View Full Version : Item Familiar, for duskblades,bards,and other partial casters?

2013-11-16, 11:18 AM
What is the general thought on Bards, Duskblades, rangers, and those that do earn casting; to get a item familiar as a weapon, and not just some token on the clothing you wear?

2013-11-16, 01:43 PM
Not sure what you're asking. Can an item familiar be a weapon? Yes. Your casting ability has nothing to really do with it, since all you need is character level 3rd to take it.

A weapon can easily meet the requirements of the item:
Have a price of at least 2,000 gp.
Be usable by the character (if it is a weapon, the character must be proficient with the appropriate category of weapon).
Have a permanent magical effect that the character can (and knows how to) use.

Sooooo why not?