal space. "*elvish*Good evening dear fellow, may I interest you in taking up a noble cause for the betterment of your soul and general self esteem? I represent the 'Tears for the Fear' foundation, did you know that most hobgoblin young are born without tear ducts! It is a damn shame and without any means to express their sadness their turn to violent means to vent their frustrations. It is a vicious cycle I tell you and with your generous contribution of 1 gold piece a day you can sponsor a hobgoblin child so they can learn to cry. Or you know just come with us and fight a revolution but I implore you regardless of your decision to think of the dear, tearless hobgoblin children!*/elvish*"

2014-04-24, 01:27 PM

Kinban looked in startlement at the new arrival, and their ridiculous speech "Wait... A real Midnight Syndicate thug wouldn't be standing here chatting, and a hobgoblin wouldn't be speaking Elvish." His brief panic subsiding, Kinban replied "That's terrible! Luckily, I happen to be a healer by trade. I'll gladly join your cause, if you can take me to those poor unfortunate souls."

Morbis Meh
2014-04-24, 01:37 PM
Kerrigan gives a wide toothed grin, which is fairly grotesque on a hobgoblin "*elvish*Sensational, it warms my heart to its very core to know their are others who feel for their plight. Well I shall hand you off to my assistant Flick over there and he shall deal with the administrative matters for I am just the poster child of our lovely foundation. At this rate we will have bugbears blubbering like babies within the new year! By the way feel free to refer to me as Kerrigan, that half blooded fae love child over yonder finds it satisfactory to call me by Kerr.*/elvish*"

2014-04-24, 01:48 PM
"Easily fixed." It only takes a moment for his shift-weave to take effect, morphing to complement his unmarked leather armor. In this form, he is as likely to be a member of any other group in Kiiska as he is to be affiliated with the Order. As he puts the manacles on, he actively suppresses a smile. First, he checks on his telepathic radius to find out whether or not he can feel the presence of anybody nearby. Normally, his second sight gives him a gauge of both the type of minds in his vicinity, as well as their direct mental prowess. If the rebels really are closing in, at least he will have some forewarning.

Now, for the trickier part. Athas extends his mind to Remy using his telepathy, so that Yevrell cannot hear. I can get us out of this, but I'll need you to trust me. If they find us now, both of you will be killed. I need you to knock Yevrell unconscious for me. Don't hurt her, just incapacitate her. Can you do that? As he speaks in the soldier's mind, Athas tries to convey a comforting tone. He wants to come across as a friend, someone who truly has Remy's best interests at heart.

Mindsight out to 100 feet, able to feel the presence of any minds, their type, and their Intelligence score. Also making a Diplomacy check to influence Remy's attitude towards him.

2014-04-24, 02:21 PM
Shenra notices Katria's immediate turn from the Yuan-Ti, and Verzera and Vesper made a line for the passage they came from. Noting that Branna was ensnared and Mahb was caught as well, he yells to Katria. "We'll meet you back at the harem! Go!" And with that she ran over to Branna. "We have to get out of here.... I'm going to try to help your cat get out but you should try to get yourself out. We're retreating and you need to come with us." She digs her familiar shuriken out of her satchel and with a flick of her wrist, it ignites. "Ona, your fire to my fingers," she whispers quietly. Moving over towards Mahb, she launches them at the vines holding the panther in place.

Cast Fire Shuriken
Gonna try to attack the vines since I saw Vesper's fire melt away the vines.

And use whatever movement I have left (I can't judge it as my browser won't open the image of the map) to move back towards Branna.

"If you get out, you need to come to me!"

2014-04-24, 02:51 PM
Mahb struggles valiantly to help escape from the vines entangling her, the flaming hooves, swords, and stars burning away the vines around her.

DC 20: [roll0]

"What? Why? We've got it ...! Why are we ...? Gah! All right, I'll cover our backs while we get through these vines. I'll meet you there."

Still wrapped in vines, Branna turns her head back to face the large snake-like abomination. "Time for you to burn," she mutters darkly.

She calls upon Nature to help her, the flames of her companions giving her an idea. She calls for the cleansing destruction of elemental fire, aiming to cast it directly in front of the abomination. Nature answers her and an eight foot tall creature of pure flame flashes into existence directly before the snake creature.

DC 19 Concentration check: [roll1]

Casting it in the square right below the abomination, in the midst of the Entangle spell, which shouldn't bother it since it's just flame.

2014-04-24, 02:57 PM

"I thank you for alerting me to this urgent problem." Kinban responds, before striding over to Flick.

"So, Kerrigan said I should speak with you about helping the hobgoblins without tear ducts, and the revolution?"

Plushie Arz
2014-04-25, 09:39 AM
DM: +400RPXP to Kerrigan.

Flick seemed amused by Kerrigan's deflection and he flashed a gleaming grin. "Well, Kerr's just talking about a revolution. You know, we're all trying to save the world. It's damn hard work." He looked around the area for passerbys or loose ears that happened to be listening in. Seeing none, he shrugged. "You see, we do a bit of-."

Enraged shrieks interrupted Flick's introduction and the three turned to the source of the noise. At the end of the street nearly fifty feet away and adjoining a dark alleyway, a panther, a halfling and two elves riding a flaming black steed galloped out and turned the corner. Kinban recognised the halfling and panther. They were among the participants in the sortie against Captain Calley and the Hollow Men. In fact, the halfling woman had conjured lightning strikes that ended the life of the corrupt Order officer.

"Speaking of a revolution..."

The fires from the brazier grew larger and humanoid shape started to crawl from the flames. The vines shrivelled from the heat. Turning Vespers towards the fray, Verzera hacked at the growth tangling Katria and pulled the elf onto the back of the Nightmare steed. "Go! Go! Don't stop until we're out of here!"

Remy seemed startled that a voice in his head was speaking to him but he slowly nodded in comprehension. When Yevrell turned her head to look at the door, he struck. She fell to the ground, her shoulders cushioning her fall but Remy's unexpected attack had rendered her unconscious. The young recruit stared between Yevrell and Athas with his eyes wide and his breathing ragged. "W-what now?"

With his mindsight, Athas detected no fewer than a dozen cultists lurking around the area. He could tell from their raving thoughts that were filled with dark perversions, slaughter and madness. However, there was also several other individuals that caught Athas' attention. There were four women and a spirit of darkness of flame that were moving through the area. Of the women, two were elves, one was a halfling and the last a human.

Morbis Meh
2014-04-25, 11:00 AM
Kerrigan watched the scene with a mix of awe, confusion, amusement and dread "Well that definitely isn't something you see everyday... and I thought I was the travelling circus but I suppose two elves with flaming crotches and an electric midget are a spectacle to behold. We should wake up the neighborhood and charge admission to this or run in the same direction since people that frantic usually have solid motivations for bolting like that." Kerrigan decides against reaching for their weapon since the current situation would just make them look hostile and that's the last thing they needed or wanted.

2014-04-25, 11:36 AM
"Oh ...."

Branna's confidence faded. Well, something to slow it down. It looked like it was crawling out of some fire, so let's take care of that before retreating.

She again called on Nature for another servant, this time of water. Right on top of that brazier. Maybe putting out the fire would slow it down or even stop it. If nothing else it would take whatever it was a bit of time to deal with the elemental.

As soon as the eight foot tall pile of sentient water materialized on the flames of the brazier, Branna spared a quick glance at the snake thing fighting her Fire Elemental and then ran to follow the flaming horse's trail through the now scorched vines.

Attack AC 20: [roll0] for Damage [roll1]

edit: Forgot to add 2 to each of those for its improved strength from Augment Summoning. Still doesn't hit, though. :smallyuk:

2014-04-26, 12:14 AM
"Given that I recognize the halfling from the fight against the Hollow Men, that group is like on our side. So we should probably follow them," Kinban states, with some hesitation.

Plushie Arz
2014-04-26, 09:46 AM
Flick rolled his eyes as Kinban and Kerrigan commenced the chase after the flaming horse. "Always chasing after women. Typical." He mumbled.

* * *

Katria, Branna and Verzera managed to clear the darkened alleyway while the cultists and Strom dealt with the druidess' summoned elemental. However, they knew the Syndicate would not be far behind. Shenra's spell took her out of the immediate area, onto the path of retreat and Mahb followed, leaping from the rooftops.

Katria and Branna looked back and saw that they were being followed. One of their pursuers was a hobgoblin in the black robes of a Syndicate and the other was a tremendously tall human with unruly black hair with a dirtied travelling cloak. Neither of them were carrying weapons and the human looked somewhat familiar to Branna.

2014-04-26, 10:25 AM

Looking back Katria frowns at the sight of pursuit. "Verzera we have pursuers. We might either want to leave them behind or engage on our own terms?"

Plushie Arz
2014-04-26, 10:42 AM
"How many?" Asked the drow, wheeling Vespers to a stop around a corner. The nightmare blew thick puffs of smoke and fire but surprisingly, neither Katria or Branna were burnt by the flames. "If it's only a couple, I think we can take them. They won't like being run down by Vespers, won't they boy?"

The Nightmare gave a chilling scream and Verzera laughed, stroking its neck.

2014-04-26, 11:58 AM

"Two, a hobgoblin in the robes of the Syndicate and a human that looks like he's been traveling through the jungle too long."

