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Fax Celestis
2013-11-16, 12:20 AM
You are seated around a poorly lit table in a casino basement in Little Plains. Two half-orc enforcers hulk near a doorway, and a female halfling shrouded in a gauzy cloak and blouse that could as easily be fine silk as it could be liquid night reclines imperialistically in a chair in front of you, fingers steepled and a patient-yet-exasperated expression on her face. She is Medina d'Ghallanda, someone of consequence within House Boromar--but obviously not of enough consequence to be able to avoid dealing with you.

"You have been summoned here as we have a...unique problem. Usually when I say something like that, it means we are in trouble with the law or House Cannith thinking we're thieves again." She sighs exasperatedly. "This time, however, is not something that can be solved by knife or by coin. Our young Starbuck has gone missing." Starbuck, as all of you are eminently aware, is a young halfling girl, protégé of Castar Boromar (née Castar Sunglitter, House Boromar's resident spymaster), who has for weeks been infiltrating the upper echelons of the Esoteric Order of Aureon to a moderate degree of success. News of her disappearance is new to you and probably indicative of worse news to follow.

Medina stretches languidly, suddenly relaxed and disinterested, catlike in her movements, like watching a spring coil inwards upon itself, then sits up at attention with a resigned expression--the conflicting body language is almost certainly intentional and you get the feeling that she is toying with you like a cat after its prey, trying to throw you as off-balance as possible so she can see how you react when presented with conflicting or incomprehensible information. "It has been decided that you will be tracking her down, if possible--and if impossible, you will be recovering her body."

There's the worse news.

"Starbuck was last seen with--"and here she spits, as if the very word fills her mouth with bile and distaste--"--with a Valenar mage of some ill repute who goes by the name of Noemi d'Thuranni. We know next to nothing about Noemi, but what we do know we've compiled into this document." With this statement, she conjures a sheaf of parchment from somewhere--within her robes, you think, but they could just as easily come from Sarlona--and slides it down the table in one fluid motion. It halts immediately in front of Don, dangling precariously over the side of the table, perfectly balanced and daring Don to move incorrectly and send the looseleaf flying in all directions. "Now if you will excuse me," she says, standing with that same fluid, dismissive, predatory grace, "I have some pressing matters to attend to. Show yourselves out when you've digested the material I've so meticulously gathered for you. Durrsk, Kharo, come."

She exits, preceded by the two half-orc guardsmen, halting only for a moment in the doorway, looking back over her shoulder with an almost pitying expression. "May the Six have mercy on your souls," she says with unfeigned reverence, "And may the Host light your way." Then she departs swiftly and silently into the casino, leaving only the distant echoes of the casino's endless bustling debauchery floating into the room from above, a fluttering stack of paper marking the short and uneventful life of what must surely be an alibi of a dangerous mage, and a whole host of questions that she may or may not have held the answers to--and even if she did, the likelihood of her imparting her infinite wisdom upon you mere mortals? A kitten has a better chance in the Mournland.

2013-11-16, 01:09 AM
Don sighs at the theatrics, and scoops the unbound sheaf of papers up with practiced ease. His deft hands page through them as his equally deft eyes scan them for the details he'll need to track down this 'Noemi d'Thuranni'.

Of course, it is always possible that he'll be able to track Starbuck directly - but that might lead to some awkward questions and rumors spreading, so starting with the indirect route is probably preferable.

Glancing around the table, Don nods to those he knows from past work - primarily Renn and Tacit - though he has at least met all the others in passing.

This is the first time such a diverse powerset has been called together by one guild to deal with the threat.

Still reading, Don asks the table, "So, I know some of you, and I know others by reputation. But it seems we are to be working closely. Perhaps introductions? I am Don, or the Don. I find people in Sharn. I am very good at it. I work alone, unless the job is very dangerous..."

"...And Medina has seen fit to send the six of you as backup. Who wants to go next?"

2013-11-16, 01:49 AM
Clutch waits for Medina to leave, the heetchy keetchy movements of her metal body snapping her head to keep her eyes on the papers, on Medina leaving, on the papers. On the papers. A mixture of ash and clay climbs out of her haversack, climbing down the chair she crouches on, climbing up the desk. It stands on the papers, keeping them from falling, and picks them up, small nothing-fingers wrapping around the edges. It slides the papers down the table towards Clutch, and spreads them to be read. Without looking up at Don, she speaks. "Clutch, the Don. I am maker of things, the Don. Hello, Tacit. Very good to see you, Tacit. Nice to know you are not dead, Tacit."

2013-11-16, 03:00 AM
Renn is used to the little psychological games of the aristocracy, and quickly matches Medina's expression of bored detachment. Inwardly, she feels a momentary regret that her "tribeswoman" should treat her like an outsider...but in truth, she's more familiar with this manner of interacting.

She conceals a wince as she hears for the first time of Starbuck's disappearance, and another as she remembers the rumors she's heard of where the spymaster's protégé has been lately. Her eyes flick towards her old friend Dietmar when the name "Thuranni" is spoken. Anyone bold enough to use that particular surname as an alias is bound to be trouble. And if he truly is part of the Shadow Network, then he's even more trouble. Of even more concern to Renn is the mention of Valenar. The wizards of the Valaes Taern are notoriously dangerous and aggressive, just like their nation. Haven't those cursed elves brought enough suffering to the halflings of Khorvaire already? I'd better look into this...

Renn relaxes slightly as Medina leaves the room, but she tries not to show it in front of the six other Boromar operatives. She chooses to ignore Don referring to everyone else as his "backup." Sure, he can rival a Tharashk inquisitive in tracking cutpurses in Dura, she thinks, but these are wizards that we're dealing with here. Ancestors, I'm not even sure I'm prepared to deal with them myself!

Her line of thought leads her to eye the others in the room. The reason for Tacit's presence is obvious, though kobolds have always creeped her out slightly. Clutch's jerky speech is similarly disconcerting, but Renn watches the clay-and-ash construct named Foliage move about on the table with fondness.

Which leaves the two humans--hold on, golden eyes and silver hair? Don't know what he is exactly, but I seem to recall that he ruffled a few griffin feathers by sidelining as a healer. Still, he's obviously trusted enough to be assigned to this mission, even if the Boss's wife might not like it. And the woman, if she remembers correctly, is some sort of mind reader. It might be her skills rather than Don's that we'll need to track down Starbuck.

"I'm Renn," she says for the benefit of the two humans--or whatever they are. She doesn't bother stating her surname: both her Ghallanda signet ring and her reputation within the Boromar Clan should make that unnecessary. After introductions and pleasantries are exchanged, she begins reading the dossier on the table.

2013-11-16, 03:21 AM
Dayan is quiet through the meeting, gaze wandering from Medina to the muscle to a moderately interesting whorl in the woodwork of the table, where it remained for much of the briefing. He was dressed in simple clothes today, without any of the holy symbols or modified vestments he normally sported, making him about as inconspicuous as a man of his slightly radiant complexion could hope to be.

When she finally leaves, it's with the smug finality of a person used to getting the last word. He sighs a bit and looks up, returning anyone else's nod or gesture of greeting with his own. "Dayan Hanmar. Cleric for hire, I guess."

Trailing off, Dayan shifts and peers to get a look at the papers, giving him an excuse to focus on something besides his temporary comrades. "The Don" didn't bother him too much, big egos were pretty much par for the course on these sort of jobs. That's just one of the many prices of working for thugs. Clutch, though... that warforged's movements were too unsettling. Insectile.

He refocuses on the papers to cut off that painfully unprofessional line of thought.

2013-11-16, 07:14 AM
The dark-clad elf tilts his chair back and grins. Candlelight sparks glitters off a dragonmark which peeks out from beneath his hair. "Dietmar ... d'Thuranni. I might be able to put a hand on my kin, if kin she truly is." He tips his chair forward suddenly and slaps his hand on the table. "If she is a Thuranni we will treat her with respect. She may need to learn a lesson if she has acted unwisely, but respect her. Always."

Dietmar leans back again, pulls up his hood and taps his dagger. He almost drew it during his little speech which could have been a disaster. Renn and Dayan might have given him a pass, still, who knows what this Don's temper is like? Or the odd warforged, the silent human woman, or ... he does a quick count. There were seven of us here weren't there?

2013-11-16, 09:06 AM
The Don grimaces as the possibly-a-familiar thing attempts to nudge at the papers in his hands. When it becomes persistent, a cat leaps from the shadows onto the table next to him and hisses at it, stalking the odd thing. "Behave Isis," Don comments.

Finally, finishing his quick scan of the pages, he deliberately passes the documents on to Renn. He glances at the still silent Kobold and the Human with the odd coloration. They would speak up when they had something to say, or not.

Turning to face the d'Thuranni at the table, the Don pointedly asks, "And have you any ideas of where we should start looking for your cousin?" The last word is an uncommon elven word for a member of family who is distant enough that they may not be truly related. It is used occasionally between lesser members of the two elven houses, but not generally by outsiders.

You realize that the Don cares less than nothing for showing 'proper respect' to House Thuranni.
You also get the fact that he could have been a lot more subtle about that, but wants the elf to realize it.

2013-11-16, 01:59 PM
Renn accepts the papers from the Don, then allows Foliage to arrange them on the tabletop for all to see. Gently, she says, "Foliage is trying to be helpful, I believe. It'll be quicker if we all read at once."

She feels, not for the first time, more than a little uncomfortable with the Don's thinly concealed hostility towards certain dragonmarked Houses. Sometimes it feels like he hates all of the Houses, she thinks. I can understand professional rivalry with Tharashk, but it's almost like he has something more to prove.

Aloud, she says, "Of course, Dietmar. None of us got to this table by acting foolish, did we?"

2013-11-16, 02:19 PM
Out of a dark corner of a room, a tiny Kobold nimbly scampers up to a chair and looks around. His mannerisms, oversized floppy ears, and big eyes could be compared to a puppy, if the puppy was possessed by a demon with a university degree.

I was quite the fool in my youth, Renn. It's where I decided to pursue this vocation, after all. But as you say, it is good to be working with professionals again. We appear to have a most felicitous combination of trades, wouldn't you say? Don, I never did have an opportunity to properly thank you for preventing that long toothed shifter fellow from eating me.

Tacit's eyes dart back and fourth around the room, and his left ear twitches erratically. He seems to be aware of every mite in the room, but completely oblivious of the thoughts and feelings of the actual people in the room. And worse yet, he appears to lack an inner monologue.

And Clutch, apparently that new magical apparatus you were working on did not explode again and reduce you to smithereens? How nice that must be for you.

