View Full Version : [Dark Citadel] First Evil Campaign with current group

2013-11-17, 07:31 PM
Hello all,
I'm finished up my first complete campaign in about a month and my next campaign is going to be a *gasp* evil game. Certain limitations:

have to be relatively classy (think Italian mafia)
chaotic evil, while not prohibited, will be prejudiced against.
in general, no punches will be pulled. Do stupid things or try to defeat something you can't, consequences will occur accordingly.

Premise is a country completely run by Sicilian mobster-types. The players are essentially all Sicilian, as opposed to non-Italian gangsters.

It's in my gestalt homebrew world
So important people are gestalt.

They are all gestalt first level, figure I'll post details up here of what players do, team composition, etc.

Oh! This is a Pathfinder game.

2013-11-17, 11:06 PM
Are you looking for character ideas? Or is this a campaign journal?

2013-11-17, 11:36 PM
Sorry. Campaign journal. But if you have any classic Sicilian gangster moments that need cameos, please mention. I'm the GM.

Also, would definitely not turn down NPC ideas. Leaders would be gestalt, keep in mind.

2013-11-20, 06:51 PM
So the current team composition is thus:

Human Bard-Sorceror; Master Manipulator (based off a politician from a TV miniseries)
Half-fiend Gnome Wizard-Alchemist; Evil Prankster
Human Druid(Feral Child)-Cleric (Wolf/Mountain Domains); Wolf Pack Master
Dhampir Necromancer-Cleric(Undead/Evil Domains); Typical undead minion master

I also have three pre-gens for if their character dies too early (and to fill in role-necessary holes in the composition):

Human Anti-Paladin-Fighter; Typical heavy armor specialist, brutal combatant.
Aasimar Oracle(Life)-Cleric; the Antipaladin's "life battery"-slave.
Drow Ninja-Monk; disarm specialist with a kusari-gama. Mainly a spy/assassin.

That's the current composition. Their (probabl) boss is a Tiefling Psion-Fighter. He's the son of the boss of their gang(boss gets murdered by brother, son flees with his most trusted entourage). Revenge plot ensues.