Morbis Meh
2014-04-26, 12:33 PM
Kerrigan feeling that things could go really bad really fast walks up, cups their face and bellows in Elvish "GOOD DAY TO YOU ALL, I CAN SEE THAT YOU ARE ALL IN A HURRY BUT I WOULD LIKE TO STOP AND ASK YOU IF YOU HAVE FOUND TIME TO ACCEPT THE ETERNAL LOVE OF BACON INTO YOUR HEART. FIND SALVATION IN A DELICIOUS, GREASY BITE SIZED STRIP, POSSIBLY WITH A SIDE OF SCRAMBLED EGGS AND HASHBROWNS... DON'T BE AN ATHEBACONIST, EXPERIENCE THE WARMTH OF THE TRUE LORD TODAY OR MAYBE SOME BREAKFAST... ACTUALLY PROBABLY JUST BREAKFAST... YES LET US ALL GET SOME BREAKFAST AT A NEARBY PLACE.... HOPEFULLY YOU WON'T OFFER TOO MUCH 'RESISTANCE' TO MY SUGGESTION." /ELVISH Kerrigan turns to the others and gives a laboured smile "I do hope that they recognize how ridiculous I just sounded and come to the conclusion I am not their enemy, I think it would be a good time for you two to start running... Don't worry about me I can make it out myself, just get back to the safe house."

2014-04-28, 07:20 AM
Shenra breathes a sigh of relief as her door opens and she steps out into a secluded, but dark area. She sits on the ground and lays her quarterstaff across her legs. As she is catching her breath, she hears shouting in very oddly sounding Elvish. She whips her head around, looking for the source of the sound as well as checking to make sure no Syndicate have moved in on her thinking she was the source. She cautiously stood, leveling her quarterstaff and driving the end into the ground with another sigh; this one of exasperation. Ona, please grant me serenity. Restore my life to balance, that I may remain calm and collected in this time of adversity. Look after my friends... Weird. She hadn't really considered anyone friends for... years. The Elves had been her family... but friends? It's weird to her to think of Katria and Branna as friends. A smile dances across her lips for a moment and she feels revitalized and awake. Yes. Please watch over my friends. Keep them safe, especially until we are reunited. Breathe your fire through our veins, and aid us in bringing this evil to it's knees.

2014-04-28, 08:27 AM

Kinban simply stares at Kerrigan, flabbergasted by his announcement. After overcoming his shock, he starts running half-heartedly.

Took me forever to come up with a reaction.

2014-04-28, 11:30 AM
"Escapees from the cultists? Tortured to insanity?"

Branna shakes her head, dismissing the obviously mad pair. "I left a couple elementals back there to slow them down. Maybe that was enough to shake pursuit. Shenra seemed fine last I saw her. We said to meet back at ...."

The female halfling looks at the mad pair still coming up, becoming more cautious. Mad things could be dangerous as well. "... where Katria and Shenra were staying last night to regroup." She prepared to call on nature's aid again should these two call for it.

Plushie Arz
2014-04-29, 04:20 AM
"Oh Nine Hells!" Cursed Verzera as Kerrigan started shouting. "That's it! He's going down! Vespers, run him over!" Just as the Nightmare reared up, ready to charge, two crossbow bolts impacted the ground near its hooves. The Nightmare shrieked and dumped the three women from its back. Dusting themselves off, Katria and Branna looked up to the rooftops and saw an effette looking man who wore a bright blue surcoat with a lemon coloured frills and a garish red belt. A tuft of turquoise hair stuck out from his platinum blonde curls and he flashed a grin, raising a stolen Order repeater crossbow.

"Kat! Now don't be hasty! We're all friends here. I'm sure we can all introduce ourselves reasonably like civilised folk!"

Katria recognised the man as Flick, a half elven performer who was quite well known around the slums of the Undercity before the Order occupation. He was easily recognised for his loud outfits and possessed a persona to match his clothes. He had proudly boasted of his fey heritage and made no secret that his grandmother was some kind of water spirit or the other. While many of the half elves were persecuted by the Old Council, Flick managed to escape the hardships suffered by his kind, even managing to ingratiate himself with the main elven population with street tricks and charisma.

As a fellow performer, Katria sensed some rivalry with Flick. She was never close to the man but didn't dislike him either. It was just that his flippant personality was somewhat different and at odds with her own recent losses.

2014-04-29, 05:26 AM

Katria felt at odds with herself. She wasn't sure about the fool in syndicate robes and Flick was not what she needed to deal with right now. Taking a neutral stance and showing no emotions(as much of a "card" face as possible) she speaks. "I don't know where you think you are but Syndicate crazies isn't my idea of civilized. And I don't like being shot at." She motions at the crossbow. "Especially by those. The Nighthawks were very inhospitable. I assume your with these two. If so impress upon them that theatrics won't help with the Order or the Syndicate snooping around here." She looks at Verzera before getting between her and them. Indicating Flick "I know him from before all this and I don't think they're enemies. But it's your place we're staying at and therefore your decision on who we take there." She turns to Flick. "This isn't the place for introductions unless you want to do them while we're surrounded by those uncivilized folks you were talking about. Let's leave before the real crazies come out to play...Like now!" She raises her voice slightly at the end to make her point.

2014-04-29, 08:50 AM

Kinban, hearing that the sane people had started talking it out, stops running almost as soon as he had started. He still hangs towards the back, not wanting to appear threatening.

Morbis Meh
2014-04-29, 09:52 AM
Kerrigan watches the flaming steed come charging forward, aware that the situation hadn't turned out the way hu had wanted it. Preparing to swiftly get out of the way, Kerrigan visibly jumped at the sudden appearance of crossbow bolts in hus general proximity. Turning around hu begins sending a string of curses in dwarven while shaking his fist "Next time try doing that before they are in my face please!" Turning back to the now grounded elves Kerrigan coughs "Now that I have your proper attention, I assure you that I am quite sane and that I am most definitely not a hobgoblin nor a member of the syndicate..." Kerrigan focuses on shift hus form, heat radiating as the flesh on hus body began remolding itself into a near perfect replica of the drow. <undercommon>"That's better but I am afraid this outfit simply won't do....ah that's better." </undercommon>The robe shimmers and disappears reforming as the same garb the drow is currently wearing. "I apologize for the confusion earlier, I am known as Kerrigan, I am an infiltration expert and spy for the Resistance. That sort of speech, that made absolutely no sense, is my way of diffusing a possible hostile friendly fire situation without blowing my cover. We were ordered to grant you aid against your current struggle with the syndicate and I thought it would be best to enter into the fight appearing as a member so I could get in close and backstab them before they would notice. Enough of this talking in the middle of the street, I believe it would be prudent for us to retire to a more discreet locale before resuming this conversation."

Plushie Arz
2014-04-30, 05:53 AM

"Yes, well." Flick grinned and leapt from the rooftop. He landed on both feet without a sound, undoubtedly with a little assistance from magic. "I heard you lot put Colonel Lenmark in the dead book. Sounds to me like the Nighthawks didn't give you any problems. Onwards then!"

Verzera scowled darkly when Kerrigan copied her form and she pointed her dirk threateningly at him. "Don't you dare get any ideas with that body. Now shut up and follow me."

* * *

It was already early evening when they arrived at the Knot, a brothel located in the branches of the adjoining district. They opened the trapdoor that led into the basement, a large room stacked with barrels of watered down wine. The stone walls were damp the floors gritty but it was mostly clean.

"And for the introductions, I'm Flick. It is always delightful to meet comrades in arms." He bowed with great flourish, holding the edge of his cloak aloft with the tips of his fingers. "I am told you ladies expect an audience with royalty."

2014-04-30, 06:35 AM

Nodding at both Flicks praise and Verzeras decision Katria quietly accompanies them to the Knot. Looking over at Flick. It could've been worse. I've seen more dramatically inflated introductions...but does it have to be him? She then gives the shapeshifter and human a piercing glance trying to determine if they're going to be trouble or not. Looks like things are going to get more interesting. More humans...well if Shenra and Helik are an indication they're not all bad. He doesn't seem to have any symbols of Mornay or other indications of affiliations with possible enemies.


Katria sits down with her legs crossed under her and her staff laying across her lap. She gives Flick a perplexed look when a mischievous smile appears. "Are you volunteering to give the Slaughter King our message Flick? I'm not sure I'd want to be there for that." She sobers up quickly however the smile disappearing. "We're trying to lure the Slaughter King into a violent engagement between us and him. We'll accept all the help we can get. Who are your two companions?"

2014-04-30, 10:32 AM
Branna giggles at Katria's description of their dealings goals for Slaughter King.

"'lure the Slaughter King into a violent engagement' - you do have a way with words, Katria. That sounds so much more interesting than 'We're going to kill the Slaughter King.'"

She plops back against Mahb's side, her Halfling body fitting easily against the panther's side. "Yup, they're killing him so we can get some allies and so the Order won't get the credit and so the Resistance will gain the trust of the populace and so ..." she pauses for a bit. " ... and some politics stuff too, I think. Something like that. I'm killing him because he's a stain on the plane. The cultists are as bad as the Order in some ways, and I don't want a different type of cancer to pop up while we're trying to remove the Order's."

She looks over to the shapeshifting Kerrigan, "That's a pretty good trick changing shapes like that. Our plan is to cause enough pain to the Syndicate that it draws out the Slaughter King. It would certainly be nice to know how he might show up. Set a nice trap for him and take him down like a buffalo to a pack of wolves."

2014-04-30, 11:07 AM

Responding to Katria's question, Kinban speaks "I'm Kinban Omose. Before coming here, I was a traveling healer, and healing is what I've been doing to help out. Also, despite my appearance, I'm not skilled with a weapon."

Morbis Meh
2014-04-30, 11:11 AM
Kerrigan smiles brightly at the Drow "Oh come now, is that any way to speak to an ally? Besides haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to engage intimately with oneself? Everyone knows that the drow are fundamental narcissits." The Rahsemi giggled as the dark elf scowled.

