View Full Version : [PF] Oracle Spell List

2013-11-16, 06:30 AM
I need that list to be top-notch because our party is quite low powered and I want my DM to step up his game without risking the life of a PC every other encounter. So defense, BBEG and minion control is the way to go.

Cha is 26 with age bonus and headband of Cha (believe, my physical stats suffered hard) plus Haunted Lore Oracle, so my idea is as follows:

edit: See list in post below!

Mage Hand (Haunted)
Ghost Sound (Haunted)
Light (I am Half Elf and we have a Half Fey also only with Lowlight-Vision)
Create Water (to drink, also desert adventure bound to happen)
Spark (to make a fire faster as the Haunted curse makes it hard to pull out flint and cinder)
Guidance (+1 on skills)
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Detect Poison (I am not sure on that one, switch for mending/stabilize?)

Identify (mystery spell)
Cure Light Wounds (oracle)
Protection from Evil (we will fight a primordial ancient evil, so umh, yes?)
Sanctuary (DC 19 Will or no attacks, also to buff our sorcerer)
Obscuring Mist (I like the 50% miss chance on ranged attacks, however my pals don't like it because it gives all a 20% miss chance, still better if we face a enemy wizard/archer imho)
Bless (I am not sure, I mostly won't use this....ever)
Comprehend Languages (the character is a artifact hunter without investing heavily into Linguistics)

Tongues (mystery spell; does this make Comprehend Languages redundant?)
Minor Image (haunted curse)
Levitate (haunted curse)
Cure Moderate Wounds (oracle spell)
Shield Other (I have 74 HP, our Barbarian has Superstition, so healing while raging has Will +11 to resist my heals and he takes a lot of damage, worth it?)
Lesser Restoration (final choice)
Spiritual Weapon (DM rules Cha + Bab, so +14 on attacks, likely to do more damage than a summon on that level, downside is spell resistance)
Make Whole (for the warforged in the group, so final choice)
Resist Energy (can't find space for Communal version so this has to be enough)

Locate Object (mystery)
Cure Serious Wounds (oracle)
Curse (DC 21 heavy debuff, worth it with reach spell?)
Prayer (more likely to be used every battle instead of Bless, no save but stacking with Bless would've been nice?)
Dispel Magic (Sorc has it too, is it really needed?)
Chain of Perdition (trip, dirty trick, grapple with Cha+BAB? Yes please, bc our Barbarian is a damage monster and not so keen on maneuvers)
Summon Monster 3 (to summon some meat)

Legend Lore (mystery)
Cure Critical Wounds (oracle)
Summon Monster 4 (Azata for healing + Lightning Bolts, Rhino for tank and medium elementals)
Debiliating Portent (debuffing BBEG because our Barb just takes too much damage)
(I won't take Blessing of Fervor because our Sorc already has Haste and I feel that this spell overshadows any tactical choice)

My problem is that I really do not have a thing to control large masses of low monsters. I am aware that his is the job of the sorcerer, but he has confusion so I need SOMEthing to do against large hordes of lowly undead/mindless creatures. Holy Smite might be a good addition but it sucks vs. neutral hordes of animals and generally for anything not evil. Is my spell list flexible enough? Should I still keep Blessing of Fervor (because the bonus attack stacks with Bless and Prayer?)

2013-11-16, 07:50 AM
Magic circle against evil might save a lot of time when you need it; if it's necessary in the middle in the fight running around casting multiple protection's is a terrible idea.

Is Telekinesis really 3rd level for you? When you get it at character level 10 my assumption is that it's 5th level. For that matter, do you have 5th level spells?

If you can spare a feat and maybe a metamagic reducing trait, Toppling spell does combine well with Spiritual Weapon. Maybe even enough to drop chain of perdition?

Blindness/deafness is nearly as good as Bestow Curse and doesn't require a feat for range.

Cures substitute for stabilise, on the rare occasions you might want mending use make whole so there's no reason to change your cantrips.

Comprehend languages works on written text and you said you were an artefact hunter, so keep that. You can probably find a more interesting and useful spell than bless; tap inner beauty or burning disarm or one of PF's variations on command perhaps.