As most of you know, I am Tacit. I specialize in entering places that do not wish to be entered, and taking things which others would prefer to keep. If we work together as a unit and watch each others proverbial and literal backs, then it is my hope that we can be fast friends.

But this predicament. It is so very messy. A lost halfling girl. Noble houses with tangled alliances. And a magic user of unknown abilities. Always trampling others beneath their enchanted boots. How I loath them. How I despise them. How I wish I had my thesaurus so that I could look up more words to further describe my negative feelings.

I prattle. We have a job to do. Yet I must confess, I have no idea where to start. I am a kobold who creates meticulous plans. But how to plan when you don't even know whom to accost? Does anyone have a starting point? And who are these other fellows on our team - smart enough to keep their mouths closed and listen while others talk. But how are we to become friends if they remain silent??

2013-11-16, 03:43 PM

"She will be given the respect she earns, Dietmar. I'm Harlyr, of Flamekeep." The woman says and she pulls back the cowl of her cape to reveal a plain though pleasant face. Few would call her beautiful but most remark upon her clear blue eyes.

"If we knew more about the details of her mission we could try and reason what she was trying to accomplish by associating with Noemi." She says and frowns at Medina's empty seat. "In lieu of that information I suggest we find friends of Starbuck and question them about her activities...friends that know her as her cover identity, not as a spy. Another avenue of approach is the Order of Aureon itself; does anyone have any confidants within it that they'd be willing to contact?"

He's lying. The Thuranni's blood could wash the cobblestones of the streets and he'd only be concerned about it staining his shoes.

She nods towards the papers. "What does the House report say about Noemi d'Thuranni?"

Fax Celestis
2013-11-16, 04:53 PM
The report lists some details for Noemi d'Thurrani and includes a picture. She is a not-unattractive, tall, angular elf of obvious Valenar descent.


Noemi moved to Sharn some six years ago, apparently at the request of the Esoteric Order of Aureon itself. Several primary contacts are listed for Noemi, most of them apprentice-aged dragonmarked initiate mages themselves--Starbuck was one of these. It is unknown if Noemi possesses a dragonmark herself, but it is theorized that she may have the Mark of Shadow in an inconspicuous location.

Starbuck provided notes specifically on the abilities of Noemi, stating that "Noemi displays magical prowess largely in the fields of mental manipulation," and that she possesses a staff that allows her to bend her magics into summoning purposes.

An address is listed in Upper Menthis, near Morgrave University--probably a laboratory, not a residence. There are also three course ID numbers scrawled into the margins and related office hours. It is unclear if these are taught or attended by Noemi, or if these are personal notes for Starbuck.

A biographical timeline for Noemi is also included, but it is very short and only really starts seven or eight years ago. It is printed in metered handwriting on a slip of parchment bearing the University's sigil: likely, then, that this was lifted or copied from an official file. Also inexplicably included are several scraps of notepaper written in Starbuck's hand that detail the process for several spells, mostly utilitarian magics, but one for an invisibility spell stands out: most definitely something that d'Boromar are generally interested in. In addition, mixed in amongst Starbuck's notes is a shopping list.

2013-11-16, 08:09 PM
Ugh. Why do mammals paint themselves this way? And those cloths! She must be very cold, lounging around in them for so long that a painter could make her portrait in such detail. I'm an amateur painter myself. You really must see my work sometime - I don't practice nearly enough - but in my humble opinion I'm quite gifted.

Tacit reviews the painting in detail, in an attempt to discern whether he recognizes the artist or noticing anything odd about it, the arcane notes to see if anything additional can be gleaned beyond the Invisibility spell, and the shopping list to see if there are any unusual or rare items.

He also activates his Supernatural ability to Detect Magic, and reviews the painting and materials in detail.

Knowledge Arcane [roll0]
Craft (Paint) [roll1]]

EDIT: Tacit shares what he learns below with the team.

Fax Celestis
2013-11-16, 08:20 PM
The portrait itself appears to be magically crafted through the use of a spell, so determining an artist is impossible. It radiates divination and transmutation faintly, probably a remnant of the portrait's "painting". In actuality, considering the pose of the portrait, it is more likely that this is a magically crafted copy of an existing portrait from elsewhere, unless the Boromar agent who obtained the picture somehow managed to get Noemi to pose for a portrait.

The Invisibility spell, upon review, appears to be slightly modified to increase its duration but require the use of an expensive component: the spell lasts for, at minimum, ten minutes, but requires a more significant amount of arcane energy and consumes 100gp of gem dust.

The shopping list, for the most part, appears to be common magical components and groceries, but "New Journal" is scrawled hastily on the bottom of the list and underlined twice.

2013-11-16, 10:57 PM
"If Noemi acquired some new, valuable spell she might have sold it on to some member of my house. I may ask, in the hope of making contact with the lady." He shakes his head. "If Starbuck was taken to silence her little chance that will find her. Best to start at the beginning - someone should search Starbuck's last residence, wherever that may be. If no precautions have been taken material there may show me ... much." He brushes back his hair on the side with the dragonmark.

"Your talents for finding people would extend to finding their homes, I trust Don? Perhaps we should work together for the moment." Dietmar grins again, seemingly unaware or uncaring of any irritation caused. Inside he's thinking "keep your friends close, and your enemies..."

2013-11-17, 12:48 AM

"Her place near Morgrave seems as good a place to start as any. I'm not very familiar with the University but with it's reputation of explorer academics I expect the district receives a large amount of transient traffic. We shouldn't stand out." Harlyr says.

"We should also question Noemi's other apprentices. More discreet methods may be appropriate, as we'll be dealing with magelings. I can assist with them if someone wishes to accompany me. Shall we divide our efforts? One team investigate the address, the other track down the apprentices?"

Pro Tip: Always split the party.

2013-11-17, 01:09 AM
Renn takes a close look at the list of Noemi's contacts, trying to see if she recognizes the names of any of the dragonmarked heirs...or if she can recall anything about Noemi d'Thuranni.

"I think I'll go with you to question the apprentices, Harlyr of Flamekeep," says Renn.

2013-11-17, 01:41 AM
"Your talents for finding people would extend to finding their homes, I trust Don? Perhaps we should work together for the moment."

Don nods. "I can look into it. Though it's probably best if I asked after both individuals, discreetly, to find out what is readily known. I have fewer sources in the University district, but I know a few people who keeps track of comings and goings there. Does anyone know Starbuck's last address - outside her mission's cover, or as part of it? If someone already knows, it would be faster."

2013-11-17, 10:59 AM
*Scoff.* Legwork. I am loath to lower ourselves to the level of a common city watchman. Yet since we do not have the archetypal castle to storm quite yet, I suppose we must diminish ourselves.

Though that is not, my area of expertise, as they say. But if we must, I suppose that my abilities would be best put to use with whatever team goes to question the apprentices. I'll not assist in the vulgar interrogations. However, my arcane knowledge and talents may be put to some use.

So, we are agreed then?

Renn and I will go to the apprentices.

Don and Dietmar will track down and go to her last residence.

When we have completed our tasks, can meet at my home tomorrow at noon. I live nearby, at 13 Lacertilia Place. Be mindful to use the back door off of the ally, and not the front door. No reason to scandalize my neighbors. And be sure to knock and wait for me to let you in. We wouldn't want any, unfortunate, accidents to occur with my home security.

Harlyr, Clutch, Dayan, where will you go? Or do you propose some alternate course of action?

While he is speaking, Tacit takes out his own sketchbook, and makes a copy of the picture and all of the materials, since we may need two copies of it.

Craft (Painting) check= [roll0]

EDIT: Tacit's copy is of surprisingly fine workmanship, and should suffice in allowing the second team to identify Starbuck Noemito others. He also made a copy of all of the other notes.

2013-11-17, 08:07 PM
Clutch jerks her head to Tacit. Foliage climbs up and on her arm, nestling himself on her shoulder. "Little one is good for small knick-knack places, shadow and ash and tiny fingers grabbing small out of the way things, hoarding. Foliage good for picking pockets. Clutch is good for grasping and holding folk, keeping them locked and held, breaking and entering." She says, clacking her claw for emphasis. "Both can go with either group. Apprentice mage too busy with other spellcasters, too busy learning to defend from magic or ethereal to defend from clamp on throat."

2013-11-17, 11:24 PM
"Clutch, your skills might possibly be of use entering a residence. A member of the Boromar clan might well have some alarms at the least. Would you come with Don and I?

"Whatever your destination do stay alert my ... colleagues? I did not like Medina's last words."

2013-11-18, 03:20 AM
Renn turns to Tacit, "I believe that Harlyr offered to come and question the apprentices. Please correct me if I am mistaken, Harlyr." She finds Tacit to be much more tolerable than most of his scaly kindred, but he seems to have an unusually short attention span.

She continues, "You are uniquely qualified to neutralize spellcasters, Tacit. Let us hope, however, that it doesn't come to that with the apprentices. It's their masters we should be saving our...resources for. So I agree that it would be best if you stayed out of sight while we're asking questions. Your presence might alarm the young wizards. But an extra set of eyes and ears, undistracted by the 'vulgarity' of conversation, are certainly welcome." The corners of Renn's mouth give the faintest suggestion of a wry smile, though exactly what she might be amused about is unclear.

When the warforged artificer suggests a more violent approach to interrogation, Renn visibly frowns as she responds, "Clutch, we're just going to talk to them. I believe that Dietmar is correct, your skills with complex mechanisms will be of use at Morgrave. No need for the claw just yet." She thinks for a moment, then asks, "I thought you had to be present to give Foliage instructions? Isn't that what you were doing on that job we worked last year?"

2013-11-18, 05:08 AM
Dayan doesn't appear to have much of an interest in speaking up for the initial planning stages. Eventually, when asked, he nods slowly. "I suppose I should help with the address. You can learn a lot about a person from their neighbors, I imagine."

2013-11-18, 11:26 AM
"I will go with Don and yourself, Dietmar. Agreed. Talk, bribe, blackmail, threaten. Line of work is similar." Her head snaps to Renn. "That was before we developed trick. Developed closeness. Can speak in minds, many many miles. Had to make happen after one job. Hobgoblins not bright, but very good listeners when ears still attached."

2013-11-18, 01:51 PM
Yes, Clutch, those of us who breath do get somewhat attached to our appendages.

Dietmar, Don, Dayan, and Clutch will go the address.

Renn, Harlyr, and I will go to the apprentices.

We all agree to try our utmost to keep the aggravated assault and larceny to a civilized minimum. And then we shall meet at my residence when our activities are concluded.