Kerrigan hops up atop a barrel and begins lounging comfortably, listening to the newcomers speak. (S)he turned to the Elf and smirked "My, I thought one of the Eternal Children would have a better memory than that, I do believe I already introduced myself. A courtesy which has yet to be reciprocated by either of you and I thought such etiquette was still prevalent among the world but alas it seems that I am grossly inaccurate. Though your name has been betrayed by your companion... Katria." (S)he smirks at the 'Katria" before raising an eyebrow at the little one "I assure you it is not a trick; use of such phrasing would suggest that it is an ability anyone could do with proper instruction and that simply won't do. It is an innate skill of my people, a feat that can only be replicated with magic but that only has a limited duration. I can change my form as I please and as many times as I fancy. As for the 'Slaughter King', which in my opinion is a rather gaudy and unpoetic title, it wouldn't be hard to lure him out. Catch someone within the organization with access to him, torture any relevant information out of said captive then I would implant myself within their place and feed false information to lead him into whatever situation we desire."

2014-04-30, 12:03 PM
Branna's expressive Halfling face scrunches up, pulling apart Kerrigan's words. There was lots of tricky sub-meaning in there, she could tell, but then she shrugged. Some people always talked in fancy loops. It wasn't worth the bother.

"I'm Branna and the lovely here is Mahb," she snuggles deeper into the panther's soft side. The panther looked up from washing its face of the remains of its fresh monkey dinner and yawned at Kerrigan, mouth wide and full of fangs.

"So, you're thinking to capture a cultist and replace him? Hopefully we would grab a cultist who has reach to the Slaughter King's plans. I don't know how much the cultists actually plan stuff out, though. From what I can tell they're a lot more spur-of-the-moment than groups like the Order. Does anyone know what the Order's up to now? They're the biggest disease and I don't want them sneaking up on us."

2014-04-30, 01:09 PM

Smiling sincerely she turns to Kerrigan first. "I'm sorry Kerrigan it's a pleasure to meet you. My worries are more on the oppression of my people than my conversation skills currently. I hope you'll forgive me my momentary lack of manners." Turning to Kinban. "Well met Kinban, as you already know my name is Katria and a healer is most appreciated around here. Not everyone needs skill with weapons or fighting to contribute in the healing of the land and the people." She faces all 3 newcomers as she speaks, using her hands to point out her companions. "Welcome to our humble team right now. This is Branna our halfling jungle survivalist, Shenra our negotiator and arcane expert, Verzera a adept and ferocious martial combatant, and myself Katria a dancer of small note and unarmed combatant. As Branna has stated I don't know how we're going to be able to capture anyone you can use to infiltrate, most of them are not right in disturbing ways and those that are more intelligent or might be close to the Slaughter King are either gone, resistant to any efforts or torture we would use, and/or already dead. But I'm sure we're ready to give your idea a try."

Plushie Arz
2014-05-01, 08:19 AM
Verzera grinned when Katria mentioned the Syndicate minions they killed. "Memtoch, Olodak, the snake lady. All dead or running. That leaves Strom, the remaining cultists and his royal majesty. I don't think I've ever killed a king before. First time for everything, I say."

Flick raised an eyebrow. "Careful now, don't get ahead of yourself. Word has it that there's some hobgoblin sniper in the area. I've also heard the Sisters of Dawn are coming. A militant faction of nuns who follow the Order. Nuns, goblins and some ugly horned king. It'll be a party."

"So we've bloodied their nose. The Slaughter King will make his stand tonight and it'll be off with his head!"

2014-05-01, 08:33 AM

She smiles at Verzeras rundown of the situation. Then turns to Flick. "Do you have a description of this hobgoblin sniper? And as for the Sisters and the King...how about we let them tire each other out for us? So we don't waste too many resources fighting either side. I want a go at both of them though. It's time to show our enemies what we're made of. Verzera let's not get too hasty this fight might actually get worse than the other's we've been in. Flick do you have any ideas on how to find our targets without being found ourselves?"

Plushie Arz
2014-05-01, 09:01 AM
Flick shrugged. "Red skinned, wears an elven cloak. Moves as quietly as a ghost and can nail a fly from quarter a mile away. Wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him, whichever side he fights for." From his cloak, Flick produced a small mahogany pipe. With a crack of his fingers, the pipe lit up and the man inhaled deeply, puffing out a thin trail of blue smoke. "If the Slaughter King awakens tonight, he'll find whoever's been chipping away at his happy little family. Whoever it is, he'll find them. If the Sisters are smart, they'd want to meet him somewhere open, where they can use their numbers and spells to their full effect. Anywhere cramped like the alleys and they might as well be walking meat for the cults."

2014-05-01, 09:15 AM

Katria smiles mischievously sweet. "I'm sure Baku would appreciate your praise. We've worked with him. He was with us at the Steel Pits. And he helped us with Colonel Lenmark and his men. I can attest to his skill with that bow...it's practically a work of art. At least for now his and our goals seem to coincide. I'm not sure the King is going to let them dictate where they fight so if we can find ways to keep our 'eyes' on both elements it would help us shape the battlefield to our own advantage."

Morbis Meh
2014-05-01, 09:39 AM
Kerrigan giggles "I can maneuver the sisters into an unfavorable position so they can walk in at a disadvantage... though I am sure I would be a terrible nun, that celibate nonsense they have to put up with is simply ghastly. They're easier to infiltrate, that way one enemy is out of the fight and the other will be weakened to some extent thus allowing you to give your party favors for the King."

Plushie Arz
2014-05-01, 09:49 AM
"If they're nuns, won't they see through your disguise?" Asked Verzera, placing her hand on her hips. "They've got magic too, you know. And they're better equipped and armed than most of the Order units we've encountered so far. They're not pleasant to tangle with if you get caught."

2014-05-01, 09:55 AM
Branna frowns in concentration for a moment at the mention of Baku. "Baku? I remember him - good guy, knows how to get things done. Would it help to get in touch with him? I could try scrying for him. I don't have the spell readied, but I can do it in the morning."

The halfling shifts nervously for a second before continuing. "I still think this is going to get too complicated - trying to maneuver the nuns and the King into conflict. We'll need to know what both sides are planning somehow, and then hopefully manage to get them to adjust their plans so they'll collide in a place we want them to fight." She shakes her head. "And if the nuns think their greater numbers in an open area will help, they've got a surprise coming since Strom can force plants to Entangle them. On the other hand, it's probably even better if the nuns get their heads handed to them by the Syndicate - fewer of them there to bother us!"

This last thought brings a happier expression to Branna's face.

2014-05-01, 10:02 AM

Facing Branna. "Complicated doesn't mean impossible. Just a bigger chance to fail and a bigger reward should we succeed. I agree with you the less Order goons out there the better for us." Turning to Verzera. "What exactly do you know of these Sisters of Dawn Verzera?"

Morbis Meh
2014-05-01, 10:07 AM
Kerrigan looks at the Drow"Indeed they do, but as a rule VERY few people know of the existence of my race and our ability thus it is highly unlikely that they would randomly have the right spell prepared and think to use it. I wouldn't go as a nun of course that was merely a joke, that kind of order is tight knit I was thinking more of an injured peasant happening across their path and feeding them information. The best lies contain truths after all so I will tell them information that is only true about the syndicate and lead them towards a trap. I am sure they will head towards the mess you people created earlier so it is simple to plant myself and wait, though injuring myself won't be pleasant."

2014-05-01, 03:52 PM

Kinban remains silent as he pays close attention to what the others say. "Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like there's much I can do to help them with this plan. And I can't think of a better one either."

Plushie Arz
2014-05-02, 12:28 AM
"Apart from them being fanatics and zealots of the worst order? Nothing much, I'm afraid. Only saw them when they landed here eight months ago and I'm not keen for a closer look."

Through his travels, Kinban had heard of the Sisters of Dawn, a militant faction of the Order of the Morning Sun authorised by the Sol Jeremiah Bradford eight years ago to battle the enemies of the Church. The Order then had faced a crisis of numbers. With Sol Jonas Bradford dead and the depletion of young men in both empires from the Second Darkstar War, the Order needed new warriors to spread Mornay's message. It was from this crisis that the Sisters were formed. They recruited women heeded Mornay's call to defend the faith.

Warriors, priestesses, nobles and commoners all flocked to Farlaen to train under the Sisterhood's banner. They were taught the lessons of faith and the ways of war, forming a focused force that are in some respects, far more disciplined than the recruited men at arms that served during the Darujos campaign. While the Sisters are independent of the levies that constitute the bulk of the Order's armies, they still answer to the Sol and his representatives. They are headed by the Mother Superior, the second one to take the title after the first passed in her sleep after five years of loyal service.

2014-05-02, 07:42 AM
Shenra is exhausted. Truly, completely, utterly. Though she listens quietly and dips her head politely at her introduction from Katria, she does not speak much. She instead reads through Caltera's notes. She is still pretty shaken from their encounter with Strom and his cultist, so she reads to relax. She finds it difficult to focus on both without losing track of the other, however. She remembers a little bit about the Sisters of the Dawn, from their old crusader ally mentioning them. A swift and silent prayer for that crusader. She continues listening on, unmoving, reading her notes.

2014-05-02, 08:02 AM

Still thinking on the inevitable future altercation with the cultists she begins to prepare her 'resting' area setting a bottle near to the area. She looks at the others and hopes they prevail in their endeavors. She has a troubled look on her face as she looks at Verzera. I was hoping these "sisters" could be convinced to leave without further violence needed. But if they've been here before the end of the war they're just as at fault for what happened here. They must be brought to justice for their approval of the orders methods. "Verzera your going to get that closer look should they be the ones addressing the King as well."

Seeing no more reason to worry about whats to happen Katria sets aside her staff near the bottle. Positions herself in the lotus position and meditates, calming her mind for the task ahead of them. Seeking out the frame of mind to bring her closer to the ancestral spirits should their techniques be needed this time as well. After a few hours of this she goes to find a place to practice her unarmed combat moves until such time as the party is ready to leave.

