View Full Version : The Cult of Blue Thought

2013-11-17, 07:14 AM

Warp Travel always has it's perils, but at least on board a vessel sanctified and warded by agents of the Inquisition, you feel a little more secure. The gnawing entities and very presence of the warp are held back by the ship's Gellar field, and in the dark night cycle of the hold, it's as if you feel the edges of the isolated reality around you.

Reflecting on your destination is of little use, even experienced acolytes such as you are not privy to the whim's of Inquisitors, or indeed, whole conclaves of them. Presumably you will be illuminated when you arrive. Or, as true agents of the Inquisition, it will be your allotted task too bring the illumination.

+++Thought for the Day+++
Action is Pure, Hesitation is Heresy

2013-11-17, 07:57 AM

He had been a quiet one. There was no other real way to call it. Ever since being loaded onto the Inquisitorial Transport he kept to himself. He moved where he had to. He ate when it was time. He drilled at regular intervals, seemingly still keeping to the schedule of his last assignment with the Wyverns. He made no habit of hiding that he was one with an open conduit into the immaterium, but he didn't talk about it, didn't flaunt it, and didn't use it.

Warp travel. It always bothered him. The awareness of how close the Nemesis was at any given moment. Held at bay by the magics of the Metal Men, or so he had been told long ago. They tended to this thing, kept it safe from the powers that be.

All he knew is that he wished it was over. That he was afraid almost all the time, he dreamed he was under siege, always on the brink of being overwhelmed. It was a familiar feeling... but not a pleasant one.

He felt his hand reach into his jacket once more, clutching the flimsy page which had marked his fate. The Stalkers of the Nemesis had called him. The very thought still made his heart pound. How they knew of him, he did not know. But why they would call upon him could only mean one thing to his mind. The Nemesis stalked a domain of God, and had to be purged.

He smiled a bit to himself as he thought about it. He was curled up, knees to his chest, his long coat draped over his frame as he sat in his seat. He was rocking slowly, his left hand clutched tight around the staff he always carried. He couldn't wait until they were back on solid ground, the sun blazing over head, open sky, where man belonged.

2013-11-17, 08:30 AM

All by herself, Adelaide had been doing only one thing (apart from eating, sleeping and all that stuff), she had been praying non-stop to the god emperor, reciting litanies of safe travel and true guidance. Her personal Mantle-shrine was unfolded and set up in front of her as she sat there praying. The Mantle-Shrine itself was made of fine wood, containing a golden statue illustrating the God Emperor, as well as different pilgrim-badges and icons devoted to different saints, as well as rolls of paper containing the pure words of the Imperial Creed.

Her voice was low but clear, like a gentle bell ringing out across the holds, allowing all who wished, to hear her praying. Her helmet and facemask was resting beside her, allowing her hair to sprawl out freely and for her voice to remain unmuffled by the protective mask.

Adelaide carapace armor remained spotless and clean, giving hints that she was a Hospitaller even before one would look at the markings on her carapace or the easily recognized flowing white and red robes hanging waistdown her front and back.

2013-11-17, 08:41 AM

Marius had spent his time so far maintaining his weapons and giving sermons, any free time he could spare he would read from his book. As he finished polishing his crossbow Flamen Fidaei he rested it upon the weapon rack next to Lacriman Daemonis a giant hammer almost as tall as himself. "We serve the Emperor with our faith and devotion, and with faith there must also sometimes come sacrifice." he whispers to himself, the image of a man in gleaming power armour holding an ornate bolter with the very same crossbow fastened to the top, in his mind.

Once satisfied everything was organised Marius gathers his books and heads to the shuttles Chapel. Another Assignment he thinks to himself as he walks the same route as he always does. He knows the Inquisition will only give them the bare minimum of information, but at least he knows that Daemons are likely to be involved. Why else would they need his skills.