Tacit hands the original painting and papers to Don, and hands the copies he made to Renn.

Renn and Harlyr, when we arrive at our designated location, I believe we should rely upon your superior talents at communication. Despite my skill at elocution, my personage and intellect have a tendency to be somewhat off putting to would-be wizard-ling caliginous witted street urchin astrologers, such as they are. Instead, I shall find ways to put my observational abilities to good use.

2013-11-18, 02:45 PM
As Clutch explains Foliage's new abilities, Renn smiles and says, "Very interesting. Perhaps you could send Foliage to accompany Tacit in doing some unobserved reconnoitering?"

She nods as Tacit agrees to stay hidden, and pockets the sketch of Noemi d'Thuranni. She won't need it to talk to Noemi's apprentices, but it may be useful for questioning Hostelers Guild innkeepers or the like. "Very well," she says, "let's take a look at this list here, and decide which ones to visit first. I'm seeing a lot of House surnames here. Interesting..."

2013-11-18, 03:07 PM
"Kch, kch, kch. Attached. Funny." Clutch says, her head jerking to Tacit. "Yes, little fingers will go with go with Tacit and Renn and Harlyr. He will keep me told, tell me if things go wrong. Do not let him be hurt. He is little child." The shadow thing climbs down off of Clutch's arm, scrambling on fours across the table. It stops before Tacit, and stands, holding out its hand to shake.

2013-11-18, 04:50 PM
Don takes the proffered documents and rolls them up to place them into a scroll case. "Since this may be time sensitive, we can plan on the way. Unless you three have more we need to discuss? Then unless one group sends word to the other, we will meet again tomorrow at noon."

Don moves towards the door, but waits for the others to collect themselves before exiting. His mood has gotten even more serious than previously, and he's showing all the focus of a hunting dog.

Fax Celestis
2013-11-18, 09:00 PM
2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis

A squat doorway into the side of an ascending tower matches the address on Starbuck's notes. There is no sign or mailbox at the building, but it is fairly obviously not a residence: the entire block appears to be entirely small businesses, mostly professional-service-industry rather than retailers or manufacturing. Down the street, you can see several signs that call out services: a dentist, a tinker, a private investigator, several apothecaries, and a psychic are all immediately visible and appear to be open. Several other doors remain unmarked (like this one), though most of them are lit (unlike this one). Only a few shops are closed, most notably a bookstore immediately across the street from 2200 Circle.

The door is locked and the street has a small amount of traffic: you could probably pick the lock or force entry, but you would also likely be seen. The building itself butts up against its neighbors, but you can see an alley three doors down that might provide rear access, though not necessarily for the building you're trying to get into.

A narrow window, too small for a human to fit through but possibly big enough for a skinny halfling, sits next to the door, granting a slim peek inside the building: from what you can see, it looks like an alchemical laboratory. You can see brief, bright flickers of flame periodically flit about a small area in the back corner: whatever is creating the flame is likely alive, though it is not immediately evident what that creature may be.

2013-11-18, 09:07 PM
"Kch, kch, kch. Attached. Funny." Clutch says, her head jerking to Tacit. "Yes, little fingers will go with go with Tacit and Renn and Harlyr. He will keep me told, tell me if things go wrong. Do not let him be hurt. He is little child." The shadow thing climbs down off of Clutch's arm, scrambling on fours across the table. It stops before Tacit, and stands, holding out its hand to shake.

Tacit furtively stares at the homunculus for a moment, then smiles. He reaches beneath the layers of his cloths, and gingerly pulls something out in his clawed hand.

Foliage, meet Count, my Familiar.

A tiny vampire bat flutters over to the table, regards Foliage for a moment, and then bites him, to absolutely no effect. Count squeaks plaintively, and then settles in for a minute to lick Foliage, apparently grooming him.

Looks like he's made a friend.

Tacit turns to Clutch, looks (way) up, and puts his claw to his chest;

I give you my solemn word, Clutch, that I will not allow any harm to come to Foliage while he is in our presence, even if my own life must be placed at risk. There is a special place in my heart for protecting smaller creatures from larger ones. And our friends are very small indeed.

Count flaps back onto Tacit's should, and then disappears into his cloths once more. Tacit extends his arm, and Foliage hops onto it and disappears after him.

Don is correct. Let us egress without delay.

2013-11-18, 09:51 PM
You can see brief, bright flickers of flame periodically flit about a small area in the back corner: whatever is creating the flame is likely alive, though it is not immediately evident what that creature may be.

Don casually rests his hand against the wall after spotting the flicker of flame. To a casual observer, it simply looks like he's resting his weight against the wall near the window - but in fact he peaks briefly through the wall (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/e-g/gloves-of-reconnaissance)to see what's waiting inside.

Speaking quietly, he casually mentions what he sees to the others. Then he quietly notes, "I can probably pick the lock while hiding in the shadow of the doorway itself, after casting Blend (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/blend) - unless someone else has a better idea?"

Fax Celestis
2013-11-18, 11:49 PM
Morgrave University Dormitories

Several of the apprentices live in the dormitories for Morgrave University. Classes are currently in session but should largely be completed for the day. Checking around the dorms, you find that many of them are split into sororities and fraternies via Dragonmarked House alignment. The first name on the list is one Duncan d'Phiarlan.

Phiarlan dorms are well-lit and include several black-box theatres and a very large outdoor Grecian theatre. Strains of music using a variety of instruments--occasionally with supporting magics--waft from all directions, percussed by the occasional thunder or boom from dramatic technics, magical or otherwise. A small group of students are drilling a choreographed combat scene for a theatre-in-the-round production of some dramatic opera, led by a barking dwarf of a director. His presence here is a bit strange, but not unheard of.

Fax Celestis
2013-11-18, 11:52 PM
2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis

Don hears aggravated muttering, the clattering of iron chains, punctuated by brief bursts of hot fire. The small creature appears to be chained into the corner. It is about the size of a housecat and has leathery wings, but it is too dark to be able to otherwise identify the creature.

barring, of course, a successful Awareness check followed by Know: Arcana

2013-11-19, 12:43 AM
Clutch nods towards the alleyway nearby. "Side path, back entrance. Some stores have back entrance, some houses have under entrance, never just one, hacha. Might be quick need and see if other door for place is there."

Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering: [roll0]

Houses and buildings with this front appearance: Would I know if they typically contain a backdoor or cellar entrance?

2013-11-19, 01:04 AM
Renn does a double take when she reads the list more closely. "A Phiarlan? Associating with a Thuranni? I've never heard of such a thing. Let's try finding this Duncan first, whatever he says should tell us a lot about who Noemi is..."

At the Phiarlan dormitories, she approaches the dwarf and addresses him in Dwarven, "Excuse me, sir, may I have a second of your time? I'm looking for a student here, and was wondering if you might know him?" She keeps her voice low, ostensibly to avoid disturbing the performers, but in truth to make it harder for anyone else to eavesdrop.


Fax Celestis
2013-11-19, 01:39 AM
2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis

Storefronts in this area and in this style tend to have rear shipping/staff entrances.

Phiarlan Dormitories, Morgrave University
"Lil' busy at the moment, mate, but we're due for a break anyway. HOLD IT!" he calls out, waving his arms over his head. "Five minutes, people! Back in five!" The dwarf looks Renn once over, with an expression that says he could probably find a place for you in a chorus line somewhere if he had to but he really hopes you're here about something else. "Merrivor Karterian," he adds, offering a hand. "You here about the part? Or do you have some other business with us Phiarlani that I can help ye with?"

He has a lesser mark of shadow peeking out of his collar.

2013-11-19, 07:19 AM
Dietmar shrugs "I may conjure the illusion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/minorImage.htm) of a cart in front of whichever entrance you consider it wisest to use. Clutch and I will surely require cover as well, if for a shorter period."

2013-11-19, 08:58 AM

Before leaving the conference room Harlyr reaches into her robe and takes out two small red crystals. She hands one each to Dietmar and Clutch. "Keep them somewhere on you. There's a sympathetic link between the crystals and the one I wear." She says and taps her covered throat. "I can activate them to speak with you for a short time." She says and a moment later her robes melt and transform into a pale yellow vest with a long sleeved white blouse underneath and an ankle length off-white dress. The hood of her robe changes to become a light blue scarf that she lets hang on her shoulders.

Harlyr doesn't make a face or appear to recognize the less than hidden Mark of Shadow. Either he's not a dwarf or it's a fake. She bows her head slightly in greeting. "Well met, Master Karterian. We are not here for the play but are interested in a performance of another sort. How well do you follow the activities of your students?" She says and then side eyes the actors taking their break, looking for anyone that is paying more attention to the dwarf and her companions than normal curiosity would allow.

"Do your students take your lessons to heart? To be a great actor I imagine one must live as if the world itself is a stage...and our great city provides endless characters to play. Perhaps one of your students saw an opportunity to play an intriguing part but hasn't fully considered the danger it's placed him in. You would want to help him realize it before true harm came to him, wouldn't you?"

Awareness [roll0] to spot anybody trying to eavesdrop.

The crystals she handed out are from the Farspeaking Amulet, MIC pg 99.

2013-11-19, 09:24 AM
"We'll check the back - though the back door is often more well guarded than the front, since it's often the first one your enemies will try. Come on then - I'm feeling exposed out here."

Not outwardly betraying his anxiousness, Don casually stops leaning against the wall of the building and leads the way into the alley. He strides confidently down its length, and checks both ways before stepping into the back area behind the storefronts and houses. Pacing off the distance for the extra houses he passed, he checks to see if there are any doors in the back that line up with the front portion of the address they're interested in.

Awareness: [roll0] - checking for anyone else in the alley with us
Awareness: [roll1] - searching for doors that are in the correct location

Fax Celestis
2013-11-19, 01:39 PM
2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis

There is a small, windowless door at the rear of the building. There's a keyhole and a small placard that reads:

2200 Cɪʀᴄʟᴇ
Rɪɴɢ Bᴇʟʟ Fᴏʀ Eɴᴛʀʏ

A pull-chain ejects from the wall immediately next to the placard with a small fob on the end.

The alley appears otherwise deserted, and there are not many windows back here. What windows there are tend to be frosted privacy glass, not viewing panes.

There's also a small dumpster to the left of the doorway, large enough that it is probably used by several of the proprietors here.

Phiarlan Dormitories, Morgrave University

Most of the students appear to be fussing over their costumes, rehearsing lines, or performing checks on technical equipment. The ones that aren't appear to be paying more attention to each other than to you.