Plushie Arz
2014-05-04, 08:54 AM
Midnight came. Shenra and Branna restored their spells and the group ventured out again to the lower reaches for their confrontation with the Slaughter King. Gibbering howls filled the night and the group could spot the occasional flares lighting up alleyways as flames were tossed in the distance. The activity seemed particularly concentrated around the Silent Glade, an overgrown park at the fringes of the lower reaches that Katria, Kinban and Shenra knew was a hub for criminal activity. The looming trees, bubbling stream and the thick hedges were favourite haunts of Kiiska's thieves and street thugs who were unable to secure a hideout in the Undercity. Katria suspected the Syndicate had a stronghold there, where the Order and Kiiskan Guards did not dare to search.

However, the otherwise darkened streets also suggested another presence in the district. There were no doubts that the Sisters of Dawn had been deployed in the district and they are somewhere in the streets, perhaps preparing for the Syndicate assault.

2014-05-04, 10:41 AM

Katria shivers at the forboding feeling in the area, and her anticipation to end this. She looks around the area. Pointing out the Silent Glade. "I believe this is the area that the confrontation will happen between the Sisters and the Syndicate. So what are we going to do?" Katria starts looking for a good vantage point where they can be relatively hidden while still having a good view of the area.

2014-05-05, 07:53 AM
Shenra leans against her quarterstaff to survey the area. "I still have the scrolls from Calthera. I've also learned the spell myself so I can create a full box. I have a handful of other small spells that may come in handy as well. I think our best bet is to instigate, and let them fight it out before stepping in."

Morbis Meh
2014-05-05, 10:18 AM
Kerrigan shrugs "Well I can begin looking for the Sisters if you'd like, if this is the location you have decided upon I will lead them back here. So in the meantime feel free to lay traps and whatnot while someone else leads the syndicate over this way. I can make myself scarce once the fighting starts so don't worry about that, though I am betting that our lovely drow is hoping otherwise."

2014-05-05, 01:59 PM

Turning to Kerrigan. "I didn't choose this place. They did, both the Syndicate and the Sisters. I would rather we did this on a proper battlefield and not in my home amongst the lives of my people."

2014-05-05, 02:16 PM

Kinban scans the environment, noticing how the growth provides many places to hide. "This isn't a good place for the Sisters of Dawn to be fighting in though. The Syndicate will be much more used to the terrain. In fact, I wouldn't be very surprised if they had an ambush around here. Of course, the alleyways would be even worse, like Flick said earlier."

"In fact, Kerrigan's idea about leading the Syndicate here sounds like a good idea. That will help make sure the two sides are more evenly matched. But that does beg the question of who would lure them."

Plushie Arz
2014-05-06, 07:32 AM
"I provoke them, draw them in as long as they don't take potshots." Grinned Verzera. She summoned the Nightmare beside her and she stroked its flaming mane. Her hands did not burn. "They can't snare Vespers with their vines."

"If anyone will be lured by you, it'll be the Syndicate." Nodded Flick. He emptied his pipe onto the ground and stamped on the smouldering embers with his heels. "I don't particularly like the sound of those Sisters you speak of. All prayer and no fun. Moving them will be like dragging a wagon in the mud. Won't go anywhere without a struggle. Ah well. Up for a bit of reconnaissance, Kerr?"

2014-05-06, 10:39 AM
Shenra refused to show her worry. She can't get her mind off Strom. What if he should follow the Syndicate to this fight? If we are worried about the Sisters of the Dawn, what if they are outclassed by Strom and the Syndicate? Then what will be made of us? How can they all be so calm about all of this...

Ona, please, grant me clarity of judgment. Your serenity is all I seek right now, help me to keep resolute and calm during the coming engagements. We know that for their to be life, there must be death... I only ask that you help me maintain the balance and do not allow me to dissolve the line between them further. I will exact your revenge on the Order for their heedless slaughters, and the monsters that are the Syndicate deserve their reaping also. But help me to not become one of them through my own bloodlust.

She turns to the group, still examining the opening. "Verzera, if you lure the Syndicate, and Kerrigan you are to bring the Sisters... What do we do in the mean time? I do not want them to stumble across each other or, Ona's mercy, catch one of you. But I also know that the two of you are far more likely to be successful than, say, I." She sighs and strokes Ras' feathers. I wish that Calthera and the others could be here to help.

"Once the fight between Order and Syndicate begins, I will wait until the Slaughter King arrives before erecting the flaming walls. I can do so from the shadows and pray that each side thinks the other cast it. I fear that gambling like this could spook either side and leave us worse off than we are now, though."

Morbis Meh
2014-05-06, 11:14 AM
Kerrigan huffs "Are you kidding me? What else would I be doing in this organization if I didn't gather information? Now quit wasting time and lets get a move on already. I swear you and your procrastination make this work so much more difficult."

2014-05-06, 05:18 PM
Branna has assumed her favored night time form, that of a Chordevoc, a common jungle owl-like bird.

At the moment, she was standing over a puddle of water. "This should also help track people down." Branna's voice was different coming from the body of the tiny owl, but was still recognizably hers. "Do you want me to try scrying on Baku? He might know where people are too, and if nothing else he might like to join in on the fight."

She hops back and forth with feathers ruffling, the birds movements reflecting her nervous anticipation. "Or maybe I could go flying around, scouting. And the Order might be trying their invisible army trick again too. I could try checking for that. Or, well, what should I do?"

The confrontation with the Syndicate earlier has cooled her willingness to push others into action because she wants to do something, but still .... she wants to do something!

2014-05-06, 11:52 PM

Thinking on what Branna has suggested she cautiously replies. "Knowing where Baku is could be useful. And letting him know where to show up at the right time would work in our favor. So yes scry for him and then we figure out who gets to be messenger. And since Kerrigan is keen on 'showing' the Sisters here I'm sure we'll have a warning as to where they'll be in advance I hope. Shenra I think me and you need to find a good observing point to watch the action so we know when to act." Having said this she looks for a good vantage point.

Plushie Arz
2014-05-07, 09:03 AM

Kerrigan wandered off and nearly four blocks away, he saw them. They were positioned at an old district square adjoining a dried up fountain. There were thirty women, resplendent in their shining armour and black tabards that bore the sigil of a white eight-pointed sun. A bright glow surrounded them that seemed to ward away the darkness around them. At the middle of the group was an elderly woman who looked in her seventies. Instead of the armour, she wore the white habits and black headdress of the Sisterhood and she had an ornate cloak, clasped with an alabaster sun.

"There we go." Muttered Flick. "The Sisterhood of Eternal Boredom and the Order of the Stick in the Mud."

Katria found a twenty foot tall building with a flat roof that afforded them a decent view of the surrounding neighbourhood. As they climbed onto the slate roof, they could see a bright light illuminating an old district square. It was there the Sisters marked their position. With their tightly packed formation, they could defend themselves against any unexpected onslaughts by the Syndicate. Branna and Shenra could detect the tinge in the air that suggested powerful abjurative wards that surrounded the women in armour.

However, it wasn't the women decked in their armour and vestaments that caught the eyes of Branna, Katria and Shenra. It was one woman in particular at the centre of the group who bore a familiar looking shield and arms. Feeona.

2014-05-07, 10:31 AM
Branna clicks her beak a few times. "Well, by the time he gets here, it would probably be too late."

As they get to the top of the roof, Branna sees the group of women. "They certainly look ready for trouble, but if Strom's in the area they're going to regret being all bunched up like that," she whispers. "Let me take a quick fly around the area to see if the Syndicate is closing in on them. I'll be right back."

With that she takes off in a soft rustle of feathers and swoops around the square, well back from the edge of the square, above the ground level buildings. Her eyes scanned through the night looking for figures or movement that looked to be Syndicate forces as she made a large loop.

2014-05-07, 11:40 AM

Looking at the group of Women, their light contrasting with the stark darkness. She wonders if they will have enough. Shaking her head affirmatively at what Branna said about being bunched up she remembers the entanglements and nets the Syndicate likes to use. These zealots are fools, not even doing any reconnaissance to get to know their enemy. Their hubris will be the death of them. Showing themselves like that is just asking to be slaughtered. Katria turns to Shenra and Kinban whispering low enough for only them to hear. "We should wait until the Syndicate and Sisters are soundly engaged before we announce our presence with action or spells, take them by surprise as much as possible. Give us a few seconds to see which side has the advantage and then attack either both of them or the side that has the advantage. Even out the odds of both sides taking heavy casualties. Shenra do you have any spells that could cloak us up here against being seen?"

2014-05-07, 01:28 PM
Shenra looks out over the opening from the roof. "I do not. My invisibility spells are very personal and I would not be able to hide the entire group. However, we are far enough away that we should be able to spread out across these rooftops and keep hidden easily by ourselves." She takes a look at the two closest roofs. She then leans down and examines the material the roof is made of. "Provided we can do so quietly."
Knowledge check to see if I know how the Sisters typically fight:
Just in case I'll do a few.
Local: [roll0]
Nobility (fame?): [roll1]
Religion (in case they learn from their priests how to fight): [roll2]

Morbis Meh
2014-05-07, 04:16 PM
Well it's now or never... Protect me Vir'Resh Taking a deep breath Kerrigan burst out of hus hiding spot acting as frantic as hu possibly can "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!! They... THEY'RE COMING!" Kerrigan falls onto hus knees in front of the first sister hu comes across, grabbing onto her leg "The Mindnight Syndicate, they're real! I have seem them and we're all in grave danger! I thought... I thought they were only a lie told by mothers to scare bad children but.. but I have seen them. Please, for the love of Moray help me." Kerrigan begins to weep with hus head down and body shaking.