2013-11-17, 09:37 AM

The chanter, Grentath thought as he heard the muffled call of somewhat familiar words. He didn't understand them. Words of the Angels, he knew. But they were comforting. He found himself standing up, walking out of his cell, and down the corridors towards the voice. The ancient man, someone he barely recognized from the trip was in the pathway. He bowed his head, making the sign of the aquilla at the elder Marius.

"The voice, you hear it too Angel?" he asked Marius. More words strung together than Marius likely would have heard from the psyker all trip. He had never said his name, had never really done anything other than reply to direct questions or ask for passage if someone was in his way. "Comforting. Need comfort."

If that was an explanation, it seemed to be all that was occurring to the man to volunteer, as he tried to make his way past the Cleric, and continued to home in on the source of the voice that he had heard.

2013-11-17, 10:04 AM

His hands make the sign of the Aquilla before Marius even realises who it is that is walking towards him. His eyes scowl at the Psyker, Marius' expectation of him succumbing to Daemons getting in the way of ever being friendly towards him. As he frowns his eyes seem to glow brighter burning into Grentaths soul, "You should not quest after voices so eagerly witch. Especially those that give your kind comfort."

Marius considers continuing to his Sermon, though he knows few attend when he speaks. He never was very good with people, perhaps it was his eyes, perhaps it was his attitude of superiority. "I am watching you, lead the way to this voice, but be warned that if you ever fall I will end your corruption." with that, he follows after Grentath. Marius can hear the prayers, but he felt the need to remind the Psyker that he is a danger to everyone in the Imperium.

2013-11-17, 10:13 AM

Grentath frowned himself as he heard the glowing eyed man and his comments. Little of it really making sense to him. He shrugged however, and lead the way, tapping along the corridor with his staff. Everytime they passed a bulkhead, or some bit of bracing, reaching out to tap it with his staff on the way. The voice was closer, louder, clearer. He stopped in front of a hatch, looking in at the strange little shrine, the armored figure who prayed before it. His head cocked slightly as he studied her, before glancing back at Marius. "... familiar..." he said softly, not knowing the high gothic of proper prayers and veneration, but recognizing something of the words, if not their meaning.

Looking back into the room, he nodded again, "... familiar words, Angel," he spoke to the Sister. "Comforting. Thanks."

2013-11-17, 10:40 AM

Without a single hitch or stop, Adelaide switched over to a gentle singing, reciting in low gothic, the scripture of blessing and the litany of peace.

after a short while, she finished her reciting and made the sign of the aquila and packed up her little shrine. She got back up to her feet and, upon seeing the Banisher Cleric, she made the sign of the aquila once more out of piety. ''Good evening Father, it is a blessing upon my soul to see you. Do you require some assistance? And who's your companion?'' she asked, sounding tranquil and calm like a any Sororitas.

2013-11-17, 12:43 PM

Marius once again makes the sign of the Aquilla as his eyes land upon the little Shrine, and once again when Adelaide sees him. "He is no companion of mine. I am merely watching him to ensure he does not allow a Daemon to consume.his foul soul." he motions to his books "I was just on my way to give a sermon, though few enough ever attend when I speak. I think it is the glow." indicating to his glowing eyes. "This foul witch was mesmerised by your prayers, and came to investigate."

2013-11-17, 07:31 PM

Lazerus enjoyed the break. No judgments to pass down, no psykers to bolter, and no one shooting at you. Quite honestly Lazerus was truly pleased with the lull in work. Now he knew he would have even more convoluted things to do once he got the mission briefing but for now, he was on vacation. Nobody still liked him though, and everyone avoided him. He was kind of hoping there might be a change of pace in that department but no such luck.

Lazerus so far has been lazy, relaxing and every so often methodically cleaning his weapons, his companions. Boredom was striking so he was wandering down a few hallways, seeing how many people he could repulse with his unique revulsion he told himself. As he thought he heard chanting for the Emperor in the hallway, he snickered at it. The Emperor, what has he ever done for me besides bestow me with this...this curse of the soul.

