View Full Version : Strange fears

Faer Gnomeblood
2013-11-17, 02:32 PM
Hi, i was just wondering what your strangest fears are in d&d or PF

For me it has to be the Zil Gnomes from Eberron, just the idea of Gnomes who on the surface are the same as standard Gnomes but are consumed by the desire to learn and exploit secrets while never revealing anything about themselves. That exist in a society held together by blackmail and espionage as some secret police force keeps the Gnombility in power is terrorifying to me (so much so i made a word up)

So what about you guys? or am i a lone madman scared of lawn ornaments?

The Trickster
2013-11-17, 05:19 PM
I had a dream once that I was trapped in a long hallway, with no escape in sight. There was a Gelatinous Cube on the other side if the hallway, moving slowly toward me. While I am not scared of the cubes, it was a bit freaky, to say the least.

2013-11-17, 06:49 PM
Everything where doom is slowly but surely awaiting. I had a dream as a kid where I would sink slowly into a tar pit while the talking trees from the Neverending Story would talk to me in gibberish, in a similar pace.

A DM did a similar thing with a daydreaming sequence where the world around my character slowed significantly down and while my character stayed calm and I did too on the outside (as the sequence was merely exposition of character backstory) it freaked me the hell out.

I can't even explain it properly. I think it's some kind of deep philosophical fear. "When i grow older I become slower. If I become slower, some day I will stop. When I stop then I am dead."