None of this is a lie so I am using diplomacy, I am using an inspiration point to gain a bonus to diplomacy for this roll

diplomacy [roll0]

Plushie Arz
2014-05-08, 06:44 AM
Shenra knew the Sisters of Dawn were a relatively new offshoot of the mainstream Church of the Morning Sun and they recruited women from among the smallfolk as well as from the clergy. They maintained a degree of independence from the Order hierarchy and were trained by pious templars and paladins rather than the enlisted drill sergeants that oversaw the main occupation forces. Accordingly, they tended to fight defensively, using their divine spells and powers to bolster their abilities in combat. With each Sister capable of casting divine spells in some degree, they are a versatile force and dangerous in large groups.

Generally, the Sisters of Dawn favoured the bastard sword and shield, the holy weapons of Mornay. With their divine spells having a limited range, they were strong melee combatants and their prayers were often able to counter most ranged attacks.



By running straight into the ranks of the Sisters, Kerrigan activated the first of the defences the nuns had placed around the area. The sound of crystal chimes pierced the evening air and a wall of wind suddenly roared up around him, blowing loose leaves and a plume of soil into the air. Kerrigan was forced to drop, to avoid being blown over. The nearby nuns advanced on his position, swords drawn and shields raised. "Who are you? What are you doing breaching the curfew?" One of them demanded, her voice stern and betraying little mercy. She looked like their leader with the way that she carried herself. Her striking blue eyes were narrowed suspiciously at the Changeling and the edges of her lips were curled in an unpleasant scowl.

"Sister Eleanor, this is no time for an interrogation. We need to help this man." From the narrow opening in her half-helm, she looked plainer than Eleanor but kinder. Kerrigan had spent many lives and developed an eye for detail in each of them. It noticed that despite the Order insignia on the woman's full plate, the finishing and detailing looked too fine to be one of the mass-forged suits from the factories in Farlaen and Arleenos. In fact, the detailing almost looked... elven. "I'm Sister Feeona. You'll be safe with us. Stay and we'll protect you from the Syndicate"

With her eyes adapted to the darkness, Branna could see the hurried movements that she associated with the Syndicate minions. They had broken into two forces - one approaching from the east and the other from the south. In the darkness, it was difficult to make out the precise numbers and the shadowy figures varied in shape from thin and small skirges that skittered along the buildings to larger cultists that moved in long, ungainly gaits. Near the back of the southern group. Branna could see a familiar snakelike figure slithering slowly along the alleys. The numbers were substantial and in a few minutes, the area would be swarming with cultists.

2014-05-08, 05:11 PM
"I hope you and the Sisters kill each other," Branna thinks to herself as she wings over the dark form of Strom far below her.

As she continues her loop around the square she notices the new person, Kinban, below and wings down to fly right over him. "Cultists coming from the east and from the south." She makes a quick loop around him as she says this and then continues around to where the others have been traveling across the roofs.

"Cultists coming from the south and east," she quietly repeats as she lands on a branch near them. "Strom is with them to the south. Looks like they're closing in with a lot of people. Stay hidden until they're past us."

2014-05-08, 08:24 PM

Speaking just loud enought to reach Brannas ears. "Could you scout around and see if theres any other suprises such as that? Give us a warning before we walk into them? It could ruin our surprise."

Katria hasn't moved from their position...especially after seeing what happened to Kerrigan(whether or not she knows it is Kerrigan)

2014-05-08, 08:49 PM

Kinban nods acknowledgement as Branna flies by, and turns to watch the east.

Plushie Arz
2014-05-09, 09:01 AM

Sister Eleanor's interogation was cut short by a disturbing dirge that was more akin to screams than singing. The Midnight Syndicate had arrived. With Branna's reconnaissance, the party could see the dark outlines of two forces approaching from the south and east like a wave of madness and slaughter. The numbers seemed almost endless, as though the Midnight Syndicate were throwing everything they had against the Sisters of Dawn. More and more figures leapt from the buildings and the glade to join the advancing forces.

"Sisters, hold!" Eleanor's order ran clear and the nuns started assuming a defensive position, waiting for the dark wave to break against their defences.

Morbis Meh
2014-05-09, 09:07 AM
Kerrigan walks with the militant nuns but slowly falls behind to the outskirts of the crowd (if possible) and when at the edge the Reshemi begins chanting then vanishes from out of sight. Once safely out of the watchful eye of the sisters Kerrigan will book it to the agreed rendezvous point and watch the show.

Yeah Kerrigan will try to slip out and then use an inspiration point to cast invisibility

2014-05-09, 10:35 AM

Hearing the challange of the Syndicate lets Katria know that battle time has arrived and the action will be starting shortly. Waiting has come to an end. She waits patiently to see the outcome of this clash before deciding who to attack. Her breathing and naturl movement slow down, anticipating whats about to happen and getting ready for whatever sh'e needed to do.

2014-05-09, 12:30 PM
Shenra's eyes widen at the sheer number of Syndicate forces moving in on the Sisters. She turns to Verzera, Kinban, and Katria, "I can save my walls of fire for the slaughter king or I can force these Syndicate troops into a choke point... If I do that, they would probably assume the fire was from the Sisters anyway," She eyes the situation slowly. She's never faced numbers like this before. "Only by Ona's mercy will this fight win out in our favor."

2014-05-09, 01:09 PM
"Hee hee hee, they're going to wipe each other out! Your sneakiness actually worked!"

Branna's small form danced back and forth, and she flapped up on top of Mahb for a better view. Mahb growled slightly as the talons poked her. "Oh, sorry."

Branna cast Barkskin on herself and the magic flows down to cover Mahb as well. Her wing reached out and touched Katria. "Here, we might not have time later if things get busy." Katria feels her skin thicken.

"I'd wait on the firewalls until we're more certain of which side has the advantage. If the Sisters wipe out the Syndicate too easily, we'll have a heck of a fight on our hands taking them down afterwards. Don't pounce until you know exactly where your prey is."

Barkskin: +3 Natural Armor

2014-05-09, 01:32 PM

Turns towards Shenra. "Save your magic till it's really needed. We haven't seen what the Sisters can do yet. They maybe more ready to deal with them than we expected. And I'd rather we keep our heavy spellpower for the Slaughter King should he be more than any of us can handle alone. Let the Sisters and Syndicate tire each other out before we announce our presence. Patience and careful maneuvering will help us more now. Both sides have more than we have at this point."

Smiles at Branna. "Thank you. I may end up needing it this time."

+8 init; AC 32, touch 21, flat-footed 28 (+4 Dex, +5 Cha, +6 exalted, +1 deflection, +5 natural, +1 battledancer) brilliant energy does not ignore exalted bonus to AC; hp 46; Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +4, +2 to wills saves of enchantments other than sleep related +1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities +4 to saves against paralysis; Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment; immune to sleep spells and related effects

Plushie Arz
2014-05-10, 10:03 AM

The Syndicate cultists swarmed around the two largest openings of the square, where the Sisters stood waiting. The nuns readied themselves for the attack, spells on the tips of their tongues and their steel shields locked together.

The cultists were relentless. The eastern force arrived first and their rushed headlong into the narrow opening between the buildings, ignoring the party overhead. The first cultist, a raving human with thick braided hair and blood painted over his scarred body charged towards the opening, no doubt intending to draw the first blood. He died within three steps of entering the area. Two more followed - a fat goblin with its left eye gouged out and what looked like a half elf who wore rotting skin of a leopard over his head. Both fell to the ground unmoving within a few seconds, blood pouring from their nostrils and convulsing. The party didn't understand what it was but it seemed the Sisters had cast something over the area that could kill the cultists on entry.

2014-05-10, 10:48 AM

Looking in on the initial movements of the engagement she gains a appreciation of the Order, evil despotic goons they may be but still efficient. She turns to the others and speaks in a low voice. "I hate to admit it but I think we'll be helping the syndicate if things continue like this. Give it a few more seconds to see how it'll play out then attack the Sisters. Shenra leave those certain spells for the Slaughter King and be real picky about using your other spells we might need some firepower to deal with the Sisters it looks like their going to have no problem with the Syndicate."

2014-05-12, 07:15 AM
Shenra's eyes widened in disbelief as she watched the magical slaughter in front of her. They must all be contributing effort to this spell... if we want a matched fight in our favor we need to get rid of that. Ona, grant me your wisdom and guidance. Enlighten me to their methods and provide me the opening I need to erradicate their defenses. By your mercy, and for balance. She looks behind them, tracking the movements of the Syndicate. She turns to Katria. "I'll hold off for now... I think that if things get bad enough for the Syndicate, they'll have to call in the Slaughter King, most certainly. I'm praying for Ona to help me discern the magics they are defending themselves with. Hopefully we can find a way through them since there doesn't appear to be a way around them."

Plushie Arz
2014-05-12, 08:56 AM
The Syndicate continued to pour into the area but at least twelve more cultists were struck down by the Sister's spell before the others stopped their advance. While the Syndicate's advance was momentarily halted, the dead cultists' corpses had the rather unintentional effect of marking out the area covered by the spell. It seemed to be a sixty by sixty foot wide square that covered most of the Sister's position to the outermost edges of the open courtyard. The situation was very much a standstill. The cultists could not advance without suffering damage but the Sisters would not evacuate from the protection of their spell without cause. The group could see Strom slowly slithering his way to the fore of the southern group, to personally oversee the attack...

* * *

"Say Kerr," Whispered Flick, his pink eyes scanning the area. "You wouldn't have any fireballs or area effects handy would you?"