Merrivor laughs. "I suppose I would. Theatre is deadly work," he says with a smile, then sobers up. "In all honesty, yes, I would like to know. What's young Rebecah gotten herself into now?" Noting your expression, he changes tack: "Not Rebecah? Perhaps its Angwyn? Leto? Leta? Farriss? Hayden?" He laughs again. "To be honest, we Phiarlani have a hard time staying out of trouble. You're going to have to be more specific."

2013-11-19, 02:28 PM
Renn is baffled by how what appears to be a dwarf has the Mark of Shadow on his neck. However, while she's not well versed in the workings of magic, she is fairly intuitive when it comes to sensing deception, and she listens closely to the dwarf's laughter for any hint of falseness.

Renn accepts Merrivor's handshake, and replies in the Common tongue of Galifar, "Satra d'Ghallanda. It's young Duncan that we're interested in making the acquaintance of. As my friend says, we are concerned for his safety. Do you know him?" While she gives Merrivor a false name, Renn doesn't consider the rest of her words to be a lie: if one apprentice of Noemi d'Thuranni has disappeared, another could as well.

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Bluff for giving false name: [roll1]

Chambers, are the crystals activated yet?

Fax Celestis
2013-11-19, 02:39 PM
Phiarlan Dormitories, Morgrave University

"...Duncan? My, I haven't seen Duncan in the better part of a week." He itches his neck absentmindedly--those of you who haven't yet noticed the dragonmark can clearly see it now, and it doesn't appear to be makeup. "You say he's in trouble? That's a darned shame: he's one of our better alchemical technicians."

He waves over a halfling. "Leto, c'mere."

The halfling drops the fog emitter he's working on and jogs over: "Yessir?"

"When was the last time you saw Duncan?"

"Oh, four days ago, I'd say. We had lunch, and he was going up to Upper Menthis for his weekly appointment with his alchemicals instructor afterwards." Leto hesitates. "There a problem?" he says, concern flashing over his face.

Not answering him, Merrivor turns back to Renn, saying "Duncan and Leto here are roommates. That answer your question?"

Merrivor doesn't seem to be disputing your identity or lying about his knowledge of Duncan.

2013-11-19, 02:57 PM
Don gestures for Clutch to come forward. "Well, I don't suppose it's likely that anyone is home. You can ring the bell if you like...or we can do this the direct way."

He'll watch the alley they came from. And if someone asks, he'll peak through a wall to make sure there's nothing waiting on the other side for them.

2013-11-19, 05:35 PM
Tacit pays no attention to the conversation between his allies and Merrivor. He knows that he has nothing to contribute to this particular conversation, and that his compatriots will give him a full accounting after the fact. Instead, he skulks off to the side, and silently activates his supernatural Acute Senses (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/spells/acuteSenses.html#_acute-senses).

Nothing for me to learn from this performance. But perhaps by beating the bushes, Renn and Harlyr will flush some useful quarry.

Tacit carefully scans the room, and tries to discern if anyone is watching or listening to the conversation, saying anything about Duncan or Leto, acts strangely, or suddenly leaves. If he does, he listens in, and (if necessary) follows them while remaining hidden.

Awareness Check = [roll0]

Stealth Check = [roll1]

2013-11-19, 07:31 PM

"Is it usual for you to not see your roommate for the better part of a week?" Harlyr asks the halfling before turning to Merrivor. "I don't mean to be an alarmist, but we have reason to believe that Duncan may be in danger." She says and then nods towards Renn and Tacit. "I am Harlyr, of Flamekeep. We represent the family of another student who shares tutelage with this alchemical instructor. I'm not privileged to go into great detail as the family wishes to keep this a private matter, but I assure you that the safety of your students is of paramount importance to me."

Harlyr leans in towards Merrivor and speaks lower so Leto has a hard time of hearing her. "The family wishes to avoid any possible embarrassment that may arise from the University getting involved. The student isn't in legal trouble, she just...well, sometimes children make choices without thinking about the repercussions for their parents. You understand? The sooner the matter is quietly resolved the sooner the student may resume her studies."

Harlyr glances over at Tacit briefly then turns to Merrivor. "There are a number of other students we would like to speak with but I'm afraid the University would become suspicious of outsiders questioning their students. Perhaps you could help us this? We only wish to speak with them and anything we learn, such as that Duncan hasn't been seen recently, will help us immensely in our investigation. After the matter is settled...if we find any evidence that suggests this alchemical instructor shouldn't be allowed contact with students I will make sure you are provided with it. I'm sure the University would look quite favorably upon you for helping them get rid of untrustworthy instructors."

2013-11-19, 10:56 PM
After Leto answers Harlyr's question, Renn draws him aside. Even with his thoughts obviously on his friend's safety, the young halfling male probably will appreciate the attention from her...especially since both Merrivor and Harlyr seem to be ignoring him.

"Do you speak the Ancestral Tongue?" she asks. If he answers in the affirmative, she continues in the same language; if not, she reverts back to Common Galifaran. "You mentioned Upper Menthis, but do you know anything else about Duncan's alchemical instructor? Even the most trivial detail may be of help to us. Then, we'll make sure that Duncan is safe." Renn speaks in a gentle voice and looks Leto in the eyes as she speaks, attempting to project an air of reassurance. She hopes that he'll understand that he needs to share information with her rather than distracting her with unnecessary worried questions, and that she'll handle the matter.

[roll0] plus any circumstance bonuses you see fit.

2013-11-20, 04:05 AM
Dietmar slips forward, glances into and behind the dumpster, and (assuming there's nothing there) creates an illusion of a cart positioned to block line of sight from the alley mouth to the door. He too gestures to Clutch to approach.

Awareness, if necessary [roll0]

2013-11-20, 11:43 AM
Clutch studies the back door, and smiles, as much as a Warforged can. She reaches with her claw, grasping onto the door handle. She taps her claw, and pulls out a dull set of picks, unnatural skill infusing into her.

Using Skill Enhancement Infusion on myself, for a +6 Circumstance Bonus.

Disable Device: [roll0]

Edit: Are you for serious.

Fax Celestis
2013-11-20, 02:04 PM
Phiarlan Dormitories, Morgrave University
Leto glances around furtively. "It's not...unusual, just infrequent," he replies before being drawn aside by Renn.

He replies in kind: "I do. His instructor is named Rutaus Survaria, and he's got a lab in Upper Menthis where he teaches advanced alchemy to Morgrave students. Is...is Duncan in trouble?" he says, with a worried look on his face. "Is he going to prison? I told him to stay away from the fireworks no matter how safe they were and that they were going to get him in trouble and..." He trails off. "I'm sorry," Leto adds. "I'm just worried about him."

Merrivor in the meantime discusses with Harlyr: "Oh, I understand. We've had our share of professors who shouldn't've been professors, but the admin department here doesn't seem to understand what a background check is for." He laughs again. "I'll let you know if Duncan turns up, and if you need to talk to any of the Phiarlani, I can help you out there."

Tacit can actually hear Leto's heart palpitating as Renn draws him aside, though whether it is due to proximity to an attractive female, nervousness to mask lying to cover his roommate, or honest concern for his friend is not immediately apparent. Merrivor, meanwhile, is cool as a cucumber. In fact, on further observation, Tacit's fairly sure that Merrivor isn't even aware that Tacit is present, much less scanning the area.

None of the other students appear to be discussing Duncan or Leto--or Starbuck, for that matter.

2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis
The alleyway is deserted, but the lock on the door proves more difficult than Clutch realized.

With a few more moments of fiddling with the door, the lock springs and Clutch quietly eases the door open. The door is well-oiled and makes no sound.

The interior of the building is unlit, save for scattered light being cast by the periodic gouts of flame from the corner of the main room, sharp bursts of hot color sliding under another door, slightly ajar and leading into the main laboratory. The muffled clatter of chains and quiet, frustrated muttering (now identifiable as Draconic) is immediately audible to the entire party.

The shipping door opens immediately into what amounts to a storage closet--it's too small to be a warehouse, but it's certainly put together like one. Vials and jars of strange and exotic components are carefully bottled and labeled on the shelves. Through the door straight ahead, you can see part of a workbench that juxtaposes the organized structure in this room: bits and pieces of ingredients in varying degrees of rarity and use are strewn about haphazardly. The floor underneath the bench is pitted and stained with years of cast-off components having tiny reactions with other detritus and waste products, interaction triggered by boot-heel or stray spark. A well-worn book lies open on the bench, pages weathered and burnt through endless neglect, paper tabs sticking out from all angles with meticulous writing indicating what formula lies underneath that specific marker.

You're pretty sure you can hear the muttering in your head now.

2013-11-20, 02:29 PM
"I understand your concern for your friend," says Renn. "I know you students have some pretty wild parties. Let's hope it's just that, and not any stray fireworks, as you say. You wouldn't know the address of Master Survaria's laboratory, would you?

While she tries to calm Leto down, Renn's mind is rapidly analyzing the possibilities: Rutaus Survaria is most likely an alias for Noemi d'Thuranni, and the others are probably at the address in question as we speak. These fireworks, though, they're clearly serious enough that Leto is concerned about his friend getting in trouble with the law. Is Valenar developing new weaponry using Morgrave resources? That could be disastrous for the Plains...

2013-11-20, 02:53 PM
Don stalks quietly through the house, hunting the source of the muttering. Anything rude enough to mutter telepathically deserves the surprise of him sneaking up on it. Don's thoughts become as stealthy as the rest of him. He gestures for the others to search here or stay well back as he moves quietly towards the storefront.

Stealth: [roll0]
Awareness: [roll1]
Using Lowlight Vision to navigate as best I can.
Reminder - I've got Darkstalker, so even if it's a small dragon with blindsense, tremorsense, scent and mindsight, I can still sneak up on it if I beat its awareness roll (of course, it may well get a bonus on that awareness roll for some of those).

Fax Celestis
2013-11-20, 03:22 PM
Phiarlan Dormitories, Morgrave University

"I don't," Leto says, "Duncan might've had it, but his stuff is a mess and I don't even know if he's written it down."

2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis
Don creeps into the main lab swiftly and silently, the muttering and clanking masking any stray noises he makes as he moves. Taking cover behind another workbench--nearly identical to the other near the doorway except this one lacks the annotated tome--he peeks around a corner and sees what appears to be a housecat-sized dragon chained in the corner, the color of rose gold and possessing a vicious stinger on the end of its tail. It glowers and shuffles, rearranging the irons in a futile attempt to get comfortable, muttering to itself in its frustration in Draconic and simultaneously projecting telepathically about its inability to break free and what he's going to do to 'Master' when he gets back. It looks gaunt, and scars from ancient wounds pepper its body, most of which appear to be delivered via deliberate, precise use of a sharp instrument. Iron bands surround its wings, cramping them and rendering it unable to take to the air. Black scorch marks and burnt and shattered bones mar the floor around the dragon, though interestingly the irons themselves appear to be unburnt. Anything fragile or of legitimate value is given a wide berth around the creature's effective reach of flame--about six feet, give or take.

