View Full Version : Overkill?

2013-11-15, 08:45 PM
I'm having a bit of a problem with the next BBEG encounter.

The BBEG is a human oracle with the dry lich template, and while he will have some minions (two of my players love to grapple, so I plan to use dissecating touch a lot), the moment this guy dies... A Death scarab swarm will pop up.

The swarm has the Apocalypse Swarm template.

Is this too much of an overkill? The party's average level is 10, but they're more like 11-12 because two players (the grapplers) are heavy optimizers, and they're good at coordination. They're about six players. The party is as follows:

Aasimar druid with scorpion animal companion (permanently enlarged)
Half-Elf Alchemist/Barbarian/Ragechemist
Kitsune Sorcerer
Human Paladin/Oracle/Divine Vindicare
Human Fighter/Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple
Human Oracle

2013-11-15, 09:00 PM
Swarms are mean, and with the Dry Lich template you've removed mind affecting effects. They are also immune to any targeted abilities. How many AoE's does the party have access to, and are they lethal to the swarm given its fast healing?

Edit: Ignore me, I entirely misread your post and combined the two creatures. You should be fine if they aren't one and the same. Maybe double check that AoE supply though, just to be sure.

2013-11-15, 10:21 PM
Yes, they're the one and the same. But, I ain't applying the dry lich template over the already godless apocalyptic swarm template, since I think that would break several rules somehow. So far the sorcerer is the main AoE cannon, but since the death scarab swarm is also an undead, I think the oracle might be able to help, alongside the oradin.