View Full Version : PTU-"This is Their Story..."

Elyke Argosi
2013-11-17, 05:15 AM
(Alright, the game thread is up. Let's have a great ol' time! I'll introduce my character last, but set up the setting for you all to get settled in[and to give you all first choice of where you are sitting]. This will be my first time GMing PTU, and it'll be my first time GMing a PbP on a public forum feel free to give me tips or advice on how to improve if you get any ideas!

And without further adieu-LET'S CATCH SOME POKEMANZ!~ \o/)

Avulet Town. A little rural township spread across vast pastures of grassland, scattered small woodlands, and streams navigating the low, rolling farmland.

As this story begins, it is the eve of the Summer Solstice, and as all Pokemon trainers know that Trainer Year starts upon the Summer Solstice in order to compete in the regional pokemon league championship tournament. The trainers can begin challenging gyms on the first day of trainer year for a gym badge, and once the eight badges of the region are gathered, the trainers make their way to the League HQ where an olympic styled competition to decide who is the year's greatest pokemon trainer begins.

Alas, there are restrictions, and the League also follows specific rules in order to maintain qualification during official matches in addition to a time limit to qualify within. Any trainers who do not make it to the championship on time are disqualified and must start again the next year if they wish to compete once more to prove their worth.

On this eve, it is still rather early;10am as a clock might read, as a farmer's Ponyta-pulled wagon rolls on into town with six travelers in back who the wagoneer happened to kindly offer a ride to the local laboratory.

This story is the story of these six travelers. A story of adventure, wonder, excitement, and sometimes even danger.

This is their story... of becoming Pokemon Trainers.

2013-11-17, 01:11 PM
Katelyn is looking up into the sky, daydreaming. She is wearing a blue hat with some sort of black dress. She is caucasian with brown eyes and hair. She seems unaware of what is going on. She starts to doze off, but then is startled by a bump. She sits up and asks. "How much longer." This is not the first time she asks and if the answer is not soon, it won't be the last.

2013-11-17, 01:49 PM
Angriff Young

Angriff knows that it was going to be a long ride by moving on that speed. He usually was a calm guy, but today his heart was beating fast like a drum. He heard the girl ask for the third or forth time the same question and that was making him even more nervous to go to the pokemon lab and start his journey. He then said to the girl "I think there is still some road ahead of us..."

So, as usual, Angriff decided to relax - and maybe make the others more calm as well - by playing his Acoustic Guitar. He chose a calm song ((Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin)) and did not sing along, it was just to place his mind into something besides the road and the laboratory.

2013-11-18, 03:17 PM
Rick smiles and looks at the rets of the group paying special attention to Angriff, "You skills are nice, I was wondering could you play something that my leader would play during his meditation." Rick mention the song to Angriff. (Johnny Cash - Hurt) "I've only been away from my fellowship for a short time and I'm already feeling the love of Arceus upon my brow. I'm terrible with name so allow me to introduce myself again, I am Rick Roland.

Rick is an Johoto(African)-Kanto(American) male wearing a black button up shirt with a white head band and long dreds coming from his head, his body is a little thin but very defined in its muscles. A necklace around his neck with a demonic looking houndoom on it. His fingers often go up to touch the necklace as if affirming something to himself.

2013-11-18, 03:58 PM
Katelyn raises her eyebrow "What kind of Fellowship was it?" she asks curiously.

2013-11-18, 04:52 PM
Angriff Young

Angriff looks to Rick and says with a friendly smile on his face "Thank you! It is always nice to hear a compliment, but I still have so much to learn about music..." Angriff thinks for a second about the music and start playing some random chords on the guitar to help him remember it, after 15 seconds he finally got right and starts playing it "I do not remember the letter, but you can sing along if it pleases you!"

He keeps playing while talking to Rick and the Girl "Nice to meet you Rick Roland, my name is Angriff Young! And nice to meet you too..." He says that looking to the girl when he realizes she never introduced herself "What is your name again?"