It does not appear to notice Don, nor does it appear to even be paying that much attention.

Know: Arc to identify the creature.

2013-11-20, 05:51 PM
Dietmar moves silently over to the bench and examines the book for signs as to the owner's name. Mages like their traps; opening the book is unwise he thinks. The formulae baffle him entirely.

An elf and a halfling do not easily use the same workbench. The sizes alone should distinguish who works here. Unless there is another player in this game.

Stealth [roll0]. No darkstalker or equivalent, but I'm not moving beyond the room at the mo.

2013-11-20, 07:29 PM

Harlyr smiles and bows her head in thanks. "I appreciate it. Duncan is the only one of your House that we need to speak with. There are five others." She says and lists all the names, Starbuck's included. "I understand that one House may not appreciate a professor of another House calling in their students to be interrogated by outsiders."

Harlyr pauses to adjust her scarf and tries to listen to Leto's answer to Renn. "Professor Merrivor, your students break is almost over." She says. "One last question please, I don't want to take up too much of your time. If you hear anything suspicious about the other students I've mentioned could you please leave word with the Third Street Tavern, just below us in Center Bridge? Tell them it's for Justine Blue; I'll get the message and come meet you wherever you wish to discuss what you've found out."

Fax, if you're cool with this the Tavern would be a message drop site for the Argentum. Justine Blue would be one of the fake names for Harlyr and also code to indicate to the Argentum crew that she's got a line on a possible heist.

Harlyr speaks Halfling too.

2013-11-20, 11:27 PM
"There's a few other people we'll try talking to first." Renn says to Leto. "But is there a way for us to reach you if we do need to take a look at Duncan's room for clues?"

2013-11-21, 08:47 AM
Unsure of the specific nature of the beast before him, but also certain that it holds clues, Don stands in the doorway on the far side of the room from it and casually asks in draconic, "So, is your 'master' the Elf or the Halfling, little one? It looks to me like they treat you poorly, either way."

Don speaks loudly enough for his voice to carry back to his companions, so they know he is talking.

Fax Celestis
2013-11-21, 10:58 AM
2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis
The rose-gold-colored miniature dragon (as there is no better way to describe it) startles upon hearing Don's voice, backing into the corner and attempting to shield itself with its beaten and hobbled wings. The dragon ceases cringing after a few moments of Don standing there looking incredulous and his question hanging in the air, peeking over the top of its wings. It speaks hesitantly: "You know the Mother Tongue?" It pauses, astonished, then continues, still in Draconic: "And yes, the elf is my master, for better or for worse. That is a familiar's lot in life, no?" It slumps against the wall dejectedly, kicking at the chains dispassionately, as if it were expected of it even though it is aware of the futility.

"He's not here, by the by," it adds. "Probably won't be for a while. Said he was going 'out' yesterday, and generally when he says that it means he's really going to Trolanport or Korranburg for materials." It waves its claws in the air dramatically. "Grr. Arrg. Get out of the lab," it continues, halfheartedly and dripping in sarcasm, "or I shall savage you with my talons and fiery breath."

Phiarlan Dormitories, Morgrave University
Leto is more than happy to tell you his room assignment. Merrivor nods, says, "I'll keep you posted, ladies," definitely indicating that he's not even aware of Tacit's presence, and turns back to his flock of students. "Alright, people, break's over! Let's get back on it!"

Leto jogs off to return to the group, but turns around mid-stride and mouths "Thank you" to Renn, then turns back and continues without waiting for a response. In a matter of moments, rehearsal continues as if there were no interruptions, and for a moment life is normal.

2013-11-21, 11:19 AM
Showing no sign of fear, Don walks closer to the dragon-kin. "So fierce for such a little one. And loyal to a master who would abuse you so." Switching to common, he addresses his Cat, who has slunk into the room behind him. "Isis, would you please fetch the others?"

In Draconic once more, Don attempts to soothe the small creature. "There are not many familiars who are treated so poorly - indeed, I would think one so noble as yourself would deserve special attention. Are you truly bonded to a master who would treat you thus? I would think that freedom would be preferable."

The Don's cat leaves the room and goes back to the others. It stares up at them with intelligent eyes before gesturing for them to follow. Isis leads them to the front room.

2013-11-21, 02:37 PM
Renn makes a mental note of Leto's room number, and returns Merrivor's nod with a slight inclination of her own head and a "Thank you." She watches Leto run off with cool dispassion, and seeing that he only turned his head for a moment, doesn't bother responding to his parting words of gratitude.

"Let's walk this way," she says to Harlyr, nodding towards a walkway between two particularly noisy indoor theaters. As they leave the amphitheater behind, Renn looks around and asks, "Where's Tacit?" She knows she has little chance of actually spotting the kobold, and is relying upon him to rejoin them of his own volition.

After waiting a few moments in order to give Tacit a chance to catch up, Renn gives an update, "The roommate, Leto, seemed to think that Duncan might have run afoul of the Watch. Something about illegal fireworks. He said that Duncan's alchemical instructor is named Rutaus Survaria--an alias, presumably--and has a laboratory in Upper Menthis--most likely, the one that our colleagues are searching as we speak. He also told me where he and Duncan live, in case we need to take a look around for any clues."

2013-11-21, 03:10 PM
Renn makes a mental note of Leto's room number, and returns Merrivor's nod with a slight inclination of her own head and a "Thank you." She watches Leto run off with cool dispassion, and seeing that he only turned his head for a moment, doesn't bother responding to his parting words of gratitude.

"Let's walk this way," she says to Harlyr, nodding towards a walkway between two particularly noisy indoor theaters. As they leave the amphitheater behind, Renn looks around and asks, "Where's Tacit?" She knows she has little chance of actually spotting the kobold, and is relying upon him to rejoin them of his own volition.

After waiting a few moments in order to give Tacit a chance to catch up, Renn gives an update, "The roommate, Leto, seemed to think that Duncan might have run afoul of the Watch. Something about illegal fireworks. He said that Duncan's alchemical instructor is named Rutaus Survaria--an alias, presumably--and has a laboratory in Upper Menthis--most likely, the one that our colleagues are searching as we speak. He also told me where he and Duncan live, in case we need to take a look around for any clues."

Tacit walks over to Renn and Harlyr, eager to move on, and whispers to them,

Perhaps we should move to a place with fewer ears, and plan our next steps? I do not relish conversation in the presence of so many wizardlings.

His ears twitch, constantly alert for danger, and distrustful of his surroundings.

Perhaps to Leto's room?

2013-11-21, 09:37 PM
"I don't know," says Renn, frowning slightly. Now that she's on the job with him again, she remembers Tacit's distrust--some would say paranoia--when it comes to magicians. "Does that really seem necessary? I didn't get the sense that Leto was lying to me. What do you think we should do next, Harlyr? Though they've only just met, the Thrane has a reputation within the Boromar Clan for efficiency and professionalism, and Renn is curious what she thinks about this situation.

2013-11-21, 11:22 PM

"A fair worry Tacit." Harlyr says as she follows Renn. She takes a few moments to glance around the walkway and then nods to Tacit. "We're safe for the moment; no wizard eyes watch us from afar." She says. "Our next step is to tell the other team what we've found out. If Duncan was involved in fireworks in the laboratory they need to be aware of a possibly explosive situation. Clutch's homunculus can carry the message."

"As for Leto's room I say we leave it alone, along with the other students. We've given Merrivor four reasons to continue our investigation for us." Harlyr says and ticks off her points on her fingers. "Firstly, we have alerted him that one of his students is in possible danger, along with other students. If he truly cares about his charges then he will look into the matter further for that reason. Secondly we've appealed to his professional pride. If the alchemical instructor is truly a bad influence on the students then he'll want to see him exposed to protect the reputation of the school. Thirdly, he may be motivated by ambition. The opportunity to smear and remove an instructor in order to make himself look better may be enough if he cares mostly about his own prestige. Lastly he may value law over privacy. He may care little about the embarrassment of whom we represent and decide to bring the matter to the University and the Watch. If he goes public it makes our investigation trickier but not impossible." Harlyr says and pauses to tug on her scarf.

Finally...he may already be aware of the d'Thuranni, involved in a counter plot backed by his own House and decide to eliminate us to prevent us from ruining their operation.

Harlyr nods her head back towards the amphitheater. "We should let Merrivor decide his own course of action while we take a different angle...the name of the alchemical instructor given to us by Leto. We won't find Noemi by calling her name in the streets but Rutaus lives a public life. If we want to find him we need only provide reason enough for him to find us."

The above assumes that Harlyr doesn't notice any divination effect watching them (Whispered Secrets feat). If she does then this post will change dramatically.

2013-11-22, 12:34 AM
"Tacit, Foliage is with you, is it not? Can you tell it to send a message to Clutch?"

Renn listens closely to Harlyr's reasoning before offering her own thoughts in return, "What you say makes sense, but there are two additional complications to consider. First, the fact that two apprentices are missing does not mean that all six have disappeared. While I suspect that may indeed be the case, I think we should still try to track down the others. If they're still around, they may have valuable information; if they're not, we know that whatever is going on is even more serious than we thought...two of those children were Cannith heirs."

"Secondly," she continues, "If all six apprentices have indeed vanished, I fear that 'Rutaus' may have done so as well, leaving nothing behind but an empty laboratory, which we've already sent people to look at. As with the students, though, we won't know until we do some more asking around."

"Why don't we compromise? Instead of looking for all of the apprentices on the list, let's check on one or two more. If the Cannith heirs are missing as well, we'll immediately start searching for any acquaintances of 'Rutaus' around here."

2013-11-22, 07:28 AM
Dietmar hands the book to Clutch then strides after the cat. Taking in the scene in the front room he leans against the workbench there while rummaging in his belt pouch. "Who's your new friend old man?" He finds what he was looking for and tosses a potion vial marked with the emblem of House Jorasco to Don. "I think they might need a shot of this."

2013-11-22, 08:11 AM

Sad that these two are more important than a score of other children simply because of a d' before their family name. "Well reasoned." Harlyr says. "How do you think we should approach the d'Canniths?"

2013-11-22, 10:08 AM
Tacit again carefully scans their surroundings to ensure that there is no one listening in on their conversation.

