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View Full Version : Some positive spells [3.5, positive energy]

2013-11-14, 09:39 PM
Positive Blast
Level: Clr 4
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates, see text.
Spell Resistance: Yes

You send a pulse of positive energy into your target. If the target is not at their maximum hit points, this positive energy heals them 1d8 hit points (Creatures damaged by positive energy are damaged by this, Will negates). If they are at their maximum hit points however, they take positive energy damage equal to half of their maximum hit points and are dazzled for one round (Will negates both effects).

Positive Endurance
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

You grant the target protection from the power of planes of positive energy. For the duration of the spell, immune to the effects of positive-dominant planes including any hazards of the plane and can breathe the energy of the plane as if it was air.

Detect Lifeforce
Level: Clr 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: Cone-shaped emanation
Duration: Concentration, up to 2 rounds./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You can see life force. You can see the current and maximum hit points of any creature they can see, along with all temporary hit points and non-lethal damage. You can also see how many hit dice those viewed have.

Collect Crystal
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates, see text.
Spell Resistance: Yes

You create three pounds of raw auracrystal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=314369), worth 420 gold pieces.

Material Component: Two pounds of raw auracrystal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=314369), worth 280 gold pieces.

2013-11-14, 09:45 PM
I would just like to say, that Positive Flood, worth never preparing. Harsh, but true. It's worse than Cure Light Wounds healing wise, and how often are you going to hit an enemy that's at full health? All of that for a FOURTH level spell slot. But I love the other two, and your other positive-energy creations.

2013-11-14, 09:54 PM
I would just like to say, that Positive Flood, worth never preparing. Harsh, but true. It's worse than Cure Light Wounds healing wise, and how often are you going to hit an enemy that's at full health? All of that for a FOURTH level spell slot. But I love the other two, and your other positive-energy creations.

When you say the other two, I assume you mean the other three, as there are four spells here.

What level would you put Positive Blast at? I was also looking at level 3; level 2 seems a little too low to me.

Also, keep your eyes peeled, there is a lot more from the plane of life to come (including an index thread soon enough).

2013-11-14, 10:26 PM
First, awesome stuff. :smallsmile: Now, on to the critique:

The duration on positive endurance seems too short to really be useful.

Collect crystal might be too high a level. You're only making 140 gp of material with a 7th level spell. You could use fabricate to make some telescopes, sell them, and buy auracrystal with the proceeds; you'd get more product with a lower level spell. (I do think using fabricate to make money is a little cheesy, but it certainly works by RAW.)

Not sure about positive blast. On the one hand, dealing a multiple of the target's hp is a powerful effect; on the other, it requires both a touch attack AND a Fortitude save and only works on enemies who aren't even scratched. One question: what happens if you cast it on an undead who's at full hit points? Also, it's a cleric spell, so why does it have an arcane material component?

One last thing: it might be worth posting all this stuff in a single thread, rather than scattered among a bunch of them.

Keep up the good work!

2013-11-15, 12:21 AM
Positive blast should be Will negates to avoid that annoying immunity to most Fort saves undead have.

2013-11-15, 08:12 AM
Some context: I wrote these spells while half asleep. Some corrections are in order.

First, awesome stuff. :smallsmile: Now, on to the critique:

The duration on positive endurance seems too short to really be useful.

You are of course right. Time to increase it.

Collect crystal might be too high a level. You're only making 140 gp of material with a 7th level spell. You could use fabricate to make some telescopes, sell them, and buy auracrystal with the proceeds; you'd get more product with a lower level spell. (I do think using fabricate to make money is a little cheesy, but it certainly works by RAW.)

I was worried about putting it too low, actually. It is an unrestricted, no interpretation to be had, get more money spell. I suppose level 6 could work though. I'll drop it.

Not sure about positive blast. On the one hand, dealing a multiple of the target's hp is a powerful effect; on the other, it requires both a touch attack AND a Fortitude save and only works on enemies who aren't even scratched. One question: what happens if you cast it on an undead who's at full hit points? Also, it's a cleric spell, so why does it have an arcane material component?

On undead at full, they lose half, just as the spell says.

It has an AMC because in development soc/wiz could cast this too. Removing.

One last thing: it might be worth posting all this stuff in a single thread, rather than scattered among a bunch of them.

Keep up the good work!

Perhaps I should bring it all together. I'll work on that after I write up some more magic items.

Positive blast should be Will negates to avoid that annoying immunity to most Fort saves undead have.

Oh. Yeah, I should have done that. On it.