2013-11-18, 05:00 PM
"Name's Katelyn. Aura Guardian, although I am somewhat new to the thing." she replies.

2013-11-18, 05:26 PM
Rick smiles at Angriff and shakes his head, "I'll let the melody flow from your wounderful chords, Friend, My voice lacks the charm of the original singer and sounds more like burping Bidoof." His eyes widen at Katelyn. "Aura..Guardian. It's a pleasure to meet someone of your order. I am honored to be in your presence." He smiles genuinely but his eyes tell of a different story.

My fellowship is dedicated to the love of Pokemon, The bridging the divide that separates us". A chuckle comes from his lips as he focuses on his training and a aura of dark elemental energy comes from him. Very weak and invisible to the naked eye but he attempt to see if Katelyn will notice it. "We hold aura guardian in high esteem as we attempt to reach similar peaks but different path's. I will look forward to someday maybe seeing what you have learned from your teachers."

2013-11-18, 06:05 PM
Katelyn doesn't seem to notice the energy. "Interesting. I'm surprised you heard of us. I thought most people didn't know much of Aura Guardians." She closes her eyes and notices the dark aura emanating from Rick. "Your Aura is somewhat dark. Similar to one of my teachers. He was sometimes called 'The Absol of the Aura Guardians' because he was great at manipulating dark energy, but was a nice guy."

2013-11-18, 06:13 PM
Angriff Young

Angriff smiles to Katelyn and says "Katelyn... your name have a nice sound! And I'm sorry, but I do not know much about Aura Guardians! What is an Aura Guardian?"

"Hey at least you do not sing like a hoarse Dodrio! hehe" Angriff gives a sincere laugh to Rick's - and his own - 'joke'. He then keeps playing and listening to Rick and Katelyn talking about Aura Guardian and Fellowships...and thinks "There is so much I do not know about the world yet..."

2013-11-18, 06:22 PM
Katelyn seems to look at Angriff with a confused look. "You haven't head the story of Sir Aaron or even the recently with Riley!? Well, where do I begin? We have such a rich history. Well, I'll give you the quick version. We use the Aura, the energy every living thing has, to help people."

2013-11-18, 07:08 PM
Angriff Young

Angriff notices the confusion on Katelyn's face, but he does not gets embarassed he says "Yeah, now that you mentioned I remember a bit about that history! Thanks for the explanation! And it sounds awesome to be able to help people like this, I also want to help or inspire people and pokemons with my music..."

2013-11-18, 09:02 PM
"I'm so happy you can see my Aura. I can't see it myself but I can feel it. Its dark you say? Probably because I have been surrounded by Dark Pokemon my entire life." He gives a small chuckle, The leader often said that I have the eyes of Mightenya, The heart of a Houndoom and the strength of a Magikarp."

He smiles and listens to the idle conversation and smiles, "You both seems so fascinating. I didn't think I would star my trip with future celebraties. An Aura Guardian and a Musician. I'm thank Arceus for my good fortune."

Batpope Scott
2013-11-19, 05:19 AM
Joshua quietly listens in on the conversation before introducing himself. "It's pretty amazing what kind of people you can meet on the road. I'm Joshua Adams, by the way, though I don't have a cool story to go with it; I was raised in a pokemon salon." He gives a disarming smile as he holds out a hand to shake with Rick, who he happens to be sitting next to.

2013-11-19, 09:10 AM
Angriff Young

Angriff looks at Rick and says "Yeah it is really awesome how this wagon ride was able to make us meet each other, it would make a good song..." Angriff starts to change the music he is playing while he speak, now playing (Rock n' Roll Train - AC/DC)

After Joshua introduces himself, Angriff tries to keep a straight face, but he could not hold a smile while he thinks "It is fun to see how there is many different persons joining the pokemon league; and this is just here! Imagine the entire region...?" he ends by saying "Nice to meet you Joshua! And having a fancy story means nothing, it is what we do from now on that counts the most!"