"Takes Ten" on check, since not threatened or rushed. Result is 10+43=53 (unless it's been more then 8 minutes since he activated his Acute Senses ability, in which case it's 33). If he notices anyone, then he stops talking and silently alerts Renn and Harlyr. If he doesn't, he says the following.

We should approach the Cannith with great caution. Even the lowest beggars on the street know that they are artificers and magewrights of the highest order. If they are our true antagonists, then we have much to fear. If one of their own is missing, given their affluence and abilities, the most powerful of spells has been employed to find them. If those spells have failed, then they are being thwarted by greater magics, wielded by even more powerful adversaries. I cannot even begin to postulate whom that may be. But they are to be feared even to even greater degree.

No one can be trusted unless it is earned. Leto may not have been lying, and I trust your judgement on such matters Renn. But we still have no evidence as to Duncan's whereabouts or true allegiances. And even if Leto and Duncan are but innocent victims in this tale, they may be cat's paws to a greater power.

If you do not want to look for physical evidence at Duncan's room, then my suggestion is that we find a way to locate and approach the mother of the missing Cannith, and to do so somewhere in public, even if she must be drawn out somehow. The mother will be most motivated to assist in our investigation. And I will not walk blindly into a dragon's liar without a clear goal and extraction plan.

Tacit ducks his his head into his jacket and begins to talk into his armpit. He relays the details of what their team has learned and what their next steps are to Foliage, and politely asks that he convey the message to Clutch.

2013-11-22, 11:50 AM
Don smoothly catches the vial, and verifies from the label that it is the lowest level of healing potion - this dragon has many wounds, but only the bruises would benefit from simple magical healing.

"My friend offers you this potion of healing to ease your bruises. Do you want it? I will also ask him if he has food." Putting the potion within the small dragon's reach, Don goes back to Dietmer and quickly casts Tongues upon the elf. He asks in Draconic - which Dietmar can now understand - "Have you any food? This little one is likely hungry. He is guarding the shop for his elven master, and perhaps he will answer our questions about the Halfling."

Fax Celestis
2013-11-22, 01:16 PM
2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis

The small dragon knuckles his way over to the vial, sticks its tail stinger in the cork, rips it out with a resounding pop, and then downs the entire thing in one go. It immediately perks up a bit.

"My name is Keltan," it says, "and I wish we were meeting under better circumstances." It coughs, and a small burst of flame gouts from its nostrils, scorching the ground in front of him. "I am technically the familiar to that son of a bitch Rutaus, maaaaster aaaaalchemist." It waves its arms over its head dramatically while saying this, voice dripping with sarcasm. "That miserable miscibilist couldn't alchemize his way out of a tanglefoot bag."

You can Know (Arc) if you have it to ID the creature.

2013-11-22, 06:46 PM
"A little dried fruit, I'm always replacing it in my trail rations." He eyes Keltan's teeth "not the usual dragon fodder I'm sure."

"How bound are you to that Rutaus anyway? If you were free of those irons would you attack or could you talk?"

2013-11-22, 08:57 PM
Renn winces at the thought of talking to the mothers of dragonmarked heirs. There are times when it is important to go through those kinds of channels, but she isn't sure if this is one of them, yet. "I agree that we need to be cautious when dealing with the House of Making, especially since they have not one but two scions involved in whatever is going on. However, it might still be best to go about this informally. Remember, we ourselves were only assigned to look for Starbuck a few hours ago, and our employers had reason to believe that something would go wrong. Neither Duncan's teacher nor his roommate had started looking for him until we started asking about his whereabouts, as far as we know. We might just be causing a commotion if we go to the parents right away."

Renn gives Tacit's warnings of "greater powers" some serious consideration, but she still ends up suggesting the least devious course of action, "We're already here at Morgrave, why don't we just stroll through the Cannith dormitories, like we did here with the Phiarlani? We can try to find one of Aeralle or Sophitia's classmates. Even if whoever we talk to does go running to some House elder, we'll be hunting Rutuas down as they speak. I know it's a bit of a gamble to race against the designers of the lightning rail, but we need information more than anything else right now." Renn shrugs slightly to show that she is not attached to her particular proposal. Perhaps Tacit is right, and burglary is the best way to obtain more clues. Or perhaps Harlyr's idea to lure Rutuas into a meeting somewhere is the way to go...

2013-11-22, 09:20 PM

"True, we're already here. It shouldn't be difficult to ascertain whether the two d'Canniths are missing as well. Are you familiar with the University grounds? Care to lead the way?" Harlyr says.

2013-11-22, 09:46 PM
"I'm afraid I haven't spent much time here at the University," admits Renn, "But the Gorgon's gas shouldn't be hard to detect. Just look around for the biggest buildings, with the most bizarre contraptions floating, hopping and scuttling around." While only a fool would have no fear of House Cannith, Renn clearly lacks respect for what most consider to the most powerful--and most arrogant--of the dragonmarked Houses.

2013-11-23, 02:31 PM
Very well then, since the three of us are in agreement, let us go. Lead on, Renn. But I will follow at a distance from the shadows, in case we are joined by any unwanted companions. And heed my advice - trust no one we encounter.

Tacit steps off into the darkness, and then seemingly disappears. But he does not stray far from Renn and Harlyr.

Taking 10, since I'm not threatened or rushed. Result it 10 + 20 = 30.

Fax Celestis
2013-11-25, 12:15 PM
2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis

"Let me answer your question with another question: if I were beholden to him, would he really need to chain me up in the corner?" the dragon retorts, hefting the heavy iron chain dramatically.

Cannith Dormitories, Morgrave University
The Cannith dorms have the same energy as the Phiarlan housing, but the atmosphere is far different. When Renn mentioned the "Gorgon's gas", she probably wasn't referring to the omnipresent smell of sulphur and formaldehyde, but nevertheless the odor permeates everything in the area, wending its way into your very pores. You know you will probably smell faintly of rotten egg and embalming fluid for weeks after your visit here, and it is a wonder that House Cannith has not invented a device to either protect one's nose or eliminate the scent entirely.

Everyone here seems to be bustling about, working on some pet project. At one set of benches, a group of students are assembling tiny constructs, presumably for a class project; at another, a veritably ancient elf educates a young human about the art of crafting potions. While the occasional dragonmark is visible, it is much less commonplace than in other parts of the city: perhaps it is in vogue here to hide one's mark, or perhaps most find that being constantly harassed for House-sponsorship for a pet project is interminably annoying.

A gnomish aide sits at a bench near the center of the main work area, desk pristine yet augmented several times by strange apparati that nominally increase work performance but show signs of disuse: a giant magnifying glass on a three-elbowed spindle stretches over his head, covered in dust; a sheaf of parchment, rolled into a tube and tied to a quill and stoppered inkpot via ribbon, floats over an iron plate, a throbbing red gem embedded in the plate's center; overhead, a small flame, detached from any immediately recognizable source, shines down a radiant halo of amber-colored light over the gnome's brow. Perhaps most importantly--but due to the strangeness of the desk, the least noticeable--is the small brass placard that says Iɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ Cʟᴇʀɪᴄᴀʟ Sᴇʀᴠɪᴄᴇs on the front of the desk. "Welcome!" the gnome says, standing from his seat and offering his hand. A least dragonmark of scribing is emblazoned upon his right palm. "What can I help you ladies with?"

2013-11-25, 02:57 PM
Renn returns the Sivis heir's handshake with a friendly smile. In accordance with her earlier suggestion to avoid official channels, however, she tells the clerk, "We're just visiting some students who live here. I think that group working on their project over there will be able to tell us where their classmates are currently, sparing you the time and effort."

With a glance at Harlyr, Renn heads towards the group of construct-crafting students. She trusts that the ever-suspicious Tacit will keep one eye on the gnome as she leaves him behind. "Good day!" Renn calls out to the students as she approaches them. "I'm visiting one of your classmates. Do you think you could help me find her?"

On the Sivis gnome: [roll0]
On the students: [roll1]

2013-11-25, 06:48 PM

Some people don't appreciate being brushed off so casually. Harlyr nods to Renn but stays behind and glances at the assortment of...things on the gnomes desk. "This is the information desk, right?" Harlyr asks him. "If there were complaints made against a particular instructor would those records be available to the public by request or are they strictly for University use only? What if the complaint was made against an instructor that was not officially affiliated with the school but was known to tutor students in a private capacity?"

Harlyr reaches towards the floating flame to feel if it radiates heat in addition to light. "Beautiful." She says and withdraws her hand back into her robes. "I'm asking because I've heard from the family of at least one student some concerns regarding a certain instructor. As a favor to the family I'd like to corroborate what I've heard from them with the school's records, if that's possible, before they make any possible accusations public. Do you think you can help me?"

2013-11-26, 03:29 AM
Dietmar bends over and examines the chains.

(if they/the manacles are welded shut)
"Fortunate that there are metals far harder than iron" he remarks as he draws his shortsword, selects a link and saws at it. The grating noise of metal on metal fills the air for a few moments.
Metal chains have only a couple of hp by RAW & an adamantine blade ignores the hardness.

(if there's a lock on the manacles)
"A little help here?" he gestures to Don.
He might possibly have to roll more than once but I'm quite sure Don can open the lock if he's willing.

"We have much to discuss, not least medical care for your mistreatment, but it might be best to do it where we are sure of privacy. Will you come with us?"

2013-11-26, 09:45 AM
Staying low to the ground and standing between Harlyr and the desk, Tacit remains hidden and silently muses to himself about the situation.

No need to skulk about the room, lest I be noticed by some clever mageling and arouse suspicion. But no need to make a spectacle of myself either.

He glowers around the room, and uses his Supernatural Ability to Detect Magic, while scanning the room for anything out of place or anything related to their investigation.

I Take 20 on the Awareness check, because I'm not threatened or rushed, and I have plenty of time to look about the room while Harlyr and Renn talk. The result is 20+43=63 unless it's been more then 8 minutes since he activated his Acute Senses ability in the previous location, in which case it's 43.

Keen Eared Scout (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-handbook-ii--80/keen-eared-scout--1710/) Feat may allow me to determine the type and subtype of creatures, and their exact locations (in case their is anyone hiding). At the very least, I should be able to overhear any conversations that seem out of place.

Detect Magic ability allows me to determine if there is anything magic. I imagine there's a ton of low level magic stuff in the room. But if anything stands out, let me know.

