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View Full Version : Help for campaign

2013-11-17, 11:13 AM
Hello everyone.

I am looking for advice regarding the next session of my ravenloft campaign.

The story in short:

The playing characters are subjects to terrible experimentations from old split personality wizard who can't accept that he lost his only son. This wizard named Belfakon now lives in dark tower in his domain called "playground" in Ravenloft. Dark powers torment him constantly with guilt for loosing his son. Since wizard desperately wants a child (and in whole domain there is not one person under 18) he uses his powers to transform mature people into children. These "children" suffer from amnesia so wizard is playing with them like any dad would... But in his crazy mind there is still some bits of sanity so one night the other self of wizard (good one) decides he will let children go. He does that by giving them potion that restores their memories. They can go, but first they must escape the castle before the old and evil wizard returns.

Now I am looking for advice from you guys because I can't think of some interesting things that players must (or can) do in order to escape the castle because they are in bodies of children and they don't have any class abilities and I want them to be in that form for at least a couple of hours (in real time). They must face the nature outside too because its winter. And I don't have any specific map of the tower so if anyone has good suggestion about that I would be very grateful. Ideally it should be at least 3-4 stories high.