View Full Version : Video Games Translated

2013-11-16, 04:43 AM
After seeing the Disney thread, I decided to make a video game character thread of the same sort.

Translate your favorite video game characters into D&D characters!

Start with, say, the Hero of Hyrule, Link...

And don't forget the dude needs a bag of holding type IV just to hold his insane arsenal of stuff (which must mimic the typical things he does in most Zelda games, including the puzzle solving.) Which means you also get to translate his gear into appropriate magic items!

Manly Man
2013-11-16, 11:27 AM
I'd say that, for Link, he's got a mix of Rogue, Warblade, and Ranger, all of which shift around a bit depending on what incarnation of him you're playing as; A Link to the Past, for example, would most likely have more Rogue levels.

As for other characters, I've gone and made a few Soul Calibur characters using 3.P, basing them off of their most recent appearances.

Hilde (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=624840) (Her style hinges on being able to use two-handed simple weapons as one-handed martial ones)

Tira (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=625143)

Siegfried (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=685710)

2013-11-17, 02:31 AM
Hmm. I was thinking of Ocarina of Time myself, but...even sillier...

How would you make Mario? Say, SMB3 for the NES model.

2013-11-17, 02:40 AM
I've never really played the Zelda series myself, but from what little I know of Link I would be inclined to say you could make him using Warblade/Bard or Warblade/Factotum. He's a rather competent fighter, has access to a decent amount of skills (climbing, swimming, sailing, instruments...), has a decent selection of magical abilities/items (Spells/UMD) and so on.

2013-11-17, 02:42 AM
I think Mario would be an expert specializing in jump with the profession (plumber) skill. Probably also has improved unarmed strike, maybe even superior unarmed strike, and the leaping charge feat maybe. Most of his stuff comes from one time use items.

Alternatively you could use monk as a base, I suppose. He seems like a hero with a very limited list of inherent abilities: jumping, punching, dropping, and (supposedly) plumbing. Gonna need some creative magic items for some of his powers unless you want to give them to him through some class levels instead, which would probably be more creative.

2013-11-17, 02:46 AM

Your comment about magic items got me thinking, what if you went with something like Monk/Master of Masks? Him grabbing a Leaf, Fire Flower or whatever is him donning a new mask. Maybe mix in a bit of Chameleon for flavor.

2013-11-17, 02:49 AM
I don't know, I think Link needs some Factotum in there somewhere. He tends to win battles not by being stronger, or faster, or even all that better than his opponents, but by cunningly exploiting weak points with various odd gadgets. That seems like a shoe-in for Cunning Strike (maybe even Cunning Breach?), though I suppose you could also model it with Knowledge Devotion.

Hm, now that I think about it, do we model his various animal/magic companions? He frequently has an incredibly tough horse for a mount (at least in the 3d games) despite a lack of Barding or obvious physical enhancements. Maybe with Templates? I don't think it's an accident that she's always named after the Celtic Horse Goddess.

What about his penchant for musical ability? Right from the first game he gets access to various musical tools (often flutes), and he actually plays them properly. He might not play long melodies, but he has at least some musical talent. Heck, in TP he can grab grasses off the ground and whistle up a melody that charms birds and calls horses, so he needs enough to at least beat out the -2 improvised tool penalty :smalltongue:

EDIT: Ninja'd, at least partially.

2013-11-17, 03:02 AM
Hm, now that I think about it, do we model his various animal/magic companions? He frequently has an incredibly tough horse for a mount (at least in the 3d games) despite a lack of Barding or obvious physical enhancements. Maybe with Templates? I don't think it's an accident that she's always named after the Celtic Horse Goddess.

Well, the Wild Bard (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#bard) would be able to cover that. You'd still have access to a lot of skills, decent combat ability, music based magic and now you have an animal buddy and the ability to make friends with other animals.

2013-11-17, 03:02 AM
Rance would probably be a Blackguard.

Uesugi Kenshin a Crusader.

Suzume is obviously a ninja speced for poison.

It's really easy to stat characters from a fantasy setting isn't it? XD

2013-11-17, 03:22 AM
I think Mario would be an expert specializing in jump with the profession (plumber) skill. Probably also has improved unarmed strike, maybe even superior unarmed strike, and the leaping charge feat maybe. Most of his stuff comes from one time use items.

