View Full Version : 3.5Qs Space, Encumberance, & Difficult Terrain

2013-11-17, 02:05 AM
I had an idea for a character with too many unslotted Embedded Warforged Components (ECS) and it got me thinking...

How many objects of a given smaller size can occupy a creature's space before they encumber movement?

Is there a limit to the number of unslotted Embedded Warforged Components? Besides Carrying Capacity?

How many smaller creatures can occupy a larger creatures space without either hindering the other.
(Answered by the wise souls in the Q&A thread, included for completeness.)

Also up for discussion here if there are any takers is how one might go about getting Embedded Warforged Components into other forms of Construct.
So far all I can think of is Polymorph the Construct into a Warforged, then embed the E. W. Components.

2013-11-17, 04:27 PM
I included Difficult Terrain in the title because I suspect that's where we'd have to go for any rules basis on the 'How many items would need to occupy a creature's space before it becomes impeded?' question.