Morbis Meh
2014-05-12, 10:20 AM
Kerrigan raises an eyebrow and frowns "Do I look like a wizard to you? No I do not have fireballs and the only spells I could use for this situation weren't prepared this morning. Besides I think lobbing a ball of flame at a bunch of warrior priests who don't know your location is a bad idea. I am never so direct if I can avoid it...."

2014-05-12, 11:00 AM

After observing the spell's effects, Kinban thinks he's figured out what it is. "It looks like a forbiddance spell. It prevents teleportation, and hurts anyone not sharing the caster's morals and ethics that tries to enter. What worries me, however, is that I didn't see them casting it."

2014-05-12, 11:17 AM
Shenra turns to Kinban, "Ah, but they were positioned before we arrived. And have not moved since our arrival. Forbiddance is going to be diffult to deal with... Do you have a way to dispel it, perhaps?"

2014-05-12, 11:38 AM

Kinban shakes his head. "It's a tenacious spell. Anyone who isn't as strong as the caster hasn't a chance of dispelling it, and it doesn't fade with time either."

2014-05-12, 12:24 PM
"That fits the Order's practices so well - anything that isn't just like them is destroyed."

Branna's bird form can't show emotions through her face, but the puffed up feathers manage to convey her disgust.

"On the other hand, they are apparently a sitting duck for the Syndicate to fill them full of arrows. I could try to dispel it - I'm not very good at it, but I did prepare that just in case. Should I try it now, or see if the Syndicate can do something? I'm sure they have plenty of javelins and bows."

She thinks about it a bit. "I also have my lightning strikes, but that will sort of give away the fact that there's a druid in the area. I think we want to stay a secret for now."

2014-05-12, 12:41 PM

Whispering to Branna. "See if you can dispel it. Having the Syndicate eradicated won't help our cause at all, it'll help the Sisters. Save your more direct spells for a suitable time."

2014-05-12, 12:55 PM

"I wouldn't bothertrying to dispel it. It's highly unlikely you'll be able to affect the spell, and you might draw attention."

Plushie Arz
2014-05-13, 06:11 AM

Seeing the area clearly marked out by the corpses of their fellow cultists, the Syndicate forces changed tact. Through the darkness, Katria, Kerrigan and Branna could see the individual cultists tried a ranged attack. Some found stones, others carried crude blowguns and arrows while a few reached into their breeches and loincloths for faeces to hurl at the Sisters. Not a single projectile hit its mark as a second wall of wind formed along the eastern part of the square, blowing some cultists down while knocking the stones and arrows aside like gnats in a squall.

With the Syndicate forces closing in, the Sisters drew on more of their divine magic. A maze of ten foot high stone walls sprung up, forcing any advancing cultists into narrow, single files. The Syndicate snarled and cursed but mere words could not dispel the walls.

Strom wandered in. He clasped a beaten copper amulet around his neck and uttered a word of power. Almost instantly, a hazy sphere formed around him. Even though Shenra, Kinban and Branna were some distance away from the conjured sphere, the aura of abjuration and dead magic was instantly recognisable. The Yuan-ti abomination had summoned an area of antimagic around itself to counter the Sister's Forbiddance, creating an opening for nearby cultists to slip in!

* * *

Kerrigan saw the cultists falling dead as they stepped into the warded area and a second wall of wind spring up moments later as the Syndicate tried launching a ranged assault. "Things are getting pretty heated around here." Remarked Flick, pulling the hood of his cloak over his hair. "I sure don't want to stay if the Sisters are gonna get overwhelmed."

Morbis Meh
2014-05-13, 09:37 AM
Kerrigan nodded grimly "Nope I do believe it is time for us to make our exit and find the others, one hell of a show is about to go on and I would rather not take part in it until the stage has been cleared somewhat." The Reshemi deftly turns away and begins walking towards the nearest exit that would ensure both of their escapes from the ensuing slaughter.

2014-05-13, 10:27 AM
Branna frowns as she watches the abomination call forth the area of disruptive magic. She was pretty certain the Sisters would be able to fight well, but this was beginning to look like a rout in the making. The stone walls, the Forbiddance, the wind walls - all good defenses but not sufficient to win against the streams of Syndicate masses she saw coming.

And then she saw the larger lumbering creatures coming forward with the eastern stream of attackers. Yup, if the big creatures got into the sisters with the antimagic field, the sisters were done for and the Slaughter King wouldn't bother to show up.

Branna flapped over to Katria and the others.

"I think the Sisters are going to be overwhelmed. Serves them right, but it won't get the Slaughter King here. The Syndicate has some big creatures coming up on the east - I'm thinking of summoning in some things to attack them. If they get in to the Sisters, the fight will be over way too soon! What do you think?"

Could she get a description and knowledge of those big creatures coming from the east?
Knowledge Nature: [roll0]

2014-05-13, 01:23 PM

A look of concentration comes over Katria as she observes the battle, noting how their magic changes the playing field. Her hatred doubles as she realizes the order thinks they are undeserving of such power and shows of devotion. Turning to Branna. "The only one down there I might care about is Feeona, and I don't even trust her. I suggest we do nothing. If you cast that spell they might pull back their forces and we need the Sisters pressed in upon and battling for their lives, not having a comfortable time of it. Hold off such efforts till we see the Slaughter King and can ensure we end this."

Plushie Arz
2014-05-14, 06:22 AM
The lumbering figures approaching from the east looked like stout, muscular men wearing crude clothing woven from a patchwork of animal hides and bones.They wore fearsome masks strung from the skulls of lesser creatures over their faces and wielded oversized cleavers in their grubby hands. Ogres. They were creatures known for their brute strength and a low cunning and it was not surprising to find them among the members of the Midnight Syndicate. During the Darkstar Wars, Warchief Avaraxus fielded entire tribes among his shock troops and they acquired a dreaded reputation as brutish enforcers. Many of them dispersed after the defeat of the great horde at the Obelisk and some found their way into the jungles of the south to prey on unwary travellers.

2014-05-14, 07:38 AM
"I did not know Feeona well, but remembering her position on the Order, it would not surprise me if she were a traitor or a turncoat. Either way, things are about to get very ugly." She continues to watch the flood of Syndicate soldiers and monsters move towards the Sisters. "I agree that we need to thin some of these Syndicate. We can't afford for the Sisters to be wiped off and deemed not a threat.. we need the Slaughter King to come out."

2014-05-14, 09:55 AM
"Maybe some distraction. Just to give the Syndicate pause. Just enough to slow down the Ogres and make them think they need more strength! Then the Slaughter King will have to come out!"

Branna, in her excitement of getting to do something flaps away before she's even finished talking.

She calls upon the element of fire this time, calling forth multiple smaller fire elementals. She summoned them slightly ahead of the lead Ogre, hoping the Ogres would assume they were the summons of an ally since they were still out of sight of the Sisters. They would then swarm the lead Ogre, setting him on fire.

That would be funny to see!

Summon Nature's Ally IV: 1d4+1 small fire elementals. [roll0]

Plushie Arz
2014-05-19, 06:36 AM
Swarms of elementals surrounded the ogre and they spontaneously combusted against his hide armour, setting him alight. The surrounding ogres pointed at their flaming comrade and started hacking at the unfortunate ogre in an attempt to douse the flames. Instead, they lopped off his left arm with a frenzied swing of their cleaver. Seeing the unprovoked assault, the surrounding cultists turned on the attackers. It was chaos. The summoned elementals made their way through the rear ranks, setting some cultists alight while leaving others unscathed. Soon, the rear portion of the eastern force started to turn on itself in a frenzy of blood and slaughter.

In the square, the Sisters of Dawn faced a very different challenge. Strom’s antimagic field had allowed a vast force into the zone of forbiddance and the gibbering horde of cultists stormed into the Sister’s defences. The first wave to reach the Sisters was met with gleaming steel. They were promptly cut down without mercy. Two more waves followed, with goblins and kobolds climbing over the stone walls and the less agile cultists streaming through the openings. They fought using spears, nets and short blades, taking advantage of the confined spaces afforded by the summoned walls.

Two of the nuns in the front line were overwhelmed. One woman had a spear through her face and the other was felled by dozens of cuts to her tendons before having her throat slashed. Five more suffered grievous injuries and were forced to retreat to the rear while others surged forward to counter the swarm.

For the next half an hour or so, the battle continued with casualties mounting on both sides. While the Sisters’ magic assisted with the overwhelming number of attackers, their numbers were being whittled down little by little. Arrows from unseen places seemed to strike down both nuns and cultists and the Sisters’ healing magic gave diminishing returns against the Syndicate’s relentless assault. The group could see Feeona at the rear of the formation, leading the wounded Sisters out of the area.

Strom weaved through the crowds, keeping the antimagic field open to allow his minions to slip through. As the cultists seemed to momentarily overwhelm the nuns, the elderly woman at the centre of the group uttered a single word. It was a word of power, one that resonated within Katria, Kinban and Shenra and reminded them of the divine power of Mornay. Instantly, a number of cultists fell to the ground blinded and deafened. Others dropped dead on the spot. Strom however, was protected by his magic field and the onslaught continued...

... From the south, a deep horn sounded.

2014-05-19, 07:21 AM
At the sound of the horn, Shenra whipped around, uttering the fastest prayer to Ona she had ever done. Her skin seemed to scale over, with a slight cracking sound. "The Slaughter King is here!" she whispers to the others, moving to the southern edge of the rooftop they sit perched on. Looking back, she checks the cultist numbers that have drastically dwindled since the fight began nearly an hour ago. "Are we ready for this? I have the scrolls ready. What's the plan? The Sisters are doomed to fight the King and Strom together... We'll have to aid them first, more than likely."

2014-05-19, 01:35 PM
Branna, having flapped back over to the others has watched the battle with satisfaction. It reminded her nothing so much as one ant hive invading another - a constant stream of attackers against a wall of entrenched defenders. All the better because it was two cancers fighting each other, leaving the world a better place with each death.