I continue to Take 10 on my Stealth check, so the result is still 10 + 20 = 30. But I'm careful to stay close to Harlyr or Renn where possible, so I don't freak anyone out in case someone notices me. If that means I'm revealed at some point because I have no where obvious to hide without arousing suspicion, so be it. Better to be a Kobold "servant" following his master instead of a kobold thief.

Such privilege. Such knowledge. And they use it to do nothing but make amusements and kidnap each others' children.

2013-11-26, 07:00 PM
Don assists with freeing the familiar as best he can, but also tries to get information from the familiar as they work - once free, there is no telling what the creature will do. Dragons and their kin are not well known for showing gratitude. "What can you tell us of your master, little one? And his associates?"

Fax Celestis
2013-11-27, 12:05 AM
2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis
"He's nominally an alchemist, but he's not very good at it. Somehow he has a professorial position at the University," the dragon says as Don works on the locks.

"The students are...well, they're kids. A couple of them are pretty good, but Mister Wizard over here can't teach them anything worth two craps."

The small dragon heaves a (hot) sigh as its bonds are released. "Absolutely. Get me out of here." It stretches its wings as if about to take off, then shakes its head as if thinking the better of it. "You want to take anything off this sucker before we leave?"

Cannith Dormitories, Morgrave University

Renn manages to not offend the gnomish scribed, but the students are working very diligently on their project and don't notice her at first. Once one of the students--a human male in his early twenties, obviously affluent but not really aware that he is--notices her, he comes over, crouches down on one knee like he's talking to a little kid, and says, "Why hello there. What can I do you for?"


"I'm Caldwell," he says, proffering his hand and flashing a rather dazzling smile.

The gnome raises one eyebrow a fraction of an inch at the mere suggestion that one of their esteemed educators could possibly have complaints, but speaks coolly: "Complaints would be registered with the University Principal's Office, but the records are readily available for perusal at your leisure. At that office, of course." He pauses. "They are quite beautiful, aren't they? The sense of wonderment I feel just from being in this room brings joy to my days." He pauses again, thinking. "You know, I do appreciate someone who sees the value in discretion. I can call for a runner to check for you, if you like. What was the name of the professor?"

There is a lot of magic shining about in here, but perhaps most interesting are the three invisible magic sensors peering down on the room from above, located equidistantly around the perimeter and pointing towards the information desk.

Tacit also finds a small ring lying on the floor, untended and forgotten. He can take it if he likes.

2013-11-27, 03:36 AM
"I'm Satra," replies Renn, returning Caldwell's smile. Despite the stress of her assignment, Renn is in a cheerful mood. She makes a point to be thankful for the small things that are going her way, such as the fact that she's talking to one student rather than the whole group, and that Caldwell has knelt to speak at her level rather than talking down at her. "You look like you're popular among your classmates," Renn says. "I'm looking for a girl named Sophitia d'Cannith. Do you know her? And if so, where I could find her right now?"

2013-11-28, 08:56 PM
"There are a couple of items we should collect. Are Rutaus' personal quarters upstairs, and is there anyone else in the building? This should only take a few moments."

Not Starbuck's residence at all. Still, if I can get something personal of Rutaus's it should be possible to scry for clues beyond what the little dragon has to say.

2013-11-28, 10:34 PM
Careless magelings.

Tacit stares at the ring. Studies it. Wanting it. Wanting to punish them, even if it is in this small, petty way. Punish them all.

Tacit stares at the ring, and examines it closely, looking for any inscription or pattern. He uses his ability to Detect Magic on it, and if it is magic, he touches the ring without picking it up or putting it on, and (if possible) steals whatever charges he can from it. (If it's a spell trigger item, ie, it holds limited uses of a magic spell(s) of 4th level or lower, he can steal up to 8 total spell levels of them).


I must remember, I am not here to burgle. I am here to help find the little ones. These wizards cannot even protect their own. Someone else must do that for them. And today, that person is me.

I must protect the little ones.

Pardon me, sir.

Tacit says in his quite, squeaky voice, to the gnome that Harlyr is speaking to.

Down here. I believe one of the young masters may have lost a ring. Has anyone reported such a thing? I feel that I must return it to the correct owner.

2013-11-29, 08:31 AM

"Rutaus Survaria, an alchemicals instructor." Harlyr says, nodding to Tacit in acknowledgement of him, looking as if the kobolds sudden appearance wasn't something to be surprised by.

Fax Celestis
2013-12-02, 01:05 PM
2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis
"Yeah, there's some rooms upstairs and additional storage downstairs," the dragonling says.

Cannith Dormitories, Morgrave University
"Oh, yeah, Sophitia's one of the alchemicals majors, though she spends a lot of time with us constructors," Caldwell says. "I haven't seen her in a bit, though. I can show you where her dorm is: she might be there."

Harlyr and Tacit
Tacit identifies the ring as a ring of feather falling when he attempts to steal charges from it, which means he steals 8 levels of spells from it, as far as I'm reading, since it's an at-will spell trigger item.

The gnome calls for a runner while writing on a scrap of paper, then hands the runner the slip of paper and instructs him to go to the administrative department and retrieve the file for Rutaus Survaria.

He startles momentarily when Tacit speaks up, but mostly retains his composure. "Let me see that, please," he asks, taking the ring from Tacit and slipping a jeweler's lens over his eye. "Let's see if there's a maker's mark here... Ah! This is one of Aeralle's rings. She's usually alone down in the forge," he says, pointing to a thick iron door to his left without looking up from the ring. "We don't have many forgers around the dorms: most have private shops, but Aeralle's new at this and hasn't gotten her own foundry yet." He pauses. "...This looks like some of her earlier work. You said you found this on the floor? That's odd: you would think she would be more sentimental about some of her first forgings." He looks up, removes the lens, and offers the ring back to Tacit. "I can take it to her, or you can deliver it to her yourself: she will likely be grateful for its return and would like to thank its discoverer."

2013-12-02, 02:19 PM
"That would be wonderful, would you? And I'm sorry to interrupt your studies, thank you for the help!" Renn is genuinely appreciative of Caldwell's assistance.

She notes that Harlyr and now Tacit are still at the Sivis clerk's desk. "Let me just get my friend first," she says to Caldwell. She hurries towards Harlyr and says, "No need to trouble the good scribe, Caldwell here offered to show us to her dormitory. You ready to come?"

2013-12-02, 11:13 PM
He looks up, removes the lens, and offers the ring back to Tacit. "I can take it to her, or you can deliver it to her yourself: she will likely be grateful for its return and would like to thank its discoverer."

Sir, I feel that I must take it to her. If you would provide me with her whereabouts, I give you my word I'll do my best to return it to it's owner.

Considering his own words, Tacit had the odd self realization that they were entirely true. He would gladly kill everyone in this accursed House if given reason, but refused to steal, deceive, or even insult these creatures without a clear logical purpose for doing so.

2013-12-03, 04:52 AM
"Our warforged acquaintance is best suited to scouring these work areas for clues. Keltan's judgement suggests that Rutaus may be the inferior alchemist, Professor or not, so I am confident in her ability there. Let us proceed upstairs to search his quarters - if there is anything you particularly require for yourself please do advise us, Keltan."

2013-12-03, 09:41 AM
"Let's go take a look. Keltan, if you know of any traps, I'd appreciate a warning in advance."

Quietly and carefully, the Don searches out the stairs and proceeds to the upper floor. He checks the entire staircase, including ten feet around the bottom and top for traps, both magical and mundane. Staircases are often trapped, in his experience, but just as often the trap will be near the staircase rather than part of it.

Check for traps. [roll0]

2013-12-03, 11:18 PM

"Thank you, sir." Harlyr says to the gnome and dips her head. She glances at the ring Tacit found but says nothing, turning towards Renn when she arrives. "Yes, please."

A student named Caldwell... Harlyr glances at the student waiting for Renn and then back to Renn as they leave the gnomes desk. "I'm sorry, what did you say the student's name was again?" she asks with a straight face.

There, that should be enough of a trigger for Renn to do a mental double take.

2013-12-03, 11:46 PM
As they cross the relatively short distance between the gnome's desk and the spot where Caldwell is standing, Renn rambles to Harlyr, "I don't think he mentioned his surname. He looks wealthy, but as you may have noticed, the Canniths don't feel the need to flaunt their House status here, in one of the centers of their power. It's a different story at the Twelve, but...hang on, that's not what you asked, is it?"

She claps a hand to her forehead, aghast that she was so intent on finding the Canniths that she forgot the rest of the names on the list. How humiliating, she thinks. Harlyr must think me utterly vapid and incompetent.

She is too embarrassed to say more to Harlyr, but when the two of them reach Caldwell, she attempts to rectify her earlier mistake. "Pardon me, but your surname wouldn't happen to be McSlattery, would it?"

Fax Celestis
2013-12-05, 01:00 PM
2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis
Keltan has no idea if there are any traps on the stairway, but Don's admittedly cursory appraisal reveals that the stairs are just stairs.

The upstairs houses a small lavatory and a modest bedroom, all paneled with dark woods and accented with sharp reds over an antiquated area carpet. In the bedroom, there's a stuffed bookcase against one wall, a number of candles and other forms of light--both magical and otherwise--and a bed. Three books rest on a drawered nightstand, all tabulated and well-worn, and a pair of reading glasses sits atop them.

Cannith Dormitories, Morgrave University
The gnome points Tacit in the direction of the large iron door. "Should be in there," he says. "Sometimes she's in there for days at a time, slaving over her newest manufacture."

Caldwell smiles. "Yes, that would be me," he says, his tone denoting that he's used to people identifying him by his family. Suddenly his demeanor sours: "You'd better not be here about a sponsorship!" he says, wagging his finger accusatorially. He immediately brightens, laughing. "Sorry, just a joke." He turns back to the other students. "I'll be back in a few minutes, just running back to the rooms." Turning back, he continues, "I'm ready when you are."

2013-12-05, 01:57 PM
"What a fortuitous coincidence!" Renn laughs. "Truly, Olladra's dominoes fall in our favor. I believe that you and Sophitia share an alchemicals tutor, Rutaus Survaria? We were actually going to ask her if she knew where to find him! You see, one of your fellow students, Duncan, hasn't been home in a few days. We were hoping his tutor might know where he's been..."


2013-12-06, 03:11 AM
"Glasses. I'll need those if I find a reason to scry Rutaus." Dietmar remarks "an odd thing to leave behind on a trip though."

Dietmar pockets the glasses and checks the lavatory area and bed for stray hairs or nail clippings before commencing a thorough search for clues relating to Starbuck or to Rutaus' whereabouts, and for valuables.

