View Full Version : Protect my vampire pixies

2013-11-15, 06:41 AM
Hello playgrounders,

my PCs will encounter some vampire pixies soon (I fiated the template to work on Fey). The setting is an old abandoned city that has suffered the wight apocalypse, there are about 1000 wights roaming the streets, under the command of the vampire pixie leader. The leader has three vamp pixie "brides" (shamelessly borrowed, I know).

I haven't statted the vamps yet, but adding the LAs will put the vamps at a serious disadvantage against the party cleric of Pelor (with the Sun domain, even) because of low HD. I don't want them to be destroyed by turning.

I thought about unhallowing the place, but as I understand it, the PCs would be immune against the vamp's Dominate ability, because unhallow grants protection from good.

So, what can I do to protect my little black-clad butterflies from being destroyed?

The PCs are level 9ish, and we use all books but no Dragon material.

2013-11-15, 06:56 AM
If one of the pixies is a cleric they can cast desecrate and can bolster undead using their rebuke undead ability.

Grim Portent
2013-11-15, 07:19 AM
Since the pixies are NPCs you don't use the LA, you use the CR adjustment instead. So they only lose 2HD/Class Levels compared to a non-vampire of the same CR.

2013-11-15, 07:20 AM
See here (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/dx20021031x), scroll down to wondrous items for Cloak of Turn Resistance, and the 3 musical instruments (bagpipes, drums and lyre).

2013-11-15, 07:57 AM
Book of Vile Darkness has the Dark Chant ability, a facet of Dark Speech (But not explicitly called out as needing it). It's not a spell or anything they can really counter short of just taking the hardline answer of "Dust you with violence".

At least 2 undead need to use the Dark Chant. As long as at least 2 do, all undead within 100 feet of the chanters gets a +X turn resistance, where X is the average hit dice of the chanters divided by 2.

Not necessarily going to solve your problem... but it's a step. If your Vamp Pixies end up with something like 8 HD it is +4 resistance. Better than a stick in the eye.

Oh, and if you have incorporeal undead do the Dark Chant the final result gets a +1. So having a small chorus of ghosts or something singing those foul necromantic words could be just a bit of a boost you need.

Best part is that it costs you nothing to use it. No worries about loot and having to calc into WBL if they try to pawn it, etc.

2013-11-15, 01:16 PM
From Libris Mortis is the feat improved turn resistance, which just adds a flat +4.

Perhaps more flavorful is the dirgesinger class, which is a five level PrC for bards. It gets a lot of undead themed abilities, including the song of bolstering, which grants all undead within 30 feet a bonus on turn resistance equal to bard level+dirgesinger class level. Dirgesinge doesn't progress any bard class features, however, which makes it a bit lackluster.

2013-11-15, 02:49 PM
Bring in some Quells.

An Advanced (10HD) Quell is only a CR4 creature, if I'm doing my math right. Maybe CR 5.

Add in some default 5HD (CR3) Quells to help the main guy, and you have yourselves a Divine-caster-obliterator. :-)

2013-11-15, 03:20 PM
Bring in some Quells.

An Advanced (10HD) Quell is only a CR4 creature, if I'm doing my math right. Maybe CR 5.

Add in some default 5HD (CR3) Quells to help the main guy, and you have yourselves a Divine-caster-obliterator. :-)

I second all of this. A fully advanced quell with 4 quell minions being guarded by Undead raised by your cleric vampire pixie leader. Back him up with a pixie bard, pixie warmage, and a pixie sorcerer.

That will get messy for your PCs.

2013-11-15, 04:37 PM
Spells to boost Turn Resistance:
Armor of Darkness (Darkness domain 4) besides all, TR +4; Dur. 10 min./lvl
Ghoul Light (Hunger domain 1) +1 TR to all undead in 30 ft. radius; Dur. 10 min./lvl
Bleakness (Cler/Sor/Wiz 4) +4 TR and fast healing 3 to all undead in 20 ft. radius; Dur. 1 round/lvl (D)
Negative Energy Wave (3.0 spell, Sor/Wiz 4) 50-ft.-radius burst; TR +1d4+Cha mod (min. 1); Dur. 10 rounds

2013-11-15, 04:43 PM
From Libris Mortis is the feat improved turn resistance, which just adds a flat +4.

Perhaps more flavorful is the dirgesinger class, which is a five level PrC for bards. It gets a lot of undead themed abilities, including the song of bolstering, which grants all undead within 30 feet a bonus on turn resistance equal to bard level+dirgesinger class level. Dirgesinge doesn't progress any bard class features, however, which makes it a bit lackluster.
Which is too bad, as I love the idea of the class. I imagine this fey child like creature in a ragged shift, dancing a jig while playing a flute fashioned from a thigh bone, while behind them, coming up over the hill, trudges an army of skeletons.

2013-11-15, 05:05 PM
PrC Lady/Lord of the Dead (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/dx20021031x) give +1 TR on every level and 30 ft. Bolstering Aura for +1/lvl TR to allies.
Also, it's a fullcaster PrC, and have prereq. Undead Leadership