2013-11-17, 11:14 PM

The psyker nodded slowly as he heard the elder man explain his presence, "... the Nemesis.... close... God watch his Angels..." he made a quick sign of the aquilla, as if he were invoking the God Emperor, bowing his head as he did so. Now that the prayers had stopped, he was once more keenly aware of just how close they were. A shiver passed down his spine, rightful terror of the things being held at bay by forces he did not comprehend, only knowing that somehow the God-Emperor was protecting this strange home as it moved through the realm of the enemy.

"You serve him right, Angel of the Voice? Bring his light and protection upon me until once again I am under the skies and able to see it myself?" He nodded, his voice hopeful for whatever edge the apparently holy figure could bring. "I call for him, he keeps me safe. But more is better, yes? In the land of the Nemesis, more is always better. He gives us the ability to band together and carry his light. I do not throw aside his gifts. Angel of the Eyes too, he could use the Voice."

2013-11-18, 12:07 AM

When not otherwise engaged Kat stalked the halls of the ship and observed silently the other members of the team. She had not really clicked with any of them other than the respect to the Tech Priest was duly given.

The Arbite Lazerus was a curious case, there was something about him that was not right. He bears watching more

2013-11-18, 12:43 AM
Warp travel for Ignace had been an uncomfortable and constant reminder of the limitations of his body and it's unfortunate functions. Frequent and regular administrations of anti-emetics and appetite stimulants had been needed for the first half of the trip or so to remain comfortable.

Ignace still had much reading to do. He had loaded his data slate with as much data on the neuro-augmentation techniques used by famed Genetors Gustoffson and Kline on the subject of extremity augmentation and grafting. Though he had read as much as possible; barring the need to sleep, relieve, and combat his intermittent nausea; Ignace had still only brushed the surface of understanding required to effectively surmount the Brachial Plexus.

When his stomach (pathetic, chaotically developed organ), would truly not allow him to continue his studies, Ignace would endevour a long walk through the ship. Most often this led Ignace to one of the Engine rooms, where he would feel more at home, his head and stomach lulled by the repetitive and coordinated actions of the machines around him. On a few occasions he had actually brought his slate with him and read in one of the smaller and more isolated engine rooms, but had been caught by a small rat faced technician (of non-Adeptus Mechanicus training). This man had informed Ignace that passengers were not allowed to stay in any of the "Mechanical Rooms", a rule truly illustrating the faulty logic of the "Throne Followers", considering Ignace's background.

Today the stomach was weaker than usual, and with no Engine room to seek shelter in, Ignace thought it may be worthwhile seeking the company of the one named Katyinna. She was a strange one, no true Sister of his, but a follower of the Omnissah none the less. Gathering his strength and powering off his data slate, the Tech Priest travels to the Dedicate's quarters and knocks on her chamber door.

2013-11-18, 05:41 AM

Adelaide furrowed her brow at being called an 'Angel', for she was not of the Adeptus Astartes and neither a Sister of Battle as such, so her only conclusion was that the Psyker didn't literally mean ANGEL as she understood it.... Huh... must be a feral worlder... she thought to herself. ''I am no angel, I am a Sister Hospitaller of the Adepta Sororitas. You may have other beliefs, but i implore you not to refer to anyone but the Adeptus Astartes as Angels. For they are the Angels of Death and thusly the only true angels in existance.

Adelaide then turned her attention back to Father Marius with a gentle expression. ''But your eyes seem to shine with the light of the God-emperor, may he protect us all, so i see it only tantamount to heresy to shy away from it. If one shirks from the holy light, one would be a heretic, wouldn't you agree, Father? And if you'd like, I could sing the Gospels of Truth, and Protection, if you'd like. I do see myself very proficient with them and have sung them many times. Oh and please forgive me tardiness, I am Sister Adelaide of the Order of Serenity, it is a pleasure to meet you... both.'' Adelaide own eyes had a mesmerizing glow to themselves, although on a much less shiny level than Marius'.