However, the spectacle eventually began to tire on her and she hopped back and forth between branches looking around for the mysterious source of arrows. She was about to go in search of who she was certain was Baku when the horn signaled from the south.

At the sound of the horn, Shenra whipped around, uttering the fastest prayer to Ona she had ever done. Her skin seemed to scale over, with a slight cracking sound. "The Slaughter King is here!" she whispers to the others, moving to the southern edge of the rooftop they sit perched on. Looking back, she checks the cultist numbers that have drastically dwindled since the fight began nearly an hour ago. "Are we ready for this? I have the scrolls ready. What's the plan? The Sisters are doomed to fight the King and Strom together... We'll have to aid them first, more than likely."

"My magic can't reach inside that antimagic field, and the sisters didn't think to bring any non-magical ranged attacks. Someone, I think it's Baku, out there is shooting well, and if I can tell him to focus on the abomination, that should keep him from being able to ferry cultists in to attack and will take pressure off the sisters.

"We can then be all prepared to focus on the Slaughter King as he and his force comes up. We'll have the element of surprise since everyone will be focused on the fight up there in the square."

The tiny owl looks around at the others for approval before flying off to find the archer.

2014-05-19, 02:12 PM

Frowning she replies. "Right now I can't assume anything but what I see, do what you think is best. But remember we didn't come here to help or fight the Sisters, we came here to fight the Slaughter King. Let Baku or whoever it is make their own decisions I say, if it is Baku your not going to be able to convince him not to attack the Sisters. Shenra if we can engage the Slaughter King before he gets to them that'll leave the Sisters fighting what they already have while we deal with the Slaughter King. Once we know which direction he's coming from let's go meet him properly. Wall off his advance with the Wall spells while we kill any reinforcements he brings? Then if he's still alive after that we finish him off?"

2014-05-19, 02:45 PM
That's enough confirmation for Branna. She had been getting bored and it was time to do something!

"Stay here, Mahb and help them. I'll be back in a bit."

And with that she took off in a flurry of wings.

She circled around the square, looking to see where the arrows were coming from and then swooped that way to find the shooter.


Plushie Arz
2014-05-20, 08:00 AM
Branna saw Baku high among the branches and leaves of an enormous rosewood fifty feet to the north. The hobgoblin was well disguised in his dark, mottled cloak and his thick arms flexed as he pulled on his mighty greatbow to unleash death from above. "Sun lovers, filth..." He muttered, as he downed a loincloth-wearing man covered in red paint. He trained his bow onto the elderly woman at the centre of the square, aiming carefully.

"Come on, Kerr. It's time we moved on."

* * *


The party turned their attention to the south road and they could see a huge figure pursuing a drow woman riding atop a flaming steed. The figure was clad in thick plates of blackened steel and long horns protruded from the sides of the greathelm. Skulls adorned the armour and they clanked with each step the behemoth took. The figure clutched a massive greataxe in his mailed hands, a weapon no ordinary man would be able to wield.

"Your mother was an otyugh and your father was an ooze!" Verzera laughed. The drow was fast and every few seconds, she paused on horseback to taunt the giant. "You got a big axe! Are you trying to compensate for something?"

2014-05-20, 08:12 AM

Kinban glares balefully at the approaching behemoth, and whispers "Well, it looks like the Slaughter King has finally come out of hiding. This is it."

Readying an action to use Inspire Courage (and Words of Creation, plus will use an immediate action for the Badge of Valor) if any of us (including Verzera) tries attacking him.

2014-05-20, 10:42 AM
Branna flaps toward the hobgoblin, "Hey Baku, it's Branna! Remember me? Looks like you're having fun!"

She had liked Baku - nice and straightforward. She landed a few feet away from him.

"Hey, we need a favor. We're mixed up in this too. The Resistance has a plan to wipe out both the Sisters and the Syndicate. We're trying to get them to fight each other enough that we can wipe them both up all the way.

"The Slaughter King is coming from the south with a bunch of Syndicate reinforcements, though. They'll finish the Sisters, and they'll still be too strong for us to finish off if that happens. We need the Syndicate weakened a bit. Can you take that snake-like abomination out or at least keep him out of the fight for a while? If you can kill him, the fight will keep dragging out and they'll keep weakening each other until we can wipe 'em both out. After the snake is dead, then just keep shooting the side that has the advantage. Just keep the fight going!"

Branna keeps hopping and looking around, excited and eager to start the fight in earnest. She didn't want to miss killing the Slaughter King. He was probably more of an abomination than even that Crom thing, or Strum, or Crum, or ... eh, whatever the thing's name was. The King had to be even worse! She couldn't wait to turn the thing into something the trees could use.

2014-05-20, 12:54 PM
Shenra's blood turned to fire as she looks upon the Slaughter King. Blood dried to his axe that had stolen countless lives and intended to steal many more. Rage boiled within her and she pulled Calthera's scrolls of flame from one of her satchels. Turning to Katria, "I'm prepared to trap him when you say the word. This is not going to be an easy fight, so you should also accept this gift," and as she mutters a prayer to Ona and lays her hand on Katria's forearm, the same scaly visage crawls over Katria's skin. "Kinban, yes? Please stay where you are safe. I do not wish to see you hurt and you have not fought with us before... we are a fairly risky group to collarborate with." She smiles at him, before looking down to the scrolls, and back at the southern road.

2014-05-20, 02:52 PM

As Katria sets eyes on the Slaughter King a calm sets over, the fight has finally arrived. The imposing figure in the armor and wielding a oversized weapon doesn't leave much room for her confidance though. She lightly shakes with anticipation. "Thank you Shenra, cast the spells when you are ready. I'll go down there to prepare for the dance of death we all shall perform. Kinban you might want to take Shenras advice seriously, we tend to get ourselves in some bloody situations. If you have no skills to contribute to combat try and stay safe away from it. Our destiny approaches. Be careful comrades and friends." She goes to the side opposite Mahb and jumps off. [roll0] Once on the ground she heads to the side of the building near the pathway Verzera is coming down. She waits till either the Slaughter King shows up or she hears the sound of crackling flames and anguished cries of pain.

+8 init; AC 32, touch 21, flat-footed 28 (+4 Dex, +5 Cha, +6 exalted, +1 deflection, +5 natural, +1 battledancer) brilliant energy does not ignore exalted bonus to AC; hp 46; Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +4, +2 to wills saves of enchantments other than sleep related +1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities +4 to saves against paralysis; Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment; immune to sleep spells and related effects.
Note to CryWolf scales of the lizard won't stack with barkskin seeing as how theyre both enhancement bonuses...and barkskin has 10min/lvl duration. Id suggest you save that for someone who needs it more.

Morbis Meh
2014-05-22, 08:08 PM
Kerr rolls hus eyes "Yes mother, right away mother... time to put my battle clothes on..." The changeling stops and focus for a moment changing into a more suitable skin: a ferocious looking orc who stood much taller than previous and sported some war paint. Continuing forward the sound of laughter pierced through the dull sounds of slaughter causing Kerrigan to step silently in the general direction with hus glaive in hand.

Plushie Arz
2014-05-24, 09:47 PM
Baku nodded and turned his arrow from the Mother Superior to the Abomination. Two shafts pierced the wind wall and the creature's thick scales, scoring the flesh below. The hobgoblin grinned, his smile revealing his sharp fangs. "He defiles Jagon's name. He will learn pain."


Flick: [roll1]
Katria: [roll2]
Kerrigan: [roll3]
Mahb: [roll5]
Slaughter King: [roll7]
Verzera: [roll8] (acted)

2014-05-27, 03:23 PM
Branna is preparing her action until everyone else has attacked, and then she is casting Mass Snake's Swiftness - EVERYONE can make an extra ranged or melee attack unless you are already getting one with something like Haste. However, to get everyone in on this, it means that I have to wait until the Slaughter King has done his action since Kerrigan and Katria act after the Slaughter King.

So, question for our DM: should we just roll the extra attack now, marking it as the extra attack, and you can apply it interspersed with the Slaughter King's actions as appropriate? Or should we just make our regular attacks now, and make a second set of single attacks next round? I'm holding off Mahb's extra attack for now.

Technically this would also include our friend, Baku, over there since this affects all allies within 180' radius. Branna considers neither the Sisters nor the Cultists as allies.

Other Important: Everyone who goes before the Slaughter King in Initiative for this round attacks him as if he is flat-footed. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/initiative.htm) I just learned this. Yeah, yeah - probably everyone else already knows this, and the Slaughter King probably doesn't have much in the way of AC bonus from his Dex, but still! I just learned it, so by golly I'm gonna mention it! :smallsmile:
Mahb was crouched motionless in the dark except for the tiny twitching of the very tip of her tail. As the prey moved forward, Mahb's hunter instincts told her the perfect time to pounce. Be it the flicker of eyes away from Mahb's position, or the shifting of one step to another leaving the hellish being ever so slightly off balance, Mahb suddenly charged forward - a dark blur through the darkness leaping across ground and then into the air, a whirl of claws and fang!

Branna, slightly further away, watched her beloved companion with a feeling of pride, but kept herself prepared.

As the others leapt into action with their attacks and the Slaughter King responded with his brutal power, Branna began the spell timing it to go off the moment the last of her allies had attacked.

..... and .... Now!

The burst of magic burst from her, speeding all her companions for a brief moment, allowing them a brief explosion of action, just enough for another attack on the nightmarish being.