Alternatively you could use monk as a base, I suppose. He seems like a hero with a very limited list of inherent abilities: jumping, punching, dropping, and (supposedly) plumbing. Gonna need some creative magic items for some of his powers unless you want to give them to him through some class levels instead, which would probably be more creative.

Unarmed Swordsage from ToB focusing on Desert Wind, Setting Sun, and Tiger Claw OR Psychic Warrior with Expanded Knowledge (Energy Missile).

2013-11-17, 01:12 PM
Link's also got the matter of his race...Hylian seems to be a +1 ECL version of elves that are always psionic, usually with the telepathy wild talent (and sometimes more...)

Seriously, people telepathically contact this poor guy all the time...

2013-11-17, 01:15 PM
I think Mario would be an expert specializing in jump with the profession (plumber) skill. Probably also has improved unarmed strike, maybe even superior unarmed strike, and the leaping charge feat maybe. Most of his stuff comes from one time use items.

Alternatively you could use monk as a base, I suppose. He seems like a hero with a very limited list of inherent abilities: jumping, punching, dropping, and (supposedly) plumbing. Gonna need some creative magic items for some of his powers unless you want to give them to him through some class levels instead, which would probably be more creative.

Actually, to go with the monk, there is the Fiery Fist and Ki Blast feats from PH2 to simulate the throwing of fireballs.

2013-11-17, 01:59 PM
I'd model Link as some combination of warblade and factotum, with a dash of paladin (immunity to fear, special mount, ability to use Holy Avengers...). Maybe a Master of Masks level to make him proficient with all weapons.

Link's also got the matter of his race...Hylian seems to be a +1 ECL version of elves that are always psionic, usually with the telepathy wild talent (and sometimes more...)

Seriously, people telepathically contact this poor guy all the time...Hylians aren't really elflike in any way besides the ears, nor do they have any special powers. They consistently function as an ethnic group of humans, rather than their own race or subrace.

And where do you get "Link can send telepathic messages" out of that? :smallconfused:

Actually, to go with the monk, there is the Fiery Fist and Ki Blast feats from PH2 to simulate the throwing of fireballs.Eh, I'd just go with a monk/warlock. Grab the leaps and bounds invocation while you're at it.

2013-11-17, 02:28 PM
Personally I've always seen link as a straight paladin with the whirlwind attack feat chain, and the master sword as a holy avenger. It fits quite perfectly, he gets minor spellcasting (although sometimes pretty major spellcasting, but that can often be attributed to the master sword, notably the medallions in link to the past), the master sword is capable of dispelling evil, which holy avengers are quite good at doing too. Link is also pretty much immune to fear, and is often seen smiting evil. He doesn't have any lay-on-hands-esqe ability though

2013-11-17, 02:35 PM
Well, we know Link GETS telepathic messages all the time. From Zelda, from Sahasralha, etc. And though he never talks, he somehow makes himself understood. How, if not telepathy?

As for elves, well, Link doesn't use armor, so he could use that 20 Dex...

Hell, he doesn't even bother with leather armor. He's got green cloth. Wizards could wear that. Elven spot check bonuses help him see those special puzzles in all those dungeons...and secret doors are EVERYWHERE in his world, even if he usually has to bomb them open.

He definitely needs at least one rogue level, if only to disable the the dozens of devices he faces on a regular basis.

2013-11-17, 03:28 PM
Aww. Saw the thread title and was really hoping this was a thread dedicated to translating D&D 3.x games code into tabletop stats. :smallfrown:

However, as I too enjoy me some videogames in my D&D on occasion...
What's the policy on linking other already worked-on homebrew related to a given character?

Might be faster/easier to find some video game characters already worked up than to build them all from scratch.

2013-11-17, 07:49 PM
Well, we know Link GETS telepathic messages all the time. From Zelda, from Sahasralha, etc. And though he never talks, he somehow makes himself understood. How, if not telepathy?

Hand written signs.

2013-11-18, 11:35 AM
He's just got a really high charisma and is very expressive. Plain and simple.
When I built him a while ago, I built him as mostly fighter. This was before I knew about ToB, so the build would change based on that. But, was something like level 6 fighter, 2 levels in bard, mithril chain shirt, high dex, low str, but that was boosted with gauntlets. Master sword was a +2 Holy demonbane bastard sword, with the ability to reflect spells back at the caster on a successful melee attack (spell level + caster level). Granted, the fighter levels were mostly just to get to whirlwind attack.