View Full Version : Pimp My Ride: Celtic Chariot

2013-11-15, 11:46 PM
So, I've been doing some reading about the Celts, and turning over ideas for a Celtic campaign, possibly set in the Moonshaes.

Naturally this got me thinking about chariots, and what a chieftain's chariot might look like with a little customizing, 3.5 style. Any ideas?


2013-11-16, 04:46 PM
Naturally this got me thinking about chariots, and what a chieftain's chariot might look like with a little customizing

A couple of questions regarding your concept before I start imagining,

1)What the chief doing? Combat, directing combat, driving and one of the previous?

2) are you going for historical accuracy or is anachronism okay for the 'rule of cool'?

3) where does magic fit into your campaign?

4)Any particular class in mind for your chieftain?

2013-11-16, 04:52 PM
This (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/110199/HR3-Celts-Campaign-Sourcebook-%282e%29)might be of use.

2013-11-16, 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by BWR
This might be of use.

Thanks for the link, it's worth looking at. The old AD&D Moonshae book does a nice job sketching the setting, but it's only quasi-Celtic at best, so I'm doing some of my own reading as well. I'd much rather be historically accurate--including what modern archaeology can tell--than lean too much on the standard fantasy-Celtic tropes that filter in from popular culture. I should look up Dragon #32 and see how they framed Celtic culture at the dawn of D&D.

Originally Posted by sumptesh
A couple of questions regarding your concept before I start imagining....

Well, accuracy is important to me, although it depends what you mean by "anachronism." I don't mind if a well-traveled Celt picks up a sword from another culture--they worked as mercs all over the ancient world--but a matchlock would be a little much.

As for the chieftain, no particular class in mind; he'd be using the chariot mainly to reach the battle, and also as his personal ride to impress folks when he's out and about. Style points are good here.

And as for magic, well, I'm still working out my notion of what a good background level would be. Not "low-magic" per se, but also not the standard Realms turbocharged fare. Let's assume the chieftain has the equivalent of 5000 gp or so to invest here, and see where that takes us.


2013-11-16, 05:40 PM
Near as I can tell, a chariot in 3.5 grants height advantage and partial cover, along with mobility and possibly an expanded trample. It's pretty simple as a base.

For pimping, do you want to do that Scythian blades-on-the-spokes thing? That can just expand the area of the trample, modify the damage and add a status condition; trip them and hobble them from lacerated legs.

For melee though, you can't go wrong with a portable tower shield that runs people over and lets you have both hands free, and I'm not sure how you'd pimp it out beyond that without going into weird, flying with turrets of automated crossbows and phasing in and out, or something. Perhaps, I dunno, it's woven of wicker and thorns and the bones of the great chieftains of the line, pulled by stash whose lines have sworn service to the people and your wingmen are spectral ancestral warriors?

2013-11-16, 07:46 PM
The horses are the weak point so you might want to improve those ?

How about a flying chariot ?
Well a levitating chariot pulled by flying mounts would suffice.