Mahb Charge!
Bite Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Claw Attack: [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Claw Attack: [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Rake Attack: [roll6] Damage [roll7]
Rake Attack: [roll8] Damage [roll9]

If Bite hits, then free Grapple Attempt!
Grapple Attempt: [roll10]

Crits only on 20. Crit roll, just in case: [roll11]

2014-05-28, 07:25 AM
As the Slaughter King saunters forward, far too smoothly for someone that big in that type of garb, Shenra launches herself to the next roof towards Katria before pulling out one of the scrolls from Calthera. "By Ona's light and Ona's grace, I entomb thee, in fire and in blood. Prepare yourself, to meet judgment at the center of the balance of life. You will pay for your crimes against it." With that, the scroll violently pulls itself into the air as she reads the incantation upon it, and bursts into flame as the same flames erupt behind the Slaughter King.
Scroll of Wall of Fire

2014-05-28, 10:00 AM

Knowing that he will be little help in the fight, Kinban makes a quick mental prayer Vir'resh, grant us your wisdom, that we may end this conflict quickly". He mutters a few ancient words under his breath, feeling the toll their power takes on his body even as his mind comes better into focus.

Using this newfound insight, he begins calling out tactical advice, trying to keep quiet enough to avoid attracting the attention of the other cultists.

Standard action to use Inspire Courage, Move action to use Bardic Knowledge: Foe, and swift to activate the Badge of Valor.

Bardic Knowledge (Foe): Knowledge (Arcana/Local/Nature)[roll0] (for Knowledge (the planes)), subtract 7. Everyone gets +2d6 bonus damage, except me who gets 3d6. If Knowledge (the planes) is used, reduce the bonud damage to 1d6/2d6.

Words of Creation subdual damage: [roll1]

+8 bonus to saves against charm and fear, and weapon attack and damage rolls for everyone if Words of Creation is after bonuses to Inspire Courage, +6 if it applies only to the base amount.

Plushie Arz
2014-06-06, 06:17 AM

Shenra sent a wall of fire that sprung up behind the Slaughter King, blocking off his escape. The behemoth raised his greataxe as Verzera charged forward on her nightmare steed for an attack of opportunity, using his superior size and reach to strike at the Nightmare. While he was occupied, Mahb sprung from the darkness. The panther's claws and rakes easily struck the Slaughter King but there was something... unworldly about the creature's flesh that was unusually tough. No matter how hard Mahb scratched, her claws seemingly did no damage against the behemoth!

SK Opposed grapple: [roll0]
SK AoO: [roll1]
SK Damage: [roll2]
Verzera attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Flick lowered his crossbow and peppered the Slaughter King with several bolts but the shafts of sharped wood likewise had little effect against the Slaughter King's defences. "Something's protecting him!" Cursed the man, reaching into his many bright and colourful pockets for something. "That or there's magic about his being!"

2014-06-06, 02:12 PM

Hearing the commotion and sounds of combat Katria pokes her head around to take assessment of the situation. Seeing her comrades engage the Slaughter King she tumbles to a flanking position with Mahb on the other side of the Slaughter King. She then twirls around to strike out with her right fist at him.

move action - tumble [roll0] 40 ft, 1 square left 4 squares diagonally down and to the left 1 square left(it'll put me 1 square diagonally down and left of Verzera)
standard action - unarmed strike att(fist)[roll1] dmg[roll2]
If hit and evil touch of golden ice (DC 14) {1d6+enemies cha} dex/{2d6+enemies cha} dex
If we're using +8 from IC add +2 to att and dmg

+8 init; AC 32, touch 21, flat-footed 28 (+4 Dex, +5 Cha, +6 exalted, +1 deflection, +5 natural, +1 battledancer) brilliant energy does not ignore exalted bonus to AC; hp 46; Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +4, +2 to will saves of enchantments other than sleep related +1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities +4 to saves against paralysis +6(or 8) to saves against charm and fear; Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment; immune to sleep spells and related effects.

2014-06-06, 02:25 PM
Hate to double post but forgot to add in Vedhins knowledge bonus for damage

Plushie Arz
2014-06-08, 06:52 AM
Fort: [roll0]

Katria's punch landed against the Slaughter King and despite the behemoth's massive steel plate, she could feel her blow striking muscle and flesh underneath. The punch swirled with shards of the golden ice and the Slaughter King slowed noticeably as the ravage started taking effect.

Edit: Lucky roll.

Morbis Meh
2014-06-09, 09:59 AM
Kerrigan gingerly walks out into the open as it rummages through its haversack until producing a two chambered flask of nasty looking liquid. Kerr takes one look at the infamous 'Slaughter King' to gain an understanding of what he actually is and proceeds to lob the flask at it in a way that would not harm its allies.

Alrighty so he we go! Move Action: Move 10 ft to the right, 5 ft diagonal then another 15 ft down so Kerrigan will be behind the flaming steed and as the changeling moves it will draw an acid fire flask.

To hit [roll0] (+2 dex, +6 BAB, +5 Insight, +8 bardic music, -2 range increment, -4 throwing into melee)
Damage: Fire [roll1] Acid [roll2]
Bonus damage from all of those tasty sources [roll3]

2014-06-09, 03:58 PM

Feeling the compulsion to attack again Katria smiles mischievously and strikes forward with a jab from her left hand.
standard action - unarmed strike att(fist)[roll0] dmg[roll1]
If hit and evil touch of golden ice (DC 14) {1d6+enemies cha} dex/{2d6+enemies cha} dex

2014-06-10, 07:31 AM

Shenra bows her head as her allies engage on the Slaughter King. "Ona, grant me your blessing against this monstrosity." She blinks back the sulfur from the air where the scroll had been a moment before. Feeling more confident in her understanding of the Slaughter King and watching him struggle against her allies, she moves over one more rooftop to get a bit closer. She pulls a small iron rod out of one of the satchels on her staff and mutters another prayer to Ona under her breath, watching to see if her spell takes hold.
Knowledge Devotion: [roll0] (+2)
Cast Hold Person, DC20 Will negates.

Plushie Arz
2014-06-10, 09:18 AM

Kerrigan lobbed the projectile at the Slaughter King and it exploded on contact, sending shards of glass, globs of acid and fire into the joints of the behemoth's mail. The steel clad giant roared in rage but it seemed the projectile did far less damage that it ought to have. Shenra's magic failed to hold the Slaughter King. He didn't appear to be human and was thus, unaffected by the magic.

Verzera moved to the right to flank the larger combatant and she jabbed at the Slaughter King's sides, trying to find an opening in the thing's heavy armour. Katria's fist only connected with cold metal and failed to make a dent. The behemoth bellowed in rage and swung the greataxe he was holding in a wide arc, sweeping it across his enemies.

Attack 1 (Mahb): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack 1 (Katria): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack 1 (Verzera): [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Edit: Should be 3d6 damage but doesn't matter since none of them hit anyway.

2014-06-10, 01:46 PM
Branna grimaced at how little effect they were having on the armored monstrosity.

"Earth save us from abominations," escaped her lips as she prepared her next spell. The thought of abominations flicked her thoughts briefly to the snake-thing; hopefully it was well occupied by some arrows through its tail.

The massive axe barely missed Mahb, and Branna hurriedly finished her spell - the way that axe was humming around, if that thing managed to land a blow, it would nearly carve Mahb in half. Mahb, magnificent beast that she was, seemed to have no fear and was instead lunging back in, trying to get purchase with her teeth to drag her prey down.

The spell completed, and Branna felt a relief as the spell called on the earth to aid her again. This fight looked to be staying in place, and so she was taking a chance with this spell, but if it worked, the massive crocodile from the depths of the swamps would make for a strong ally.

Summoning Giant Crocodile!
Next round it will join in the attack.

Mahb Attacks:
Bite: [roll0] and if hits does Damage [roll1]
Claw: [roll2] and if hits does Damage [roll3]
Claw: [roll4] and if hits does Damage [roll5]
If Bite hits, then free Grapple:
Grapple: [roll6] (doh - well, scratch the grapple attempt)
If Grapples, then can Rake:
Rake: [roll7] and if hits does Damage [roll8]
Rake: [roll9] and if hits does Damage [roll10]

Mahb's AC: 25 (+5 Dex, +8 natural, +2 armor), touch 15, flat-footed 20

2014-06-15, 03:44 PM

As the fight heats up Katria's senses seem heightened to everything around her. It's almost all a blur as she adjusts right to flank with Verzera and continue her onslaught against the Slaughter King. Although her movements are as a dancer doing a routine any hits erase such misconceptions.
free action - 5 foot step to the right, to the square under Mahb
full round action -
1st unarmed strike att[roll0] dmg[roll1]
2nd unarmed strike att[roll2] dmg[roll3]

+8 init; AC 32, touch 21, flat-footed 28 (+4 Dex, +5 Cha, +6 exalted, +1 deflection, +5 natural, +1 battledancer) brilliant energy does not ignore exalted bonus to AC; hp 46; Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +4, +2 to will saves of enchantments other than sleep related +1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities +4 to saves against paralysis +8 to saves against charm and fear; Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment; immune to sleep spells and related effects.

Plushie Arz
2014-06-16, 06:32 AM
Branna started her casting, drawing into the aether for conjured animal spirits to aid her in battle. As she did so, the Slaughter King bellowed words of hate and blasphemy that seemed to be empowered by the fell entities that he worshipped. Katria, Kerrigan and Mahb were all afflicted by sudden feelings of dread and sickness that washed through them. For some reason, Verzera was completely unaffected and seemed to fight harder, slashing at the joints in the Slaughter King's armoured side.

Despite her best efforts, Katria's blows were gain stopped by the Slaughter King's thickened armour, her forceful punches barely denting the hardened black metal.

If good (DC 19 half): [roll0]
If Neutral (DC 19 half): [roll1]
Sickened (DC 19 half): [roll2]
Verzera's attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]+[roll5]