View Full Version : Fun with Bluff checks (PF).

2013-11-16, 02:45 AM
My group is changing things around a bit in our current game, for the most part converting to Pathfinder, with the DM giving us the chance to reroll our characters. As I was playing a sort of infiltrator-type character I decided to go with the same concept, but on a different route. After doing some research I decided to go with a Gnome Rakshasa-bloodline Sorcerer.

Reading a bit more into it I found that that particular bloodline is exceptionally good at, among many things, raising Bluff to pretty crazy levels. As I've never played a Bluffing/Diplomacy/etc character, or anything with even a CHA higher than a 12 for that matter, I would like to have some fun with it this time around and make the most of a super-charmer like this character.

I remember reading stories on this forum about the insane things you can do with bluff checks, like telling a waterfall, "hey, you're flowing the wrong way dude" and making it flow upwards. Of course, there is also another perfect example here. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0767.html.

I know 3.5 has the Malconvoker which feeds off the Bluff skill, but as far as I know such a thing doesn't exist in Pathfinder. I'm mainly looking for some cool ideas to make the most of this skill in that setting.

2013-11-16, 10:34 AM
The main combat use for Bluff in PF is to Feint, specifically ITWFe (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/improved-two-weapon-feint-combat) which will allow you to full-sneak-attack many foes without needing a flank.

Out of combat depends more on your DM. Specifically, in PF, the DM is given discretion over unbelievable lies - so "you're a yellow-footed rock wallaby" wouldn't work.

2013-11-16, 10:43 AM
I remember reading stories on this forum about the insane things you can do with bluff checks, like telling a waterfall, "hey, you're flowing the wrong way dude" and making it flow upwards.

Yeah, funny thing about Bluff is that it doesn't really work like people think it works. Even in 3.5, with an epic check (DC +50), you were at best limited to the effects of a suggestion spell.