2013-11-18, 06:35 AM

He cocked his head curiously to the side as the Sister mentioned the Astartes, his eyes blinking slowly at her, his right hand coming up to rub hard at his eyes, as his mind tried to process the unfamiliar terms that she spoke. At the suggestion however, he nodded fervently, "Yes, yes, Voice must sing. Call forth the God of Man and his protections in this trying time. Beautiful, calming voice will draw his Light even here, in the land of the Nemesis. I help you yes? Too long since proper rites. Scruffy mech man would not let me."

2013-11-18, 07:28 AM

Footsteps approaching, hmm who would come see me?

Pausing a moment before speaking after the knock to hide the slate she had been browsing


2013-11-18, 10:23 AM
Ignace presses the entrance panel on the door and enters after it slides open. Finding the young warrior he quickly salutes, "Sister Dedicate, how goes your travels so far." Though she is no Priest, Ignace draws comfort from the thought that his visage does not trouble her, and that he does not have to exert extra effort to retract his Medicae Mechandrites from following her about the room, a small thing that many uneducated seem to find upsetting, for some reason.

2013-11-18, 12:35 PM

Marius smiles at Adelaides use of the term Father, at first he had disregarded it but at her refusal of the name Angel he felt he should correct her also. He shakes his head and closes his eyes briefly "While I am a man of Faith I claim not to be a Holy man. My role here is simply as a hunter and protector. Marius looks at Adelaide and gives he a smile like that of a loving father "I face that which threatens our very souls, I protect those that cannot fight their grasp, and I smite those that embrace it." his eyes linger upon the Psyker with his last words.

"Forgive our rudeness, but while your singing is appreciated, perhaps it would be prudent to gather the remaining of our group. We should learn each others abilities before facing whatever we are sent against." Marius nods to Adelaide and again makes the sign of the Aquilla, he ignores the Psyker and begins to walk back down the corridors.

2013-11-19, 10:16 AM
Kat rises and bows to the Priest. She gestures to the seat she had been occupying and perches on the edge of the bunk instead.

Quietly, there is little to do but prepare and wait. Which can be a good thing. Some of the others don't seem to be handling the passage very well.

She think for a moment and adds The first time is never good but with enough travel its hardly a thought now. I Trust in the Omnissiah.

2013-11-19, 11:18 AM
Ignace nods his head impassively, "I have no love for travel, especially, not when it takes me from my divine responsibilities." The priest moves to the seat, before deciding not to sit. Gesturing back to the young Dedicate Ignace says, " And I must wonder what it is that could require my conscription, with out so much as an explanation as to the details of this endeavor. I must only hope that this inquisitor holds up his end of our bargain."

2013-11-20, 03:32 PM
=][=Complex 3b
Some fortress of the Inquisition are Cathedra, opulent and ornate with the signs, sacred and secular, of the emperors most divine and holy Inquisition. They can tower over their surroundings, or more often, be isolated, in lonely splendour. Some are on feral worlds, the better to remain secret, others are at the heart of busy and advanced hive cities.

But these are rare, compared to the secret bases of the Inquisition. Hidden in innocuous tab domes, or concealed in abandoned mines. They range from huge underground complexes to mostly abandoned safe houses. Some contain caches of weapons, others house people or information the Inquisition wishes to control.

Complex 3b is, in this case, an orbital station, from the Ship's windows it seems ragged, shabby. But the Scratchy voice of the ship's com-servitor announces Complex 3b as it approaches for orbital docking. It dosn't mention anything about those with orders for the station, but the main dock is hard to miss.

2013-11-21, 03:37 AM

He didn't like it. He was quite vocal about it too, when he saw their 'destination'. He had complained, loudly, that such was not a place fitting for Man, that there was no Sun, no Air, another can. Another can in the void, at the mercy of the Nemesis in the Endless Night. He complained, and ranted, stamped his feet and prayed to the God-Emperor for guidance to the wayward Angels and their foolishness to stay in the void.