Area damage is not the specialty of the cleric list. Are armies of neutral animals likely opponents though? That seems a quite specialised worry. If 5th level spells are possible, wall of stone might divide up or even permanently hem in mindless/animal int creatures.

2013-11-30, 03:41 AM
Sorry for not answering that. Any other suggestions for my list? I want to have buffs but mainly offer versatility and control the battlefield by reducing the incoming damage onto my fellow group members. Our meat shields are a Warforged Fighter(Sword&Board, so high AC, but any damage he takes is difficult to repair) and a Dwarven Fighter (who regularly takes his health pool in damage in 4 turns while having Superstition so I have to beat his +11 Will saves to heal).

Choices I am NOT sure about
Spiritual Weapon: While being a decent spell I regularly fail on spell resistance and/or see other spells to be more beneficial
Curse: Again a great debuff but range: touch as well as Will negates.
Chain of Perdition: While +14 CMB is pretty nice for a mere spell, I have yet to succeed ANY check on a level appropriate monster that isn't a caster (and my DM has a fondness for defensive combat training, so even that is not sure).
Debiliating Portent: Great debuff, I am not sure about the choice though. Does Blessing of Fervor stack onto Haste well?

Other than that, do you think Cha 28 is overkill? (middle aged half elf, so +5 from race, age and level ups) I could use another boost in Int for 18 Int (and I will take Mental Acuity on 11, so I am having 20 Int by then), because I want a bite more skill ranks. Con 14 is already risky but being middle aged has its obvious downsides. I am asking because I don't have that many spells with DCs and other than that, Cha only gives my spells/day which I don't lack as an oracle (much more interesting for clerics imho).

2013-11-30, 05:16 AM
Seems like you got a decent list drawn up. I just played a support Oracle from lvl 1 to 15, so perhaps I can share some of what worked for me.

Cha 28 is probably overkill if you don't use much with saves anyway. My oracle didn't even have that when we finished our campaign! The higher level we became, the less I relied on spells with saves (and the more I used stuff like Heal).

Shield of Faith is a nice spell to have - can save some money on Rings of Protection at the low, low cost of a couple of 1st level slots.

Grace is one of the best 2nd level spells in the game. DO take it, it'll save your life over and over again!

Blessing of Fervor was probably my most used spell, but we didn't have anyone with Haste so it might be redundant in this case.

Telekinesis is a 5th level spell - but it's still very useful. I sometimes used it to throw our melee fighters into full-attack range.

Blindness is probably better than Curse, I agree (though I used both because some targets are immune to blind).

You probably want both Lesser Restoration and Restoration eventually.

Freedom of Movement is a very handy buff that negates a lot of harmful conditions. At higher levels you might want to have it up all the time on yourself - and cast on your allies when needed (like to get them out of a grapple).

Prayer is decent enough, but eventually you probably want to swap it out as it won't remain useful at high levels. Blessing of Fervor quickly replaced it in my case as my "first spell".

Lowly mindless creatures are hard to deal with. I mainly used my Mystery powers for blasting (Wind), but that's not an option here. Flame Strike is ok, but suffer from small area.
Greater Command is very nice for non-mindless groups, though.

2013-11-30, 09:04 AM
Finally someone who has tested that stuff in the field.

Final spell list:

Identify (mystery spell)
Cure Light Wounds (oracle)
Protection from Evil
Obscuring Mist
Comprehend Languages

Tongues (mystery spell)
Minor Image (haunted curse)
Levitate (haunted curse)
Cure Moderate Wounds (oracle spell)
Shield Other
Lesser Restoration
Make Whole
Resist Energy
Weapon of Awe

Locate Object (mystery)
Cure Serious Wounds (oracle)
Dispel Magic
Stone Shape
Summon Monster 3
Searing Light (purely for fluff, being an undead campaign, and a anti-undead cultist)

Legend Lore (mystery)
Cure Critical Wounds (oracle)
Summon Monster 4
Blessing of Fervor (I revisited the spell and realised that Blessing > Haste when we are playing offensively so that the Sorcerer can blast, and Haste > Blessing if I am forced to play defensively)