Awareness check: [roll0]

2013-12-06, 09:18 AM
Cannith Dormitories, Morgrave University
The gnome points Tacit in the direction of the large iron door. "Should be in there," he says. "Sometimes she's in there for days at a time, slaving over her newest manufacture."

Thank you, kind sir.

Tacit scurries off towards the large iron door, pauses a moment to ensure that no one is looking, and then doubles back to catch up with Renn and Harlyr.

Never walk through a door unless you know what's on the other side. It would be a simple matter to return the ring right now, but if something were to happen, I'd be alone. Best to maintain close proximity to my compatriots, for now.

He quickly catches up, but remains behind them and attentively listens to their conversation and stays on alert for trouble, rather then coming to their side.

2013-12-06, 09:36 AM
The Don sighs and decides that he'll let the elf soak up any curses that might be placed on unusual items in the mage's house. Instead, he uses a convenient candlestick to sweep the books from the nightstand into a sack, before dropping the candlestick in afterwards - no point in letting a nice piece like that sit in an empty house, after all.

Don scours the room for valuables before following after his 'companion' to the next room.

Search: [roll0] to find loot.

2013-12-07, 08:37 PM

Very smart children given very expensive toys...how many of these designs will be turned into weapons? Harlyr walks with Renn and Tacit but lets the halfing question Caldwell, Harlyr's own attention on the students they pass and their projects. How many 'class projects' are real problems awaiting a solution by the Crown? She glances back and nods to Tacit then slows a moment so he can catch up. "I'd like your professional opinion on something, later. For now, perhaps just admire the students projects?" She says softly.

Fax Celestis
2013-12-10, 04:17 PM
2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis
The lavatory is startlingly clean, and Dietmar doesn't find any clippings or similar.

Dietmar does, however, find something of interest: a moleskine with extensive lab notes about all of Rutaus' apprentices. On a cursory appraisal, the majority of it appears to be about their abilities in the lab--and in the case of the shorter apprentices, their difficulties utilizing equipment designed for someone twice their size.

Don finds a fine jeweler's lens in the nightstand as well as a quill pen and inkpot that looks very much like a spellcaster's scroll scribing equipment. Don also discovers that the candlestick lights with a small but surprisingly luminescent flame when held and immediately extinguishes when let go.

Cannith Dormitories, Morgrave University
Caldwell shrugs as he leads the way to the rooms. "I haven't seen Duncan in some time either, but we don't normally share lab time together. He's kind of a night owl. Comes with being a theatre person, I think. Now Professor Survaria, on the other hand, I've seen just yesterday. He came down here to inspect my alchemicals practical. I'm supposed to get my grade for it in a few days."

He stops in front of a dorm door--room 21A--and knocks twice before trying the handle. "Locked, and no one's home--or they're...'busy'." He clears his throat and smiles conspiratorially.

2013-12-10, 08:21 PM
"Locked, and no one's home--or they're...'busy'." He clears his throat and smiles conspiratorially.

Standing behind Caldwell, Tacit rolls his eyes. The reproduction rituals of mammals are so very disgusting. Doesn't anyone ever do any actual work around here?

Staying behind Caldwell's line of sight, Tacit briefly draws a lock pick from his sleeve, makes eye contact with Renn and Harlyr to ensure that they see it, and then he slips it away. Then he stares directly at Caldwell, points with his clawed thumb down the hallway, and gesticulates back and forth, as if to will Caldwell away. He then looks back at Renn and Harlyr with intently.

2013-12-11, 03:46 AM
"Thank you, you've been exceedingly helpful," Renn says to Caldwell. "One more thing. You wouldn't know how we might find Professor Survaria today, would you? If the students are busy, perhaps it is best to ask the teacher."

"Best of luck with your exams!" Renn calls out as Caldwell parts ways with her, Harlyr and Tacit. When he is out of sight and earshot, she looks at the kobold and asks, "So, you want to do some looking around? I suppose it might be educational, so to speak. What do you think, Harlyr?"

2013-12-11, 04:23 PM

You can't just keep brushing people off once they're no longer of use to you. Harlyr glances at Tacit and taps her finger once, then a pause, then twice more along the hem of her shirt at her belt. "Actually, there's something else you may be able to help with." She says to Caldwell and places a hand lightly on his shoulder for a moment to let him know she'd like him to stay. Hand still on his shoulder she turns her body slightly and stands closer to the wall so that when his attention is on her his back is to the door - and to the kobold with the light fingers.

"Your shared alchemical instructor, Professor Survaria..." She says and lets the fake name hang in the air for a moment. "I've heard conflicting reports about him and I'd like to get your impression of your teacher." Hopefully he can open the door quietly.

Sense Motive? [roll0] for a hunch. If Caldwell is Bluffing in his response then add +4 to the roll [Recognize Imposter feat]

2013-12-12, 06:37 AM
Dietmar shakes his head "Less than I had hoped for, in many senses, but still enough to be worth time considering. First though we should see whether Rutaus keeps his secrets in the basement out of some instinct which should be redundant this far above the ground."

He glances around one final time before heading downstairs.

I made no specific search for secret doors, but elves get a free check to find them when they pass nearby. [roll0] in case it's relevant

2013-12-18, 01:03 PM
Good thinking, Harlyr, keeping this stupid creature distracted for me to open the door, while still keeping him present to answer our questions. Let's see if the gods bless my luck.

First Tact uses his ability to Detect Magic on the door, hallway, Caldwell, and everything else he can see.

Then he makes an Awareness check, to see if he notices anything fishy, if there are any traps about (especially on the lock/door), and if he can hear anything on the other side of the door.

If everything seems safe or there is no additional useful information, he attempts to silently open the door, without alerting Caldwell. If you do have additional information for me, then he doesn't try to open the door unless he thinks someone on the other side is in danger. Then he simply announces "I think I hear someone in danger on the other side of this door. We must act swiftly to vouchsafe their survival!" and then openly unlocks the door in front of Caldwell.

Awareness= [roll0] (I re-activate my Acute Senses spell-like ability to boost my Awareness. I'm down to 1 use left today).

Disable Device= [roll1]

Stealth= [roll2]

Fax, feel free to modify any of my rolls for the circumstances as you see fit, and change my actions or take Tact's next step(s) as you feel appropriate. I think everyone clearly understands my intent.

2013-12-24, 12:36 AM
Noticing that Tacit appears intent on breaking into Sophitia's room while Caldwell is still standing there, Renn hurriedly adds, "Right, like she said, your personal impressions of Professor Survaria could be very useful as well. It wouldn't do us much good to ask for his help locating Duncan, if we don't know what kind of man he is, after all!"

I'm assuming that Bluff would be appropriate here to distract Caldwell from noticing Tacit?


Fax Celestis
2013-12-24, 11:14 AM
Cannith Dormitories, Morgrave University

Caldwell, lost in thought, completely misses Tacit listen at the door, and upon hearing nothing, pop the door open. "He's a character, that's for sure," he says. "Honestly not a very nice guy, but he's good at what he does, so the school cuts him some slack."

Peeking through the cracked door before saying anything, Tacit sees that this room is messier than your typical dorm room--quite possibly because it looks like a war zone. Broken furniture and singed clothing lies about the room--none of it currently burning, but the scent of smoke hangs in the air like a fog. Tacit's keen nose does not pick up the specific scent that comes with burnt flesh, thankfully, but the room's destruction is still worrying. Further worse is that some sort of minor enchantment has been placed over the door, so subtle that the magic of the lights and other items liberally strewn about the dormitories nearly masked it entirely: it appears to be keeping the scent inside the room.

2200 Circle Way, Upper Menthis
The basement appears to be mostly storage: rows of shelves hold hundreds of alchemical components, and a few small cages in the corner indicate that occasionally Rutaus trafficks in animals.

Perhaps most disconcerting are the human-sized irons adorning one wall near the cages.

2013-12-24, 11:23 AM
"Not a nice guy? What do you mean?" inquires Renn innocently, intending to keep Caldwell distracted from what's going on behind him.

2013-12-26, 09:52 AM
The Don smiles, and looks over the various alchemical components. He'll grab any of them that he thinks he could use in wand crafting, or items like strong acids that would be useful by themselves.

"We should probably make sure there are no 'sub basement' areas where he keeps the really good stuff."

2013-12-27, 07:15 AM
Dietmar shrugs "The lack of guards or any sort of magic protection suggests his, ah, really good stuff is with him or in a Kundarak vault." He begins checking the containers to see if any contains anything besides their obvious or labelled contents. "Not that your suggestion is without merit. But I believe we should move on swiftly once done. The longer we spend the more time for some unforeseen event to derail our plans, and I suspect we may have spent longer than is advisable here already."

Again, elves get to check for secret or concealed doors for free when within 5'. Awareness [roll0] to notice them. & in case there is anything concealed in the supplies, Awareness [roll1]

2013-12-27, 02:45 PM

"Not a very nice guy." Harlyr repeats after Caldwell and raises an eyebrow. "He hasn't been taking...certain liberties with students, has he?" Better to get him thinking our suspicions lie in another direction.

"Oh, the door's open. Maybe it was just stuck?" She asks Caldwell and motions for him to open it further.

2013-12-27, 11:36 PM
Further worse is that some sort of minor enchantment has been placed over the door, so subtle that the magic of the lights and other items liberally strewn about the dormitories nearly masked it entirely: it appears to be keeping the scent inside the room.

The smell of mammals is truly putrid, especially the pubescent males. But the young males are also notoriously self involved and oblivious to such things. Someone else must of placed it here.

Pardon me gentlemen, but there appears to be an enchantment in this room designed to keep the scent inside of it. Why would someone do such a thing? Sir Caldwell, perhaps you should search the room?

And once he begins, perhaps we could assist him.

2013-12-30, 10:32 AM
"Not that your suggestion is without merit. But I believe we should move on swiftly once done. The longer we spend the more time for some unforeseen event to derail our plans, and I suspect we may have spent longer than is advisable here already."

"Oh, certainly. Just freeing the chained dragonling is going to draw more heat than I'm usually comfortable with. That's why I've decided on looting - if you can't be subtle, set it on fire, as the saying goes. Now let's see if I can't find some hidden doors..."

After looting the alchemical stores, Don does a swift search of the basement for hidden doors. If there are barrels, rugs, or movable shelves, he will pay particularly close attention to the floor beneath them or the walls behind them. He will also pace off the room looking for missing spaces.

If he fails to find anything, it will be time to collect their wayward artificer and flee. The pseudo-dragon is welcome to come along, but only blindfolded (in case it really is a familiar, and the alchemist is able to use its vision remotely).

Search: [roll0]