... but in the end he seemed to get over it. The tantrum, such as it was, lasted only a good 3 minutes before the needs of duty and faith calmed him down. He smoothed out his jacket and his uniform, knowing the fancy ones tended to like that. He was still far from 'civilized' looking, his hair long, wild, and unkept, greasy and tangled. His face dirty, his eyes sharp and glancing around furtively as he made his way to the exit... from one tin can in the void to another.

He shivered, missing the feel of the pale morning sun. Knowing that he wouldn't feel it anywhere near as soon as he thought he would. With a heavy sigh he stood hunched over, leaning on his staff. He waited, for the door to open, and the hatch off this ship, and onto the other to open up.

2013-11-21, 06:10 AM

At least your first experience of them is through conscription... she grimaces at the memories that linger.

2013-11-21, 06:21 AM

Once he left the Witch and the Hospitalier, Marius returned to his chambers and placed his Lacriman Daemonis upon his back and took Flamen Fidei in his hand and set off for the docking area. He was ready to learn what his next task would be, it had been a few long years since his last though the memories still haunt him occasionally.

2013-11-21, 07:24 AM
As Lazerus hears of complex 3b he sighs finishing up his quaint little walk and heads to grab his gear. The first bag he checks to make sure the carapace is there before slinging it over his back. The next one he makes sire of houses all his guns except his bolter pistol which always hangs faithfully at his side, the heavy bolter taken apart because of its size, then checking the 3rd and final bag to make sure it has all his ammunition, divided by calibre and specialty. Carrying this weight takes a lot but its worth it. He walks then to the main dock waiting.

2013-11-21, 03:21 PM

He shuddered again. And this time it had nothing to do with the idea of going from one tin can to the other. Nor did it have anything to do with the disapproving cleric nearby. It had everything to do however with a strange presence he felt. Something wholly unfamiliar, and entirely alien to him. He started to glance around nervously, spotting not only the Angel of the Eyes, but a new one coming too, heavily laden with rucksacks. As his eyes crossed him, he shivered again.

"How do you do that, Angel of Coldness?" he asked, peering at Lazarus as he leaned on his staff. His voice wasn't accusing necessarily, but curious, and perhaps a bit afraid under it. His hands wrung on his staff tightly, drawing a measure of comfort from it's familiar weight and texture. "Strange trick... unsettling... handy?"

2013-11-21, 05:10 PM
Lazerus was shocked when the apparent uncivilized man talked to him. "I don't think I've ever been called an Angel...and what kind of angel did you say? An Angel of Coldness was it? Lazerus shook his head a little confused before setting the ammunition bag down first then his guns bag down. "I wouldn't so much call it a trick as a curse." He said broodingly, thinking of all the trouble this 'trick' had caused.

2013-11-21, 06:29 PM
that will have to be a story for another time. It looks like we will be arriving soon. I suppose it is best we gather our belongings.

Ignace gives a curt nod as he heads towards the door. I suppose the sooner we get off this vessel and discover what this is all about, the better. Sister Dedicate, I will see you soon. Ignace turns and exits, returning to his quarters to gather his belongings.

2013-11-23, 03:11 AM

Bags already packed and waiting, having been using only what she needed at any given time Kat scooped up her reading material and secreted it into a pouch and did a once over of the cabin before heading down to the disembarking bay making sure she was equipped ready for anything that may preset itself. One can never sure with the Holy ordos..

2013-11-23, 07:59 AM

He frowned slightly as the untouchable spoke. He started pacing, circling around the arbiter and his bags, giving about 2 meters of space between them. "Angel, yes. No doubt. But the cold clings to you. No warmth. No fire..." he shivered again, unable to shake that feeling that the man seemed to bring into the room with him. "Cursed away from the God of Man and Flame?" It wasn't quite an accusation, but it started to lead into that tone as he tried to puzzle out why with his primitive mind. "The foolish metal men and their doubts. Soon I will build you a proper festival of the God of Man, yes? You will become one again. Fire, Angel of the Voice, Angel of the Eyes, they help too."