2013-11-19, 09:17 AM
Rick smiles and shakes Joshua's hand, "Its a pleasure, Joshua. I must say I agree with Angriff here. This is only opening up the door to the real rigors of the world." A smiles appears on Rick's face, I wonder who we will all become? Many of the legends have started out as green as we are. Even my fellowship has new member start by taking a new name during training and never uttering their old name again."

Rick shake his head, "No time to think of home when I haven't fully left the door yet." He smiles widely.

Batpope Scott
2013-11-19, 10:08 AM
Joshua nods his assent, affirming it with an "Mhm". His smile fades for a moment, appearing to be thinking about something, then it comes back as quickly as it disappeared and in force. He absentmindedly states, to no one in particular, "I wonder what kind of pokemon we'll see at the lab. The last time I saw a pokemon researcher he came into the salon with a feebas. I think he was trying to get it to evolve by having it groomed or something."

2013-11-19, 07:21 PM

The dark-haired boy's been quiet, just watching his companions chatter around him. He's been turning a pokeball over in his hands, running his fingers down the lines of the sphere.

"Last time I saw a Pokemon researcher," he said at last, "He was with the police. They work together sometimes, to catch people who abuse Pokemon."

Like the Leader, he reflected silently, the day I left home.

"I'm Marten, by the way. Nice to meet'cha."

2013-11-20, 04:51 AM
"I'm hoping to see a dark type. I love the creatures of the night and shadow. Deino are awesome. A true regal dragon waiting in the dark for someone to appear to closely. Or a beautiful Absol, The maidens and gentlemen of disaster..." Rick smiles and looks at his peers, "If its not being to forward I am curious. Are there any pokemon that each of you favor." His eyes have a roguish gleam to them, anyone who sense aura would feel him trying to draw on his own dark aura with little success, something akin to a small campfire in the pouring rain.

2013-11-20, 08:39 AM
Angriff Young

Angriff looks at Marten and says "Nice to meet you too!" Angriff then thinks for a second about what kind he wishes to see and capture and says "I do not have any type of pokemon that I like the most, I wish someday I can hear the sad song of the Lapras, the powerfull snore of the snorlax, the high notes that only crobats can reach, the metalic sound that magnezones produce and so many more..." Angriff then makes a pause and change the music he is playing one more time (Now playing a Rock version of the Pokemon Theme - first season of the anime) and says "And I'd like to hear all pokemon's voices and even discover some new voices and sounds during my journey..."

I will not have any typing, but I do have team thematic! That is sound/music. And by new sounds and voices I mean Noivern! :smallbiggrin:

Elyke Argosi
2013-11-20, 05:20 PM
The wagon made a turn to the left, following the road along the outer edge of town. The five trainers in the back conversing as the sixth sits up ahead of them, alongside of the driver, listening in on what was being said but remaining quiet up until this time when the question of favorite pokemon came up.

"I happen to love a wide variety of pokemon, but by far my favorite three would have to be Lucario, Espeon, and Ninetails. Something about honing a Lucario's aura, an Espeon's psychic prowess, and a Ninetail's mystical power just really makes me excited to be a trainer."
The brown-haired male in his mid-twenties turned, leaning onto the front of the wagon to look back at the others.
"My name is Elyke, by the way. Uhm, are any of you going to lab for your first pokemon like I am..."
He then glances at Rick fondling the pokemon.
"...rather than simply going to get just your pokedex from the professor?"

2013-11-21, 04:32 PM
Angriff Young

Angriff looks to the new travel companion and says "Well I already have a pokemon that my father gave to me, but it just happened yesterday. So, besides naming him I do not know much about him...He is a Whismur that I named Angus! So I'm here to get the pokedex and start my journey!"

Batpope Scott
2013-11-21, 04:43 PM
"I don't have one yet, either, so I'm in the same boat you are." Joshua looks around and a smirk touches his face as a joke comes to mind. "Or at least the same cart."

