View Full Version : Out in the Black: Alpha Panda

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2014-03-22, 03:17 AM
Lawrence Saloon
Morgan was engaged in an expanding circle of brawlers, the all out attack of his opponent needing his best efforts to block. The wild blows are easy enough to dodge one at a time, but in quick succession and with kicks and other bar patrons in the way, Morgan hardly manages to glance around at the rest of the situation.

Fortunately, Morgan is soon going to be joined by Cole, who has just reached the edge of the brawl, where two miners seemingly have just dived into calm the fight, but are now coming to blows with Short Sad Sam over wether or not they interrupted his awesome feint, or prevented him getting done for the murder of a mining guard.

Sia, loosing sight of the shirt and red hair, asses her situation in the bar. She's hardly being jostled considering how packed the room is, and at the moment, the miners are sober enough to keep their hands to themselves. There are card tables, from where she might get a vantage point, but the crowded bar means she's only vaguely sure of the cardinal directions now.

Robyn walking through the door was confronted with quite a scene. On one side of the room, an escalating bar fight was erupting, literally, as people were dislodged from seats and perches, or literally got jumped upon. On the other, her passenger, J.W. McClarin M.o.P. is standing on a table and still speechifying.

2014-04-01, 02:39 PM
Robyn, entering Saloon

Robyn blinks, then looks around for her crewmates. She nods to J.W. as she passes his table, and tries to avoid getting hit along the way. Wouldn't be right to ruin Greg's dress.

2014-04-02, 08:33 AM
Lawrence Saloon


Sia looks around for the schoolteacher.

Unable to see anything, she heads for the bar, hoping to get any glimpse of the woman.

Alertness: [roll0]

2014-04-09, 07:12 AM
Gregoire Reaufort
Lawrence Saloon
The ship's ambassador continues to press forward through the crowd, trying to reach the bar where Jawdubblyuh is entertaining his rapt audience.