He was smiling, beaming almost, tapping his staff hard against the deck plating as if slamming down the gavel on this discussion. "After Lord Angel though," he added, thinking of the summons.

2013-11-23, 08:27 AM

Marius shuddered as Lazerus entered the room. Something felt wrong about him but he didn't know what. However, when he saw the Psyker feel worse Marius smiled and moved over to the newcomer. "I have no idea what you just did, or why I feel... Wrong near you. But anyone that can make a Psyker feel uncomfortable is a friend I want nearby.". Marius' eyes locked on Lazerus as if he could read his soul, he knew he didn't have the ability, but people often gave up their secrets under that gaze.

2013-11-23, 07:15 PM
Lazerus stood scowling at whoever he was listening to. He was unused to this much attention, most people are too scared to say anything he thinks. "Ha, that explains a lot if he, you" looking at how the psyker circles him "are a psyker. They tend not to...enjoy my company." Lazerus puts an emphasis on "enjoy."

2013-11-24, 05:30 PM
=][=Complex 3b Airlock

With appropriate chants and incense, the rite of docking is performed successfully. The Clangs, bangs and echo's are hailed as part of the divine chorus, though a few clonks seemed out of tune.

When you pass from the ship to the Orbital lander, the air tastes cleaner, perhaps with a tinge of spice and wood smoke rather than oil and engine and warp. Inside, even this airlock is clearly of higher quality than the Orbitals outer appearance suggests. But there is no one to greet you. A large open hold lies beyond the inner lock and can be glimpsed through the observation grills in the Plas-steel door.

2013-11-26, 12:30 PM

He sniffed at the air as the doors opened. Stepping forward into the station airlock, he sniffed at it again. Nodding slowly he hummed to himself as he went deeper into the airlock. "Yes... yes... someone who lives proper..." he muttered to himself. He glanced back to the Angels of Cold and Eyes, and with his staff waved them on over. Stalking close to the door to the larger hold he started to pace back and forth between the windows of the door, pressing his face against the plasteel.

"Where is Lord Angel?" he asked out loud. Once more he sniffed at the door, trying to trace the source of the smell on this particular station, a more comforting scent than the oil, steel, and strangeness of the rickety crate that he had been trapped in until just a few seconds ago.

2013-11-26, 04:38 PM
Adelaide followed the others with a calm and serene presence. She was, in a low and clear voice, chanting out various Litanies of protection and safeguading, as well as some basic prayers to the God Emperor, thanking him for their safe travel trough the warp.

2013-11-26, 05:36 PM
Lazerus hefted his bags back up feeling the weight of all the machinery. Better not be too much more moving he thought, this junk is heavy he thought as he crossed over. Noticing how much cleaner and more civilized this place was. Nobody to greet them though, weird

2013-11-26, 05:47 PM

Marius ran his hand over Flamen Fidei, this man with the bags intruiged him, even while he felt naturally repulsed. As he looked around the docking area he sighed "Typical, always a secret, never a grand entrance for those that work."

2013-11-26, 06:35 PM

He seemed to calm down and visibly relax as the others followed him onto the station. The chanting, and the company of the strange Angels, clearly being good for his soul. He leaned up against the door to the open hold, his staff leaning against his shoulder as he looked back at the other three.

"Angel Lord not here... we... go back?" he asked, the confusion on his face quite plain. He rubbed his eyes slowly, grimacing as he did so.

2013-11-27, 10:31 AM
It had taken more time than Ignace expected to gather his belongings. With his leather duffel bag clamped tightly in his manipulating mechandrite, the Tech Priest followed the others through the airlock. He still did not know the others and had little to say, though the long syringe and scalpel tipped arms of his medicae mechindrites whirred and swayed back and forth like snakes waiting to strike.

2013-11-27, 12:57 PM
Those that work in secret are kept in secret, normally. A grand entrance draws unwanted attention

Kat wanders over to inspect the other door for any communicator/operation panel.