2013-11-21, 05:07 PM
A small smirk crosses Ricks face as he gives a lazy whistle to the area surrounding them. A black form leaps from the surrounding bushes and crashes into Rick. "Oooof." He grins as his a black canine licks at his face, she is a houndour with a heart etched into the bone plate on her head. "How are you, Selene?" Rick smiles and rubs his hands over her fur and bone plates picking out small burrs from her fur. She give Rick as soft bark and looks to the rest of the people in the cart walking around and sniffing them before returning to Rick in a bowing position. "Feel free to continue playing just stay close." He returns to the bow as she leaps off the cart and back into the bushes.

"That is Selene, I was raised with her since I was 15 years old. As part of my fellowship, when we are of age, we are all brought to a large room with dozens of Pokemon that are released by our elders, we are to wait in the lotus position till the Pokemon picks us. We are as much the Pokemon adopted sibling as we are the trainer."

2013-11-23, 02:19 PM
Katelyn smirks. "Technically I have a pokemon, but I was told to pick it up from the professor, a Riolu, in fact."

((I was busy the past few days and forgot about this))

Elyke Argosi
2013-11-23, 11:56 PM
Elyke watches as the Selene leaps back out into the grass, "I see someone is having a good time." He grinned, "And that's awesome! Three of us are receiving our first pokemon! I can't wait to see the professor's lab. I heard it is quite the facility dedicated not only to pokemon research, but also to helping new trainers find their feet and starting off well prepared for the road ahead!"

The farmer who was driving the wagon then chose to speak, "Yea, dat Professor is a real fine woman taking to her work real serious-like, but she has a big soft-heart for yuin trainer types. Especially ye' newer trainers justa starting fresh as a greenhorn. She has a number of resources up on dat hill o' 'er's dat she keeps handy for you such people, she does."

Batpope Scott
2013-11-24, 08:17 AM
Joshua doesn't seem to be fazed by the heavy accent of the farmer, simply replying "Really? I didn't know she had all that! I kinda figured she'd just have a lab with some fancy gizmos."

2013-11-25, 10:23 AM
Angriff Young

Angriff listens to what the Farmer have to say about her and gets happy and thinks "My mother was right when she said I should come here to see Professor Holly before challenging trainers and gym leaders to battle...and for the first time in my life I'm happy to go learn something that is not related to music."

Angriff stops to play his Acoustic Guitar for a second, he looks outside and says to the farmer "She sound like an awesome person...now I really want to meet her and her lab! How far we are from there?" He waits for the farmer to answer and then start to play his guitar again.

Elyke Argosi
2013-12-05, 09:50 AM
(Sorry about the slow reply. Between still finding myself busy and a random slump where I interest to rp dropped a bunch, I've finally made my way back to keeping this going where I've dropped almost everything else everywhere else. x3 Sorry about that. I'm still trying to keep this one going no matter what.

I went back and looked into the ponyta pokedex and their power wasn't high enough to technically be carrying this wagon, so I made a correction in this post to make them Rapidash. I'll need to keep an eye on that sort of thing in the future..)

"She not be very far now. We're about to start up the lab's driveway and you can see what's there yourselves," The farmer stated as the wagon turned once more to the left.

The horse-drawn carriage-of-sorts began to tilt as it made its way uphill with the whineys of the two Rapidash pulling against gravity as their hooves dug into the earth to begin the ascent. The driveway wasn't paved, a mixture of dirt and worn in gravel with lines of tall trees planted along the sides of the road with their canopies overhanging making it feel like the trainers were entering into a natural tunnel with a bright opening of sunlight at the other end awaiting them in just a moment. Between the trees, the hill, and the various other flora, the lab was still a bit out of direct sight.

2013-12-05, 04:20 PM
Katelyn looks around. She seems to be excited to get her pokemon. "I can't wait."

2013-12-05, 04:58 PM
Angriff Young

Angriff stops to play his guitar and place it back into the holder in his back. He then says to Katelyn "And I can't wait to meet her and start my journey..."