View Full Version : Pathfinder Mythic Adventures

2013-11-15, 10:58 AM
A friend of mine and I just bought the Pathfinder Mythic Adventures book, and we're really liking it. I just wanted to get some other people's opinions on some things as they occur to me.

The first thing I wanted to get everybody's opinions on relates to the Champion Path, specifically a couple of abilities that can be taken at the first tier and combined to devastating effect.

Fleet Charge: This is one of the 3 choices you have when you get your first tier in the Champion Path. It says "As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to move up to your speed. At any point during this movement, you can make a single melee or ranged attack at your highest attack bonus, adding your tier to the attack roll. This is in addition to any other attacks you make this round. Damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction."

On the surface, this seems fair enough, until you combine it with a path ability that you can take at level one. The path ability I am referring to is Impossible Speed.

Impossible Speed: "Your base land speed increases by 30 feet. In addition, if you expend one use of mythic power, for 1 hour your base land speed increases by 10 feet per mythic tier."

For starters, I feel that Impossible Speed should probably be a level 3 tier ability, and here's why. If you can get a base speed of 70, let's say by being a level 1 Barbarian or level 3 Monk, you can do a Charge Attack, from a distance of 140 feet, and then do a Fleet Charge afterwards, attacking them in the progress, and maybe provoking an attack of opportunity, while also moving an additional 65 feet from your opponent, getting out of even charge attack range for an opponent with a 30 foot movement speed.

Does this seem a little unbalanced to anybody else, even given the fact that the book was designed to be strong?

2013-11-15, 11:08 AM
"I can move really fast" isn't really that big a deal to me. That's pretty minor as far as mythic abilities go. Impossible Speed only affects land speed too.

2013-11-15, 11:23 AM
Also, you're spending two mythic points to do that. That's a pretty hefty cost for "I attack you twice then move away". Normal Spring Attack already lets you attack once and move away, and a spell as simple as Grease will stop enemies from charging you.

The mythic abilities I find more unbalanced are the ones that say "Oh crap, I failed my saving throw v.s. Force Cage... JUST KIDDING! Add an extra dice and loldon'tcare"

2013-11-15, 12:43 PM
I don't really see the problem - impossible speed strikes me as one of the weaker powers out there. Even with the combo, you end up doing a mere two attacks in a round while moving around a lot. Not really gamebreaking.

The Archmage gets some really powerful toys, though...

Craft (Cheese)
2013-11-15, 01:23 PM
Also, you're spending two mythic points to do that. That's a pretty hefty cost for "I attack you twice then move away". Normal Spring Attack already lets you attack once and move away, and a spell as simple as Grease will stop enemies from charging you.

The mythic abilities I find more unbalanced are the ones that say "Oh crap, I failed my saving throw v.s. Force Cage... JUST KIDDING! Add an extra dice and loldon'tcare"

Here's one of the characters in my test party I throw against the Wrath of the Righteous encounters:

CG Human Transmuter 12/Archmage 5 (ECL 14.5)

STR 7, DEX 18, CON 14, INT 37, WIS 11, CHA 7

1: Spell Focus (Transmutation)
B: Improved Initiative
3: Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation)
5: Persistent Spell, Dazing Spell
B: Craft Wondrous Item (Devotion)
7: Improved Familiar (Lyrakien)
9: Spell Penetration
10: Craft Wand
11: Greater Spell Penetration
MT 1: Wild Arcana, Eldritch Breach, Mythic Spell Focus (Transmutation), Hard to Kill, Surge +1d6
MT 2: +2 INT, Enhanced Ability (Intelligence), Amazing Initiative
MT 3: Mythic Improved Initiative, Harmonious Mage, Recuperation
MT 4: +2 INT, Component Freedom, Surge +1d6
MT 5: Mythic Spell Penetration, Mirror Dodge, Mythic Saves

She usually starts off combat by winning initiative (expending mythic power to use Mythic Improved Initiative makes her initiative modifier +36), buffing up the party by having her lyrakien familiar use an appropriate wand (usually haste), then casting Persistent Dazing Snapdragon Fireworks (DC 28, roll twice), expending mythic power to use her Mythic Spell Focus (which, if I'm reading it right, applies to every save from the spell, not just the first), forcing the enemy to have to roll 4 times. Her modifier to beat spell resistance is +21, and rolls twice and takes the better result thanks to eldritch breach.

This completely shuts down any BBEG that isn't outright immune to dazing, since the chances of them resisting her dazing fireworks is so low as to be negligible, and she can fire one off every round with a move action (and she still has her standard and swift actions to cast whatever else she wants).

Thing is this build isn't even all that crazy (I headed for mid-op on purpose), it's just doing the obvious stuff with what tools are available to mythic spellcasters.

2013-11-15, 02:18 PM
For starters, it only requires one use of Mythic Power to do what I said. The charge attack is free. The Fleet Charge is the only thing that requires a use of Mythic Power.

Also, when I mentioned that it might be a little unbalanced, I was simply referring to things that can be done with a single tier, and even with a level one character, depending on the campaign of course.

The later levels and tiers naturally follow suit, lending themselves to more crazy and enjoyable potential, for example, a level 20 Monk using Fleet Warrior to move his speed, 120 feet without any other magical assistance, and getting to full attack at the end of it with a flurry of blows that could give him 7 attacks at effectively his highest base attack bonus, thanks to taking Precision 3 times, again, without magical assistance.

I could get into the specifics with the numbers, but I'll spare everybody the pointlessness of it.

Anyway, back to the original point, I was just pointing out a situation that I found to be potentially unbalanced for just a level 1 character, even if he is mythic.