Lord angel.. whatever would not be here to welcome a simple docking ship in a airlock. Go back and i would guess you would end up in a unpleasant cell somewhere with unpleasant people asking why you did not go forward

2013-11-27, 01:35 PM

Marius shakes his head at the feral Psyker. "The Inquisitor will introduce themself when they are ready. If we see them at all, more likely we will be given instructions by an Interrogator, or maybe just a communication."

He sighs and rolls his shoulders, Marius has been a part of the Inquisition for far too long, though he knows it is not a job you can ever retire from, not really.

2013-11-27, 09:26 PM

The feral psyker blinked at Kat slowly. He kicked at the airlock doors, "... no forward.... spirit of door not cooperating..." he looked over at the man with the mechanical tentacles. "Metal Squid Angel... talk to door spirit!" He tossed his head over to the door and gave the Tech-Priest a wide, toothy grin, "Door spirit not realize supposed to open, slow spirit. Go rub magic goop on door spirit."

He moved over to the wall, and off the door, leaning up against the side of the airlock, looking quite pleased with his 'idea' presuming the tech-priest proved up to snuff. After all, that's what those Tech-Priests were there for, right? Least so he remembered from his regiment. They talked to metal and got it to work.

2013-11-27, 09:28 PM
Lazerus hung his head and just sighed. So this is what we are working with. A psychotic psyker who calls everyone an angel. He slowly shook his head thinking this inquisition mission is looking bright.

2013-11-28, 12:55 PM
=][=Complex 3b Airlock
The Door to allow you out of the airlock remains steadfastly barred, until, in Kat's looking around, she notices a small panel, the only such control device visible, when slid back, a small data slate appears.

A stylus hangs from a string, but nothing else. No clue as to it's function or even if it does actually open the door.

2013-12-02, 08:53 AM

Taking up the stylus Kat enters her Ident Code into the pad.

2013-12-02, 01:51 PM
Marius stood with his arms folded, waiting for something to happen. The Inquisition always liked to make people wait at the most inopportune times.

2013-12-07, 09:20 AM
=][=Complex 3b

The Airlock finally opens, and you find yourself facing the large hold you could just glimpse beyond it. Gantrys lead up to walkways and dark mouthed corridors, some with a tinge of different coloured light, though none shone as brightly as those that lead off the ground floor.

Gleaming lights here, shined off the polished steel floor. The Gratings and panels of a working ship that's had several purposes for a large hold in it's life time.

A Tall imposing figure bars your way in one of the corridors. He is half clothed, wearing a belted sarong and little else. Bald as a Grox and with what seems like as fierce an expression on his face, made the fiercer for his glinting emerald bionic eye. His Tattoo's and scars ripple as he puts both hands on his hips.

"Ah, you arrived on the last docking. The Master will be awaiting you."

It is Clear that there can be only one meaning behind the word master, and as he turns your back, the educated amongst you might notice the electoos amongst more primitive scarifications and the religious might recognise the saints relic he carried in a shrine box at his waist.

Down the bright lit corridors he leads you, slopes up and slopes down, but no stairs or elevators do you encounter. Any unaugmented human would be unsure where you are relative to the hold you first entered. But the Door is Normal Plassteel, and no eledritch symbols glow from it's hinges.

Inside, a row of chairs and stools face a carved wooden desk. A blackboard behind has had any information on it dusted off, and only a Data slate remains next to the chalk on a lintel.

Of the "Master" there is no sign.

2013-12-07, 10:52 AM

Follows a few paces behind the greeter and take up a seat in the room once arrived, pushing her bags underneath

2013-12-07, 12:39 PM
Marius follows the man, thinking he is clearly a warrior, and one of some worth. When he enters the room he removes Lacriman Daemonis from his back, resting the great hammer on its head next to him and folds his hands naturally resting in the position of the Aquilla.

2013-12-07, 12:45 PM
Adelaide strolled on inside, along with the others, remaining quiet and keeping eyes and ears open. just in case.